The Birth Of Legends

Chapter 28: What Is Wrong?

'Yes boss, it's going to be my pleasure!' Modefaya shouted and rushed out like a voracious tiger.

When he came close nearly fifteen yards, Modefaya leaped up and thrust his tiger crawling hand, aiming to break Delvin's throat. Delvin was stunned at how fast he had come. Luckily, he moved sideways and Modefaya missed.

'Not bad!'

Modefaya commented, 'Now take this?'

He lunged a punch at Delvin's face, who dodged it again. 

'You are skilled, but what is bugging me now is this. Why is a well-trained fighter a gangster?' Delvin inquired now a bit seriously.

'Just fight me!'

Modefaya roared, storming with rage.

Delvin seemed animated about meeting this gang squad, he had been training tirelessly almost every day without rest after the Skylark system had been activated within him, and upon discovering Death Driven Valley, at the back of his mind, he looked forward to having a friendly match, particularly to test his skill set.

'Are you sure you can beat him?'

Zauzo asked, expressing doubt about Delvin's skills. 

Come on Zauzo! Can't you see that he can't even land a single blow on me?

Delvin replied, feeling quite amused at how Zauzo underestimated him.

Modefaya got a steel bar from his friend, and rushed forward with great speed, aiming to strike Delvin on the head with his steel bar. Delvin ducked the incoming strike with a single back step. The gang leaped up and threw another strong thrust, aimed at Delvin's shoulder. As it absolutely came at unavoidable speed, the sound of the wind clearly whistled as the steel bar flew, its movement unseen to the ordinary eye. It was about to break Delvin's right shoulder when he swiftly twisted his flexible body in a diagonally vertical shape and Modefaya missed. Modefaya was incredibly pissed, you could see him breathing so fast, wrinkles formed on his forehead, 'you brat, come on, fight me!' Modefaya yelled, not holding his breath. 

Delvin smiled playfully, 'Guys, how about you attack me all at once?' Delvin suggested.

'No! Fight him. If he loses, we all lose, and we go our way! But if you lose, you will not just give us the things we need but join our gang?' The boss imposed his demand.

'That's not fair? How about, if you lose, I become your boss?'

Delvin added his own demand, he then went on, 'That's a fair deal? Unless you think you will lose?' Delvin dared their Boss.

'Hell! No! Who do you think you are?'

The boss of gangsters questioned with fury building up in his bosom.

The entire gang squad became furious, 'Who does this pathetic loser think he is? Get him!' Commanded their boss.

The six gangsters attacked all at once, their eyes shone brightly with killing intent, their veins budged out. Delvin kept dodging all their strikes and attacks while he gave counterattacks and when he hit, they could not get up.

Within ten minutes, the twelve gangsters were lying on the ground mourning in pain.

'You are next?' Delvin threatened their Boss.

The boss beheld Delvin, with curious eyes, nodding his head to express a no. He knew that Delvin was not his match because he had strong and trained guys on his crew, stronger than him, he was their boss because of the order of seniority.

Their boss coughed lightly, and had started trembling in fear, 'Huh! I am sorry sir, I was wrong, let's talk over this?' Pleaded the boss of the gangsters.

'I can't believe it? What an interesting man you are, changing so suddenly like a chameleon?' Uttered Delvin before laughing hysterically. He seemed to be having fun.


Meanwhile, Courtney and Jasmine were sitting in the dining room. Courtney wore a beautiful smile, she had a long caved face, she looked like people from an old country called Ethiopia, from the North of Africa. She had long curled hair almost touching her shoulders with darkie and a mixture of brown in her skin. Let's name it dark chocolate.

'Jasmine tell me, what is the news?'

Courtney said as she picked up a snack from the table, broke it apart, put half in her mouth and began to chew it gracefully. There were about five different sets of snacks, juice and three bottles of water. People ate more snacks to provide the missing ingredients from fruits for their bodies, but snacks were becoming scarce, and only the rich could afford them.

Jasmine blushed shyly, cleared her throat, to allow a smooth flow of words, 'Courtney, you mean I should not pay you a visit unless I have something to share with you?'

Jasmine smacked her cousin with a dim smile. Courtney was now even more convinced that Jasmine was up to something, and she needed to crack her.

'Jasmine, I know you best, so has Delvin called you yet?' Probed Courtney teasingly.

Jasmine's face lit up, you could see her face beaming. Flashes of Delvin's call and words replayed in her mind, and they felt quite alive, a hot sensation lingered in her body. She was about, when Auntie Gloria entered the living room. Her eyes wondered around and met Jasmine, who also locked eyes with her. Jasmine got up straight away and ran after her.

'I have missed you so much, Auntie Glo!' Jasmine exclaimed, as she gave her a big hug.

'I miss you more, Princess Jasmine.' Auntie Gloria reciprocated a huge tight hug.

Auntie Gloria had been calling Jasmine Princess since she was five years old. It now became her habitual thing. Both were immersed in a glorious moment. Courtney gazed at the two with a grin, and did not express any emotions. She was neutral at that moment. 

Back inside Delvin's room, he was sitting in his chair propounding how he was to execute his suit gear plan. He thought of activating Skylark for a warm chat about ideas.

Skylark? The system activated. Right away, a dinging sound rang, and an automated voice followed thereafter.


'Your intellect has been upgraded from five point five to five point six,

Eyesight upgraded from 2.0 to 2.9,

Stamina has increased from zero point five to one point five,

Agility is still upgrading,

The energy bar has increased from 20 grams to 40 grams,

'Race: humanoid cherubim,

You have won a one-time wheel spin but will only unlock after agility is completed upgrading.' Skylark announced.

Delvin wondered in his imaginative world.

What else does this system have or what reward will I get after I win over Jasmine's heart? There must be other planets with water in the Milky Way Galaxy. There must be a way to get there. So far, people from the first century have visited planets like Mars, and had many adventures. But what really happened? Why did our generation not pick up from there? 

'Acrymonta might be able to help you with that last question.' Skylark spoke up.

How did Acrymonta find himself in the eternal Space? Delvin inquired.

'That is a personal question, and it is for Acrymonta to tell.' Skylark refused to answer the question.

A knock comes at the door, Delvin gets interrupted straight away.

'Come i---n!' 

The door is pushed from the outside, George walks in, his energy base is very low. This caught Delvin's attention. He observes as George sits down. His appearance explains that something is completely wrong, lost though he is present here.

'Hi, George!' Delvin greeted him with absolute enthusiasm.

George's head faced down, his spirit looked crashed, it was not the vibrant, opportunistic and lively person Delvin knew. He was just silent, tears began to stream from his eyes to his chicks. He must be in pain, Delvin perceived.

'George, come on, talk to me, what is going on?'

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