The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 49: Decryption

***Dahlia, Jackson and Amelia are inside the pack witches house.

Dahila just went through a gauntlet of terrorizing images in her dream. Without certainty, she's not sure if she saw true images or something from the darkest parts of her imagination. With Dahlia's mating ceremony just around the corner, they needed to be prepared and ready for anything. Dahlia refuses to lose anyone else***

"Amelia, Do you have any idea what's going on with me?" Dahlia asked with concerned. Amelia took a few moments to think about her question before she answered. "It's so hard to tell. Your celestial powers keep getting stronger. Your royal blood is so strong and pure, it could also be your ancestors showing you the past" Amelia said with uncertainty. Jackson sat in the corner of the witches cottage and sat quietly observing their conversation, also trying to stay as far away from Amelia as he can.

"What do we do now?" Dahlia asked. Amelia smiled at her stressed friend and reining Luna. "We've prepared all we can, the rest is up to fate" Amelia tried to say with comfort. Dahila let out a frustrated sigh. "Everything is driving me crazy. Am I going crazy?!" Dahlia said with great anxiety. Amelia did say anything. She walked over to her friend and gave her a tight squeeze. "I can't begin to imagine what you're going through but we're all here for you" Amelia said, wiping the tears released by her vulnerable friend.

"Sweetie, you have to have some optimism. Your ceremony is right around the corner and you're going to meet your mate. That in itself is a once in a lifetime thing" Amelia whispered to her friend. Dahila embraced her friend in a much needed hug. "I just hate not being prepared for what's to come" Dahlia said defeated. Amelia gave her friend a warm smile. "In life we are never fully prepared and we have to do the best we can. You already do that, ya know?" Amelia said with a smile.

Jackson who had been sitting quite for some time finally speaks. "Luna, you have a meeting with Mary and Ethel to finalize the ceremony details for the ceremony, dated a week from today" Jackson stated. Dahila rolled her eyes and Amelia let out a small giggle. "It's always all work with you isn't it?" Dahlia stated. Jackson had bright red flash on his cheeks. "I'm sorry" Jackson said quietly. Dahila walked over to him and patted his shoulder. "Nothing to be sorry about. It's a good thing you always think about upcoming priorities" Dahlia said with a smile. "Let's head that way now" Dahlia said.

The trio left the witches house to make their way to the tea house. It was always delightful to see Mary and Ethel. Always so warm and inviting, just like your grandma back home. Dahlia has much to be grateful for. Those two women have taught her a great deal of things and were her biggest support while her father was fighting between life and death. It was never a bad time to see them. With Amelia's cottage so close, to the pack town the walk seemed to go by faster than expected. "We're already here?!" Dahlia asked. "You know it's not a far walk" Amelia said with a giggle. Dahila gave her back a small smile. Dahila grabbed the tea house door and walked in. The bell dinged, which echoed inside the store.

"Oh Dahlia! So glad to have you visit!" A voice yells from the back. Dahila could tell it was Mary. Mary was always so lively and Ethel seemed to have more of serious tone. "Glad we could be here" Dahlia yells back. "Make yourself at home, I'm just about done" Mary once again yells back. It was a comical routine, it was always the same thing when they came. Dahila was confident that Mary would bring tea and snacks too. Dahila and the others made their way to the table and got into their seats. Banging and clanking goes on for a few minutes before Mary emerges. "Sorry about that, I was making some tea and finishing some cookies" Mary said coming into view with a big tray. Dahila couldn't help but smile.

"There's not much to go over my dear, we have finished the decor and your dress. Now it's just waiting for the big day" Mary blurts out. Dahila chuckled. "I'm glad everything is done and I'm grateful for all of your help and hard work" Dahlia said to Mary. "Don't mention it! We are happy to do so" Mary said back. Mary studied Dahlia face and she could tell something was bothering her. "What's wrong my dear?!" Mary blurted out in her usual fashion. Dahila was caught off guard by her question. "Just another horrible dream" Dahlia said back pathetically. Concern filled Mary's face. "Tell me about it?" Mary demanded through a sip of tea. Letting out a sigh of delight. "That's good" Mary said to herself.

Dahlia didn't want to relive the dream but she knew Mary would sick Ethel on her, if she didn't comply. Dahila let out a sigh. "Okay, I tell you" Dahlia stated. Dahlia looked at Mary and the elder sat quietly, waiting to hear about the dream. Dahlia opened up about the horrors that she went through and saw. How the physical pain felt exactly like real life and she didn't know how to interpret that chaos of the past, present and future. Mary sat taking in every world and thinking on it greatly before she ever said a word. Finally after great thought, Mary spoke.

"Dahlia, you're the first wolf of your kind, with the purest bloodline among us all and there's a lot of uncertainty in play. Perhaps, you're so worried about Ulrich, that it has tainted your sleep dreams and the dream world in general. I will consult with Ethel to see if she could shed more light on this, but know this my dear, it's completely normal for anyone to have a bad dream, plagued by their worries" Mary said with a gentle smile.

Amelia and Jackson sat quietly, taking in the room. It's hard to shake the events that Dahlia recalled. However, as much as they wanted to hang out with Mary all day, there were still ceremonial duties to attend to. "Luna, we still need to visit your father in regards to the attendance" Jackson stated. Dahila nodded her head. "You kids run along now, I'll clean up. mustn't keep the biggest ceremony to happen in Ravewood in wait" Mary said urging them to go with her hand movements.

"Okay, if you insist. Please let me know what Ethel thinks " Dahlia stated, getting up from the table and chugging her eat and stealing a few baked foods. The trio excused themselves from the table and headed out to exit the tea house. "It was nice to see you all again, take care and good luck" Mary said yelling at them. Mary couldn't help but be overwhelmed by despair, she really wants to have the best outlook on things but Dahlia's account of her dream, left a sense of dread deep in her bones. Mary knew that something needed to happen and get rid of this ominous cloud that's been hovering over Ravenwood.

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