Chapter 18: preparation as a father of a cursed child
The irregulars
Chapter 18
The kingdom was badly damaged and devastated, some people are wounded and some died. And finally the dawn has come.
''Bull sh!t!. ''said Norza
Feeling in rage however as the King he must remain his compulsion. He Searched for the survivors carrying Gen with his Golem.
After a day. They held a meeting into the palace where great people are present.
''my companions, I king Norza seek your help, for being an incompetent king I give my sincere apologies'' King Norza Stated.
''its okay Norza, to be exact I should the one to say sorry as I was away when my friend is in danger.'' said The great Mage of light
''yes your majesty, we the Church should be able to take actions, yet we failed.'' said the archbishop.
''your majesty, I feel ashamed of myself for being absent despite the title of Head of the knights.'' said the Head of knights.
The trio Gen, Rein, and Claude was also present, feeling the pressure of what might happen.
''however your majesty. Who is these three?
The mage of light asked.
''they are our proud warriors who fought with me.
Hearing the King statement made the Great people interested and thankful, however some people did not believe. Except for those who saw their performance in the king's trial before. *Referring to chapter 8*
''hmmm. Thank you for assisting the king young ones, you may call me Lucian Del luminar.'' said Great white mage.
Greeting them with with thanks and interest, they responded.
''well.. were just on the site so.'' said Claude.
They felt a mix of pride with embarrassment from the looks of their eyes on them.
''now. The main topic why I called you all to this place is about my Daughter Runa de mistia.
''i heard she came back home? '' said Lucian.
''yeah thanks to these three, however she was kidnapped by the demons last night.
''i see, so we are gonna rescue her. ''said Head of the Knights.
''however they say your daughter has Dark magic?.'' said archbishop.
''what are you saying. I will be a failure of a father if I leave my daughter alone for a minute issue.'' said Norza.
Norza felt anger towards the words that the archbishop said as it's the reason why his daughter runaway before.
''if your not gonna help archbishop Cero then Help the residents.'' said Head of knights to prevent this fight for pride of church.
''I will, that will be a better idea Knight captain Zex since all of you will be preoccupied, I will tend the wounded '' said archbishop Cero.
The weight of the atmosphere around them were heavy as Gen and Rein wanted to escape, except Claude who was a lone achiever on earth.
''now, the first things is we don't know where is their location is, therefore it may take some time to search.'' said Lucian.
''then it will be it, the church is able to detect huge dark energy so it will be our contribution.'' said Cero.
''thanks a lot.'' said Norza.
After a few Hours of talking for Preparation they finally came to the conclusion.
First the Church will use their devine power to detect the location while the head captain will prepare a lot of elite knights and the Great mage of light will take part to the battlefield with his few selected apprentice.
In a proper room of the palace the trio made their own small meeting of the recent events and the future.
''just when we finished our mission to find her and win the royal favor, then this accident happened.'' Claude muttered
''what can we do about it. We will partake this operation, are you in? ''Said Rein.
''therse nothing we can use to escape and we need their favor so yeah."said Claude.
"How about you Gen?
''well. Yeah I do..."said Gen. ''afterall I said close to her that I will be her dark night until she's okay, I must take responsibility to those words."Gen thought, feeling anxious.
''oh right! Rein! How about the demon you fought, the one whose holding a Great sword, did you defeat it? ''claude questioned.
''.... Yeah.... Or I say I killed it. ''said Rein''.
''ehh! You did! ''Gen was surprised.
"...p-prince Roza was unconscious and Claris was about to ''said Rein worried for their reaction.
''dont get it to you idiot, Demons die only physically, their soul will go back to the neither world. ''Claude stated''.
''Eh....ehh....ehhhh.... I thought I became a killer. "Said Rein with relief.
"Are you silly, your talking about a demon.... Right our very mission is to unite the demons and humans. "Said Claude as he put his palm on his face as he remembered their main mission.
"Wait. First thing. How did you Killed it Rein? "Gen asked filled with curiosity on his eyes.
''if I'm right his name was kort. He was a tough one. When I got knocked out I heard the sage of Life arts Said something about gift to me, it was a Black sheep with the remnants of his life energy when he was a mortal. And I stabbed it and my ability ''life force occupation'' activated and gained all that energy and power. ''Rein informed
''wh- That's Crazy! ''said Gen in awe.
"So basically, you have two life energy now. "Said Claude.
''yes, and also I got the materialization skill when I absorbed it, and i was able to create a sword made of my life energy that helped me defeat Kort. ''said Rein.
How about you Claude? That demon girl, what happened? ''rein asked.
''Triar huh. I don't know, I passed out. But there is only one thing I can say, and that is she was very powerful, like a walking storm. Especially her Haze magic, a storm that rejects common sense and physics "Claude stated.
".....well... Actually. Me and King Norza killed Her... ''said Gen with awe of Norza's power.
''i see...Well that is good enough. ''Claude nodded.
A moment later the royal family came to their room.
''Gen, Rein, and Claude. Thank you for your support. Without you three the demons would succeed and the life of my people especially my family will end. ''said Queen
''No your majesty, we only did that because it was the best course of action.'' said Rein
'' stop being polite Rein, if you were not there I would died. ''said prince Roza''. by the way Claris was here looking for you.
'' Prince Roza was right Claude. Thank you for saving me. ''Said Claris as she held Rein's Hand and then she blushed.
''Claude thank you for your help. '' princess Luna bowed.
''...think of it as repayment for teaching me spiritual arts princess Runa. ''said Claude who felt Good.
''Gen I deeply give you my thanks as you risked your life for my Husband. I heard that you used most of you magical energy just to crack the seal around him. I sincerely appreciate your help. ''said Queen as she held Gen's Hand.
''i give you three the authority to call me by my name ''Luria de mistia'' as the queen of this nation to back you up. ''said Queen Luria
The embarrassment took over Gen henceforth he got very nervous and unable to speak.
With honesty feelings Because the queen is also a normal mother who wishes for her daughter safety.
''And may I ask for this favor once again. Please save my daughter Runa''
The queen plead them with her worried eyes and Shakey voice.
''yeah I promise your majesty. ''Gen promised.
''we will surely save her. "Said Rein.
''yes, we do. "Said Claude.
"Thank you young ones. I made some cookies and tea here, eat up. She smiled brightly.
She called the maids to serve. They talked a lot, about their enemies their battle their stories of the experience they got from such an enemy.
The next day came with the news of the location of the demons from the church. They started to prepare for the battle.
The trio looked to the outskirts where thousands knights and hundred mage lined with the King, great mage and head captain of knights leading them.
Somewhere in the middle of the forest.
''who are you? ''Runa asked tied on a moving branches.
'' I'm your abductor.
a demon with dark eyes and green pupils with a single horn on the right side of her forehead and a Black Hair, sitting on a branch of a tree.
''what do you want from me? Runa asked.
"What... Your not scared...
''well I thought of this before, to be took by a demon because of my ability, so what do you want? ''Runa asked
''your power. It is strong and powerful, we need it. '' said demoness.
Hearing this made Runa Remember Gen as He said Her power is Beautiful and Strong which made her feel happy.
''i heard that from a proclaimed dark knight. Though he said it's beautiful, such praise is not right for me"
she said however deep inside her, she seeks Gen, unlike before she was feeling that she is not alone anymore as Gen said he will be with her untill she don't need him anymore.
Hearing this made the demoness interested about Gen and asked.
"Since we have time and we need to get along well you know, care to tell me?
"He is just a boy who gave me what I needed. "Runa said as she blushes a little with her bashful cold face.
"Ohhh. I think our little princess is in love... Tsk tsk tsk. Then do you also want me to take that person as my servant?.
Runa falls silent full of thought for what might happen.
''why fall silent little princess? ''the demoness asked.
"It's nothing, ''she responded with worries.
Suddenly a hundred of Demons came and reported their sightings to the kingdom attack.
'' miss sylvara. The kingdom is making their move"
"Good, let's proceed to our plan. "The demoness Sylvara declared.
"Yes! "The horde of demons responded
"We will take the human kingdom and raise the human ourselves and turn them into our servant and live. " Sylvara thought.