The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 50: My Last Day

***It's the day before the mating ceremony of Ravenwoods Luna. It's chaos. There is a lot of excitement with the coming events and a lot of anxiety, fear and preparation. The entire pack of Ravenwood, couldn't be happier that their Luna, is making the sacrifice to join hands and strengthen their pack. It's a heavy burden but a necessary step to unite the pack clans. Dahila is filled with worry, anticipation, and excitement. Today is Dahlia's last day, as the carefree independent spirit she has always been. Life is about to get complicated, and it will be forever changed once again. ***

A small gleam of light hits Dahlia's eye lids. It makes her squint in her deep slumber. "It's time to get up!" Dahlia's spirit wolf nearly yells. Dahila rolled over, taking her blanket as hostage to perfect her warm burrito roll once more. "Luna! wake up, " Raven Star yells once more. Dahila, clearly not in the mood or rested enough, throws a slight fit by the disturbance. Dahila kicks and smacks the bed, in clear as day defiance and the warmth and safety of her burrito, is no more. "Okay , I'm up!" Dahlia growls out.

"I didn't want to wake you, but we have to try on our dress for our mate," Raven Star says with sympathy. Dahila is still clearly annoyed. "Raven Star, I still think you're the only one excitement about this," Dahlia snapped back. Raven Star let out a whimper. "You won't regret it, Luna," Raven Star said. "Regret is irrelevant, I care about the safety and well-being of the pack. I've heard things about those Blackwater boys, and none of them seem too impressive. " Dahlia protested to her spirit wolf. "You won't know until you meet them," Raven Star said with a grin. Dahila and her spirit wolf's conversation was interrupted by a mind link.

"Dahlia Sweetie, are you awake?" Ethan asked his daughter. "Raven Star just got me up. Is everything okay?" Dahlia replied back to her father. "Oh good, sorry if she woke you before you were ready. I wanted to make you your last breakfast, " Ethan replied. Dahila rolled her eyes before replying. "I'm not dying just finding my suitor," Dahlia replied back with a chuckle. "Is there much of a difference?" Ethan replied back, clearly trying to make his daughter feel better. "You do have a pretty good point," Dahlia said and laughed out loud. Ethan couldn't help but have a good laugh, too, before he replied back to his daughter. "Breakfast ready in 30, see you soon, love you," Ethan finally said. "Okay, see you soon, love you too, dad," Dahlia said.

"Looks like you got your wish, Raven Star. How can I say no to food?" Dahlia said to her spirit wolf. Raven Star let out a laugh. "Yeah, you would never," Raven Star replied. Dahlia and her spirit wolf chuckled as Dahila went for her comfort look. There is no reason to be uncomfortable the entire day. Throwing on a Hoodia and sweat, pair with her athletics, Dahlia threw her hair in a messy bun and walked out her bedroom door, of course slamming it behind her in one final protest.

The smell of breakfast wafted through the halls, hitting Dahlia's senses like a freight train. Creating an instantaneous earthquake rumble in her stomach. Dahila chuckled at her bodies theatrics. "You think you never had a meal in your life?" Dahlia says out loud as she patted her stomach. Dahlia very much wanted to enjoy the day. Without her mom, everything seemed so confusing, and she felt helpless. Of course, dad does the best he can, but you can't replace a loving mother's comfort. Dahila hopes maybe this mated life will help her feel whole again. Dahila hopes that she can be half the mother to her pups as her mother was to her.

"Dahlia...Dahila...Dahila!" Ethan says, trying to break her from her trance. A startled Dahlia "Yes! God, you scared me, " Dahlia replies. Ethan looks concerned. "You okay?" He asked in a soft, loving tone. Dahlia wiped an involuntary tear away. "Yes, I'm fine, I was thinking about mom again, and it got the best of me," Dahlia replies. Ethan walked over to his daughter, who was still standing in the threshold of the kitchen. "It's will be okay. Her physical body is gone, but you can always talk to her wolf, " Ethan said, trying to cheer her up. Dahlia gave him a weak smile. "Thanks, dad," Dahlia stated as she squeezed her dad. Before letting go, she asked one more question. "Is having a mate really worth it?".

"Come sit down, and I can tell you about my experiences, and maybe it will help you," Ethan stated. Dahila and Ethan made their way to the table, and Ethan slid a plate full of treasures in front of his daughter. He chucked as she devoured her food. He poured her a glass of Orange Juice, grabbed his coffee, and sat beside her. Dahila didn't take her attention off her food until Ethan began to speak.

"Your mother, Emma, she was a complete angel. How the moon goddess could pair us together is still a mystery, but it's the reason I am who I am today. " Ethan stated. Compared to your birth mother, Emma always had a bright light and always knew what people needed. She loved fiercely, and her patience for all things was unparalleled. " Ethan continued getting a little choked up. "How unfortunate for her, a wolf of royal lineage to be paired up, with a Blackwater," Ethan said with a chuckle. "It was a pairing, sneered by most and one of the first in a long time," Ethan continued. Dahila briefly asked a question. "Why does Blackwater really have such a bad rap?" Ethan let out a sigh. "I don't know if you knew this, but Blackwater is mostly males. Some say we are cursed because having a female born into the Blackwater clan is almost unheard of. Something always happened. Still born pups, mother and pup dying during birth. No one really knows why. This is a secret, but this is how Lord Blackwater's lost his wife giving birth to their last pup, who was a beautiful girl pup. It was a sad day for the clan, " Ethan stated. In surprise, Dahlia replied, "I had no idea." "It's not something we really speak of." Ethan stated. Dahila shook her head in agreement. "The main point of all this is, meeting my mate, was the best thing that ever happened to me," Ethan stated. Dahila thought about what he said before she said anything. "Being with you and mom has always been the best time of my life," Dahlia replied. Ethan gave her a big smile. "Well, let's hope things work out for the better. finish up, we have tons of things to finish today" Ethan stated with a smile. Dahila rolled her eyes at him.

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