Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Mind and Soul
It was barely 4 in the morning and Daphne was in the middle of her daily ritual. But unlike everyday, she wasn't alone.
Harry was standing against the left wall, looking at her dancing form, but trying not to stare. And this time he wasn't under the Invisibility Cloak.
Daphne must have gobbled up this meeting at this strange hour as coincidence. At least that's what he would like to think. It wasn't as if after knowing her daily routine he had started joining her in the morning. No, this was only the second time he met her this early.
She had distractedly waved at him to wait when he walked in through the door of the abandoned classroom, as she had been busy twirling in her place.
She was a little embarrassed, as he watched her dance. Again. But it had steadily disappeared as she continued moving elegantly, closing her eyes and thinking only of her Queen Mother instead of her best friend's eyes on her.
His eyes indeed were on her. She was in a tiny white slip after all, which only went past her mid thighs. And Harry was a boy. A growing boy who while not very interested in the other sex was still a little curious and mortified to see so much skin of his female friend. A very beautiful friend who too was growing and was in the middle of puberty. Although she still did not have any eye-catching curves, she at least wasn't looking like a boy with a cute face and long hair. She was distinctly a girl in terms of body shape.
Honestly, Harry should have gotten used to seeing beautiful females in various states of undress. Lily Potter wasn't very shy around her son, not minding when she gave him many brief glimpses of her nudity whether it be the moments when he walked in on her naked or when her dresses rose too high or dropped too low.
Then there was Iris Potter with a [Peak Body] perk too. Harry had gotten used to seeing his physically affectionate sister as a female, as a different breed. There had been moments when he had even felt her femaleness, usually when they were sleeping together or when they changed into their Grim costumes together. Iris wasn't a boy, he knew now after seeing the small budding mounds on her chest or the shape of her other body parts (read: arse).
But there was a major difference here. He was used to seeing his family in that way. Few glimpses of their nudity was a norm and nothing to get flustered about. Unlike how it was now. He wasn't used to seeing Daphne in that way. Her long bare legs or the hint of her collarbone was too much for the boy. He was red in face and tried not to stare at her hips or at her not-a-boy like chest. Which was a losing battle since no matter what he did, his eyes always found her. There was a strange joy in seeing her skin and keep seeing her soft bare skin.
He breathed a sigh of relief when she was done and put on her robes. He never knew looking his friend in the eyes would be so difficult.
"You okay? You look all red. Do you have a fever?" She asked in concern, noticing his crimson face and stepping closer, checking his temperature. The touch of her hand on his forehead made him feel all tingly and uneasy.
He hated puberty. With all his heart and every bit of his being.
Harry stifled the urge to jump back and run away from her. He recalled the good ole days when he could mess around with his female friends without any worry.
Nowadays, he had to be extremely careful not to touch them improperly whenever performing any act of affection. Even the simple harmless hug had become a chore where he felt like he was walking on a tightrope. If it was too brief, it might look like he was being rude and impatient which might hurt their feelings, but if it was a little longer then it gave off all wrong signals. And let's just not talk about how his mind was acutely aware of the closeness of his body with the other gender.
He hated puberty. Maybe even more than he hated Voldemort.
"I am fine. Was doing exercise earlier, so I am still all hot and sweaty." He chuckled, not knowing why, it wasn't as if it was funny or anything.
Giving him a strange look, she stepped back.
"So, what are you doing here?" She asked finally.
"Was passing through this hallway and thought to see if you were still here." He lied. Not that he could just ask her if she was alright. Last night's incident was still not known to the student body. It would appear suspicious if he knew that she was attacked yesterday even when he wasn't supposed to.
"I was attacked last night." She said without a preamble. And he could now at last show his concern.
He took her hands in his and asked even when already knowing the answer. "What happened?"
There was a beat of silence before she answered him.
"You should know, shouldn't you, Red Grim?" Her response made him freeze for a second.
"What are you talking about?" He said, acting clueless, moving back and looking at her with a flummoxed expression.
She shot him a deadpan look and blew out a long sigh.
"You have your secrets as I have mine. Since you have never tried to pry, I won't either. But it was bleedingly obvious that the Red Grim was you, Harry. Thank you for your help by the way." She said softly, taking his hands back in hers and giving a reassuring squeeze.
Harry stared into her eyes and saw her stubborn conviction. There was no way to hide it from her.
"Why do you think I am Red Grim?" He asked instead, not exactly confessing, but neither putting on an innocent act.
She offered him a gentle exasperated smile, intertwining her fingers with his.
"Harry, you are my friend. One of my best friends. We have grown up together. We have known each other since we were toddlers. I would like to think that after all this time I will know you well enough. Not as intimately as Iris, of course, but still, I know how you walk and talk. And then there were your conspicuous green eyes. Seriously, Harry, you should have at least changed your eye colour. I can bet that any of our friends would have recognised you, even Hermione."
"Really?" He couldn't help but ask. He totally thought that his disguise was enough to fool anyone. Apparently not his friend.
"Really." She chuckled, a rare sound. But what was rarer was what she did next. She stood on her toes and gave his lips a quick peck.
It wasn't a kiss. It really wasn't. Just a small friendly peck. And yet, Harry's face bloomed red. He blushed like a virgin maiden as she stepped away, shooting him a smug look for getting this reaction out of him. Though her smug look was ruined by her own flushed face.
"Uhm… yes, I am Red Grim." He mumbled, still a bit out of it.
She just nodded, not uttering anything, shuffling awkwardly.
Harry suppressed his embarrassment by considering it rationally.
If he hadn't ever batted an eye while sharing these small pecks with his sister, he shouldn't blow it out of proportion for Daphne now. She was also his sister in some ways. This brief, very brief, contact of their lips wasn't anything momentous or out of ordinary. Really. Totally. Absolutely.
'SHE JUST KISSED ME. WE ARE DEFINITELY GOING TO GET MARRIED.' He didn't think that. He really didn't.
"You know, sometimes you talk so much and sometimes you talk too little." Harry rambled, saying the first thing that came to his mind to break the heavy silence.
She shrugged. "I talk when I want."
"Yes, which is absolutely fine." Harry agreed quickly, not wanting to appear as if he was criticising her.
She cleared her throat, trying to overcome the awkwardness and looked him right in the eyes, since she was braver than he was, and announced. "As I said earlier, because you haven't ever tried to pry into my secrets, I will return the courtesy. I won't ask you why, how and what. But just be careful. Both of you."
"We will."
"I am relieved to hear that. Also, what is it with this necklace? It saved me from an Unforgivable."
"Oh yes. I made this necklace. It almost makes you invincible against any magical attacks except the Killing Curse. Although, it can absorb one Killing Curse before portkey-ing you to Potter Manor before disintegrating. I guess you can call it total invincibility too."
Daphne listened to his explanation and by the end of it she was wearing an incredulous expression. "You made it? And it protects against every magical attack?"
"That's bloody brilliant. How did you do it? Have you been learning enchanting in secret for years?"
"Secrets. I will tell you mine if you tell me yours."
"I see. Secrets. Maybe some other time." Daphne frowned, not ready to discuss her life goals with him yet.
Harry shrugged, not taking any offence at her mistrust. Well, it did hurt him a little, he just didn't show it. He wished she would come clean and give him an opportunity to add her to his Party.
But how could he trust her fully if she couldn't return the gesture?
The next day, the entire school was stumped after the Headmaster's announcement. Apparently, six students were found dead in the dungeons.
Now, it made sense. The reason for the aurors in Hogwarts.
Fortunately for the dead, Dumbledore didn't reveal what they were planning to do. He did not disclose that the six students were would-be rapists and mercenaries, not wanting to tarnish the dead's reputation.
No more information was provided. The only thing the student population knew was that six of them were killed by some mysterious being named Red Grim. That a serial killer had been able to infiltrate Hogwarts.
Although, not everyone was angry or hateful at the Red Grim. There were muggle-borns and half-bloods who were well aware of him and knew his modus operandi. They knew that there must have been a reason for the Grim's appearance. That the six students must have done something bad to incur his attention. Still, they did not voice their doubts, knowing that a single spark was all that needed for an explosion.
Daphne didn't add her own revelations in the rumour mill, not minding that her name wasn't attached to this 'catastrophe'. There was no need to go for the dead when they were already… dead. She couldn't care less if they were branded evil or not after their death.
The only people who knew what really happened were Daphne herself, Harry, Dumbledore, the other Professors, the dead students' parents, the law enforcement and most probably Iris.
Even the Daily Prophet wouldn't be able to answer the real reason for Red Grim's visit. But they did connect the dots and divulged that this Red Grim had been already working in the muggle world for the past few years.
At the end, nothing would come out of this disaster, other than an unsolved murder case which would be talked about for the next hundreds of years.
Voldemort stared at himself in the full body mirror.
Lean body with dark hair and blue eyes. His age, the body's age, 30s or something.
He wore a black robe over a red shirt and black trousers. He had his hair pulled back in a short ponytail.
"This will do."
He nodded at himself. Tonight was Samhain and the time for the pre-arranged fight between him and the little Potter. Hopefully, the little one wouldn't disappoint him or he might need to be killed off for wasting the Dark Lord's time and effort.
He also wanted to see his wife before leaving. But after the fiasco with the enchanted ring, she hadn't talked to him yet, being extremely stubborn and unforgiving. Just like him.
He really wished she would accept his apology and stop throwing her things at him whenever he entered her room. He conceded that he had made a colossal mistake by trying to control his wife's loyalty and love. But from his point of view, it wasn't really that cruel or heartless.
Was it bad that he needed reassurance of her love and loyalty after he sacrificed his freedom for her, after he gave his everything for her? He didn't think so. It was a simple give and take. He bought her love for all the things he gave up for her.
He didn't regret enchanting her ring. He regretted being caught. Damn that cursed meddling Chaos who couldn't stop buggering him at every instance.
It was ironic how a parallel was drawn between Voldemort and his mother due to this very choice. Merope too had used magical means to make Tom Riddle Sr fall in love with her. And following his mother's footsteps, he too had resorted to magic to find love and acceptance.
Thankfully, for Voldemort, history did not repeat itself. Instead of running away from him, his wife was just angry. Very angry and feeling scorned, but it was still a far better outcome than the fate Merope was handed.
Unaware of his similarities with his mother and unthankful of his good fortune, Voldemort concentrated on the one place which he could access in Hogwarts Castle even now.
And then he apparated.
The mood in the Gryffindor common room was sombre. And just like last Halloween, the Potter twins were alone in the entire Gryffindor house. Not that it was easy to dissuade Astoria from remaining behind with them (read: him). But Harry managed and persuaded her to accompany Ginny for the Halloween feast.
The siblings sat together on the comfy red sofa, huddled together and contemplating in silence. The threat of Voldemort standing true to his words and coming for him also added tension in the already strained environment.
This day really was a curse for the Potters. Even if nothing tragic happened, the shadow of James Potter's death still ruined the day for them. How could one partake in a joyous feast when that day signified a family tragedy?
Neville too mourned his father's death in his own way. But unlike the Potters, he had gone to the celebration with Hermione. He had spent all his free time throughout the day in the Greenhouse and by the time the feast came, his mood had improved greatly and he was able to ignore his heart ache.
"You remember the last time we were alone on Halloween, you asked me for entertainment and I gave you death in return." Harry mumbled in self-depreciation.
Iris rolled her eyes and fell to the side, her head resting in Harry's lap. She adjusted a little and laid on her back, throwing her legs over the sofa's armrest. "Well, the time before the death was entertaining enough."
He scowled at the grinning face of his sister and flicked her on the forehead.
"Ow. Stop abusing me." she grumbled, rubbing her head and glaring at him from where her head was laid in his lap.
"It wasn't a joking matter. You are supposed to act kind and make me feel better." complained Harry.
"Boohoo, you are so hurt and your life has been so tragic. Come here, let me kiss it and make it better." She made a sarcastic kissy face and blew a raspberry.
"Is that an offer? Are you offering me a full-on kiss, sister?" He suddenly grinned, cupping her face and staring at her with a mock serious expression.
She coloured slightly and shot him a challenging stare. "You think you have the guts to kiss me?"
"Won't be the first time. I vividly remember the curious eight-year old Iris practising kissing with the incurious eight-year old me. With tongue and all. I wasn't interested to know what kissing felt like, but I was forced to go along with your plan just because you gave me the puppy eyes." scoffed Harry, pinching her cheeks and chuckling in amusement.
At that, her whole face turned flaming red since she indeed remembered those days. "Don't. Just don't. Please don't make me remember that. Kill me instead. That would be more merciful. Do you even remember how mortified we were when mum caught us?"
"At least she wasn't very angry. She just calmly walked up to us in the garden and said in a no-nonsense tone 'You are supposed to be close, but not that close'. I totally remember that day. I still have nightmares about it. We honestly thought that we did something horrible. Like we killed someone. I recall how you broke into hysterics at the first sight of 'stern mum'."
"You were crying too. You don't have the higher ground to make fun of me." She grimaced, covering her face with her hands, not wanting to see her brother's smug look.
"Of course I did. You know how fearful I was of disappointing mum. I really thought she would hate me or something. Which is the worst thing that can happen to me. Even worse than death." Harry laughed lightly, prying off her fingers so he could look at her cute shy face.
"You were always a mama's boy." She taunted.
Harry shrugged, accepting it as a compliment. "Well, she is the most beautiful woman on this planet."
"You do know how weird it may sound to others? It is also slightly creepy how obsessed you are with mum." Iris sighed, a little bit jealous of how he adored their mum. He was her twin. He was her soul mate. She should be his number one, not that old lady.
As if reading her thoughts, Harry shot her a smirk. "You jealous?"
"Am not."
"You are."
"Am not."
"You are. Just accept it. There is no need to lie to me. I can read you like an open book."
"That doesn't amount to much if you are illiterate."
"How witty." Harry exclaimed in a faux admiration.
"Shut up." She mumbled, sitting up, trying to distance herself from him. Before she could move away, Harry wrapped his arm around her, keeping her firmly beside him.
"You look cute when you are jealous." He smiled, pressing a kiss on her cheek.
"Stupid Harry. Just shut up. I am not jealous." She grumbled.
"Fine, you are not. But in the hypothetical scenario where you were, I would say, there's no need to be jealous. Lily Potter is a goddess who is meant to be worshipped and admired from afar while Iris Potter is my best-est friend, my perfect partner, my soul mate, the one who knows me better than anyone, the one I love the most. And no one can take her place. Ever."
Iris couldn't stop the bright smile that took over her face. Harry chuckled and side-hugged her, burying his face in the crook of her neck.
Her smile slowly faded into a grimace.
"You think he will come?" She whispered with fear plain in her voice, winding her hands around him tightly. There was no need to specify who 'he' was.
"He will. But his arrival won't be a surprise. I am using my Soul Searcher skill every minute. I will know when he leaves his castle and comes here."
"Good. We don't want to be surprised by him ever again." She pulled back and nodded. The last time he surprised them, it led to her death.
Harry's eyes widened and the blood drained from his face. Using [Soul Searcher] skill again, he checked Voldemort's whereabouts, but the results baffled him. He immediately pulled out his Invisibility Cloak and covered the confused Iris with it.
A shadow slithered from beneath the entrance of the Gryffindor common room. It moved stealthily towards the sofa where a single student sat with an air of agitation.
The shadow grew, it became tangible, it increased in size, until it took a humanoid shape. And then from that dark shell stepped out a man.
"Harry Potter." The man hissed.
The boy stood up hearing his name and walked around the sofa, standing before the man.
"Who are you?" The boy asked.
"I am lord Voldemort." The man answered with a cocky smile, spreading his arms grandly.
"I see. So, you really came."
"I did. I am the one who took your sister's life. I am the one who tried to kill your mother. Now, I will give you your opportunity to have your revenge. To display your anger and cruelty. Show me the heat of your wrath, little one. Show me your power.
"Take my hand and we will go to a chamber where we can let loose. Let me see if you have evolved into a giant or if more encouragement is still needed." Voldemort chuckled, offering his arm palm up.
Harry stared at the offered limb. The result of [Observe] still in the forefront of his mind.
Name: Jonny Alder(Voldemort)
Race: Human(Enhanced Undead)
Class: Mage(Ritually Unlocked)
Lvl: 0
HP: 50,000(Ritually Enhanced)
MP: 100,000(Ritually Unlocked)
Affection: 0
Obedience: 0
Thoughts about you: None
"Let's finish this." Harry announced, his green eyes gleaming with hatred. He clasped his hand with the man who had murdered his father and sister.
The man and the boy turned into shadows and flitted through the gap beneath the door.
Iris took off the Cloak and looked at the place where her brother had stood earlier. She balled her fists in anger. She wished she could help him, but Harry's quick action was reasonable. There was no need to inform Voldemort of her resurrection. There was no need to reveal Harry's true strength and power. And yet, hiding away from the Dark Lord and seeing her brother disappear with him filled her with doubt and anxiety.
She knew Harry was capable enough to come out of this unscathed. Her mind knew that and yet her heart thumped loudly against her ribcage and sweat gathered at her brow. She shook her head and slumped down on the sofa, hoping her brother would return quickly.
The two mortal enemies, according to Harry, Or the pair of teacher and student, according to Voldemort, reappeared in the Chamber of Secrets.
For Harry, this shadow transport was just so weird and yet thrilling. As soon as he had grabbed his enemy's hand, his body had dissolved into shadow. Then another shadow had latched onto him and they had flown together through the hallways at the speed he didn't know was achievable.
Just a minute later, they had covered a vast amount of distance and had entered the place where it was too soon for him to return. He still remembered that night when that basilisk mortally wounded his sister.
Voldemort walked away towards the other side where Salazar's statue stood. Harry followed him cautiously, under the watchful eyes of the snake guards that rose through the two pools on either side of the path.
"Will I be wrong to think that this is your handiwork?" Voldemort smiled mirthlessly when he stopped by the pile of scales and flesh.
"You won't. It was a pleasure to kill this beast." Harry gave a matching smile, taking out his Black Sword through the Inventory.
Voldemort's eyes widened for a second at the sudden growth of his student's strength. "That is some nice sword."
"It is. Just how I like it. Long and Black."
The man's lips twitched at the unintentional double entendre. "I didn't know you were into swords, little one. Especially black ones."
"What boy doesn't like a sword? And this black sword looks way cooler and stronger than the other generic ones." Harry was genuinely confused by the Dark Lord's apparent amusement. Then his face turned red as a tomato when he realised how his words could be taken in a different way. "Pervert Dark Lord, take out your mind from the gutter and face me like a man."
"Haha. Me, a pervert? I was not the one who saw himself surrounded by thousands of women in the mirror of desire." Voldemort retorted.
"Enough. We are here to fight. Not to talk." Harry scowled, tightening his grip on the hilt of the sword and activating [Master of Weapon] and [Predict] skills.
"Yes. We are here to fight so I can see how much you have grown. But how can I do that when you use a magical crutch like an enchanted sword? Put that sword back and use your own power. Or are you a weak pathetic kid who is nothing without the sword?" Voldemort frowned, taking out his wand and pointing it at him. "Use your wand, boy, you are not a muggle."
Harry pondered his words and knew that this was just an excuse, that the Dark Lord was intimidated by the sword. A seed of fear had grown inside the vile heart of his enemy. His lips spread in a victorious smile. He put his sword back in the Inventory, aware of the curious gaze of Voldemort.
"Fine. Don't be scared. I won't poke you with my overpowered sword. I don't need it to fight an insect like you." Harry smirked, wrapping his fingers around his Holly wand.
The Dark Lord glowered at him and sent a piercing hex at him. "Arrogance, little one, is the privilege only the strongest have. Like me. You are too weak and inexperienced to claim it."
Harry simply conjured a shield to absorb the spell and said, "Out of us two, I am the stronger one. I know it. Let's bet, if I win this match, you will answer my questions truthfully. And if you win, I will answer your questions honestly."
"As you wish, little Potter. I am not here to kill you and don't want to. On the other hand, you want to kill me, but can't. The least we can do is satiate our curiosity. Let's begin." grinned Voldemort, spreading his arms.
The water from the two pools far away, rose up in the air and formed a big hovering globe. Then that giant globe shot towards Harry at an enormous speed.
With his [Predict] on, Harry already knew what was coming. Still facing his adversary, he pointed his left hand behind him and said out loud. "Ray of Darkness."
A black jet of light left his palm and pierced through the water ball in an instant. The globe exploded, vaporising with a loud hissing sound.
[Ray of Darkness]
- Black jet of shadows which deals massive damage. Requires 2000 MPs to deal 4000 HPs damage.
"My, my, you sure are a bag of surprises, Harry. First, you have the power to use dimensional space and now you have the power to command shadows. That too wandlessly. Colour me impressed. You really are worthy to become my student."
"Power to command shadows? Hmm, how about I show you another trick?" Harry smiled slyly.
"Be my guest."
Harry pointed his finger at him and said softly, "Shadowbind."
Voldemort stiffened as his ability to move was taken away.
A blink of an eye later, Harry stood before him with his sword back in his hand. The blade was pointed at Voldemort's throat. "Yield?"
The strongest wizard on the planet couldn't do anything when the twelve year old boy prodded his neck with his sword. He tried to apparate away, but it seemed this 'shadowbind' negated that.
"Yield." The dark lord reluctantly nodded, taken aback by the boy's speed and skills.
- Survive the challenge.
REWARD: Gained
- 3000 XP
- Perk [?]
Perk gained:
- You are allowed and welcomed everywhere. No doors or gates could stop your entry. You are unbarred.
Harry chuckled darkly, surprising his enemy. This perk right here again showed the farsightedness of the Creator.
'No doors and no gates? Meaning, now, I can walk through even the unbreachable gate of Creator's castle, where Voldemort and his wife are holed up. Now I have the right to challenge my enemy whenever I want.'
Honestly, there wouldn't have been the need for that if his plan had worked out.
He had thought that when Voldemort would come for the challenge, Harry would defeat him utterly and would enslave his soul since he had the powers of the Necromancer combined with the skills of the Fighter. With the male Voldemort controlled by him, he wouldn't have the need to challenge the female Voldemort. After all, the only way she could have been freed from the castle and pose a threat to him was by killing the Dark Lord herself.
But since the Dark Lord would have been alive, she would have been permanently trapped in that castle, not being able to fulfil the prerequisite to free herself. Then, Harry could have just teleported there, when he was sure of his power, and would have killed the female Voldemort. After that, he would have murdered the male Voldemort too. Thus, his main Quest would have been finally finished without much risk.
Alas, his plan did not work.
He again used the [Soul Searcher] skill and the result of it still baffled him. According to his skill, both the Voldemorts were still in that castle. Then who the fuck was this man whom he had just fought?
"Since I won this round. Answer my questions. How are you here, Voldemort? I can sense no soul in your body." asked Harry.
The dark lord's face showed astonishment. He questioned instead of answering. "You can sense souls?"
"Answer my damn questions. I am not obliged to answer yours." Harry responded, gritting his teeth.
"Fine. I won't back out of the deal. I am here because my mind is in this body. My soul is safe somewhere else." The immobilised man replied.
"Isn't that the same? Mind and soul? Aren't humans made of just body and soul?"
"Your inexperience shows here, little one. No, humans are made up of three elements. Body, the physical element which allows us to interact with physical reality. Mind, the sense of consciousness which allows us to enjoy physical reality. And lastly, the soul, the immortal unique energy which binds the mind with the body.
"Only the body is killable. The other two are not. The soul is invincible, it remains even after death and absorbs the Mind element following the perishing of the body. Although what happens after that, no one knows. See? You can learn so much from me. Discard everything and everyone, Harry, and join me. I will show you the path to greatness. I will make you the strongest being to walk in this world."
Harry mulled over the new information in silence. So, that's what happened. Voldemort's soul was still in that castle. Hence, why his [Soul Searcher] showed that both the Voldemorts were still in the Creator's fort.
"Another question then. I guess this wasn't your true power. Tell me, how powerful you actually are?"
"What you saw today was just the tenth of my power. My true strength is godly, alas, no dead body can stand that much power. That's why I can't use my whole strength while possessing a body." Voldemort answered, hoping to lure away this child into his grasp so he could mould him as the perfect tool.
"I see. The last question, why didn't you come in your own body? Why possess a body?" Harry enquired even when he already knew the reason.
"I thought I didn't need my true strength to fight you. There was no need for me to come here myself." Voldemort lied. Telling him that he was unable to because an all-powerful God had imprisoned him didn't sound good marketing.
Harry laughed.
"Liar. And I don't like liars." Saying that, Harry buried his sword in Voldemort's neck. "You are my enemy, not my teacher, never my teacher. For what you have done to my family, you deserve death. I know you won't die from this. But I will find a way to end you. You will regret making me your enemy. I will kill you, permanently, someday. Until then, fuck off."