Chapter 6: Father and Daughter
The pack meeting well and we found new information. Belladonna, who are you and how does Lord Ulrich, have so much power over you? My father and I left the podium and I'm in high spirits. We are making our way towards the water mirror. "Did you think I'd forget?" my dad said. Apparently, I forgot because I have no idea what he's talking about. "Uh, forget what?" Dahlia said puzzled. "You did forget! Our run together!" my dad said as he made a playful hurt pouty face. I couldn't help but laugh at his childish antics. "I didn't completely forget, I was just consumed with everything going on today" Dahlia replied. "Yeah, sure" my dad said still trying to sell "I'm hurt act". "Oh, knock it off" Dahlia said laughing. "Is it so bad, that a father wants to spend time with his daughter?" my dad said playfully. "Of course not, but if you keep nagging me, I'm going straight home" Dahlia said sticking her tongue out. "Come on, I'll race ya!" my dad says as he takes off running and shifting into his light red wolf. "You're on!" Dahlia yells as she shifts into her celestial wolf. It was such a perfect day. I worried myself nearly sick, as I was so consumed but disappointing the pack. or not taking the right steps in finding off all the threats. The ocean breeze caressed my my fur. It's like the breeze itself was trying to make me feel better and encourage me on. I take off running and effortlessly catch up to my dad. I catch him off guard and grab his hind paw in my mouth. It sends him flipping in the sand. He barks at me and comes flying in after me. My dad grabbed my tail and I flipped over sideways. Who knew, that today would end with us horse playing on the beach. We aroused the curiosity of the pack soilders working hard. I let out a howl, for them to join us. We must have looked quite a sight. Beasts gracefully running a playful stampede on shore. We were so engaged with messing around we didn't notice that we were being watched. I felt my senses go on high Alert. I howled to alert the rest; Vampire. I follow the scent and I come face to face with Tobias and the Fae, Harper. They must have enjoying themselves because they were caught up in their own laughter and I caught them off guard. I tackled Tobias, licked his face and ran off to go play with the others. I howled to call off the alert. I'm sure that they have a good reason to be here, but I'd rather play, it can wait. No more politics, scandals, conspiracy, betrayal, death just pure and honest fun for a change. It's so needed. I convinced Tobias to come join us. He came running as fast as he could towards me, so that he could avenge his honor. I dodge him at every move. I run circles around him. I let out another howl and the guards and my father surround Tobias. I bark, and the whole lot, jump and dog pile him. You can here him grunt and yell. "Damn wolves!" "Get off me!" Tobias hollers. We snicker at him. We ran around like hellions for what seemed like forever. We tracked the entirety of the Island. The beach is covered in wolf body imprints from knocking one another around. Sand is everywhere. In my ears, nose, mouth and caked in my fur. I give the pack another howl and I head for the Ocean docks. I run as fast as I can. Once I reach the dock, I jump into the Ocean. I really haven't been in the ocean since the shipwreck. I'm so dirty that I jump in to cleanse some of the mounds of sand I've picked up on myself. The others follow me in, and now we have wolves running in and out of the water. Jumping off the docks and some running back and forth on the shore line where the tide is coming in. We know we have astronomical amounts of work to do, but today, just let a father and daughter have there fun. I let out a howl that means "I'm going home" and I take off running towards the front door of Ravenwood. I crash through the doors and head straight to my room. I need a shower and bad! I run into my room and head straight for the bathroom. I forgot that I'm too big to fit and get stuck. Laughing at myself I shift back into my human form. I mindlink the rest and let the know "Tell Harper and Tobias, I'll be right with them after I get cleaned up".