The Birth Of Legends

Chapter 19: Your First Mission

Tapping her right hand on a leather sofa. Brenda sat next to grandma Beatrice. Still putting on a questioning face and that of surprise. Grandma Beatrice waited for Brenda to settle down, she calmed her agitation, faced Brenda and asked in a small smooth voice, as if she was not the one who just raised her voice a few minutes ago. Her eyes shot directly at Brenda, 'How close are you to Delvin?'

The look itself made Brenda feel uncomfortable. The question about Delvin added further confusion to Brenda.

She tried to wrap her mind with the hope of figuring out where all this was coming from and where it was going. She didn't find the answer, so she just gave out whatever came next into her mind.

'Not that close, why do you ask?' Her eyes still fixed on Grandma Beatrice whose countenance fell drastically.

Grandma Beatrice paid attention to every detail of Brenda's facial and body expressions. It was a clear sign that she did not think of him anything.

'Well, you know that his life has changed, he will never be the same, not even our family will ever compare to him, your father is almost retiring, George does not have a stable source of income, you know how bad things are, and you too don't have any source of income.'

Grandma Beatrice paused momentarily and then carried on, 'We need someone in our family to connect us with ZamCorp. That is the only way for us to survive, therefore, I want you to draw closer to Delvin and get to know him better. Do you understand what I am saying?' Grandma Beatrice looked at Brenda with scanning eyes.

At this point Brenda had comprehended, sensed and knew Grandma Beatrice's intentions. She raised her head up, locked her eyes with grandma Beatrice and opened her mouth gently, with a melancholy pitch, 'Granny, I am seeing someone else already besides you didn't like him before, now you want him in our family? For God's sake, he is George's friend.'

Grandma Beatrice became silent, she pondered over Brenda's response before posing her own demands.

'Who is the young man you are seeing? Forget about him and focus on Delvin. He is the real deal, he could change the fate of our entire family.'

She paused for a second, taking in a deep breath, then continued. 'Remember I am getting old, and I won't be there to take care of you every time, stop being selfish. We have to preserve our family legacy. Your father is getting old too. George refused to take up the responsibility bestowed on him. Now you are our last option. In life one needs to make sacrifices to find the good things that life offers, for one to live a comfortable, sweet, serene, enjoyable and good life. You are young and can learn to love any man. Love is not good enough if it has been deprived of money. And you can't express yourself fully if you are not satisfied intellectually, spiritually and physically. All these things require money. I want you to think about this seriously and push this family to the next level of glory.'

Her eyes still locked with Brenda's eyes. Brenda was lost in thoughts, completely contemplating, tears welled up in her eyes. Grandma Beatrice waited patiently to see what would be the repercussions of her words of wisdom. Brenda also knew the state of the world at that moment, how bad things had become, how everyone now looked forward to surviving the next day. She couldn't take things for granted. On the other hand, she did find Delvin quite charming, it was just that such thoughts had never crossed her mind before.

'OK, granny, I will think about it. Can I go to bed now?' She uttered in a solemn voice.

Grandma Beatrice gave a dim smile, knowing that she had achieved her goal and planted a seed in her.


Brenda observed Grandma Beatrice's countenance, which looked relieved, better than she was before, 'Goodnight.' Brenda said.

'Good night.'

Grandma Beatrice put on her happy-faced expression. She knew that she had planted a seed in Brenda. The remaining thing was to continue watering.

Later that night, after coming back from Emasdale, Delvin decided to do his routine meditation. He sat down, crossed his legs, put his hands on his laps while facing up with a sign of receiving. He began by first breathing in and out for five minutes, then blessed his first energy center.

Next he went on blessing the other energy centers. The moment he reached the eighth center, upon focusing his consciousness there, he felt its volume, next expanding his consciousness to the surrounding space. He made the process run for two minutes, and then he further stretched his consciousness to the entire universe. He lost himself in the vast dark space and, finally, he could feel a unit with its eternal energy.

At that instant, Acrymonta synced with Delvin's consciousness.

'Hello Delvin- - ?'

Hello Acrymonta, it's good to meet you after a while.

Though the two consciousness merged, they still operated independently. Delvin could see that they were encircled by a sphere of white rays of light and opposite him that was where the voice was coming from.

Definitely there was no form of body. Delvin tried to look harder to see Acrymonta but the rays of light coming from him were very strong.

'Did you accept my gift?'

There was a half-second silence. And then Delvin answered, Yes, thank you, and it's interesting.

'I will give you your first mission. The female you are attracted to has a synthetic energy power base. She is the right choice for you. You must win her over.' Acrymonta briefed Delvin.

Delvin gave some thought the information he had just received.

You mean Jasmine?

Acrymonta floated a bit closer to Delvin.

'I can read your energy that you have come across her. Don't waste time, do whatever it takes to win her. You have fifteen days? Remember every second counts. If you fail the mission, there will be consequences, but if you succeed? You will receive a reward.' Acrymonta gave a thorough explanation.

I hear you, loud and clear. Replied Delvin enthusiastically.

'I have to go. Contact me when you succeed?'

Delvin thought, when I succeed? What if I fail? He wanted to ask. Unfortunately, Acrymonta disappeared. All Delvin could see was darkness and a vast void space. After two seconds, Delvin returned to his body and mind. He felt exhausted and a bit tired.

I guess lots of my energy is usually consumed in space. I will need some good food to regain my strength. I must succeed in the mission I have been given. I am curious about the reward I will receive if I succeed. Failing is not an option. I desire her so much, that must be good enough motivation to win her, right? All things are possible, I just need to believe in myself.

Delvin reason a couple of seconds.


The system automatically activated, and a hologram display came into view.

'Yes, Delvin?'

'Do you have any romantic ideas?'

This time Delvin decided to ask loudly because he was alone.

'No, Delvin, I only know the system operations in your body and mind. I am sorry I can't help with that.'

'Skylark! Go to sleep mode.'

The system went into hibernation mode.

'Hey Delvin! Are you that desperate, seeking romance advice from a system?' Zauzo asked in a mocking tone.

Stop sneaking into my conversations. You did abandon me in a time of crisis.

Delvin snapped, his bosom filled with anger he had buried underneath, the last time they encountered the talking Gorillas.

'I was training you and you survived. Didn't you?'

I hate you and don't want to talk to you.

Delvin was still pissed about Zauzo's act and behavior.

Zauzo went quiet but did not go into eternal space.

I need to ask her out. I don't have a car, and to which place can I take her? I also forgot to ask her what she liked last time. How about that social network which has lots of people? What is it called? I will have to ask George. Maybe he knows it. Delvin thought and continued to reason.

George, from the previous conversation, it is clear he is definitely not ready to help me out with my romantic adventure. I will have to figure out this thing by myself. How about getting advice from Brenda? She has always shown kindness to me from the very first time I knew her. Plus, she is a woman. She must know what women look about in a man. I will definitely take advantage of the dinner this Saturday.

Then Delvin decided to entered the quest game.

'You have 0.0 data units.' Informed Lexon, the officiating AI.

Delvin purchased 300.0 data units.

He went to the match selection and pressed it on, the match of his choice.

100.0 data units were subtracted from Delvin's account.

'Level one, stage one in progress.' Stated Lexon, the officiating AI.

Alvin the Trickster was transported to a big arena, before alighting on the ground, thunder and dark crowds covered the sky and Alvin Trickster landed on the ground. White blueish smoke coming out of his body. The arena was fully packed with people.

Alvin Trickster could see the life bar showing a hundred percent.

A referee walks into the arena.

'Good afternoon Ladies and gentle men, young and old. My name's are Delooker Dangstar, the officiating officer, please help me welcome, the new challenger!'

'Alvin, - - - - the Trickster?' He shouted. The crowd went quiet. The whole arena seemed as if snow had fallen on them.

'Boo!' one person started.

'Boo!' Another joined.

'Boo - - - - - - !' Roared the entire arena.

'Ah! Not this one again? He cost me fifty thousand coins.' complained Morris.

Nathaniel chuckled.

'Quiet! Quiet!' Yelled the referee, raising his hands to silence the noisy crowd.

'And now, I, Delooker Dangstar welcome! Our! No other than - - the undisputed champion----!'

'Madanga ------------!' Delooker Dangstar shouted.

The crowd went crazy.

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