The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 15: Date With A Witch

Tobias left the hive and his general behind. The sun just came over the mountain tops and a beam of ray nearly blinded the King of Vampires. One way or another, Tobias was determined to get aid from the witch. Tobias uses his super speed, to gracefully step foot onto the council's domain. Taking everyone by suprise, they announce his arrival. "The King of Vampires has arrived" The bellhop announces. "So good of you to announce my arrival" Tobias says coldly. "Tell the council witch I would like a private audience" Tobias commands. "There's no need Tobias, how can I help you?" Amelia says as she walks through the front door. "I see you were expecting me" Tobias said. "I'm a witch, not a psychic, I am the only council member here today" Amelia states. "Where is everyone else?" Tobias asks curiously. "Attending some event. I never really keep track" Amelia said with a raised eyebrow, growing suspicious of Tobias questions. "What brings you here, besides up to trouble" Amelia says while crossing her arms, lacking patience. "I'm here to request a private audience with you, and will not state my intentions until we are out of ear shot of eavesdropping" Tobias exclaimed. Amelia at this point has zero patience for Tobias and his annoying commands. "Very well, follow me" Amelia stated. Tobias follows Amelia down corridors until they reach an area of the manor, that can't be mistaken for anything else, but a witches lair. "After you" Amelia says with an arm gesture holding the door open for Tobias. "Well, my, my what fantastic manners you have" Tobias said sarcastically. "It's all apart of the job, don't feel too important" Amelia said with an eye roll. Tobias couldn't help but sneak gazes at the council witch. Olive skin, long jet black hair, and bold emerald eyes; that could pierce the very bottom depths of one's soul. Tobias shook the admiration out of his head, he was hear for business. "Have a seat" Amelia said. Tobias looked at two Gothic leather recliners, that were by a fireplace with various animal skulls on the mantle. "What interesting decorating taste you have" Tobias said. "Why, thank you" Amelia said smugly. "Now, King of Vampires, what brings you here, to seek my presence today?" Amelia said. "I know about Lord Ulrich's request" Tobias said with his eyes flashing red. Amelia looked horrified, thinking Lord Ulrich's past was well hidden. "How...How do you know?" Amelia said with fear seeping out of every pore. "Letters were found asking of his blasphemous deeds" Tobias said stone cold without breaking eye contact with Amelia. "Letters....Oh my god!" Amelia squealed. "Why would he keep them! I told him to burn them, so that no evidence could link back to either of us" Amelia said with tears falling, now crying in the palm of her hands. "So you tried to help, cover it all up!" Tobias now yelling in rage. Amelia was startled at first but knew she couldn't look weak in the eyes of the Vampire King. "No.. No! I didn't help him do anything! I never could do something, evil!" Amelia replied. "Do you know how many lives were lost? How many reputations, ruined?" Tobias said coldly. "I know, I know, what was I to do? The council could just get rid of me like I never existed. Lord Ulrich blackmailed me to keep my mouth shut!" Amelia let slip. "Blackmail, you say? How could a filthy mutt, hold any power over you?" Tobias asked. "He used my mother against me!" Amelia said now wailing. "Who's your mother?" Tobias asked unwavering. "My mother Belladonna...She was an exiled witch, for practicing black magic" Amelia said defeated. Tobias felt shell shocked by the information given. "You know, Lord Ulrich, used your life to blackmail your mother, into doing his bidding. We found the letter he wrote to your mother, it contains irrefutable evidence, to his crimes" Tobias said. "We just need to know who else, knows about his misdeeds" Tobias said. Amelia was quite shocked and infuriated. "He did what!" Amelia yelled. Tobias actually believed her sincerity on the subject. He figures it was now or never. "Amelia, we plan to overthrow the council and let the different factions of Supernaturals, go back to their kings and queens" Tobias said dead seriously. Amelia, was caught off guard. "We? You're going to overthrow the council? Oh my god...oh my god! That's...that's treasonous!" Amelia said. "What's treasonous, is that fat little shit killed for fun, ruining lives because he didn't get what he wanted. To answer your "we", me and my allies, are going to remodel this manor, with the council's blood" Tobias seethed. Amelia was feeling overwhelmed by what Tobias was saying. "Who...Who are your allies?" Amelia asked. "The royal Luna, The Ravenwood heir" Tobias said. Amelia, looked more scared at the mention of Dahlia, then anything else Tobias had said. "You mean...Dahlia..?" Amelia said. Tobias gave her a quick head nod, yes. "Oh my god!" Amelia said. "She is the most powerful supernatural, I've seen in my whole life. The council, wouldn't stand a chance!" Amelia said with more tears falling. "Exactly" Tobias said with murderous intent. "I came here today, to see if you'd side with us, by choice, or by force" Tobias said. Amelia once again looked shell shocked. "Why...Why me!?" Amelia said. "The royal heir could see your purity, in your words, that you knew right from wrong" Tobias said. "Dahlia said that?"Amelia said. "Join us and we will save you and your mother. No need to risk your life for the council anymore" Tobias stated. Amelia was quiet for awhile before answering and just listening to Tobias give her more information. "We already have an idea, where the royal heirs mate is. They will meet in 7 months time. Once they complete the mating ritual, you know that will unlock the rest of her powers given by the moon goddess" Tobias said. Amelia's fear, once again surfaced. "I couldn't imagine her more powerful" Amelia stated. "Neither can I, but I know her heart. I pity her enemies" Tobias said. Amelia thought hard about what Tobias said. "I will join you, arrange a meeting for us" Amelia stated. "I can do that. You will have to go to Ravenwood mansion. I will send word, when they're ready for you" Tobias said. Amelia nodded her head. "I'm going to leave now to send word. It would be ideal to keep this to yourself. If you send the council our way, know it will end up badly" Tobias said threatening. "I don't have to stoop to blackmail, remember that. I take care of and get rid of problems" Tobias said coldy. "I would never do, such a thing" Amelia stated anxiously. "I must get going, before the filth of the council returns. I'll see myself out" Tobias said, as he got up for his chair and left through the lair door, leaving Amelia to sit with her thoughts. Tobias made his way through the corridors and reached the front doors of the manor. He took a look back at the manor, to make sure no one was watching him and flew into the vast blue of the sky, making his way back to Dahlia, who's waiting for his return to Ravenwood.

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