The Mistress' Revenge

Chapter 14: Chapter Four, Part Two: Strings all the way!

"Now, sir, if you'll excuse me," I said, waiting for him to budge from the entrance but he doesn't.

"Is this what pretty girls like you do to get good grades?" He laughs, and I want to punch him. I count the odds against the idea. Mark would be pissed. Besides they seemed familiar. Also, I didn't want to get in any trouble.

"I am going to tell you once again. Sir, excuse me," I said, and to my amazement he moved in closer.

"What do you want?" I was getting annoyed, if it wasn't apparent.

"What will it take for you to kiss me?" He says, and my eyes grow wide. Kiss him? I haven't kissed anyone. Is he even right in his head?

"I don't kiss nobody. I haven't kissed anyone. Now, stop making assumptions about me!" I cried. I just wanted to get done with this, and send him off with Corin. If I knew Corin any better, I would have told her that this one was an asshole. But now was not the best time to do it. So I didn't.

"Fine then. If you like to play the hard to get game," he steps away and I walk out. My back hurts for some reason and now I am some chick Professor Hank has kissed, and the whole world knows about it? Except me?

I walk out to find Corin in the trial room. Her boyfriend is nowhere in sight. I knock gently on the door.

"Corin? Are you there?" I asked, albeit uncomfortably. A second later I heard a stifled moan.

"Corin?" She didn't respond.

"I am going to come in now-" No sooner than I flung the door open, than I wanted to shut it as fast as I could.

Corin's ass was spread against the face of this man. His tongue licked her butt cheeks. I tried my best to remove the trace of the graphic image but couldn't. Mark would be so pissed. Just when did he get there? Was she wearing a piece for Lovegerie?

"Ma'am, if you cum in it, you'd have to buy it," I cried.

"Don't worry, my darling. You are next," the boy says in a low pitch growl, and I find my toes curling in horror. Was he out of his mind?

"Sir, get the hell out of here. This is not Costco," I cried. Corin moaned loudly. And then...

The door flung open. Corin was properly dressed. Her boyfriend was missing.

"Where's he?" I asked, as Corin walked out.

"Where's who?" she asked, and I clung tightly to the lingerie set in my hand.

"Your boyfriend," I said, and she blinked innocently.

"He was out here the whole time, of course. You should go and see if he's still with Mark," she says. With Mark? But Mark left for his daughter's recital. How could he...

"Corin, but... I heard the moans," I deadpanned, and her cheeks turned red.

"I am not sure what you are talking about. That lingerie set looks so good!" She said, before snatching it. Just like that.

When I walked to the reception, I found Mark chit chatting with the sly bastard of a boyfriend. "Mark... I thought you were leaving for your daughter's recital," I must be out of my mind.

"I did. I have been gone for an hour or two," he tells me, and I feel myself getting numb. An hour or two? But I was in the basement for a few minutes. How could be probably?

"Did you find what you were looking for, my love?" The guy eyes Corin from head to toe.

"Yes," she says, softly and walks to the reception as Mark reaches for his computer.

"Thank you so much for buying from us. Lovegerie loves customers like you," here we go again. He hands her the bill as the guy hands in his credit card. "The pleasure was all mine," the guy says as our eyes met. This cheeky fucker.

"Visit us again," Mark says, as they walked out. The doorbell dings. And I feel the shift in the air. What the fuck just happened?

"Mark, did you feel that?" I asked, but the reception desk was unattended. I heard the familiar ding of the doorbell again.

"Jane, I am back," I heard Mark say. In came his familiar face. He seemed to be in good spirits.

"I hope you've had no troubles handling the shop alone," he said.

"I am sorry I got late. I know I told you I'll be quick, but with family, shit gets really emotional," he said. "Here, look. That's my baby girl," he whipped up his phone and showed me a picture of a five year old on a tutu. "On the stage, she was phenomenal. God, I wouldn't miss it for the world," he says. I couldn't move for a minute.

Mark sat at the chair in the reception desk. His eyes growing wide. "Holy shit! You sold them Lovegerie worth five hundred thousand dollars? And you say I am outrageous," he giggled, as he stares at the screen excitedly.

"You know... Forget everything. I am going to give you a raise. And heck, I am gonna quit and hand the shop over to you. With this sort of money, I can go for a vacation and never sell a panty again!" He clapped his hands together.

"Mark, I-" I had no fucking idea how that happened. Wasn't he the one who took the credit card? Wasn't he the one who was familiar with this young Master?

"Don't be so modest now, Jane! This is the highest sales in a day Lovegerie has ever made. You are like a star," he squeals. God. I couldn't take it. I lost my stance. Falling back, to sit on my calf.

"Damn girl, are you okay?" He looks concerned now. Then it dawned on me. Hallucinations. Maybe this wasn't real. Maybe none of it was real. I rubbed my eyes. When I opened, Mark was still there, looking equally concerned.

"Jane, I think you should call it a night. It's almost eleven. Go home, kid," Mark tells me and I nod.

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