The Birth Of Legends

Chapter 27: Teach Him A Lesson

Cantaniaa looked back at the King with his disfigured face, a long scar on his forehead cut across, rough hands with scales, his palm as big as that of a gorilla and a long tail. The upper side of him seemed human, had two legs, of course, and was huge and seven meters tall.

'My lord, one week most if we keep up with the same speed.' Cantaniaa replied, respectively.

The King was silent for about ten seconds, 'you are certain we won't face much resistance?' Before Cantaniaa would answer, King Agaganeeyaa continued, 'What is the probability of our victory?'

'My lord, ninety percent. I also doubt if we will have any casualties. If that does happen, I predict it's going to be minimal. Our new weapons are ready, we will definitely burn that land to ashes.' Cantaniaa Briefed.

'Plagatoscal city is the weak spot of planet Earth, but at the same time, the backbone. Therefore, we have to be certain,' The mighty King Agaganeeyaa said, gently.

'Yes sir, the people themselves are very knowledgeable, their technology is advancing at a fast rate, they are quick at building up different inversions, so if they are not destroyed now, planet Earth will emerge strong and ride back to its former glory.' Cantaniaa added to what King Agaganeeyaa said earlier on.

'Well, I, King Agaganeeyaa the death breeder, am not going to let that scene play before my eyes. If I have to subdue other superpowers in the universe. I must become a god. Are you sure the promised female is in Plagatoscal city?' The mighty King Agaganeeyaa declared to himself and then posed a question.

'Sire, we are positive, we have been tracking her energy.' Cantaniaa explained, without looking into the eyes of the mighty King Agaganeeyaa.

'According to my next agenda, we will invade the Loobblonda galaxy, which is the nearest to the Milky Way Galaxy in the second solar system. But first, I need total control over the Milky Way Galaxy.' the mighty King Agaganeeyaa outlined his next plan.

Two human slaves saved some drinks for King Agaganeeyaa, as he resumed with more questions, 'What strategy is best suited to attack this isolated weakling city, Cantaniaa?'

Cantaniaa was a war strategist. He definitely knew more than any other in their midst. He had fought about two hundred and fifty battles and never lost any. He also fought for King Cophanya, the undefeated war freaky, King Agaganeeyaa's father.


Back on Earth, in Plagatoscal city, 'Darling?' General Martins called out.

'Yes Darling?' Victoria Martins responded with a dim smile on her face.

General Martins stared at her with a cheerful smile, 'I have had an exciting day.' 

Victoria Martins' interest was triggered, a thoughtful look flashed in her beautiful eyes, 'Enlighten me?' She pushed her husband.

Victoria Martins is a blond woman in her fifty's. She has a close relationship with her husband. The two talk a lot, sometimes even about work-related things, but of course, General Martins knows what to leave out in a conversation. Mrs Martins shot a quick glance at her husband.

General Martin's eyes sparkled with excitement, 'I met an extraordinary strange young man today. He is twenty years old and just joined Zoom Multi Corporation Base One. To be precise, today was his first official day. He is an electrical and electronics engineer. He refused to join the craft engineers and decided to come to the ninth level.'

General Martins paused to observe if his spouse was following. His spouse nodded her head, indicating she was on the same page as him.

After getting a confirmation, General Martins proceeded, 'When I heard his decision that he wanted to start from the ninth level, I thought he was nuts. No one has ever done that before, but this fellow had the audacity to attempt it. After offering him a chance, he blew our minds away. We were all astonished by his brilliant idea. It turns out, he is a genius. I suppose we will achieve great things with him in the future. We will make a lot of breakthroughs. These are the kind of people the Earth needs now.' General Martins shared his experience with lots of emotions and enthusiasm.

 'Wow! Where is he coming from?' Victoria Martins burst out with an exclaiming thud.

Looking keenly at her handsome husband, who, without any delay, jumped into the explanation, 'He has lived most of his life in Plagatoscal city and is an orphan. He went to a community school, then Apex university, where he obtained an electrical engineering degree and, later on, he also studied electronics to add to his existing profession.'

Mrs Martins shook her head to express her understanding, still amazed by the genius young man her husband praised so passionately, 'it looks like he has a lot to offer this world, take good care of him, perhaps we should invite him for dinner, to get to know him a little better.' Victoria Martins suggested smugly.

General Martins smiled at his wife, 'Good idea, I will try to bring him over, one of these coming days, and I cannot wait to see his next move.' General Martins promised his wife.

Victoria Martins could agree more and was very pleased to see her spouse happy and excited after work. It had been a long time since she saw him this passionate about something.


It was late in the evening and Delvin was coming from Death Driven Valley. It had become his habitual thing to train from there, for he did not have any other secure place. Thirteen gangsters appeared from thin air, and covered his path, preventing him going further, 'Wow, wow, wow! Who do we have here?' Asked the youngest one on the crew.

'Your worst nightmare?' Delvin replied, sarcastically with a mischievous smile painted on his face.

'Ha! Ha! Howl? What an audacity you have got?' Retorted another, and continued, 'You are just a stinking fly in our eyes, since we are in a good mood today, why don't you give us your Vcard, your shoes, and that watch on your wrist peacefully, we will be on our way and that saves you the trouble of getting hurt?' 

Delvin laughed hysterically. He then paused after a good laugh, still putting on a mocking smile, 'Well, how can the mighty demand a Vcard, a watch, shoes from a fly? I honestly think you are a bunch of mosquitoes! Ever disturbing peoples' peaceful sleep with your cracking noise!' 

Delvin retaliated while putting on a teasing smile and went on to laugh uncontrollably for the second time.

'Boss, let me break his bones, he is despicable and disrespectful?' Volunteered the huge masculine man.

Their boss just stood with his arms crossed observing the situation. He couldn't comprehend how stupid the young lad they found today.

When their boss didn't react to the request, Delvin went on to provoke them further, 'You are all useless and pathetic! You can't find something decent to do?' 

'Boy! You have a big mouth, and bad breath keeps coming out of it! You asked for it. Modefaya, teach him a lesson?' Their boss ordered.

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