Chapter 15: Chapter Four, Part Three: Strings all the way
From the Scrolls...
Duke Lewis Canton
"Your Highness, Sir Rupert asks for your presence," I stack up the scrolls to watch the guard who struggles for a breath. Thank God. Perhaps that would help us find more about Theodore.
"Let him in at once. And José," I wasn't sure why I was doing this... "Make sure that the council doesn't hear of it. I want the wing empty. Understood?" I added, and he nodded.
The doors opened once more, as the solitude in my study came to an end. Softly, as if he was barely there, Rupert walked in. His eyes as grave as I had last saw them, and his mouth still pressed into a line. He said nothing, and yet it meant everything. The news wasn't good.
"It's been months, my friend. It's so good to see you," I said, and Rupert exhales.
"Save the pleasantries, Your Majesty. I come bearing bad news," he added gravely.
"I am not the King yet, Sir Rupert," I tell him and he flinched.
"It seems like, then I have come to bear the worst news. The troops that you sent in search of Master Theodore vanished at the Forests of Salva. It's suspected that it was the wolves doing. They stand in solidarity with the Ancient Breath," Rupert adds, as his teeth gritted in anger.
"And what of the other troop that was headed North to mediate the settlement?" I tapped my fingers lightly on the desk. This was not looking good at all. The Red Daggers had already disrupted the peace of two realms. There was no way we could launch another attack on the Wolves clan and make enemies with the Beasts.
"Our hands are tied. All slayed, or held captive and tortured," Rupert says, his shoulders slumped.
"Theodore was last seen, in Versailles' bed chamber. There's a rumour going around that Versailles is pregnant. The House is throwing a party to celebrate," Rupert added, his brows furrowing.
"That's hardly possible," I knew my brother. There was no way he would sleep with a woman like Versailles. Unlike what he was, and what he did, he too had his pride. Versailles was lying. But why?
"Rupert, is there something that the Council's hiding from me?" I knew that had to be a ton lot.
"Be weary, Your Highness. I know everything about your Council, and you none. They are all plotting your untimely demise. They want you gone," Rupert says.
"Tell me something that I am not aware of," I chuckle.
"Well, they are revising the laws of succession. They want the heir to the throne to be a pure blood, and you, Your Highness..."
"Am a bastard," I put in, and he blanched.
"You'd have to do something before the council snatches the throne right under your nose," Rupert slips into a chair.
"It's not the throne I am worried about, Rupert. If the dragons come to war, Gestalt shall burn to the ground," and I dreaded the day that'd happen.
"I want you to go North for me. Find my mother, Sir Rupert," if there was anything that could be done, it had to be done with magic.
"But, North is the lair for..."
"Dragons and Mages," I added. Mother was my only hope.
"Take this with you, Sir Rupert," I handed him the amulet that would guide him to Mother. "You must not part with him. You should not in any circumstances let go of it. It will keep you safe," I handed the shiny opal to him.
"Your Highness, your mother..."
"Rupert, when you will see her, you'll know," I said.
"But, Your Highness, your powers are weakening. How will you..."
"It turns out I'll have to rely on my human abilities for now," I knew what I was doing.
"What do you mean?"
"I think it's time to pay my pregnant sister in law a visit," I rose from the chair, walking to the window.
"But there's no need for you to. We know Versailles is lying," Rupert cried.
"Lady Vanya, is missing. The Red Daggers are after her. My nuptial arrangement with the House Of Versailles is at stake. Rupert, they are coming at me with their claws, I will have to cut through them."
"Well, if you have your mind set, Your Highness. I am going to take your word for it,"
"Well then, Sir Rupert, make haste. The winters are coming. The North will not have favourable weather. Take Zafrina with you," I said, assuredly and Sir Rupert nodded.
He walked away, leaving me with the weight of the truth. Gestalt was in danger. My ministers were planning to throw me off. And my brother was missing. And at the centre of it all, sat Versailles like the omniscient snake, waiting to strike at the right moment.
"José," I call out, as he walks in.
"Yes, Your Highness," he bows his head, his armour shining under the rays of the setting sun.
"What time does the parade for Father's End Of Time feast begin?" I asked.
"Well, as soon as the sun sets, Your Highness," he said.
"Get me the most hideous disguise, José. I will be indebted to you, if you do," I smiled, and I watched his eyes grow wide.
"Is something the matter?" I asked.
"No. Sir. It's just I haven't seen you smile as much since... His Majesty passed," he says.
I stand by the window, as José leaves. When the sun sets today, a lot would be at stake. Perhaps, it's with this accursed throne that the worst of the times have come. If I could go back in time, and fix things, I would probably not let my father take over. I would probably convince him to let mother stay. And, I would make sure that Theodore, loved me like one of his own. But the truth was, that time has passed. The blood of my kins was a venom coursing through my veins, and time was not on my side.