The irregulars: the journey of the three sage inheritors

Chapter 5: claris love at first sight and negotiation failed

The Irregulars

Chapter 5

''oh right I forgot something

the trio made an impression of curiosity to claris

'' I got to go and train the knights for daily. So bye

''bye ''said Rein''

''oh we forgot to check her status


The three: status appraisal activate

•Claris Von Aquarian• status•

•Gender: Female. •age: 16

•Race: human

•Specialty: life force arts

•life arts affinity: materialization

•occupation: vice captain Knight : Great sword wielder

•title: Noble of Aquarian lineage

•abilities: captainship(the ability to lead the troops) Great sword slashes(the ability to use Great sword and slash heavily)

• life arts skills:-

''ohh she has life force arts like me however her affinity is materialization, ''Said Rein''

rein got interested as they both had the same specialty which made him feel kinship to her.

'' however she doesn't have any skills yet. ''said Gen''

''her age is 16! ''said Rein''

'' anyway for now let's avoid nobles ''claude suggested''

'' why she's nice though ''Rein asked''

even thought rein finds claris as a trustful companion, however claude is still wary of her.

''I get the feeling that she will keep asking questions ''said claude''


as rein and claude were talking gen mention the captain which made the conversation go on.

''okay so how about the Captain Galand...''Gen added''

''let's trust him for now I get more comfortable on him than claris '' Claude responded''

''... aren't your just being harsh to judge claris '' Said Rein''

''....I'm not: it's just we might get in trouble if a Nobile will know something about us like we're from another world and our mission given by the sage you know.

claude explained to rein that he is just wary of her because the potential negative effect that claris might bring them if claris is not a trustful companion.

''...*sigh. Okay okay I get it

rein silently agreed as he cannot win against claude to the debate henceforth rein felt a little bit annoyed,

in the light of the predicament Gen suggested to eat to make the atmosphere between them lighter.

''we'll let's eat we forgot it due to all that talking.

'' AHH! your right ''rein responded''

The three of them ate the food and drinks the water silently and awkwardly.

''now what?~ ''Gen commented''

''let's gather more information about this world such as the origin of the three abilities and the world, about nobles if we can trust them because based on my opinion they are quite greedy and cannot be trusted. And more other stuff ''Claude explained''

''okay let's Go

As the three of them walks they asked to the knights about stuffs. The knights hears a shout from the scouting team on the abandoned village shouts and screams. Even though it's far away but they heard the scream of the knights and their clashing swords sounds.


*Clang! cling! cling!

As one of the knights arrive from that area who is out of breath as he stated and reported.

''somebody call the commander there's an E-rank demon!! Tell the captain!!

the knights rushed to find the captain while trio are getting desperate to the situation.

''what should we do! Let's help them ''Rein asked''

'' our enemy is a demon right, the captain said that an F-rank demon can destroy a village you know. Let's just wait for back-up ''Claude suggested''

''But the knights is gonna die holding it! ''Rein stated''

'' yes we are even blessed by the sage and got good equipment's and we're not gonna use it for this situation ''claude answered''

'' if we use it they will be suspicious of us we don't even know what's gonna happen to us if they know, plus we don't know if we can win against that thing, ''claude stated''

rein desperately suggested to save the knights however claude does not agree which made Rein angry,

suddenly They heard a loud bang on the abandoned village the sound of an explosion.

'' what the hell is that? ''Rein asked''

'' is it an ability of a demon? ''Gen asked''

'' anyway it's way too dangerous didn't you see that it explodes like a granade ''said Claide''

''let's go! ''Rein insisted''

''what! Didn't you heard what I said!

as rein and claude are still arguing on the moment gen made them stop by saying

''but this might be our chance to negotiate to a demon. Our mission is to unite the demons and humans for the calamity after all

'' Gen is right Claude

''..... ugh damn it FINE!!! Both of you are persistent ''Claude declared''

the three of them rushes to the site they finally arrived and saw about 20 knights getting wipe out by one demon

''the entire platoon got wiped out!? ''said Rein'':

''the demon is too strong ''Gen noted''

''now what were already here ''Claude confirmed''

rein and gen felt the pressure that made them stop moving for a moment out of the explosive power of their enemy, while claude complains, the demon noticed them and tried to cast explosion magic towards them.

'' watch out let's run

rein warned as The demon successfully casted it's magic spell "explode" and on the front of the thrio appears an magical energy that suddenly explodes* and the three of them got knocked up.


'' urg!

''damn it, are you idiot rein! ''Claude stated''

''rein you took the explosion head on ''Gen inquired''

The captain and the vice captain of the knights finally arrived on the scene seeing the entire platoon got wiped out which made them know the demon's power.

'' men's surround the demon and don't stick together ''the captain declared''

'' my unit's take the injured to the camp immediately for treatment ''claris commanded''

Gen and the others felt relief after seeing the captain and vice captain arrives with their fleet

''they finally arrived Rein,Claude

Rein opens his pocket storage ability and take the item "bracelet of regeneration and coat of vitality" and equipped the items

''I'm okay let me regenerates with the bracelet of regeneration

Rein is recovering with the effect of his bracelet of regeneration, he felt warm, however claude got angry at rein because rein used his body as a shield for them

''sigh you shouldn't use your body as a shield for us, do you want to die idiot,

''the effects of the items are good I feel okay already ''Rein commented''

''then let's take our weapons to prepare for battle

gen have gathered his confidence and successfully forgotten about their mission about negotiating.

''you mean negotiation? ''Claude asked''


the three of them are preparing while the knights and The captain faces the demon head on, they clashed using his great sword and the demons claws.

The captain strikes the demon with it's sword however the demon deflected if using it's hands henceforth the captain gives more swords strikes and slashes until he hit the demon on its shoulder.

The demon got mad and use its spiritual skill called *dark fist* that can inflict more damage. The demon punched the captain on its stomach and face. The captain got knocked and pushed away by it's strength poorly like a kid.

'' *huff *huff ....this damn demon.

'' captain!..... Damn you demon! How dare you! ''said claris''

Claris charges forward to the demon using it's great sword and heavy slashes with rage.

'' take this demon haaaaa!!! *Slash*

however The demon demon blocked the sword by it's hand but his hand got damaged by the heavy slash.

The demon kicked claris sending claris to a distant and cannot move,

'' damn you woman you shall pay with your blood!

The demon used his magic again the explode eliminating the troops behind him


the explosion killed most of the knights on the scene which made the captain fall in rage.

'' you demon! *slash

however the demon successfully blocked the captains attack and made a counter punch, therefore the captain used his last strength for the last slash.

'' argh! Haaaaa!


'' tsk stay low bastard



The captain has fainted due to the dark punches and damages that he took from the demon.

The remaining knights shoots the arrows and charged forward which made the scene full of sounds of arrows shooting and army warcry and sound of swords.

''how dare you demon for knocking out our captain! You will end now

''damn these bastard's do you all want to die early huh! Then die!!!

The demon charged forward to the knights eliminating the archers first on the back.

the sound of the scream of death from the knights were loud 

The demon used it's magic again to take down the remaining knights with it's explosive power. "boom" until most of the knights have fallen.

''puny Humans

However claris already prepared to charge another attack to the demon because of the knights to buy her time even if they will die claris is really angry.

'' haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

*Jump haaaa!!! *slash

''this dammed girl 

The demon blocked claris charging attack and heavy slash by using both of its arms. The demon kicked claris again at the stomach making claris lose breath and strength .

''ugh *cough *cough 

'' die! Explode!!!

As the demon used its magic to claris the mana reaction appears on front of claris and about to explode. However as soon as the spell explodes Rein came to defend claris from it.

Holding his big sword called "Cleaver" to use as a shield and wearing it's coat of vitality and bracelet of regeneration to take the damage and impact head on

''you bastard!!!


'' Rein?!

Claris became worried to Rein because he took the explosion by himself to protect her she cannot see Rein due to the smoke of the explosion until the smokes fade away.

'' it's okay claris 

Hearing Rein words and voice made her feel safe and warm like relaxing and relieved "she doesn't know why even though Rein is a stranger.

However as she sees Rein sacrifices himself for her protection and sees Rein face. she began to fall in love to Rein she doesn't know why but she feels safety.

And so she falls unconscious due to all that fighting and damage she taken.

''stay there claris let us handle this

rein made sure to make claris feel safety a, which on the moment claude pushed gen to communicate *a bad move*

''let's do it now. All the knights are down. Gen be sure to communicate to the demon ''said Claude''


"damn it's scary that i forgot that I'm just an shut-in introvert you know don't like socializing "Gen thought''

''umm... Sir! We would like to talk this out

''huh!? Talk what?

''... we would like to become your ally's

'' huh bwahahaha! do I look like an idiot to fall for a human cheap trick

''no we just wanted to unite with demons and make the humans trust demons as companions

''...your objective is clearly impossible. Human and demons are killing each other for billions of years as if some mere words can change that brat

'' *he doesn't trust us and won't listen to us this is dangerous* then can you let's this situation go and leave us alone with the knights

'' as if I would. Idiot humans. Why would I spare your lives and flee without gaining nothing

''then let's have a contract


''you will go away and we will be your allies. Us three and all the knights

''ohoo why would I want you three to be my allies? Your weak very weak plus I don't want the other demons to think of me as a traitor so, since I'm in a hurry I end your life very fast I have to find something on this place

The negotiation that Gen made failed therefore they have nothing left to do but fight.

''*damn it we failed to negotiate*

'' Claude? Should we? ''Gen asked''

''there's nothing we can do but defend our lives

''we take you demon! ''Rein stated''

'' ohhh having the spirit now to fight because the negotiation didn't go right hahahaha then let's fight morons!!!

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