The Prophecy Of The Four Kings

Chapter 13: Banter & Brawls

Darix walked along the winding pathways of the village, the night was silent, but Onstam Village was quieter, darix approached the porch of a house filled with darkness, the slight breeze causing the bell that hung inside of it to chime a little as it barely glistened in the limited moonlight, tonight the moon was covered by the clouds , from within the darkness a figure moved, out stepped a young lady,

"what took you so long D", she said,

"Cet held me up, didn't wanna pay me my winnings for tonight, I'm surprised you're still here quin", Darix said,

"unfortunately I am, can't return to base without you, we have a situation on our hands", Quin said tugging tightly on the draw string of her bow,

"I swear this country always has fires to put out", darix said, taking out a dimly lit orange crystal, with metal attachments on it,

"well this particular fire is in the capital, in the Dens to be specific", quin said,

"ohh, I'll let them know that were on our way, what channel are we using today ?", Darix asked,

"seriously darix, you should know these things, its channel, KT-5290", quin said, her eyes rolling to the side, as she looked away from her cousin,

Darix looked down, twisting the two knobs back and forth, as static came from the crystal device, "please report your name and rank", the voice said,

"special Enforcer lieutenant Darix Kadar, reporting in", Darix said,

"ohh Chase, where are you reporting to tonight", the voice said, much more upbeat,

"the situation in the dens, me and quin are hea....", darix was cut off as Quin stepped out in front of him, her bow drawn,

"quin, what's up", Darix asked,

"someone just came out of the window of my house", quin said,

"maybe it's your brother or barak", darix said,

"Aster and barak are in the capital, besides they would've just used the front door", quin answered, darix put the crystal device in his pocket,

"I'll go up on the roof you cut them off by going around", darix said, his body sinking into the shadows,

Darix appeared on the roof, he could see the intruder making a straight line towards the edge of the village where the road was,

'they're smaller than I expected, but they are nimble', darix thought to himself as he dove into the shadows once more, quin ran back into her porch, ringing the bell as hard as she could, one by one, the lights in the village came on,

Back with the boys

The four boys were once again on the pitch black road that led into and out of town,

"I still can't believe you really fought them without calling for any of us, you need to stop being a hero", levant rambled on into aster's ear,

"Doesn't have anything to do with being a hero, why would I want to bother any of you with problems of my own creation", aster retorted to levant,

"yes it does, I bet you figured if you dealt with it on your own, that we'd be impressed when we saw that you were able to", Levant said,

Aster turned away from levant, "no not really, I just didn't want to be a bother or a burden", Aster said,

"please as if you could be a burden, you do however go off and do something reckless every time barak happens to be in town, remember the Narae incident, as soon as barak showed up, you turned everything into a huge fight", Levant carried on,

"that really isn't what happened, lev, she started that fight and I tried to end it, peacefully, not my fault her brother ended up with his leg broken", Aster said,

"yes it is, if he didn't step in, she would've gotten hurt and that would have been bad for the clan business", Levant said,

"your lucky that Maria didn't have you jailed for hurting one of her special enforcers", Levant said,

Aster let out a low grumble, between his eyebrows creased, he looked off into the darkness,

"you're a hypocrite Lev, you're the one literally going off fighting street gangs and criminals", Aster said,

"how would you know about that, dirt brain", Levant said,

"my sister is a special enforcer you idiot", Aster said,

"oh yeah she is", Levant said, the shock plastered on his face,

"you completely forgot about that didn't you", Polaris said,

"I might've", Levant said smiling rubbing the back of his head,

"Hahahaha", Barak laughed,

"oh junorra, you might actually have cinders for brains", Aster said,

"might ?, I know he does", Polaris said, laughing along with barak,

"And what are you laughing at you walking lightning rod" aster jarred at barak,

"Oh for fucks sake, why did you go and start him up aster" polaris said putting his Palm to his face and shaking his head,

"What was that you said you cinder block, brain dead, asshole", Barak snapped back at aster,

"Wow..hahaha...look at this two peasants going at it", Levant said mocking both of them,

"you should be the last one laughing at that flame brain", Aster said,

The boys got to the slope, when they noticed all the lights in the village were on and noise was coming from there, they all darted at once, and headed for the village, their laughing ceased almost immediately, rushing through the maze like pathways, jumping over some debris that was in the road,

They finally made it to the middle of the main court yard of the village, pushing their way through the mass of the villagers, who were all shouting at the same time, the commotion was almost deafening, barak was dodging, ducking and side stepping the various weapons that the villagers held in their hands, when he finally broke through to the center of the crowd, Barak took a step forward, below his foot he felt something snap, arrows riddled on the ground, something he hadn't noticed, he looked at the arrow noticing that they had notches on the head, which were different from the arrows that majority of the clan used, he looked around to see if any one else had gotten to the center of the crowd, he only saw Aster who picked up one of the arrows and examined it, until the person in the center drew both of their attention, she shook violently against the chains she was being held with,

"let me go", she said, pushing her arms against the chains,

"watch it barak, she's a feisty one", one of the villagers said,

"hey, I told you, let me go, I'm not here to steal or hurt any of you", she said, as she kept on struggling,

She wore a blue cap that kept barak from seeing her face properly, as she kept looking down at herself trying to get free,

"hey, hey", Barak said, taking her cap off and holding her by the chin, he was stuned by what he saw, the most beautiful and rare pair of golden eyes he had ever seen, her locs soon fell over onto her face, with her still struggling to get free,

"no time for ogling Rak, where is my sister ?", Aster said, as he held up the broken arrow,

"what, how do you know that those arrows belong to quin", Barak asked,

"I taught her how to make these specific arrows, those notches on the arrowhead make it a real pain to take out, look at the wound on her arm, she pulled one out of her arm Rak", Aster said,

"oh she was your sister, she put up a good fight, she's the one who stopped me from getting away, she was taught well, she shot to immobilize and not kill", the woman said,

"she wanted to keep you alive, if she wanted you dead, you'd be dead", Aster said, crouching down taking a closer look at the injuries on her body,

"you so sure about that, she is skilled but ultimately she wasn't a match for me, who knows she might be the one that's dead", The woman said, a smile growing across her face, she soon felt her small frame being lifted off of the ground, she looked down and a hand was wrapped around the chains that bound her,

"his sister better be alive, unless I have no qualms about killing you where you sit", Barak said, his eyes locked onto the person in front of him,

"quit it ,Rak, she's trying to piss us off, I'm sure my sister is alive, and she didn't fight this woman by herself", Aster said,

"she has other bruises that aren't from any of quins weapons, hey, who else was fighting her with quin", Aster asked, standing up and looking around at the other villagers,

"she was fighting alongside Darix, they're both in the main hall getting treated by elder Adalynn", a voice said, as a large figure moved through the crowd,

"ah, jace", Aster said,

"yeah, it took all of us to corner her and capture her", jace said,

"so where's Cannan, hell where's Zaraar, they both should have been interrogating her, or at least one of them", Barak said,

"yeah darix asked them mid fight to go and help with the situation that the special enforcers were dealing with at the dens, so they aren't here", Jace answered,

"where the hell are Polaris and Levant, it's odd seeing just you two", Jace said, Aster walked up to him, jace towered even over the likes of Aster who was the tallest of the four boys,

"see jace this is why your squad never got close to ours", Aster said,

" hey jace", Levant said, waving at him from up on a rooftop,

"are we done now", Polaris said appearing from out of the crowd,

"yeah, lets take this to Zaraar's dungeon", Jace suggested,

"yeah, no, lets take her to the forest, if she doesn't want to talk, I'm sure Aster would love to bury her", Barak said, picking her up, he began to walk but two spears blocked his path,

He glared at one of the villagers, ", what the fuck do you think you're doing",

"I think we should all decide what should be done with her", one of the villagers said,

"ohh, and why is that ?", Barak asked

"because she's an intruder, who infiltrated our village, we should all get a say in how to deal with her", the villager said, staring Barak directly into his eyes,

"oh then do we need to call the elders, you know that they'll just side with us", Levant pointed out,

"we are ,after all ,the villages special prizes", Levant continued,

"if you're not careful, that arrogance will get one of you killed eventually", Cet said,

"not really in the mood for advice Cet", Aster replied,

"I'm just trying to help, remember you might be 'special prizes', in our village, but there are much stronger and more dangerous beings out in the world", she said, walking off with the dispersing crowd,

The villagers looked at them with a look of disdain on their faces, but soon began to disperse, eventually everyone was gone,

"shit man, way to throw your weight around", Polaris said,

"hey us being favored by the elders has to work in our favor somehow", Levant said,

Aster entombed her in some rocks but left her head uncovered, they carried her out of the village and into the forest close by to, ask her some questions, they kept her in the rocks to make sure she couldn't escape,

"Was this really necessary, she was tied up", Levant said,

"So what do you want with the four of us" Levant asked,

She remained silent, saying nothing, soon after Barak stepped forward,

"If you don't want to talk I have ways to make you talk, a little shock therapy and a little brain rewiring, should have you spilling your insides" Barak said as he drew his sword slightly and lightning crept out of it and slowly crept towards her face, she looked over at polaris and aster as if they were suppose too stop him,

"Don't look at them they wouldn't stop me even if they wanted to", Barak said smirking as he drew more of his sword from its sheath,

She let out a sigh, "fine, I'll explain to you guys what I was doing and what's going on" she said,

"But you gotta let me out or I won't talk", she said as she negotiated,

"Fine, you want to let her go aster" Levant asked,

"Sure not like she can escape any of us" aster said smirking,

"i wouldn't be so sure about that", she stated, with a grin across her face,






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