The irregulars: the journey of the three sage inheritors

Chapter 17: Gen's True Mana

The irregulars

Chapter 17

As triar noticed The rising magical energy on the Palace were from Gen.

She saw Gen attempting to Unseal the King Norza.

''hmp!. this humans Do you you think you can destroy my Spell.

She tried to kill Gen as Claude and Luna were already done and cannot move, therefore she will eliminate those who can stand.

Triar arrived from the sky, firing her magic spell dark cannon, she hits Gen.

Thankfully, Because of Gen magic, Shadow mend, he avoided the attack.

Since none of Gen attacks will work. His only choice is to create a spell that can Unseal king Norza.

''oy! demon bitch. Do you think I can't Unseal him?!

He said however with the thought to taunt and get the answer. She replied

''yeah bastard brat! My magic '' Seal of dark vortex '' is very hard for your little mana to break.

Hearing her answer made Gen think, seal of dark vortex... Based on the name it must has Dark and Air affinity.

However the demoness triar won't keep this time longer, therefore she attack Gen with a barrage of Spells.

Since Gen was badly damaged from the injury he took from demon kort he cannot move very well so his only choice is to use his spell and dive into shadows.

''hmmm. That magic... It was the magic of our companion Valdrago! How can you use it bastard!

Stating The name Valdrago the demon they sealed not long ago. He goes out from the shadows and said

''i tell you... But first. Let's negotiate.

Seeing him harmless, triar goes down from the sky.

''now. Tell! Or you be tortured.

''okay okay. ''said Gen

He came up with a story.

''Valdrago teaches me this magic.

''what! How. That damned Traitor!'' she said angrily

''no no no! W-We negotiated.


Gen was very nervous, on top of that he lied and have to come up with the rest of the story to buy time.

''Valdrago and I became allie-

''lie'' she said

''uhh.... You see.... I can also use dark magic.... Since I have a Spell that fascinated him, he wanted to learn it..... In Exchange he will teach me one of his spell.

''another lie'' She said ''Valdrago is not interested in spells, his a fighter not a scholar.

''since you lied. You shall die!

''oh sh!t that's why I don't want to lie...this situation is hopeless. ''said Gen

Triar flew away in the sky preparing a massive attack.

''Dark lightning! ''she chanted

The lightning were too fast for Gen to fully merge from the shadows, therefore he got hit by the Huge dark lightning.

He took the damage and got knocked out. When unconscious he felt the magical energy inside him and the energy from the attack, there was a difference.

Unconsciously his mana inside on him that lies dormant began to awaken. It was his Skill '' Mana cultivation '' where his mana grows time to time, without realizing it. The mana that was growing on his body were just sleeping but from the collision of magical energy it awakens. His true Mana

While the sage of magical arts were watching. He was surprised.

''i see. From the beginning Gen already had Magical energy when he was on earth. Then That means the ability I gave him Mana Cultivation made it stronger instead of the Magical energy that i gave him when he was summoned.

''interesting. To think he has his own Mana. And my gift that I gave just made it Grow instead of my mana I gave him.

Since Triar has more experience on Magic she noticed something on Gen.

''his mana... It's not the same as before... Before was like an energy from another person it almost doesn't fit to his body... But now his energy became his very own mirror of himself.

The Green energy emitting from Gen began to change color to something like black and white it was monochrome.

''...huh.. my Magical energy is back... It's not Green?!

He woke up feeling okay as his mana was recovered.

''however it's kinda weaker than the green one. I don't know what tricks did you do but your dead! '' said triar

As she said The Greenish mana That Gaius Gave to him was much stronger than his original mana. However the fact that Gen has two Magical Energy is concerning.

Triar launched many attack spells at Gen. Thankfully his mana has extended he merged into the shadows again. With the dire situation.

there's nothing he can do but create another magic that would help him with triar disastrous power even if it would make him a mindless monster.

With his mana remaining Magical energy from Gaius and his new original Mana. He could make more powerful spell.

Inside the shadows he thought of a spell. A dark vortex he imagined something that can destroy it.

''im out of ideas! '' said Gen desperately

Looking at his Mana blade he found an idea.

Imagining his Mana blade imbued with light magic. Deeply focused and desperate he instead of creating new magic he infused more mana to the blade.

The mana blade became sharper as the light particles or protons grew larger. The sword became brighter.

''maybe this.

From the shadows he easly gone his way to the sealed king and stabbed it's barrier, however it only made a small damage.

Trior magic were more superior.

"Ahahahaha! What was that brat. That was funny.

"Damn it's embarrassing! '' he thought

Instead he enforced more magical energy to the sword depleting his mana to 10%, and stabbed the barrier harder.

And finally the sword pierced through.

However the king was unconscious. Because of the dark magic on the barrier that made him lose his consciousness to make the king unable to try escaping the seal.

Finally Gen was mentally tired from all the mana he used.

Therefore triar took the chance to attack

''whatever '' dark lightning! ''

The dark lightning struck to them.

However The dragon slayer the king. Norza de mistia woke up. And used his magic spell '' Pyro weapons '' creating a great sword made with fire to defend through the dark lightning.

Their magical attacks collided and created a wave of magical energy around palace room.

''Rest Gen. Let me take care of this as the king of the nation.

Gen who was one step of being unconscious saw the King defending him from the dark lightning.

King Norza Voided the dark lightning by his Magical weapon. And he observed .

Seeing his kingdom and Castle got ruined and many of his people died on top of that his daughter Runa was nowhere to see it did made him Mad therefore he will be using his full power.

''Demon! Prepare yourself! I king Norza shall behead you with my blazing blade!

''Hah! You should braise yourself. Cause I will turn this kingdom into ashes!

King Norza Created a Golem To protect and take away Gen from the battlefield.

Triar Gathered her magical and Spiritual energy for the most powerful attack that could even damage her.

Her Magic affinities combined again turning into haze and with her Spiritual Arts she is able to Manipulate the elements to add to his Hazing Storm Spell, making it double the power and effect.

''the while sky were filled with crashing Tornadoes and blizzards with many objects levitating and explosion of shockwaves.

''how is it Norza! This is my full power! Now turn into dust!

King Norza however Also prepares to Defend and possibly to counter attack.

''save your delusions when it's over!

He Created his Pyro Shield and Stone armor spells to support his needs. By reinforcing Half of his Magical energy into these spells. He was sturdier than metal.

''Take this! ''said Triar

The Gigantic Hazing Storm was falling from the sky. It's rage was about 120 meters erasing everything on its range.

''ahahaha! Taste my Might! ''said trior

The Half of the palace turned into dust. However. King Norza remained Standing with some little wounds.

''as expected to a B-ranked Demon. To be able to do such Calamity. However your overstating yourself just because your a Demon. ''King Roza stated

''huh? What are you saying.... How can you still stand up?

She was shocked seeing king Norza alive with a little wounds, however most of her magical and Spiritual energy is depleted from using too many powerful attacks.

''your wrong about something'' said king Norza

''what do you mean?!

''im not some mere human... I slayed not just some dragon... And earned the title from little skills and strength.

Hearing this made Trior felt the fear as she remembers her mysterious leader was warning her about King Norza.

''i slayed a lot of demon. I killed a Greater Dragon of Earth. And transcended from being a human to another level.

His Flaming Sword became even hotter he chanted his Magic. '' plasma '' combining the element Fire, earth, and air. A magic circle appeared on front of him Creating the combination of fire, earth and air element. The plasma

''Take this! Plasma spear !!!

''what is that Magic.... It's strong.

Trior tries to escape however the attack catched up and pierced her. It was just a Gass however it was enough to burn her skin and body to impale her, restricting her regeneration.


She felt the Heat from the Gasses on her Chest burning her.

Without wasting time, King Norza came to the sky from the ground. Thanks to his air magic levitation.

Charging with his Blazing Sword from the ground he was like a meteorite heading to Trior.

''No- Stop.... ''said trior

Within seconds He slashed Trior. Splitting her in half, and got engulfed with fire.

Thankfully she is a demon she cannot die yet, and that is also the reason for the worst.

''where is my Daughter?! Demon!

''*cough *cough..... Aha..haha... Y-your daughter? She will be serving my mistress. And she is an S-rank one bastard.

With the little time remaining until Trior death, The king did any means to get the answer.

''looks like there's a demon village outside the castle walls ''said Norza

After trior Death. Runa was on another demon hands and Took her off as their leader wished to.

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