Chapter 4: more information and a weird information?
The irrigulars
Chapter 4
''now it's time to face the knights again ''said Rein''
•the status window•
•Gen nullspire -
•Gender: male •Age: 15
•Race: other worlder human
•Specialty: Magical arts
•Magical affinity: light,dark
•Occupation: sword mage
•Title: the inheritor of Gaius the magical Sage
•Abilities: *mana cultivation(the ability to cultivate your own mana), *swordmaster(the ability to use sword easily), *status appraisal(the ability to see other people's information), *pocket storage(the ability to store things-things stored(3/10).
•Magical skills:- *shadow bind(binds the enemy with shadow),
•Claude aetherlight -
•Gender: male •Age:15
•Race:other worlder human
•Specialty: spiritual arts
•Spiritual affinity: light , air , fire
Occupation: summoner
•Title: the inheritor of Aries the Spiritual Sage
•Abilities: *self mental dominance( the ability to fully dominate your mind and mentality), *status appraisal (the ability to see other people's information), *pocket storage(the ability to store things-things stored(3/10).
•Spiritual skills: *summoning(summons the spirits that made a contract with the caster) , *sorcery(use your spiritual energy to cast spells), *spirit fusion(fuse the spirit on your body and use its powers it might affect your mind),
•Rein nightviel -
•Gender: male •Age:15
•Race: other worlder human
•Specialty: Life force arts
•Life art's affinity: enhancement
•Occupation: warrior
•Title: the inheritor of Zeno the life force arts Sage
•Abilities: *life force occupation(the ability to occupy and take the life force of the target you killed-total occupied(1/5), *status appraisal(the ability to see other peoples information), *pocket storage(the ability to store things-things stored(3/10)
•Life arts skills: *force blast(to concentrate your life energy to make it shoot), *body enhancement(to concentrate your life energy to your whole body to become stronger)
"ohh our status window really updated and has details now ''said Gen''
"I also wished for weapons and items so I want to try it after this situation ends ''Rein added''
"okay now let's look at the items in our pocket storage ''Claude confirmed''
Gen and Rein were excited and fascinated by their new abilities, Claude, however was more interested on the items and the pocket storage.
They took all the things they have on the pocket storage. each of them has three items.
"Hmm. this seems very useful ''said claude''
Claude's items: (1)book of sorcery(there are five spiritual spells), (2) robe of spirits(can make you pass through things three times a day), (3) necklace of truth(it's able to detect lies and truth)
"Ohhh this is awesome ''said Gen''
Gen's items: (1) mana blade(your affinity affects the sword), (2)mana bank jacket(it saves your mana), (3)ring of double cast(it can make you cast two times on the same time)
"yes this is incredible ''Said Rein''
Rein's items: (1)cleaver(a sword that can break hard armies), (2) coat of vitality(its very hard and immune to regular swords), (3) bracelet of regeneration(regenerates your health overtime)
As they were amazed and mesmerized by the items they must be cautious about their surroundings. Therefore Claude suggested to conceal it.
"anyway let's hide this for now because it will raise their suspicion.
"right ''Gen agreed''
"so let's go to the knights and gather information about heroes and demon lords ''Rein suggested''
As Rein suggested a plan Claude disagreed for being wary to his surroundings.
" idiot it will make them more suspicious of us. Let's just take our time to fulfil our mission to unite the demons and humans. For now let's try to avoid that vice captain Girl.
"you mean claris. Well I get it.
Therefore Rein agreed
As the three of them have gone outside of the tent the captain of the knights are waiting. They were shocked seeing that the captain is waiting for them to go outside of the tent. As the captain came closer to them they felt menacing aura from the captain.
The captain stares at Gen with a menacing aura that made Gen fall silent as an introvert. Therefore Rein asked the captain with his innocent face.
"why are you waiting for us captain
" hmmm.....
the three of them used their skill "status appraisal" on the captain and they see it's status
•captain status•
Name: Galand briks
Gender:male age:43
Race: human
•Occupation: knight captain, Great swordmaster
•title: the commoner who became the great captain of the knights
•abilities: Great swordmaster(the ability to use Great swords). Captainship(the ability to lead the troops). Commandership(the ability to command accurately the troops)
The trio is thinking whether to trust the captain or not however the captain seems more safer than the vice captain for them because the captain is a commoner.
Henceforth Claude made an excuse .
"we're just wanna get some air.
" and.
The captain asked more therefore Gen answered.
" were just wanna see the sky...
" and.
Gen's answer was ridiculous, However the captain asked more it's like his expecting something
"were also hungry.
" that all?
"and here I thought that you three wanna meet claris the vice captain.
"were not Plus were not worth of her time were just commoners ''Claude stated''
Claude made an excuse by saying his status as commoner however. The captain who is a commoner that rised and became the captain of the knights persuaded Claude to have a confidence.
"I get it however don't look down on your self, Follow me.
Henceforth the captain escorted them to the eating site they talked a bit about why are the three of them are here and their reasons.
" uhh so you three takes the quest that woman gave you because you all wanted to explore this ruined that it.
As the Captain asked with suspicion and curiosity. Claude answered however he also wanted to ask the captain about the abandoned village.
yes and so we wanna know what is the reason it became like this.
" ...okay I tell you some details. This was a nice village before and the lord is a noble. See that mansion over there that was the house of the missing Noble.
"When the lord of this village went missing for weeks the Kobolds began to appear until there's a lot of them that ruined the village. We are observing about where we're the Kobolds came from however we were still stuck for years.
"so we began to have a conclusion that this was the evil doings of demons. They might found something on this village that attracts them
" a demon? ''Gen asked''
" yes so we knights are still observing because if it's a demon doing then we need more backup and power. The demons are powerful afterall even low ranked ones can destroy an entire village.
As the Captain mentioned about the rankings of demons it pique Claude interest
" Ranked demons?
"yeah the demons had ranks about nine the (F-class)-(E-class)-(D-class)-(C-class)-------( B-class)-(A-class) those are the normal rankings of demons and the rest is (S-class)-(SS-class)-(SSS-class) these three class are calamities specially the SSS-class the current demon lord of wrath that is a demon king himself is SSS-class it even killed a hundred or thousands of heroes.
After hearing this Gen became curious at how powerful is the demon really is, therefore he asked.
"so how powerful really is an S-class demon
" hmmm it's too powerful that is can threaten the whole kingdom and destroy cities in an hour.
"oh ... That is powerful ''said Gen''
After hearing this the three got reminded on how difficult their mission is. After knowing some information about demons, Rein asked the captain about the heroes.
"do you know anything about heroes?
"heroes huh are you interested.
"the heroes are born with the blessings of God's each seven heroes are unique and very strong.
"there is a one hero on the neighbouring kingdom the "danis" kingdom. What I heard is that hero is very powerful that it can kill hundreds of demons a day. That hero is super famous by it's power.
"what's the name of the hero? ''Claude asked''
" they say the name is Alexia
" Alexia? Is the hero is a girl? ''Gen asked''
" yes she is. They said that Alexia is too beautiful that it can even charms the kings.
As the four of them keeps talking about the heroes a few minutes had passed and they finally arrived at the eating site
" oh we're here. Anyway I have matters to do so bye.
"ehhh leaving us already ''Said Rein''
"anyway let's eat I'm hungry ''claude commented''
However Gen wanted to talk more about the heroes and demon lords however they are really hungry therefore they agreed and started to eat.
"yes it's better to eat to sustain our body and mind ''Said Claude''
"yes we haven't eaten yet yesterday.
I forgot due to all that happenings. ''Gen added''
As the three of them lined with the knights to get the food and find a seat for them to eat.
After a few moments As they started to eat on the chosen table made of woods and planks a person arrives and says "hey!"
The three of them looks and got shocked as they saw the vice captain Claris.
After they confirmed that Claris was talking with them The three of them keeps eating silently ignoring claris and wishing not to come closer.
"hey *comes closer* why are you ignoring me? That's bad manners.
As claris is in front of them they cannot pretend to avoid therefore Claude made an excuse.
".. because we're eating and very hungry plus we're not worth your time were just commoners, aren't you busy as the vice captain?
"that doesn't mean I shouldn't talk to you ''Said Claris''
"okay okay
"Good. Now where did you three came from? Why did you go to the ruined village? Your age? Are you three brothers? Whose your parents? Your clothes is strange are you three are from another country?
As Claris asked them due to curiosity she asked too many questions in a second.
"that's too many questions. We only answer three of them ''Claude stated''
"... okay sorry.
"don't mind it were just mentally tired to answer it all... ''Rein Commented''
"okay... Your name is Rein right may I ask you the first question.
" huh...okay...
"wheres your hometown? Based on your clothes are you from a foreign country.
"yeah we're from foreign country
'' *to be exact foreign world ''they thought''
"okay so which country are you from?
As Rein is out of ideas to answer claris questions, Claude answered Claris question and saved Rein.
"we lived on a small village far from the kingdoms and cities however our village is destroyed due to monsters so now we're traveling. We're the only survivors.
"ohh.... sorry I asked a sensitive question
"it's fine we're already done that matter
"okay then I ask the next question. What's your age and are you brothers?
" that's two questions at once ''said claude''
"right... ''Claris felt sorry''
"were 15 and we're not brother ''said Claude''
" 15 then You just turned into an adult!
" huh..... adult? ''Rein Asked''
" yes when a person reaches the age of 15 they are adults right.
The three of them found a weird they were dumbfounded about the information about the age from this world
''that's weird ''they thought''