The Prophecy Of The Four Kings

Chapter 14: Alliances

The rocks that were being bound to her fell to the ground, "I really hope this is worth it, cause I would like to go and check on my little sister", Aster said, taking a seat on a broken log nearby

"So are you gonna talk or do we have to get forceful again ?", Levant asked,

She sighed, and walked over to a nearby boulder and sat down,

"we really didn't have to go through any of this though, if you guys would've simply asked a question or listened to me", she said,

"what do you expect, we came home to you as an intruder", Levant stated to her,

"not to mention you hurt Quin and Darix, besides why would we listen to you over our own people", Barak said,

"well in that regard I do understand why you acted so, and I probably would've done the same thing, though carrying it to the extent of torture is a bit excessive", she continued stating,

"That's your opinion", barak responded,

"and my 'opinion', is often correct", she said,

"but for youngsters you guys reacted quickly, I'm impressed", She stated,

"Youngsters"....."you don't look that much older than us", Polaris chimed in,

"Ohhh...this one talks" she said, mocking polaris,

"Get to the point", Levant said,

"Careful there hot head, the only way that you guys can take me is four on one", she stated,

"that's a bold statement considering Darix and Quin, managed to injure you, resulting in your capture", Aster said,

"young man, you are sadly mistaken, the ones you call Darix and Quin, while they did manage to injure, well at least your sister did, was only because they worked together to catch me off guard, and even so, the ground in your village was littered with arrows, and yet I only got hit twice, and only the arrow to my leg managed to stop me from leaving, I did in fact take them down shortly after", she said,

"and as I said earlier, if my sister wanted to kill you, hell if Darix wanted to kill you, you'd be dead" Aster stated,

"and I AM TELLING YOU, that they couldn't because they did not have the chance to", She said,

"okay, okay, we are getting off topic", levant said, as Aster took his seat once more on the log,

"how about you let us finish the talking, huh, Aster", Levant said, turning around from Aster to face their guest,

"Anyways, my name is yumi, and I'm from the Shadow continent", Yumi continued,

"the shadow continent, never heard of you guys", Aster replied,

"ASTER", Levant said sternly,

"well we aren't one solid nation, I'm specifically from a country called Dracht", said yumi,

"oh so why are you here then", barak answered sharply,

"about that, I'm here because the three countries on the continent are at war right now", yumi said,

"and let me guess you want us to help your country win the war", Barak said, a smirk peeling across his face, he had a devilish glint in his eye,

"no, I want you to help me make the Dracht Empire lose the war", Yumi said,

"come again", Levant said,

"well, while I do come from the Dracht Empire, they were the ones who started the war, on the continent they by far have the most advanced and powerful army, so it's been a one sided slaughter so far, when I left one of the kingdoms, the Argon kingdom was near collapse, one of our rebel leaders went to stop that from happening, but we don't know how long they will hold out", Yumi explained,

"okay so you need us to help defeat your home so that everything will return to peace", barak asked,

"basically yes", yumi said,

"okay, one question though", Aster asked,

"sure", yumi said,

"As..", levant began to say,

"I'm okay now, how did you find out about us?", Aster asked,

" the strongest guild on our continent had taken some interest in you so we, the rebels, made a move so they wouldn't bring you over to their side, and so, here I am", Yumi explained,

"you're talking like they're your enemy", Aster answered,

"actually they are", Yumi snapped back,

"look we've done all the background checks on all four of you, and by some twist of fate Aster you're ex is with the guild", she continued,

"so with all that said I'm asking you guys for your help to stop a senseless war that is tearing my home apart", Yumi pleaded, with a desperate look on her face,

Aster walked forward and stood in front of her, with his arms folded,

"If serene is apart of them then that means her partner is to and i have a score to settle with him, so for the time being I will help you", Aster said turning around and looking at the rest,

"Hmph....I hope you know what you're getting us into aster, I don't wanna do it but I'm not leaving you by yourself", Levant said as he reluctantly joined them,

Polaris sighed, "if the two of y'all going them count me in also",

"That leaves you barak, what will it be ?", Aster asked,

"Once I'm not taking orders from anyone and i don't have to hold back sure, I'm in" Barak said,

At that moment a dark figure appeared behind yumi,

"HEL..." she tried to scream but was cut short, the four boys turned around, and saw the figure with yumi jumping into the trees,

Aster let out a sigh," well Levant time for us to be heroes", he said patting Levant on his shoulder, with a grin on his face,

"Yeah yeah, your making food for me once this is done", Levant said ,

"So y'all gonna get to work or not", Polaris said, drawing his sword from its sheath,

"Okay", Aster replied,

He summoned his war hammer from within the earth, and raised it high over his head,

TITANIC SPLITTER, he shouted as his hammer hit the ground,

The earth split apart as a shockwave of mud, debris and destruction stretched forth in front of Aster, leaving a massive crater, flattening the tree's and clearing the forest, the dark figure ran, leaping over boulders, rocks, logs, small rivers, running as fast as they could to escape the destruction that chased them,

"Okay that should have scared them a bit", Aster said chuckling to himself,

"You keep way too much noise aster", Levant said,

"more than that are you trying to kill the person we just said we would help, Barak said, his arms folded as he stood next to Aster,

"sorry, I had some steam to blow off", Aster said, looking onwards towards the rest of the forest,

"leave that shit to levant", Barak said,

Aster dropped the head of his hammer to the ground, and then it began to rumble, and underneath each of the boys feet shot a pillar of earth from within the ground,

As the boys stood atop the pillars, looking for yumi,

"Levant give us some light would ya", Barak stated,

Levant just pushed his hand straight into the air, and as the sparks formed in his hand, a giant ball of fire appeared,

"Is this good enough for ya ?", Levant sarcastically asked barak,

"Oh there they are", Polaris said, he was sitting down with his hand on his chin,

"You mark them Barak I'll hit them", Polaris said as he stood up from sitting,

Barak made a small spark of lightning at his fingertip and pointed it at the unknown figure,

A spear of ice formed in polaris' hand, he drew back his arm, LIGHTNING HUNTER , Polaris shouted, and he threw the spear, and without even aiming in their direction the spear flew towards the unknown person and yumi,

"You know that particular move always amazes me", Aster said placing his hand above his eyes looking off at the spear,

The air cooled in the forest, as the spear of ice sped towards it's target, the dark figure looked over their shoulder sensing the incoming peril, they jumped behind a tree, narrowly escaping danger, the spear made contact with the forest floor, the resulting explosion of ice dust and frost from its impact, left the boys unable to see anything, the dark figure looked on at the doom he barely escaped, a his face twisted in fear, his eyes fixated on the large spikes of ice,

"Shit they found me", the person said to themselves,

"GIANTS...PROTECT ME", the person shouted, and with a flash of blue lights, four giants appeared in front of the boys, towering over the forest.

"I'm starting to think that we need techniques to incapacitate and not kill", Aster suggested,



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