The Birth Of Legends

Chapter 12: Five Armed Robbers

At that moment, Delvin remembered what happened earlier on that day. He had not yet processed the incident. He decided to follow the lead of the voice of the system.

'Do you want me to teach them a lesson?' A voice sounded in Delvin's head.

'What?' Delvin whispered as he glanced at mister Ben Devis, thinking it was him who spoke, who glanced back in amazement.

'I didn't say anything?' Completely denying.

'Delvin, make up your mind?' The voice said again.

Who are you? Inquired Delvin.

'Oh, call me Zauzo, we share the same body, I am an identity of my own.' the voice spoke confidently. 

Wow! This is interesting! Delvin was not too surprised, because his entire life was quite strange and mysterious lately.

Do what you have to do. The two consciousness switched.

Swiftly, the five men pulled out pistols and pointed at the bartender. Who froze like a robot.

The three fabulous ladies were trembling. 

'Everyone lie down! Cooperate nicely, and you will all get out of here without getting harmed!' Adjured the bulged man. 

'I, i, yeah, yes sir,' stammered the bartender in fear. She was gripped with extreme terror to the point of palpitation.

Three fabulous ladies lie down like lifeless statues, as tears streamed down their faces.

At that very moment, Jasmine appeared.

'Security!' She screamed in horror.

'Shut up!' Shouted one of the robbers then fired one shot in the sky, causing Jasmine to halt.

'I guess this is the time I played the role of hero. It's a pity though, she won't even get to notice that I am the one who did it.' Imposed Zauzo.

Just do the right thing dear.

'Let me make you famous then!' Pronounced Zauzo.

'Handover all the cash you have, and we will be on our way!' Demanded the bulged man.

He continued, 'And Drago, go ahead and empty the safe box!'

He ordered. Directing him to move behind the counter.

Delvin started moving toward the armed men, carefully examining the five armed men as one had already walked behind the counter. 

'What is he doing?' Muttered Jasmine to herself, as if Delvin read her mind. He winked at her although at this point it was Zauzo in control and not Delvin.

Don't worry, I will deal with them accordingly, it's just a matter of minutes. 

When Delvin had reached a good position for his plan, he rushed at lightening speed, hitting the bulged man with a fist at the pit of his gut, who tumbled and fell down. He thrust a swift punch at the second armed robber who had his pistol pointed at Jasmine and struck him on the throat, and he too fell terribly and collapsed.

At lightening speed, Delvin kicked the third man with a flying kick and leaped in the sky and spun around and thumped the backbone of the fourth armed robber. He threw five meters before bashing his head at the bar counter.

However, the man on the counter saw how his comrades were taken down so easily and held the bartender at gun point. 

'Stop it, or I will blow her brains out?' Threatened Drago. This caused Delvin to cease like a dead corpse.

Hurry up! Do something!

Delvin could not hold himself. He was scared and worried for everyone.

'Sit back and relax bro, I have everything under control.' Countered back Zauzo.

Delvin threw a knife he was using to eat, which moved swiftly and pierced Drago's palm, instantly blood splashed out of his palm like a hot spring. He straight away dropped the gun and let go of the bartender at the same moment.

'Howl!' He screamed in pain.

'Wow! Oh my God! This is so amazing!'

Exclaimed the waitress from the restaurant. She saw the entire scene play out.

After all the armed robbers were dealt with, Jasmine called the police and the five armed robbers were arrested. 

'How did you manage to capture these thieves?' Inquired the police man. Jasmine looked at Delvin, who had already switched consciousness with Zauzo. 

'Hum, my uncle taught me some defensive moves and that's what I used.'

Delvin crafted a white lie.

'Who is your uncle, young man? If you don't mind telling me?'

The police man in charge was curious about this young man who managed to capture the five armed robbers by himself. For this was not their first time attempting robbery, the five armed robbers had created a name for themselves in Plagatoscal city and were on most wanted list.

'Fabrice Targan.'

Delvin replied nonchalantly.

'What? You mean Fabrice Targan, the legend?'

Delvin nodded his head.

'Wow! I see, that's why you have exceptional skills.'

Complemented the police officer and carried on, 'Have you considered joining the military or the police force? I can vouch for you!'

Suggested the police officer in a very enthusiastic manner.

Delvin nodded his head twice, right and left, clearly indicating no.

'No, but thanks.'

Refused Delvin without flinching or second guessing.

'Here have my contact card in case you change your mind, thank you for catching these thieves, they have been very troublesome for some time.'

The police officer expressed his gratitude to Delvin and dragged the five thieves away.

Jasmine was still amazed at the scene that had earlier played in her eyes, drew closer to Delvin. 

'Thank you so much Mister, huh, Delvin? Give me your Vcard?' Implored Jasmine.

'No need.' Rejected Delvin, for he quite knew Jasmine's intentions.

You just need to assist me with your number. Delvin thought but could not bring his words into fruition.

'Get her number, fake hero! Since you have refused her money?' Probed Zauzo.

Zauzo, that would be taking advantage of the situation. I will not use your heroic act as a means to my end goal. 

'You have too much pride bro, what is yours is mine and what is mine is yours!'

Zauzo continued rumbling.

'If you insist, well, I thank you on behalf of my father. He will be grateful for what you have done today.' Jasmine expressed her gratitude and walked away.

Delvin found himself home. He had to run for fifteen minutes. When he went to Lusaka Blue Hotel for the first time, it took him three hours to reach there, and he was super exhausted. Tonight it took him fifteen minutes to come back. He was not tired, and did not drop any sweat.

He mumbled to himself, 'This is incredible, I must be a super man. If I come to think of it. Two days ago, I was on the verge of death. Last night, I had the finest food after a really long time and drank free water. Currently, I have money, I have wings and I can run like never before. I have a job at ZamCorp Base One and two days from now is the third of march. I almost forgot about George. I wonder how he is doing. I hope all is well with him.'

'You care so much for George. I wish you would do the same for me?' Zauzo Queried.

You behave like a child sometimes. Demanding too much attention. Riposted Delvin.


'Courtney! How are you?' Jasmine makes a call to her cousin Courtney.






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