The Demigod Guide *DRAFT*

Chapter 14: 14: TAMI

Tami again. I don't feel like talking about Rebecca and the twins right now, so I'm gonna talk about my demigod experience.

If I could describe it all in 2 words, they would be 'dangerous' and 'awesome'. You already know why, so don't even ask.

I sometimes wish I wasn't a demigod. Then I think about the fact that if I wasn't a demigod, I wouldn't have half of the friends that I have today.

I hope I get to spend the rest of my life here, with my family, friends. They're some of my favorite people, the people who have saved my life on multiple occasions.

You wanna hear a story?

Ok. You wanted to hear it.

It was Halloween and I was about 11, maybe 12. Was having fun until a ogre decided to poke his big head out because he smelled me, the demigod scent. I'd dealt with plenty like this, so he didn't scare me.

I slashed and jabbed until his stupid, pea-sized brain realized he wasn't gonna get his easy demigod meal, so I took my chance and stabbed him in the stomach. He disintegrated. It was fun to watch.

Gotta go. Rebecca needs her Tylonol.


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