The Birth Of Legends

Chapter 29: Dreadful Sickness

George gave a prolonged heavy sigh.

'Brother, Grandma Beatrice is very sick, I really don't know what to do, the doctors said, they don't know what is wrong with her body?'

Delvin listened attentively, his face ever changing as sympathy engulfed him, 'Where is she?'

'She is at home.' George replied hopeless.

Delvin thought about it intently, he felt a strong edge and the need to see her.

'George, let's go and see her?' Delvin suggested. He had already made five steps toward the door.

George just glanced at Delvin with no hope or power in his mind. He was hopeless because Grandma Beatrice was their bread winner. And if she died, what would their lives be? The world is already tough and bad. 


Thirty minutes had passed, George and Delvin were now inside Grandma Beatrice's house. Grandma Beatrice lay lifeless, Brenda sitting next to her bedside, her head leaned on Grandma Beatrice's right hand, when she heard footsteps coming, she lifted her head up to see who it was? Her eyes were red and swollen, probably from too much crying.

Delvin looked at the terrible state Brenda was in, a thousand mixed emotions took over him, concern was building up very quickly, he had been used to just one feeling, that of not belonging, tears welling up in his eyes.

Delvin did not know how to comfort people because he had grown up all by himself, but he could sympathize with them. The family doctor stood in the corner, his face openly gave an overview of how deep and serious the situation was.

After he saw George walk in, he drew closer to him and whispered in his ear. 'I am very sorry, I have tried to do all I can. I have never seen anything like this before, this condition is strange. I have even consulted other doctors from other big hospitals. They are all giving the same response that this condition is indeed unknown, there is no cure and, the most difficult thing is, we don't know what the problem is. I wish there was more I could do about it. I have to go. I will come over to check on her in the morning and let's pray for a miracle.' The doctor hardly explained.

George gave a nod with his head, implying he understood. The doctor then slid out of the bedroom.

Earlier that day, they had gone to the hospital and the doctors said the same thing, so now George had to accept whatever fate had for them in store. What else should he do? The doctors had given their verdict, which made him feel hopeless, tears were dripping down his purple-pale cheeks, the eyes swelled.

Delvin moved forward to Grandma Beatrice's bedside, touched her hand, her body was cold and blood was not flowing, it seemed like a dead corpse except she was still breathing.

Delvin remembered to have read something like that in one of the books at the Apex University Library, because he had a keen interest in learning new things. This very condition Grandma Beatrice was going through in a book titled natural medicine.

There must be a way to help her, Delvin muttered to himself as he reasoned so deeply, at the same time becoming emotional and affectionately attached to this new family.

Delvin didn't know that he had this side of him, it was a new sensation, and now he was more likely driven by his emotions rather than logic.

He walked back to George and whispered into his ear, 'Where is the restroom?'

'Come with me!' George did not think, he impulsively just reacted.

Delvin followed after George as silence occupied the house atmosphere, only footsteps could be heard, it was like the entire house had been aware of this dreadful sickness which had befallen onto Grandma Beatrice. The moment they reached the restroom, George pointed with his hand at the door, which was slightly open.

Delvin right away pushed the door, while moving his body in, without looking at George, who turned and walked back to Grandma Beatrice's bedside. Delvin's plan for coming here was to consult Skylark the system for a solution to cure Grandma Beatrice. Actually, from the moment he had left his house, Skylark was still active. Before he could make any move, he couldn't help it but observe the place he found himself in. This restroom was the biggest he had seen, such that compared to his own, his could go in more than five times, it was full of tiles and most of them were white.

The mirror reflected his entire figure, a smile automatically sprouted out, the toilet was spotless with no single inch of dust or stains, a sweet aroma filled the interspaces in the air, and it made him feel tranquil and comfortable.

He switched his mind back to his main reason why he was there; Skylark!

'Hello Delvin?'

Does the system have any knowledge about healing a sick person or reviving someone from the brink of death?

'You mean the state Grandma Beatrice is in? Yes, first you have to unlock the medical skills set. Second, you don't qualify to do it yet even if your medical skills were to be unlocked and that means I wouldn't recommend you making that move now?'

Skylark cross-examined, expressing some concern.

Skylark, someone important to me and my friend, is dying. I need the solution now. What is the point of having you if I can't help the people I care about? Delvin riposted angrily.

'There may be another way, but it will drain your synthetic energy power base, and it will take you twenty-four hours to restore it back, and if anything goes sideways or bad during that period it may cause great harm or even death to your body?' Skylark suggested, and at the same time being cautious.

Tell me already what I have to do? 

'Agility upgrade is now complete. Do you wish to spin the wheel?' Skylark announced, instead of giving Delvin the solution to his problem.

Delvin ignored Skylark, his mind was completely focused on saving Grandma Beatrice, the rest could wait.

Skylark, I need to help that woman! Now becoming even more emotional and very anxious.

'I perfectly understand that, but the system can't work effectively if some functions are pending. Maybe that's what you need to save your colleague?' Skylark alluded, practically opposing Delvin.

Alright! Skylark! Can you draw out the spin on the wheel?

Delvin relentlessly gave up his argument and commanded. The huge wheel appeared in his mind with a color chart and numbers from one to one hundred in different colors.

Spin the wheel Skylark! Delvin ordered, the wheel started rotating after about half a minute, it came to a stop at the green slot and number nine. 

'Congratulations Delvin, you have just unlocked ancient and modern medical skills.' Skylark proclaimed.

Immediately, tonnes of massive information began downloading at the speed of light. Delvin felt his brain go num and sweat welling up on his skin. 










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