The Demigod Guide *DRAFT*

Chapter 15: 15: JUNE

It's June again. They told me not to talk about Rebecca, so I'll just tell you about how I got here and how I found out I was a demigod.

I was hanging out with Mamma P. We were still in Oklahoma at that time.

"Someone's here to pick you up." She said, her voice trembling.

Then a girl, around my age, gave me 2 different pamphlets. One was for Camp Half-Blood, and the other was for Camp Jupiter.

"Why?" I asked, turning around to look at Mamma P.

"Why are you sending me away?"

There were tears in her eyes as she explained that I was like her, a demigod, but I'm a daughter of Athena, and she's a daughter of Aphrodite.

"I couldn't tell you any sooner." Mamma said, a single tear tracing down her face,"I was hoping that Athena would claim you as her daughter, but nooooo! She had to be complicated!" Thunder shook the house.

"Oh, now you wanna be defensive because your FLING is insulting you?! You deserve everything coming your way!"

"Mamma, are you ok?" I said as a tear streamed down my face as well.

"Yeah, J, I'm fine. Mamma A just… didn't want to care for you. You're gonna go with Gretchen, your protector. She'll take you to whichever camp you choose. I might just consider going with you." Mamma P said, though there was a crack in her voice. Like a liar.

"Ok," I said, "when do we leave?"

"There's someone else who wants to meet you." Gretchen said, looking down the hallway.

Standing in the hallway was a girl, only a bit older than me.

"Hey, June." The girl said, "I'm Piper Valdez, and we're here to take you to camp."

A little annoyed my question wasn't answered, I asked again, "When do we leave?"

"Now," Piper said, "go pack."

I had a smile on my face as I turned toward Mamma P.

"Come on, Mamma. Let's go pack."

"You didn't tell her?" Piper asked, looking to Mamma P.

"No, of course not." Mamma replied, "I don't wanna hurt her."

"Are you not coming with me? I asked, a crack in my voice.

"No, J, I'm not." She said in response, "I've been offered a role in a movie that will make us rich."

"So… you put money over your own daughter?" I asked with so much force even Gretchen, who was to my left, winced. "Can we leave in 10 minutes?"

"Yeah, just go pack." Piper said, "Meet you in the car?"

"Yeah…" I replied, "I guess you will."

That's about it. Gotta go.

Bye, reader.

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