The Blood Luna: Mated.

Chapter 7: Gathering Supplies

I took a quick shower to cleanse the sand from places sand shouldn't be. I throw on a hoodie and sweats, so that Tobias and Harper aren't stuck waiting forever. I thrash a brush through my hair that looks like wet wavy noodles. I put my still damp hair in a messy bun and make way to meet Tobias and Harper. I take a quick glance in the mirror and I make my way out if my room. I walk down the hallway and I can smell food wafting in the air. My stomach growls on command. I was playing so much I didn't even realize I worked up quite an appetite. I enter the kitchen and Tobias and Harper and my father are gathered in the kitchen. "Something smells amazing" Dahlia said. "After our afternoon of horse play, I figured you were hungry" Dahlia's father said. "You must be psychic!" Dahlia replied. "No, I just know my daughter" my dad said with his signature grin. I look at the kitchen table and my dad prepared Harper a fruit bowl. Tobias declined food and my dad was grilling us; Grilled Cheese. I love Grilled cheese, it's the perfect comfort food. My dad flips 2 Grilled cheese on a plate. Plate in hand he opens the fridge and places fruit on the side. He also, grabs the orange juice from the fridge. "Here you go baby" my dad says handing me the plate. "Thanks dad, you're the best" Dahlia says beaming. He grabs me a glass and pours a cup of orange juice and hands that to me as well. "Thanks dad!" Dahlia exclaimed. "You're most welcome milady" my dad says as he give me a bow. I roll my eyes at his theatrics. Tobias breaks the silence. I was so consumed with destroying my food. "I brought Harper to my home and we went through my mates things. She found everything she needed to enhance the protection spell of the Island. We even found a spell that makes it to where no one can be tracked" Tobias said. "Okay, what do you need us to do" Dahlia chokes out with a mouth full of food. Harper chuckles at my antics. "We simply need to go to the water mirror, complete a ritual and it will enhance the protection spell. Look at it is as an upgraded protection spell" Harper stated. "Very nice. Tobias have you made any progress with the council's witch, Amelia yet?" my father asked. Tobias is definitely seeping impatience at the question. "I wanted to get the water mirror and Island protection spells situated first, in case they come while I sneak away to Rome" Tobias said. "Thank you, for helping us with the water mirror" My father said. "Don't mention it, it's the least I could do" Tobias said. "I mean after all, I did bring destruction upon your pack, when we were all just being manipulated" Tobias said. "Yet, you don't need to help us but you've made it your priority" My father said. "Do you guys need a room?" Harper said poking fun at their moment. "Very funny Fae" Tobias said. My dad was laughing like a hyena. "Good one! I wasn't expecting you to say that!" my dad said chuckling. "Anyways, when are we to complete the water mirror?" Dahlia asked. "You two don't need to worry about it. I'll go to enhance it. Should only take about 10 minutes" Harper said. "I'd still like to see it" Dahlia said. "Well, it's your Island so of course you should come" Harper stated. I sat and finches my meal and so did my dad. Once I'm done I walk over to the kitchen sink. I rinse my plate off and put it in the dishwasher. I turn my attention to Tobias and Harper "All done and ready to go!" Dahlia announces. "Okay, let's go fortify the water mirror and Island protection spell" Dahlia stated. "I'll lead the way" my father states as we leave the kitchen and head for the the front door. We reach the front door and walked out and make our way to the water mirror. "Hey Dahlia, how are you feeling about all this?" Harper asked. "Well, everything has been fine so far. It's just that my wolf is so restless. I feel like I'm going to die sometimes with how much my wolf hurts" Dahlia said defeated. "That's what we call a mate imprint. Since your wolf was able to pick up the scent, that means that the connection needs to be sealed as soon as possible" My father said. "Yeah, I used to know a wolf that died because their mate died. The pair of the connection being severed ultimately killed them" Harper said. "Being fully bonded to your fated mate, completes the wolf's soul" Tobias says. "How is it that everyone knows more than I do about this?" Dahlia said. "You'd think some of this stuff would be known by instinct" Dahlia said frustrated. "All in good time. You have a class planned a week from today" my dad said. Dahlia thought about what they had said. does having a mate, affect me so much? Why do I even have to have a mate? Dahlia looked at Tobias. "Your fated mate died and you didn't die" Dahlia said gently. "I'm immortal, my mate is born over and over again until I meet my true death" Tobias said. "That sounds so heartbreaking" Dahlia said sadly. "It was very heartbreaking at first, but then I found out, that since I'm immortal, my mate is destined to be reborn. I never know the time frame. My last witch mate agreed to become a vampire, so we could live together forever. After what happened, I was upset that I was robbed of that. Leaving me blind to everything else. Her death consumed me" Tobias said with sadness in his eyes. A tear fell from Dahlia's eyes. Tobias is such a great guy and she can't believe that fate brought them together to avenge all the wrong That's casted them both into the dark. "Will that happen to me?" Dahlia said. Everyone stopped and looked at her. Dahlia was genuinely worried about it. "Worst case scenario, your mate rejects you. Best scenario is that you and your mate seal the bond" my dad said. "Rejected?" Dahlia said confused. "A mate can reject their fated mate for any reason, you will feel like you will die, as the destined bond by the moon goddess is voided" Harper said. "That sounds awful!" Dahlia said. "If a mate rejects you, what happens then?" Dahlia asked with curiosity. Tobias answered the question this time. "You can have a second chance mate. It's not as complete as a fated or destined mate but you will be happy" Said Tobias. "All of this sounds so ridiculous. I hate that I'm being forced to go through with this. I'd rather be mate less" Dahlia said with anger. My father laughed out loud at me. "My rebellious daughter, if you didn't catch your mates scent, I would find away to get you out of it but I'm afraid now that you have a general idea and caught the scent, you will suffer until your accepted or rejected" My father said with sympathy. As he said his words we reached the water mirror. "Looks like we're here" Harper announced. "Do you need our help?" Dahlia asked. "No, I don't need help, I just need to make sure everything is perfect. Why not go have some tea and I'll get to work" Harper suggested. "That's a great idea" my father said. Tobias and I nod in agreement and wall through the water mirror, and head for Ethel and Mary's tea house. I really love those ladies. If I had a grandma, she would be like both of them. I hope that they will be the ones teaching me about mating rules and traditions. We walk through the front door of the tea house "Oh my god! Our beautiful Luna is here!" Mary yells to Ethel who's in the back. "Oh my goodness!" You hear Ethel yell from the back storage room.

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