The irregulars: the journey of the three sage inheritors

Chapter 16: Claude mastery over elements

The irregulars

Chapter 16

Facing the formidable opponent Triar, The battle was too one sided. The feeling of losing hope falls before Claude and princess Luna.

'' little brats, hurry up and die! ''said triar''

Blasting them with her dark cannon magic. for greater power and range, She used her complex spell ''storm blast'' which a combination of water and air magical spells.

''take my Spell ''Storm Blast!''

A little spherical storm was created in front of her, she waved her hand and aimed at Claude and Luna, she unleased the magic on her arms that the whole surrounding in front of her got caught up into the swirling storm which destroyed everything on the path.

''Behold, my powerful spell''

Claude and Luna were unable to dodge such massive attack, therefore they tried their best on putting up a defense and Guarding their selves from the damage.


Princess Luna uses her spiritual skill iron shield at the same time controlling the air and water by swirling them like a Barrier around them.

''keuk... This.... Bastard. ''said Luna with exhausted tone.

They barely blocked the Storm Blast that even made the ground shake a little, after a few moments the effects stopped henceforth she held down her defensive spells breathing heavily.

The whole surrounding were crushed including multiple buildings and maybe humans who's one the site.

''How dare you! Demon! ''said Luna

as they had time Claude henceforth made an action by manipulating light, he added mass into the light, to strengthen he also added fire.

It was a spiritual spell he made ''Sun ray'' it was small like a bullet, but being able to shoot long ranged attacks especially to the sky is very useful to flying enemies.

''what is that? A red light on his fingertips? it's weak though. ''trar thought''

Claude smirked as he aimed at her by pointing his fingertips directly as her and shoot the light speed Laser beam, hitting her shoulder. It penetrated through her body leaving burns and smoke to her right shoulder.

''wha-!..... what was that. A very fast long ranged attack, with the effects like burns, is it Fire? ''she thought''

trar were shocked by the attack however it also made her mad.

''idiots do you think such attack could kill me, within seconds the wound you gave me will be regenerated and fully healed. ''said triar.

''heh, I thought so '' Claude added.

He did not stop and started to shoot more of the Laser beams, however his eyes and hands were not fast enough to catch up to Triar speed so even with the Laser as an attack, it was only being dodged by triar thanks to her speed and agility to fly as a demon.

''these Red light beams were not that powerful by its very sharp and fast, thankfully he cannot follow my movements'' triar thought.

Therefore Claude stopped shooting lazers and started to manipulating Air, he created a a spherical shape of Air and inside it lies a flame, it was his new spiritual spell called'' blazing air bomb''. 

the spell moves in straight line, propelled by the air vortex, maintaining a stable flight path.

''what is it now?..... a fire... inside a cyclone? '' she thought full of curiosity.

learning from her past mistakes, she were warry and on guard, however the spell were not fast than the laser, the bomb were arriving to her without closing to her about five meters, it exploded with flaming impact and sir pressure.


''got you'' said claude grinning as he felt competent unlike before.

while watching Claude, princess Luna were amazed to his capabilities.

''spiritual arts is not that complex, unlike magical arts that has many elements to combine like combining with will power and imagination like water plus air equals ice and create it by its look feeling and texture. But spiritual arts focusses on knowledge about the manipulated element'' Luna thought.

Magical Arts: Focuses on precise imagination and the will to create. Practitioners combine and manipulate elements based on their mental constructs, which allows for powerful and varied effects, like combining water and air to form ice or fire and water to create steam.

Spiritual Arts: Focuses on knowledge of the elements and their intrinsic properties. Practitioners manipulate elements based on their deep understanding, controlling them precisely by their inherent nature, rather than combining them. For example, a spiritual practitioner might manipulate light by increasing its mass or sharpness, tapping into its true essence.

''to be simple magical arts focuses on precise imagination and will to create and combine. while spiritual arts focuses on Knowledge of the element and its properties to manipulate and modify precisely. '' Said Claude''

''i finally got it, this time i will not be weak. Gen and rein...i will catch up to you'' said claude .

The demon triar falls on rage by the surprise explosion. Even though the damage were not much.

Chanting her magic. However this time. It has magic circle made with magical energy rather than writings. The spell became more precise and stronger, on her hand combining air and fire element creating lightning element with darkness spell.

A dark electrical energy formed on her hand where the magic circle lies.

"Take this!. Dark Lightning!!

She fire her spell, a strong black lightning straight to Claude.

It struck to the ground and obliterated everything that it hits with such power.

It was unavoidable which Claude were about to get strucked. Therefore princess Luna took an action. Manipulating the earth using spiritual energy, she made a tremendous stone shield.


The dark Lightning blasting through the barrier with it's ferocious power. Thankfully while has time, Claude informed Luna.

''Princess Luna. Give me a minute, I'm preparing something''

She keeps holding out the ferocious dark Lightning feeling tired and pain, by using all of her spiritual energy from regenerating the stonde barrier which exhausted her spiritual energy and loses her strength.

While Claude was up to something By manipulating light, fire, and air

He gathers a sphere of energy combining fire and light within a swirling vortex of air it became a Golden orb with the sound of lightning and explosion.

''this should be able to hurt you much'' said Claude

He launched the attack with shining high speed with crackling sounds of thunder,

Upon mid contact with triar, the Golden spiritual sphere erups into a friery explosion and binding flashes, with it's second phase of explosion, lightning bolts discharges Creating a spherical lightning within 10 meters filled with explosions shockwave and huge impact that can destroy one's hearing that lated for 10 seconds.

''thats my ''Golden thunder bomb'' by manipulating Light and lightning with fire and explosion plus air and sound''

''that is my greatest move so far, for now'' said claude.

The demon Triar were inside the attack that became a sphere within 10 meters. Inside it she felts the binding light, explosions, flames, lightning, impact and shockwave.

''Graaaaaa Aaaaaaaa!!!

She screamed in pain as it lasted for 10 seconds. The effect of the attack were out her body were burned with massive wounds.

She started regenerating however, it would take about 10 minutes to fully recover.

She was Mad that without hesitation she will be using her strongest attack to destroy everything.

''d-damn You!!! F*UK!.

She flew higher into the sky and prepares her attack,

''this is the end for all of you!

With her Magic Circle She created a massive energy ball filled with dark magical energy, combining the air, water and fire she got '' Haze '' magic.

The Spell on her hand was like. Chaotic storm, not cycling but like multiple cyclone merged together defying the laws of nature which a storm should only make a circular movement, unlike this chaos.

''this is the end! ''said trior

'' Hazing Storm ''

The spherical Chaos of Cyclone hit the Ground which made everything float move and crash each other with it's powerful shockwaves, which lasted for 1 minute making all things turn into dust for about 60 meters.

The damage was tragic. Even princess Luna and Claude were Caught up with the Chaotic storm, the both used their Spiritual energy and passed out.

Seeing them in that state, Demon Triar laughed, she smirked wickedly.

''look at you, puny human, That was my most powerful magic''

''ahahahaha! I win.... Now time for you to Die brats! ''she said

Charging forward firstly into Claude with her hand filled with dark Magic. She is about to erage Claude's body into shadows.

''now boy..... Such pity of you... You even had a nice face... But you will die now, no one will save you.

However, Triar noticed something on Claude. His spiritual energy is becoming two, the other one was filled with holy power

''...what is this.... It's very an angel....

Claude's body shined a spirit came out beside him. It was beautiful and warming voice with golden eyes and hair white feathers wings.

It was the angel of fire Seraphyre.

''poor contractor. He was very skilled but he's lacking power and energy'' said Seraphyre.

''who are you?! ''Triar asked.

''demon, my name is not that valuable. As now you are about to die.

The demon triar flew away into the sky to prepare a new battle. However Seraphire was much faster that she is already on her back when triar made a distant space from Claude.

''how dar-!

Seraphire holds her sword as a lightbringer, she slashed triar chest with her sword.

It was a holy sword which the demons regeneration will not function for several minutes.

''y-you... How dare you!

Seraphire is about to slash her a second time, however Triar fleed. But she cannot scape Seraphire speed therefore got slashed again on her back.

''oh it's time...

However since Claude is still weak, Seraphire can only manifest herself for about 1 minute.

''i guess I will do it all'' said Seraphire

The demon triar shoots multiple dark lightning at her buying time and flying away, however Seraphire was able to dodge it all and slashed her again for multiple seconds. Cutting her left leg.

''i guess this will do....bye pitiful demon "Seraphire said

Seraphire vanished into light. However she noticed a magical energy rising on the castle.

It was Gen.

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