The Birth Of Legends

Chapter 20: Grandma Betatrice's House

'All my god I can't wait to see his entrance! It gives me chills all over my body, and so thrilling at the same time!' Cleopatra Damiano said passionately.

'Sometimes, I see that these fights are not fair? Why do they set up a great fighter like Madanga against newbies like this one?' Jenia Batwa complained. 

'Yeah! We pay lots of money to watch these fights!' Liona grumbled.

The sky turned dark reddish, it looked like the heavens were about to drop blood rainfall. 

Dark reddish clouds had covered the entire arena when Delvin received a heavy kick to his chest, and it threw him 15 yards away. He coughed out blood. He looked at his health bar. It had drained to fifty percent.

When the sky returned to its normal state, the undisputed champion stood in the middle of the arena and Alvin the Trickster on his knees, gasping for air.

'Morris! -------------------- Are you not going to bet on Alvin the Trickster? Oh! How did you put it last time? ----------------- Alvin my Trickster!' Nathaniel inquired teasingly.

'Hell no! This is not a fair match?' Argued Morris furiously.

'Stop! Stop!' Delooker Dangstar interrupted the match.

He walked into the middle of the two, then turned to face Madanga.

'Madanga, you have violated the level one rule by attacking the challenge upon your entrance. I therefore declare Alvin the Trickster as the winner of this challenge!'

Announced Delooker Dangstar, the referee.

The crowd burst into a whine of disapproval.

'The pairing isn't right? We demand a refund?' Bellowed one in the audience.

'Refund!' The crowd started breaking things.

'Refund!' Others threw stones and rotten fruits into the arena.

'Refund! The angry audience continued protesting.

Delvin was transported back into his brain and body. He couldn't understand this game. It's like he had two bodies, one for the game and his original. 

That was very strange. Mumbled Delvin in his head. He looked at the hologram menu and pressed it on. It brought a series of options. Pressed on the balance option, his eyes widened. He had 400.0 data units. 

Great! I won. Delvin realized and celebrated.

It was already evening, on Saturday. Delvin was geared up for the dinner he was invited to, and now he waited for George to come and pick him up.

He wore some of the new clothes he bought last time when he went to buy his office attire.

Delvin heard a knock come on the door, right away he knew who it was, actually it was the person he had been waiting for that evening. Excitement struck his heart, he delayed quite a bit before he could welcome George. He played this trick in order not to appear desperate, 'Come in?'

His voice was filled with confidence. George pushed the door from outside, which gave a squeaking sound as it opened. Next, a young man walked in majestically looking very opportunistic.

Delvin gazed at him, he was quite clean but not dressed in a fancy way, basically casual.

 'How are you doing, George?' Delvin greeted George first, who was quite joyful, confident and full of zeal. George smiled while radiating excitement, his happiness pretty obvious.

'Great brother, are you ready for dinner?' Delvin left George in suspense for a couple of seconds. This move was made deliberately in order not to appear desperate. 

'Yes, please lead the way.' Delvin came out full of energy, though not knowing what awaited him at the dinner house. Technically, he did not know what to expect. This had been his first invitation out. George's face lit up, and he turned to walk out of the house. Delvin grinned from inside as he followed after George. He was eager to learn new things and experience what life had in store.

Fifteen minutes later, they were at Grandma Beatrice's house. It was big, well-paved with clashed stones and marbles. It had an old structure like the ones in the twenty-first century, European style. George opened the door, tilted his head to check on Delvin behind him. George grinned like a Cheshire cat after observing the look on Delvin, its clear he did not imagine that George did come from a well to do family.

George was a very humble person and most of the time the two were together he never talked about his house or family matters with Delvin.

'Come in, and welcome to Grandma Beatrice's house.' Uttered George in a low, faint, assertive voice.

Delvin received this welcome with an all smiley and subsequently stated, 'thank you.'

He walked past George, then stopped, waiting for George to take him to the next destination. George closed the door, walked forward to Delvin and resumed leading the way. Delvin couldn't help it but look at every side of the house in amazement. It was fabulous. He had never stepped foot in such a big house before, he only saw them from a distance. The big buildings and premises he had stepped on were the orphanage and university.

As Delvin admired the walls and ceiling boards in the passage, they found themselves in the sitting room. It was ably designed. It contained a seating area, with four maroon leather sofas, a glass table coated with wood at its edges, a maroon couch which faced to the north. On a maroon leather sofa sat an old lady, but not too old, facing a smart TV which hung on the wall to the north.

If Delvin's prediction is right, she must be in her seventy's, she wore white spectacles, her skin quite fairy, and still tight flesh. This was definitely Grandma Beatrice. She looked up, set up her spectacles in order to zoom up the two gentlemen in front of her. She stood up, gave a welcoming, brightly lit smile, which brought out her wrinkled dimples on her face. Her mouth sharply opened, 'Hello, you must be Delvin, welcome to our humble home?'

Her eyes tightly locked with Delvin's, as she waited to hear his voice with anticipation, at the same time sizing him up. Delvin kept his gaze on her, trying to figure out her intentions if they were genuine or not. Certainly, he hoped to make a good first impression. He was aware that she had a different perspective of him.

He saw her concealing her true intentions that were not important to him that much right now. Therefore, he gave his charming smile that engulfed people in, subconsciously expressed his thoughts loudly, 'thank you grandma Beatrice. Your house is gorgeous and fabulous.'

Grandma Beatrice flashed a smile, 'thank you, please do take a seat.'

She offered, pointing to a leather sofa set diagonally to where she sat. Delvin walked gently to the sofa and sat down while wearing a genuine smile on his face. George sat next to Delvin, observing the two keenly. Grandma Beatrice couldn't believe that Delvin was such a handsome young man, she indeed had been fooled.

Right at that moment, Brenda appeared from the east wing, her hair sparkled, shining bright, as the house lights reflected on her dark curly hair. Her face beaming, every shade of her makeup clearly visible, also neatly done.

I suppose any man would want to soothe their lustful eyes, and allow their imagination to play its erotic fantasy urge.

'Dude! I love her. At least you must give me the chance to charm her with my manifesto?' Zauzo exploded with a plea.

Are you crazy? Delvin retorted, expressing strong hostility.

'Yes, I am, I am madly in love with her. I know it's love at first sight!' Zauzo admitted in an astonished voice.

'Behave Zauzo, you will make me look weird.' Delvin was not in the mood of arguing with Zauzo.

Right at that moment Brenda noticed Delvin, her hands impetus touched her hair, then she froze, she just stood there like a dead corpse.

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