Chapter 14: To Rome
Everyone had their job to do, to try and defeat Lord Ulrich. Tobias went to Rome, to try and win over the council's witch; Amelia. Getting to Rome, was a very easy task because, well...he's a vampire and has powers that allow him to fly and use super speed. He knows everyone is counting on him, to see if he could get the help of the witch named Amelia. Tobias also has his own set of motives to help; Revenge for his deceased mate and all the bloodshed he caused. Looking back on it, he's grown fond of Dahlia and regrets trying to kill her. The senseless blood feud even caused his mates sister, Caroline to perish. Very few knew that Tobias had the ability to walk in the day and he's hoping that he can use that to his advantage, when trying to persuade the witch to help, without using coercion. Tobia finally reached Patrician Manor. Tobias decided to wait until nightfall, before he tried to make contact. As far as the council knew, Tobias wasn't in the area. He'd rather suprise them and catch them off guard. Despite the council holding jurisdiction, Tobias even held power over them, he's just always played nice up until, well now. Tobias after stepping foot on Rome's soil, decided to hide himself away, in a nearby hive. This hive, is ran by a very good friend of his; Damien. Tobias and Damien go back centuries. They met during the Salem witch trials. Tobias saved Damien and turned him into one of his subordinates. Damien was stabbed in the witch uprising because he was a village guard at the time. Everyone always talks about how many witches died, but they never elaborate on how many innocents were killed. Tobias saw something in Damien, and every since that day, they have been very close. Tobias approachs the hive and Vampire guards surround him. Damien is already aware and makes his way out to intercept. "Lower your weapons you imbeciles" Damien sneered at his guards. His guards looks suprised by how upset he was. "That's the Vampire king; Tobias" Damien said. "We're sorry" the Vampire guards said with great fear in their voices. "Don't be sorry, you're just doing your job, however, you might want to learn who your king is, because next time I won't be so nice" Tobias said with irritation. "Tobias, shall we?" Damien says bowing to his king, while offering him safe haven within the hive. "Follow me" Damien said again hand motioning to Tobias to enter. Damien and Tobias walk into the hidden cave built within the mountain. "This has come along way, since I was here last" Tobias said. "It's been over 100 years since you actually stayed, within the hives of Rome" Damien said chuckling. "Yes, I know, but I do love a good progression" Tobias said laughing. "What brings you here to Rome?" Damien asked. "I have wolf allies and we are going to destroy all on the council that plotted against us. Lord Ulrich, the werewolf, killed my mate; Tynan" Tobias said. Damien was shocked. "I knew the council does it's misdeeds, but to conspire against Vampire and Wolf? Does this guy have a death wish?" Damien asked. "Whether or not if he does, that's what he's headed for, a death sentence" Tobias said. Tobias and Damien finally reached the center of the hive. Deep enough in the earth, not even natural light could power its way through. The walls had torches that burned. The ceiling has chandeliers dangling from them. They were in the shape of bubbly orbs. They were beautiful. If the walk didn't gradually take them farther and farther into the earth, you'd never suspect it. Giant pillars were craved from the mountain side. Natural minerals and gems filled the walls. Hand crafted lavish furniture filled the rooms. A giant fireplace was carved near the entrance. Two recliners kept the fireplace company. They had fine China. "Let's go sit by the first place and talk some more" Damien said. Next to the fireplace they had a blood bank bar. It was filled with all types a blood a vampire could ask for. "O - isn't it?" Damien asked grabbing two glasses. "Your memory serves you correctly" Tobias said. "Iced or warmed?" Damien asked. "Tonihht I'd like it warmed" Tobias answered. Damien got their glasses ready and handed Tobias his glass if O - . "So Damien, how has your rein been here in Rome?" Tobias asked. "We've kept a low profile, only taking what's needed to survive. I just had to kill, a few lower level Vamps for hunting for sport" Damien said frustrated. "I'm sorry to here that, but I'm glad you got it under control before the council got themselves involved. This is why you're my trusted General" Tobias said. "Thank you, my King. If you need any assistance here in Rome, don't hesitate to ask" Damien said. "I'm going to wait until day break, and then I'm going to go pay the council witch a visit. My allies believe she can be shifted to our cause" Tobias said. Damien was intrigued by his king's use of the word allies. Tobias has always been a loner, having very few friends let alone spending much time with his own. "Who is this ally you speak of? Can this ally be trusted?" Damien asked out of concern. "Your concern is noted. Yes, she can be trusted, she could have easily killed me and is nothing like what her parents became. It's the royal Ravenwood heir and their Fae" Tobias answered. Damien was visibly shocked with the information his King was telling him. "Ravenwood? aren't they the ones who killed your mate?" Damien asked. "Yes, but evidence points to Lord Ulrich, using a witch with the initials B.D, to use dark influencing magic on the previous heirs to use them as tools to do his bidding" Tobias said. "Is B.D that witch Belladonna, who was exiled?" Damien asked. "That's the same information, the wolf pack elders gave us, but the problem is finding this B.D., plus Lord Ulrich blackmailed this witch to do his bidding. No one has seen Belladonna in over a century" Tobias said. "A lot of what you're telling me is adding up. The past Ravenwood Luna, went crazy after visiting Rome, with no clear reason why it happened. There was some speculation, but nothing ever proved factual" Damien said. "We are investigating further, but we plan to dismantle the council all together and go back Kings and Queens, for the different factions of Supernaturals" Tobias said. Damien was suprised by his King's last statement. "The good old days, count me in" Damien said. "I have a good feeling about how this all will turn out. The Ravenwood royal Luna, who's basically a pup, has great potential. I never seen a she wolf as strong, humble, and blessed as Dahlia" Tobias said. "She's that powerful?" Damien asked. "She beat me outright, could have killed me with a blink of an eye but she values all living things. She killed my mates sister out of defense of her mother. She even held a funeral for her and mourned her death. There's just something really special about her and I know she is going to do great things. Dahlia hasn't even unlocked her celestial powers yet" Tobias said. "I'd really to meet this Luna someday" Damien said. "After we get this behind us, I will arrange it" Tobias said. Damien and Tobias chatted for awhile longer. The old friends didn't leave any subject unturned. Time flew as Tobias waited for day break. While they were sitting their catching up, the alarm within the hive went off. It sounded similar to a tornado siren. "Looks like day break, is just a few minutes away" Damien said. "It loos that way" Tobias said. "I shall be going" Tobias stated. "Yes, my King. I'd wall you out but you know how'd that go" Damien said. "No worries, I'll see myself out" Tobias replied with a huge grin on his face. "Until next time, my general" Tobias said. "Goodbye my King" Damien said with a bow. Tobias then turned and followed down the same tunnels that lead them to the center of the hive. Tobias had a date with a witch.