Chapter 16: Hanging Out With Dad
Stretching out like a cat, Dahlia woke up from her Bay window. The nap she went to take after her lessons with, Mary and Ethel must have taken a lot out of her, too bad it was more mentally traumatic then anything. Sex, mating, pups? What's a nearly 20 year virgin old to think? letting out a big yawn, Dahlia makes it to her feet. Thinking about all the important people in her life. "I wonder how Tobias is doing" Dahlia says to her wolf. "My dear Luna, I'm sure the King of Vampires, is just fine" Raven Star replied. "I hope Amelia chooses to become our ally. She seems like a very moral individual" Dahlia said. "I did sense goodness in her, when you were in Rome" Dahlia's wolf replied. "How are you doing Raven Star? Being away from our mate. You've been very quiet lately" Dahlia asked. "It's very hard, but I am trying to stay strong until the suitors ball" her spirit wolf replied. "I'm really scared, what if our mate doesn't like me?" Dahlia said. "With your power alone, it would be hard to resist you. With your beauty, you will be making every male eating out of your hand, with your gaze" Raven Star said, making Dahlia blush. "You flatter me" Dahlia said embarrassed. "I speak only the truth, my Luna" her wolf replied. "I need to go check on dad, he locked himself up again" Dahlia said to her wolf. "He will be fine, it's a lot for a dad to take in" Raven Star said. Dahlia walked over to her closet and chose her worn out hoodie and sweater and put them on. Dahlia walked over to her vanity and gave her sleep ridden hair a thorough brush, and put it in a messy bun. "Jackson, I require your assistance" Dahlia said through mindlink. Dahlia walked out of her room and made her way down the hallway and towards her dad's study. Dahlia hears the Brass doors of the mansion open and then close. Hurried foots steps could be heard throughout the mansion echoing as they drew near. Jackson, nearly out of breath comes into view. "My Luna" Jackson says with a bow. Dahlia chuckled. "I suppose next time, I should be more detailed when summoning" Dahlia said. Jackson gave her a raised eyebrow look. "My dad's been locked away in his study for 2 days now. He needs an intervention" Dahlia said. Jackson nodded his head in compliance. "Let's go get him" Dahlia said. They round the hallway and her father's study comes into view. 'Knock, knock' Dahlia beats on the door. "It's been 2 days. Come out, or we are coming to get you" Dahila commanded. "Go away" you hear muffled through the door. Dahlia, gets infuriated. How are her father challenge her. Dahlia tries to open the door but it's locked. "Fine, if that's how you want to be, then I'm coming in by force!" Dahlia yells. Dahlia squares up to the door, ready to send the solid mahogany door, flying into another universe. Jackson stops her before making contact. "Luna, allow me" Jackson says with mischief. Dahlia gives him a big grin and nods her head yes. Jackson, squares up to the door and smashes right through it. You can see Dahlia's father, wasn't quite expecting that. "Hey!" Dahlia's father yells. "I told you, we would come in by force didn't I" Dahlia says without patience. "Now, I'm going to have to fix it!" Dahlia's father said still angry. "Should have opened the door" Dahlia said dead seriously. Dahlia's father could tell, that she meant business. He felt ashamed that he's been tucked away, drinking his sorrows. Dahlia approaches him and see the liquor bottles on his end table next to his recliner. Dahlia was nearly foaming from the mouth. "I'm glad, that things are so bad, that you need to tuck yourself away from the world and drink your problems away!" Dahlia screamed loud enough to shatter the surrounding glass. This is the first time, Dahlia has ever directed her anger towards her father. Normally, they are two peas in a pod and often see eye to eye, but Dahlia has finally hit her breaking point. Dahlia's father Ethan, was silenced by her anger. "Instead of comforting your daughter, you have abandoned me these last few days!" Dahlia screamed again, now with tears falling from her cheeks, like a flood gate was lifted. "It's hard for me too you know!" Dahlia said again through sobs. There was silence for a long time before anyone dared to speak. "I'm...I'm...Sorry, Dahlia, I let everything going on get the better of me and I disappointed you" Dahlia's father said. Ethan, was very ashamed that his daughter has seen him like this. "You're my father and pack advisor, I can't have you leaving everyone!" Dahlia said. "Now, get up! We're going out and getting out of this trash can you call your office" Dahlia said. "Jackson, call the maids to come clean up this filth that my father's has left" Dahlia said with anger. Jackson, nodded his head and did just what his Luna requested. "I'm serious dad, get up. I will force you, if I have too" Dahlia said. "I can do it myself" Ethan snapped. "I would suggest, that you loose the attitude dad, you've already pushed me past my breaking point" Dahlia said with a growl. Dahlia's growl was enough to submit Ethan and his stubbornness. "Jackson, take him to the pack gym and get him a shower" Dahlia said. Jackson, nodded again and said "As you wish" as he walked up to her father, who hasn't found his feet yet. The pack maids came into view at the door frame. "You didn't see this today, erase it from your mind. Please, clean up this room, in confidentiality" Dahlia commanded. "Yes, Luna" the maids replied. The maids stepped aside as Jackson, half carried her dad. Dahlia followed behind them as Jackson carried her father off to the pack gym. "Jackson, I'm sorry to ask, please help my father get a shower" Dahlia asked her guard through mindlink. "Yes, Luna" Jackson replied. Dahlia's father was such a strong man and it was so hard to see him breaking to pieces like this. Dahlia, knew there was more to the story but wasn't interested in hearing it, until he was sober and cleaned himself and his attitude up. It was incredibly painful, to see such a strong man, not even able to get to his feet because he drowned himself in a false relief.