Chapter 8: Lord Blackwater
*** POV of Lord Blackwater, back in his pack territory ***
I waited and waited to her from Ethan at Ravenwood. It seems like it been taking a long time for him to get back at me. I hope everything is okay. I woke up and got out of bed this morning, not knowing if Ethan's letter would come or not. The anticipation is killing me. I need to know what the plan is. I walk down to the kitchen where I meet my three sons.
"Good morning dad" "Hey dad" Hi dad" my sons sound off and greet me. I need to sit them down and let them know the what's going on. I can't keep it a secret. If it's a secret they can't be prepared for anything that's to come.
"Hey boys, I have something I want to talk to you about" Lord Blackwater announces. "Oooo, sounds serious, who got in trouble?" Ian Blackwater stated. "I can tell you now, I am innocent" Maximus Blackwater said wiggling his eyebrows at his father. "Is it serious dad? The always serious William Blackwater exclaimed. "It has the potential to change our entire lives" Lord Blackwater stated. "Let me grab some coffee and some of that breakfast you're making and we can get into it" Lord Blackwater states as he shuffles over to the coffee pot still groggy. Lord Blackwater grabs his coffee and some scrambled eggs and toast. He walks over to the High top island to join his boys eating. He inhales his eggs and toast and takes a few sips of coffee. "Ah, that hit the spot" The lord exclaimed. Looking at his three sons that are staring at him in anticipation. "I have some news. I met with Ethan of Ravenwood. His heir is looking for a mate" Lord Blackwater said. "So, what does that have to do with us" Maximus asked unimpressed. "Ravenwood has a heir?" Ian asked. "The Blood Luna?" William said angry. "To answer all your questions, yes Ravenwood has an heir. Her name is Dahlia. I thought it was hoax, so I went and met the royal heir. The blood Luna, is what every wolf that doesn't know her, calls her because of her parents. She's actually completely harmless, unprovoked" Lord Blackwater stated. "A female you say" Maximus said wiggling his eyebrows at his dad. "Oh stop it, you're always a trouble maker" Lord exclaimed. "Get back to why it has to do with us" William stated coldly. "While I was there, I got to see first hand her power. She caught a scent of one of you and one of you is the mate of the royal heir" Lord Blackwater said. "A scent?" Ian asked confused. "Her power can't be measured. Dahlia, is the strongest wolf I've ever seen in my lifetime" Lord stated. "It gets complicated because Ravenwood has been investigating what caused their demise. Come to find out, Lord Ulrich, orchestrated the entire thing, that happened between her parents and the King Vampire" Lord Blackwater stated. Lord Blackwater, continued to fill his sons on what was happening. "Ethan, of Ravenwood is holding a suitors ball, in 7 months time. I've accepted the invitation before I knew, the royal Lunas mate came from Blackwater. We are keeping it a secret and other packs will be there as well. So far, we are keeping things under wraps, so the council doesn't come sneaking around" Lord Blackwater stated again. His sons must have been shell shocked. For once they didn't have anything to say and couldn't believe what their father was telling them. "You mean to tell me, that one of us is the fated mate of a Luna, that we didn't know existed and is investigating the council. Are you crazy!" Ian yelled at his father. Lord Blackwater gave his son a stern look. "I know, it sounds crazy but it's true. I'm waiting for Ethan's next letter as we speak. He has made it a priority to make sure we're safe as well" Lord Blackwater proclaimed. "Father, you can't be seriously thinking of putting our pack in this position" William stated. "William, that's exactly what I am doing. I'm still the Alpha of the pack and I trust that Ethan, will do his very best to keep us safe. He was a Blackwater too" Lord exclaimed. Lord Blackwater's son, don't seem to thrilled by his news. Being their father is the Alpha of the pack, they have to follow his orders. As Lord and his sons sit at the breakfast table, they can hear the calls of the Ravens. "Looks like mail is here" Ian said. Ian opens the window that leads into a kitchen and a giant Raven holding a letter flies and lands on the table. "Looks like it's from Ravenwood" Maximus said. Maximus, hands the letter to his father and Lord reads it a loud.
"Dear Lachlan,
We have uncovered new evidence. A witch with the initials, BD was behind the dark influencing magic, that caused the war. Lord Ulrich, plotted against Ravenwood and the King of Vampires, for lust and greed. Enclosed, are copies of the stolen letters by our spy. I hope your sons will come willingly to the suitors ball, ever since Dahlia's wolf caught the scent, she is going stir crazy and she is in a lot of pain, without her mate. The ball is still in 7 months time and like we discussed, the other packs will not know, so that way no suspicious arise within the council. Tobias, will contact the council's witch. Read the copies and you'll understand. We have enhanced our protection spells around the Island, so you shouldn't need worry about us. Dahlia's mating rituals, traditions and rule lessons start soon, she will be ready. Please have patience with her, she is still a virgin and hasn't had contact with any male. I know your sons have had their fun, please instruction them to have patience and be gentle when the time comes. She may not be my blood, but she's still my daughter and you know how I am. Stop crying, I don't have to be there to know how emotional you get.
Sincerely your old friend
Ethan Blackwater".
Lord's sons look at him as their dad is trying to hide his emotions. "Wow, he must know you really well. Didn't even have to look at you to see you getting all teary eyed" Maximus said mocking his dad. William, the oldest, slapped Maximus on the back of his head for their father. "Thank son" Blackwater exclaimed. "No need to thank me. I enjoyed it" Will said staring at his unruly youngest brother. "Not fair, that hurt" Maximus said. "I hope I'm not her mate, a virgin, talk about a lot of work. I like a woman with experience" Ian stated. "Woman being your hand" Willaim said coldly. "Haha, very funny" Ian said mocking his big brother. "I think it's respectable, that a young woman has kept herself pure, until marriage" William stated. "You would think that you suck up" the youngest brother Maximus stated sticking out his tongue. "Don't worry father, we will attend and we will be on our beat behavior" William said starting at his brother's. "Just wait until you see her. I've never seen a creature so beautiful, since your mother" Lord said.