The Potter Prodigy: Rise of the Gamer

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Pain and Pleasure

In the living room of the Potter Manor, five friends were gathered for Halloween.

It wasn't a joyous get-together.

All five of them had suffered great tragedies at the hands of the Dark Lord or his thugs. But this day was particularly sorrowful for Lily and Alice. While both were already over their dead partners, this festival still brought a plethora of bad memories for them.

Yet, today they weren't here to share their grief and offer support to each other. No, they were here to prepare for a battle. A battle against the strongest wizard.

"We should go. The Halloween Feast must have already begun." Sirius suggested frantically, aware that his godchildren might be in danger at this very moment. He was anxious and wanted to do something to help. From the morning, the five friends were in the Potter Manor, readying themselves for a confrontation which might possibly end their lives. And this long wait had been mightily gnawing at his conscience and patience.

Lily grimaced at the agitated tone of her friend. She herself was getting irritated by the waiting. But Dumbledore's phoenix still hadn't arrived, meaning that the Hogwarts' wards weren't breached yet. So, there was no need to crowd at the castle and show their hand prematurely.

She had, a couple of days ago, requested Dumbledore to inform her the moment when any intruder slipped through the Hogwarts wards on Samhain. He had been unpleasantly surprised by her strange request, but had conceded to her demand without asking any questions. She wasn't complaining that her foreboding request would also keep him on his guard. It would be better if the person Voldemort feared the most was aware of the impending danger.

But there were two things which greatly worried her. First, Voldemort's unpredictability. And second, Harry's reaction.

She hadn't informed her son that she was preparing to help him in secret. She hadn't revealed to him that Sirius, Remus, Alice and Proserpina were aware of tonight's challenge. That they knew Voldemort was going to make an appearance. Because she realised that he would immediately decline her aid to keep her away from the danger. To keep her safe in the Potter Manor.

Sometimes she was really annoyed by his attitude. Just because she wasn't a gamer or had the blessings of the all-powerful Creator, didn't mean she couldn't help him or stand beside him to face his foes. She wasn't a small kid who needed protection for the fuck sake. She was the damn Crimson Witch, the living breathing nightmare of the Death Eaters.

Now, all she could do was hope that he would forgive her for barging into his matters. She couldn't help it, really. He was her son. Her flesh and blood. Her precious boy. She just couldn't stand at the sidelines and remain oblivious to his struggles, to unsee his feuds. She was an adult here. It was her job to keep him safe until he became an adult, not the other way around.

In the back of her mind, she knew that her help was unneeded. That Harry was way more powerful than her. That he didn't require her. That she was just being a bother. But no mother would ever want to feel useless and undependable. And that's what she felt seeing her children's rapid unnatural growth, seeing them maturing and becoming independent.

They had surpassed her and were so far ahead that they were just blurs on the unreachable horizon. And it stung. It hurt a lot to feel this unneeded. She could die tonight and her 12-year old children would still easily survive the world tomorrow. They both were that prepared, they were that grown up.

She should be proud of them. And she was. She indeed was filled with warmth and pride at how her children turned out. She was extremely pleased and delighted with their accomplishments. But a small selfish part of her still wanted to cling to the delusion that she was all that they needed. That they didn't need to worry about anything and could leave their worries to her.

She would take care of their problems. Just like she always did. She wanted to feel like a dependable mother once again.

But Dumbledore's phoenix never appeared that night, leaving them restless and unsatisfied.

Sirius had fallen asleep on the floor with his head on Remus' thigh. Remus himself had his back propped against the wall, his eyes blinking rapidly to ward off the sleep. Alice and Proserpina were seated in front of Lily in lounge-chairs.

At 3 in the morning, Proserpina had had enough. She stood up and moved beside her redhead friend on the sofa.

"Lily, time's up. Voldemort didn't come. He won't come. What else can we expect from a lying bastard? He lied. He never planned to show up today." She sighed, squeezing her shoulder.

Lily wanted to protest, she wanted to say that they should wait some more. That they could never be sure. But even she was past the point of believing in herself. Voldemort had lied. He had made a fool of her. Or more precisely, she had made a fool out of herself.

"I am sorry. I wasted your entire day." Lily mumbled in defeat, drawing in her shoulders vulnerably.

"It's fine. Being prepared isn't a waste. Better be prepared than be caught off guard." Alice smiled, getting on her feet and standing before her best friend.

"Yes. It's not your fault. I will gladly waste my days to keep our children safe." Proserpina nodded in support.

"Well, the day won't be a waste if any of you decides to give me a reward for being a good boy." joked Sirius, sitting up and rubbing his bleary eyes, trying to bring levity in the tense atmosphere.

"Never going to happen, Mr. Black. I will rather die than spend a night with you." Proserpina smiled blankly, her nose scrunched in disgust.

"Yup. Be content with your whores, Siri. You are just not my type." Alice smiled mirthfully.

Sirius made a dramatic pose, clutching his heart and earning an eye roll from Remus. "What about you, Lily? Up for some fun time?"

Lily chuckled, wiping her eyes. "You are a good man, Sirius. But no, I don't want a man in my life. It will just complicate matters. Harry and Iris will feel too awkward if their mum brought another person into the family."

"That's not healthy, Lily. You are still young. You shouldn't restrain yourself by thinking like that. Your children will gladly accept anyone to see you happy, I am sure." Remus gave his genuine advice.

Lily shook her head. "I am very happy, Remus. I don't need a man to complete me. My children are my life. I don't need distractions like that. Anyway, I already have a man in the house. Harry. Well, he will be in a couple of years. Who else can be more beautiful and cute than my precious boy? I dare you to name someone more perfect than him."

Lily went into full gushing mother mode, receiving exasperated smiles from her fellows.

"My Neville, of course." Alice proudly presented a contender.

"Ah, let's agree to disagree, dear." Lily smiled, not wanting to fight on this. Alice shrugged, returning her smile, knowing that their bias would only make them consider their own boy the epitome of perfection.

"Is no one going to name me?" Sirius grumbled, raising his hand.

Everyone ignored him, like usual, making him slump in exaggerated dejection.

"Both Neville and Harry are sweet well-mannered boys. You don't need to fight on that." Proserpina said fondly. "Although, my girls are particularly smitten with Harry."

"I know. Little Tori doesn't even hide it. And while Daphne tries to be discreet, it is easy enough to discern her feelings. Their crush on him is so cute. The three of them are so adorable." Lily laughed, the day's tension finally melting and giving rise to relief and joy. It was always fun talking about their children.

"I wouldn't call it a crush, Lily. Both my girls are stubborn and relentless in what they want. I think obsession is a better word to describe their passion. I just hope it won't create a fissure between them in the future." The blonde sighed, not wanting to see the heartening relationship between Daphne and Astoria crumble because they were vying for the same boy.

"You worry too much, Proserpina. They will sort it out. They are just children." Alice offered.

"I hope so."

"If nothing else, my dear godson can have both of them. I reckon he won't mind having a harem. Though I don't know how to feel about getting beaten by a kid. He is getting more loving than me. Damn it!"

His rant was promptly ignored.

As soon as Voldemort died, his undead body turned into sand, fluttering down around his sword and disappearing before it could reach the ground.

Harry sighed, storing his sword back in Inventory. Things could have gone so much better. His plans could have been fulfilled and then he wouldn't have had to worry about the Voldemorts anymore.

Alas, it wasn't meant to be. His plan was destined to fail due to his lack of magical knowledge. Soul and mind and whatnot, he grumbled.

Still, things could have gone way worse too. And yet, after this confrontation, Harry wasn't scared of Voldemort anymore. Because, now, he had a guess of his enemy's approximate power, which while very high and unworldly was not by any means unbeatable or insurmountable. It was one of the good things that came out of this mess.

Harry could see himself killing his opponents even in a straight fight in the future. And it was all that he needed to overflow with hope and confidence.

Yes, things could have gone bad. Really bad. Like coming face to face with the full might of the Dark Lord. Harry would have had to run away if that had happened. He wasn't ready to engage in a full fledged combat with the godly villain yet.

The day honestly had been a mixed bag, where he gained something, but also missed his chance to neutralise his enemies permanently.

Shaking off his contemplations, he teleported back to Gryffindor house where Iris would be waiting anxiously for him. It was good that this quest did not take more than fifteen minutes, saving her from a torturous await.

The whole event was a bit anticlimactic for him. But he had been over-prepared, so it wasn't that surprising. And he didn't mind it. If all his quests were this easy, he would be happy and relieved.

"Harry!" Iris half-yelled and rammed into him, throwing her arms around his neck.

He smiled softly, hugging her back. "I am fine. I didn't suffer a single scratch. See."

She stepped away and inspected him carefully, relaxing when she verified his claim. "Good."

Before they could continue their conversation, the Gryffindor common room door opened and the old headmaster himself entered inside. He didn't move further and remained at the threshold.

"Harry. Iris. I see you are well, if a bit melancholic." He smiled gently, sitting on the nearest armchair.

The two Potters moved towards him curiously. "Professor Dumbledore? What are you doing here?"

It was Harry who asked.

"I don't think you would believe me if I said I was just strolling aimlessly."

"We won't." Iris mumbled, shooting him an inquisitive look.

"Hmm, well, let's just say I was warned in advance about Voldemort showing up today to hunt you, Harry. Fortunately, I did not feel any outside intrusion through the wards. But just to be on the safer side, I decided to check upon you. Are you good? Did you see or feel anything out of the ordinary today?" Dumbledore asked them kindly.

Harry lied impressively. "We are fine, Professor. And no, we didn't see anything suspicious today."

"Good. I am glad that my informant was wrong. You both have already suffered. I would like to not see you in any more danger." Dumbledore inclined his head gravely before standing up. "It is not an order but a suggestion, you should join your friends at the feast. I think it would be far better than mourning all by yourself."

"It's a tradition, headmaster. We both like to remain together and alone on this day." Iris defended quietly.

Dumbledore offered her a sad smile. "As you wish, child. At least you have each other. It warms my old heart to see siblings getting along so well and not shying from showing each other affection. How I wish it was the case with every family. Ignore this old man's rambling, Goodnight."

They both stared at the retreating figure of Dumbledore until the entrance opened and shut behind him.

"What was that?" asked Iris.

"That was mum blabbering about things to others she shouldn't have. We barely managed to avoid his scrutiny. And we can't risk that now when we are technically serial killers in his view. I am going to have a serious conversation with mum tonight." Harry scowled, preparing to teleport back home right away and ask what the hell she was thinking.

"Not tonight, brother. Our friends will be here soon and it will be suspicious and difficult to explain why you are absent. Go to her tomorrow morning. It will be Sunday anyway, everybody in your dorm will have a lie-in and you will get enough time to question her about this disastrous choice."

"Fine." Harry sighed, plopping down on the red sofa. Iris smiled, sitting beside him and cuddling to his side, relieved that he wasn't hurt in his fight against the Dark Lord. Harry placed his right arm around her shoulder, shifting into a comfortable position.

Voldemort's eyes snapped open when his mind's connection with the undead body unlinked after the destruction of the vessel. He rubbed the sweat off his forehead and blew out a relieved sigh.

'That was a close call. It was good that I wasn't using my soul for the possession. That boy is powerful and has some sort of control on souls. Too powerful and dangerous for his young age. It's better to steer clear of him for now. And it doesn't look like he will ever side with me. He is an unexpected and unknown enemy.' Voldemort pondered, wiping the trickling blood from his nostrils.

He was going to suffer a killer headache for the next few days. The sudden connection cut off with the undead vessel wasn't good for either his mind or body.

He got up from his throne and decided to see if his wife had forgiven him yet. He walked up to the wall and it slid open to admit him. He entered the well lit room to see his wife lying naked on her back in the canopied bed.

He gulped down the saliva, feeling tight in the breeches, forgetting about his crushing defeat at the hands of a young child.

It had been weeks since he had sex with her. He was filled with unbridled lust. And at the moment all his mind could think of was her, of her divine womanly body.

He meandered slowly towards his half-soul and found her asleep. Her bare curvy chest rising and falling gently, the big round breasts glistening from the light.

Her silky black hair was strewn around her neck and shoulders, framing her aristocratic face. His gaze followed down her stomach and to the unhidden hairless womanhood.

His mouth watered at the sight of his wife's godly physique.

He was blessed. He really was. He blamed Chaos for many things, but not for creating a female body for his half-soul.

He silently climbed on the bed and lay on his side, facing her.

He breathed in her scent and scooted closer, placing his hand on her flat stomach.

"What are you doing, Tom?" Her impassive voice interrupted him.

She turned to her side and faced him, her visage blank and emotionless.

Voldemort stiffened for a second, like a child getting caught stealing a cookie, before getting his panic under control.

He dragged his hand up her taut body, cupping her voluptuous tit and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I came to apologise, but your beauty hypnotised me and pulled me beside you."

Her eyebrows rose in disbelief. "Are you trying to butter me up?"

He laughed, an ordinarily soft sound which would have bamboozled his past victims who have only been exposed to his cold sadistic cackle.

"No. Seeing you naked really hypnotised me. Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked, circling his thumb around her erect nipple, on her pink puffed up areola, causing a warm dampness to grow in her nether region.

"Sometimes." She whispered throatily before sitting up. Voldemort feared that he was going to get blue-balled by his angry wife. But unexpectedly, she roughly pushed him down on his back and pulled down his trousers, his cock springing excitedly out of its confines.

She gave his fleshy tower a couple of pumps, her fingers curling around the base.

Voldemort moaned, clutching the bedsheets on his sides.

His eyes widened when she kneeled above him, her pretty black hair falling around her face like a curtain. Her breasts hanging tantalisingly in front of his eyes as she positioned herself over his thrumming excitement.

Voldemort closed his eyes and hissed in pleasure when his wife's tight body enveloped his cock. He placed his arms around her as they joined together like they used to back in happy days.

The heat of her insides, the wetness of her tunnel, the tightness of her cunt was familiar and nostalgic. He had missed this. He had missed it so much.

He exhaled, clasping her rear firmly within his fingers' grasp as they began their well-practised dance. Her slow languid movement was painfully pleasurable. Her pussy swallowing and clenching around him.

After the acute absence of their regular intimate acts, all he wanted to do now was rut into her like a starved beast. But he knew it would be counterproductive and might offend her. At the moment, he decided he should let her take control instead of treating her like a sex commodity.

As if knowing his mind and sensing his need, she increased the pace steadily until she was bouncing on his cock with loud pleased screams. Voldemort had his eyes fully open as her breasts swayed over his eyes and her scent filled his nose. Wanting to feel both her arse and tits at the same time, he used his one hand to grab her bubbly rump and the other to latch onto her boob.

"YES… YES… YES." His wife screamed in ecstasy which brought a prideful smile to his face. The smile only grew at the sudden sensation of her wet passage.

She came.

Her movement became sluggish after that, and she slumped over him, burying his face under her perky breasts.

He wasn't complaining about being stuffed by her chest, but he also needed his completion. He coiled his arms around her waist and began thrusting into her with rough-fast movement. He moved excitedly under her, his dick shoving in and out of her honeypot.

She groaned a little, shifting here and there, her hand slipping under the pillow beside him.

Voldemort was in paradise as he felt the pleasure reaching a crescendo, the loud sound of their slapping hips filling the room, her incoherent moaning inciting only more lust into him. He closed his eyes, engulfing her nipple and lightly biting her breast.

"I am comin-"

That was the last thing the Dark Lord ever mumbled since right at that moment, she took out the knife from the pillow and carved a deep smile on his neck.

Voldemort gurgled, blood pouring out of his sliced neck in abundance. He trembled violently, spasming in his death throes as he tried to move away from her, to stop the fatal bleeding from his neck.

Alas, he was buried underneath, with her chest squashed on his face and his hands shaking around her waist.

Brimming with pain and pleasure, he shot his last load deep inside her before dying with a betrayed look in his eyes.

Feeling him stilling finally, she toppled beside him and sat up.

She scrunched her nose in disgust at all the blood that was smeared over her torso.

She glanced down at him.

Bulging eyes, mouth wide open and filled with red blood. His neck sported a deep cut from one ear to the other and the crimson liquid still bubbled out of the fleshy crevice.

"I am finally free."

That was how the strongest mage of the era died, quivering in pain and pleasure as he was betrayed by his closest confidant. And this time he didn't have the horcruxes to fall back onto. Death finally had him within its inescapable grasp.

Only a couple of hours later after Lily fell asleep, following the long futile wait, an unexpected visitor teleported directly into the Potter Manor.

The living room was very dark without any light to assist his sight. And there was an eerie pin-drop silence in the house. Which was expected since it was five in the morning. Only his familiarity with his home aided him to reach his mother's bedroom without stumbling.

His mother should have been awake by now and preparing for the morning jog. He knew her schedule well enough. So, he was surprised to find her still sleeping in the bed.

He walked to her side. All his annoyance and unhappiness, for her stupid risky decision, disappearing as he looked at her slumbering form.

She appeared so lonely being all by herself on the vast bed, lying on her side with her arms wrapped around an extra pillow. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her lips were thinned as if she was seeing something unpleasant in her dream.

Harry exhaled, letting go of his dissatisfaction, not wanting to seem as if he was angry at her. It was quite annoying that he couldn't remain cross with her even when it was her fault.

He dutifully tried not to stare at her half-naked body.

She was only in her red knickers, baring her breasts.

The shine of the moonlight was abundant enough for him to see her clearly. Usually, she would at least have a big-baggy bright coloured t-shirt over her underwear, most of the time it being pink. But it seemed she had forgone the t-shirt tonight.

He shook her shoulders, feeling particularly annoyed at the pillow for hiding the essentials of her chest. He so wanted and did not want to see her nipples. It was quite a conundrum.

Did he lightly touch her sideboob when it appeared his mother was deep in her sleep? Yes, he did and instantly felt guilty about it. Was he weirded out that he was seeing his mother through sexual lens? A bit.

He shook his head, suppressing his rising hormones and controlling his naughty urges.

It was damn hard to do that when you had a half-naked sexy redhead in front of you. And this was Lily Potter . The most beautiful woman in the entire world, at least to him. It obviously was difficult to keep his eyes from wandering down her waist and staring at her wonderful arse.

But he persevered.

That was after he gave in to his urge to leer at her for the five minutes.

He leaned forward, he moved to different sides and looked at her from various angles, and gave himself a feast by inspecting every inch of her bare flesh. He even grazed his fingers along her curves, lightly groping and fondling her half-exposed butt and fully-exposed thighs, feeling amazed how soft and warm her skin felt in his grasp.

It was terrifying how an overpowering urge was taking over him.

But he overcame it.

When his curiosity was momentarily satisfied and guilt was off the charts, he stopped molesting her and was able to repress his strong urges.

He felt so evil and rotten that he hadn't been able to totally control himself.

Isis' comment both helped and scared him. Sometimes he really forgot that there was another soul inside him who was aware of his every thought and action.

It's fine, Harry. Just don't do it ever again. It is indeed a very bad and vile act. I don't want you to become evil like the Creator who takes whatever or whoever he wants without thinking about the well-being of the other party. You are still a confused child, so I will ignore this ungentlemanly behaviour this one time. Although I am quite terrified how you will devolve once the [Lustful] trait actually starts acting after your thirteenth birthday.

Ignoring the foreboding remark, he concentrated on the task at hand.

"Mum, wake up." he said gently, nudging her shoulders roughly when she kept mumbling and snuggling further into the pillow.

His efforts at last yielded results.

Lily slowly blinked her eyes open and sat up, rubbing her heavy lidded eyes. She was still drowsy, unconsciously giving her son a good long show when she didn't try to cover up her nudity.

Harry gulped nervously, glancing down at her big gravity defying large mounds. He hadn't properly seen a fully naked matured chest since ever and was so caught off guard by the beauty of it that his discreet glance turned into a blatant staring. His eyes drank in and memorised her every curve and valley. He was particularly infatuated by the large round puffed up dark-pink circles in the centre of the peaks which also possessed two hard nipples.

After Lily rubbed the sleep off her eyes, which took almost a half minute, did she realise how Harry was looking at her. Or more precisely, how he was ogling at her tits.

She picked up the errant pillow and hid her boobs behind it. "Eyes up here, love."

She smiled amusedly with a hint of embarrassment, understanding that he was at a certain age where it would be almost impossible for him to repress his curiosities. Still, it didn't stop her from feeling flustered and tongue-tied.

Harry's face turned tomato red upon being caught and he averted his eyes immediately. "I am sorry!"

She giggled awkwardly, putting on the yellow t-shirt which she had placed on the bedside table. "It's fine. Anyone in your place would have stared. Don't worry about it, sweetie, I am not angry."

"Okay." He whispered, shuffling from one feet to the other, not meeting her eyes, feeling so out of the place there, and so damn guilty.

Knowing that the awkwardness would only dissipate after ignoring the elephant in the room, she asked the important question to distract him. "Why are you here at this time?"

At once, his stance changed and he looked up at her with a tiny bit of anger and disbelief. "You told Dumbledore about Voldemort's challenge."

Lily stiffened as she received his mild glare. How she wished she could go back and not ask this question. She would have given anything to revert back to the earlier innocent awkward moment where she could tease him about his blunder instead of feeling like a disappointment.

"I did. Remus, Sirius, Alice and Proserpina knew too. I showed them the letter." She confessed, making his eyes widen in horror.

"Why? Why would you do that? Don't you know that my involvement is meant to be kept hidden?" He asked, aghast.

"They don't know about you. I lied and made it look like Voldemort was interested in you by himself without any provocation. They don't know about your special powers."

"That was still a stupid move, mum. Now, Dumbledore will keep an eye on me. He will be suspicious about me, he will think that I must be different somehow for the Dark Lord himself to get interested in me. You just kicked me right into the spotlight. What happens if he connects the dots and realises that the 12 year old prodigal student is also the serial killer child Red Grim?" Harry grumbled, rubbing his forehead.

Lily herself was taken aback, apparently not having thought that far. "I just wanted to help you. I thought your fight would be easier if the veteran fighters themselves faced the Dark Lord. I didn't want you to fight him all alone. I didn't want you to fight him at all. I wasn't prepared to risk you. But it seems it was all futile since Voldemort never showed up. I am sorry for being a bother."

Seeing the defeated and self-deprecating look in her eyes, Harry's heart ached and went out for her. He sighed, getting up onto the bed and sitting in front of her cross-legged.

"Voldemort came though."

Her head snapped at him. "How? Dumbledore would have notified me."

"Voldemort apparated directly into the Chamber of Secrets which is so far down that even Hogwarts' wards don't reach there. But don't worry, I will raise a ward around the chamber to prevent future security risks." Harry informed her solemnly.

She instantly was onto him, kneeling before him and fussing over him, checking if he was alright.

"I am absolutely fine, mum. Not a single scratch. I kicked his arse and destroyed his vessel in mere minutes." He reassured her, grabbing her hands and squeezing them.

After that, he quickly gave her a brief summary about his confrontation with the Dark Lord.

"I am strong, mum. I really don't need your help in this."

That was apparently the wrong thing to say.

She slumped down on her knees, resting her chin atop his shoulder and holding him in her arms. "I know, Harry. Believe me, I know that. It feels so bad being a redundant figure in the family."

"What are you talking about? You are not redundant." Harry quickly said, pulling back and shooting her an incredulous look.

"Fine. Tell me one thing you need me for. You and Iris are so capable and independent that you don't even need me anymore." Lily smiled mirthlessly, running her fingers through his hair.

"You really are stupid, mum." Harry groaned, not thrilled about getting the responsibility of cheering up his depressed mum.

"You are cruelly rubbing salt on the wounds now."

"We still need you. Iris and I will keep needing you. And even after decades when we are grown up, we still will keep wanting you. It's not about need, it's about want. I want you in my life forever. How hard is it to believe that?" Harry responded, rolling his eyes at the stupid situation. How had he ended up in a position where he needed to give a pep talk to his mum?

"Then why don't you let me accompany you on your quests? Why are you not helping me to grow powerful like you did with Iris?"

"Isn't it obvious? Because I don't want you on the battlefield. Haven't you had enough fighting after the last war? I thought I would let you retire and enjoy your peace since you must hate all the killing and murdering. Also, because you are my only trump card. If somehow something happens to me, only you have the power to bring me back." Harry explained patiently, holding her hands in his and giving her an earnest look.

Lily couldn't find any holes in his logic and didn't feel as if he was sugarcoating it to make her feel better.

"I see. I am sorry for involving others without consulting you. I hope it won't cause any major problems." She smiled sheepishly, cupping his face and placing a kiss on his head, feeling a lot better. And also like a moron, in hindsight.

"It's fine. We will just need to be more careful. And now I can also probably use this to my advantage. I have realised that I am depending too much on my system skills and ignoring my hereditary magic. I would like to seriously get trained in fighting during the summer vacation. Do you think Uncle Remus, Padfoot, Aunt Alice and Aunt Proserpina will accept my request to get tutored by them?"

Lily immediately piped up. "They will do that or they will face my ire. It is a smart decision. Sirius is great with curses. Proserpina is a master in elemental magic. Alice was only a step below your father in her skills with transfiguration. And Remus is versatile, being a jack of all trades. You will learn many things from them."

"Right. I also wouldn't say no to getting daily practice with you. I have heard rumours about Crimson Witch from the older students. I would like to see it for myself." Harry added thoughtfully.

She offered him a loving smile. "Done. Anything else?"


"Are you going then?" She questioned reluctantly, wanting him to remain a little longer.

"I have a couple of hours if you want me to stay." offered Harry.

Lily's eyes glowed happily and she pulled him into her arms, taking him with her as they fell back on the bed.

"Good. Now let's sleep." She sighed in comfort, drawing him closer and spooning him from behind. She wrapped her arms around his stomach and kissed the back of his head. "Goodnight, Harry."

"I see, I am just a glorified pillow replacement." He muttered, not unhappy with this sudden turn of events. He didn't have anything to do today so he didn't mind spending time with his mother. And even if he had some work, he would have happily ignored it for her company.

"Yep. I sleep better when I have an actual cuddle-buddy, but unfortunately my cute little kids are growing like bamboo, getting too old to sleep with their mum." She smiled, nuzzling his hair.

"I wouldn't mind. I like sleeping with you." Harry chuckled, bringing her arms to his chest and holding it there.

"Of course you do. I have great boobs. And you like it."


"What? It's the truth. I saw how you were looking at my breasts. I think another dose of 'birds and bees' is required."

"I am going!"

"Fine, spoilsport. I won't tease you anymore. Still, you should know that it is absolutely normal for your age. Getting drooly over your mum's sexy boobs is totally normal. Absolutely normal. Or that's what I would like to think. Otherwise we both are mad."


"Okay, okay. Calm down. I won't use the b-word again."

"You are enjoying this, aren't you?"


"Can I turn around? I feel like you are laughing at my back."

"No. If you turn around, your face will be directly in front of my you-know-what . And I am not sure how much you can restrain yourself if my you-know-what is within your eyes' and mouth's range."

"That was the final straw. I am really going this time."

"Sorry, sorry. I won't make any more lewd jokes, I promise. Please don't leave me all alone. I finally got some quality time with you." She mumbled with mock sadness, her grasp strengthening.

Harry heaved a sigh and closed his eyes. Even though he was annoyed by her constant teasing, he couldn't deny how comfortable he felt being held in her embrace.

"Should I take off my t-shirt? It doesn't feel comfortable. But my son might get handsy in his sleep. What to do? What to do?" she said in a singsong voice after a minute of silence.

His eyebrows twitched while his cheeks burned at the thought of his mum's glorious boobs. He didn't think there was anyone out there with a more perfect pair of tits than her. Was he biassed? Obviously.

She suddenly withdrew her arms from around him and he heard rustling sounds. But within half a minute, she was back to cuddling him from behind.

He couldn't believe it.

She really had taken off her t-shirt. He could feel the firm-softness and the pleasant heat of her round flesh squashed on his back. He could almost make out her nipples poking him.

He was feeling too warm, too pent up, too hot.

"Don't be naughty. I am showing you great trust here. I really was feeling uncomfy with the t-shirt on and decided it needed to go." Lily said genuinely, holding him close, pressing her breasts against him. "Consider it a test. You lose if you give in to your temptation and disrespect your dear old mum. You win if you control the urge and respect your mum's order. Simple."

Although she was serious, Harry could still hear the clear amusement in her tone. She was immensely enjoying this. "Fine. What do I get if I win?"

"What do you want?" She asked in a husky voice, whispering in his ear. He could feel her warm breath wafting over his earlobe. "Ask away, I will give you anything ."

"It's a trick question. Isn't it?"


"I don't want anything. I just want my lovely mum's kiss and a goodbye hug." Harry said with an exaggerated innocence.

"Good boy." she giggled, squeezing him and closing her eyes. "And goodnight. Real for this time."

"Goodnight, mum. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie."

Harry shut his eyes and went to sleep.

'Wake me up at 7:00, Isis.'

You do know that I am not your alarm clock, don't you?

Fine. I will wake you up at 7.

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