Chapter 51: My Last Day Cont'd
***Dahlia and Ethan had a heart to heart over breakfast. Ethan understands why his daughter is so afraid. With a mate, you share every aspect of your life. Dahila has had to over come alot since becoming the Luna to Ravenwood. It hasn't been easy, but Ethan remains her biggest cheerleader. With breakfast over, Dahlia must go try on her dress and finish last-minute preparations and become the Luna her pack needs her to be***
Of all the things Dahlia hated the most, it would have to be dresses. The discomfort, the restrictions. Why can't she meet her mate in sweats or jeans? All the fuss to be someone she's not for a day annoys her the most. If she knows anything, she knows Mary and Ethel would spare no expense on creating her the perfect dress for this occasion.
When Dahlia and Ethan were ready to leave and they headed out the front door of the mansion. As they stepped out to make their way to Ravenwood, they were greeted by Amelia and Jackson. Dahila smiled and wanted those two to finally have a happy ending. "Hey guys," she states. "Ready for your forever entrapment," Amelia says with a giggle. "I'd rather have a root canal," Dahlia said back, sticking her tongue out at her. They laughed and locked arms, and the girls started to go ahead of the guys.
"So, Jackson, what's keeping you two from being mated?" Ethan stated in his dad tone. Jackson, feeling under interrogation, gulped before answering. "My job is to our Luna first," Jackson stated. Ethan wasn't impressed. "After Dahlia is mated, I expect you two to have your own ceremony," Ethan said sternly. Jackson seemed shocked. "But sir, she's a witch. We are forbidden, " Jackson said with anxiety. Ethan placed a hand on Jackson's shoulder to put him at ease. "Under Lord Ulrich. You can't change what the moon goddess has fated. Hybrid pairing has long been accepted for generations. What's meant to be is simply that, fated." Ethan stated. Jackson let out a sigh. "I'm part of the royal guard the second in command, won't a mate effect that?" Jackson asked. Ethan gave him a warm smile. "The reason I wanted to talk to you is because once Dahlia is mated, her husband becomes second in command, and you must follow them both, with undying loyalty," Ethan stated. Jackson let it all sink in. Jackson didn't think everything would change. "You can count on me, no matter what," Jackson replied in his solider voice. Ethan laughed and nudged his arm. "You'll do great," Ethan said. "Hurry up, slow pokes." Amelia says, still locking arms with Dahila. The boys can hear the girls giggling. The guys looked at each other and shook their heads at the girls' shenanigans.
The city of Ravenwood was coming into view. Dahila could feel a rock hit her stomach. Dahila walked through the shield, and she was surprised to see the town awaiting her arrival. Cheering and bowing were going on. It was overwhelming, but it did make her feel a little better. Dahila could never get used to this. Dahila smiled and waved awkwardly. Feeling a bit embarrassed, she practically dragged Amelia to the tea house. Dahila opened the door and flung herself and Amelia into the establishment, not realizing she slammed the door. Leaving Ethan and Jackson stuck within the building crowd. Dahila peeked out the blinds and was startled by "Young lady. I know you didn't slam our door." Ethel stated sternly. Dahila beat red. "I'm so sorry, it's so suffocating," Dahlia said, defeated. "Don't mind, Ethel, you know she's always like this," Mary said in her typical bubbly nature. Ethel snickered at her sister. "Now Dahlia, sit down and drink this," Mary stated, bringing a tray of tea over to where Dahlia was hiding.
"I know it's all so overwhelming, but you'll do great," Ethel said, sitting next to her, taking a sip of tea. "It will all be in the past before you know it," Mary stated with a smile. Dahlia drank her tea in silence, trying to find peace. Mary and Ethel must have noticed she needed quiet and to not have the spotlight on her. "Before you know it, you'll be in her same position, Amelia," Mary said playfully. Amelia was surprised and spit a little tea out. "Who me?" Amelia said panicked. "Yes, you silly girl, everyone knows you're supposed to be mated to Jackson," Mary said teasingly. Dahlia let out a gut busting laugh. "Oh, that's right. at least I'm not alone in this," Dahlia chimed in. Amelia was so embarrassed. True to her nature, Ethel spoke out. "Come now, finish your tea. We must get a fitting and a move on. The guest mustn't wait for no one, " Ethel said sternly again. Mary took on a more serious tone.
"Right, we must not be late on this on this very important day. After out tea, it's a dress fitting and on to the finalization of this evenings events," Mary said. As the women were sipping their tea, Jackson and Ethan finally managed to squeeze into the tea house. The girls laughed at their appearance. "Nice of you to join us, come have some tea" Ethel stated. Ethan and Jackson joined them at the table to have a cup of tea.
Dahlia wished time would freeze she could stay forever in this moment. Good company with friends and family. Dahila stared at the people she had grown to love in silence. Dahila didn't know if she would even like her mate. Dahila wasn't going to rely on just the mate link. If I'm stuck with the same person until I leave this earth, he needs to be a fair and caring man. The last thing she needed was a tyrant like Lord Ulrich. While she didn't have all the answers, Dahlia knew these basic things; Ethel and Mary really know how to throw a party. Dahila will soon find her mate. She has come to accept this as well. Whatever they planned was cast in a dark ominous nature, that none of them would really be prepared for.