Chapter 26: All About Energy
The three boys looked at each other, passing confused looks at one another, and a few glances at Yumi, Polaris was the first one to get up, a brief look of anger flashed in his eyes, but they soon went cold, it was a familiar look to the other two,
"whoa, Hold on a minute Pol", Aster said, standing up and placing his hand on Polaris' shoulder,
"so how do we know that all of this isn't a trick to make us stronger, and then have us work for him unknowingly", Polaris stated,
"you didn't have a single hair on your head harmed", he continued,
"why would I do….", she began to say,
"not to mention, How the hell did he find us ?", Levant asked,
"well I do know how he found us", yumi replied,
"he had a tracker placed on the guy we captured, which lead him straight to here, go ahead ask aster I showed it to him", she said,
"she isn't lying guys", aster said, Pulling the small crystal like square out of his pocket,
"now isn't the time you know it all", levant said, walking up to Aster and staring him down,
"look", aster said, flicking a small square crystal into the air, as It came back down, levant caught it in his hand,
"okay that tells us how he found us, but, if you're his enemy, why did he not take you out also", Levant asked,
Yumi let out a small sigh, regaining her composure, "if you must know, he has a soft spot for me", yumi said, her face void of any expression,
"what why ?", Polaris asked,
"it's because…", yumi began to say,
"there's only one reason why a stone cold killer would leave his, female target that is actively trying to destroy his plan, alive, he still loves you, right ?", Levant said,
"leave it to Pol to not pick up on things like that", Levant finished,
"we are getting off topic", yumi said, clearing her throat,
"to be honest he would've still found us because you three plus Barak are walking beacons", she stated,
"oh, what do you mean ?", aster asked as he queued up
"what, you don't know", yumi said,
"know about what", aster said, drawing in closer, taking a seat on the floor,
"how are the four of you this strong and don't know about divine energy", yumi said, dropping her face in her palm,
"the elders only 'taught' us about developing our blessings and martial skills, everything else we 'know' we went out and learnt on our own time", Aster said,
"okay, so tell me how much do you know on why we have blessings and natural blessings", yumi asked,
"wouldn't know, didn't care enough to listen when we were being taught", Polaris said,
"was to busy finding better things to do", Levant said,
"uggh and what about you aster, you seem like the most interested in learning", yumi said,
"was busy learning other things, can't blame myself, they were talking about boring things that happened in the past", Aster said,
"fuck, you guys are making this harder than it needs to be", yumi said,
"look the short version is, it is said that humans were the first creation of the gods, followed by all the other races, and all of us were made to venerate and worship them, and so for us to know of their existence, they gave us the smallest fraction of their divinity, this expresses itself as Divine energy, and through that we gained the ability to receive blessings from the gods to express a version of their power onto the world, and thus we get natural blessings as those powers passing on from parent to child, and expressing themselves in either the same way or completely different ways", Yumi said,
"hmm, I have several questions, but that still doesn't tell us how he would've been able to track us using this divine energy", Aster said,
"well you see the Blessings given to you guys emit a certain level of energy and anyone with enough training can sense it, I'll also be teaching you how to sense divine energy, by the way", she answered ,
"wait wait wait, don't you think you should've led with that from the time we all came to this island", Levant shouted at yumi,
"well I didn't think that Aluric would've come himself, that's an oversight and mistake on my part", yumi said,
"some fucking rebel leader you are that oversight almost got us killed", Polaris said, Aster placed his palm on his face, while groaning, making his discontent known, he sat back in a more comfortable position,
"cut her some slack Pol, everyone makes mistakes", Aster said,
"anyways the type of energy you guys are emitting is known as divine energy or D.E for short, its like sensing for how dense the space around a person is ", yumi said,
"hmm, so basically we're trying to sense something that we can't see or touch", Aster said,
"not exactly, you can't touch it, but you can see it after training a bit", yumi said,
"you can freely manipulate the shape and size of your divine energy, but there are other properties of it you can't, such as the temperature of texture of it", yumi said,
"temperature ?, texture ?", Polaris said,
"yes, for example, Levant's divine energy, gives off a warmth, this is due to the nature of his blessing of fire, and Aster's divine energy looks and feels a lot denser and thicker, than the both of you, because of the nature of his blessing of earth", yumi explained,
"ohh, I get it, so those other things are caused by like, your personality and blessing and such", levant said,
"yeah, you are right, another thing you can't do is outwright attack, with divine energy, I mean you can't form physical weapons or make a ball of it and hit people with it, it simply won't do anything",yumi said,
"so far we know that divine Energy has three applications, that we can use freely, the first is to sense others with divine energy, once you have yours activated, you can sense the others around you, but while you can sense them they can also sense you, as for how far you can sense, it depends on how much you train to do it", Yumi explained,
"how far can yours go", levant asked,
"I can sense from here to halfway through the forest, In all diretions", yumi said,
"the second way, ties directly into the first, meaning that the limitation to the second is that you can only use as far as you can spread out your divine energy", yumi explained,
"wait a minute, if such a power exist why doesn't everyone know how to use it", Aster asked,
"well technically everyone does know how to use on an instinctual level", yumi replied,
"how ?", polaris asked,
"that feeling you get when you can gauge whether or not someone Is weaker or stronger than you, that's, basically you using the first way or first technique of divine energy, many of us who study divine energy think that it is tied to you instincts in some way, as at the end of the day, we are all living creatures and we instinctually use everything available to us to survive", yumi said,
"now that you know this, the second way to use divine energy is to use it as an aide in boosting control of your powers within the area that you can project off of your body, the range will naturally increase overtime in accordance to how adept you become at using it, plus your D.E will grow as your powers grow, this will be especially useful for you Aster , since you gotta be fighting these two at the same time", yumi said, a bit to cheerful for aster's taste,
"so what's the third", Aster said,
"well the third way, is to use it to defend, and strengthen your own body", yumi said,
"wait, I thought you said we can't physically touch it", aster said,
" we can't, that doesn't mean it can't affect our physical bodies though", yumi said,
"the third way of using divine energy, involves techniques from a clan known as the vos clan, they are a clan of people where no one possesses a single blessing or natural blessing, and so these techniques were invented for the sole purpose of keeping that clan alive, even developing a technique that is an upgrade to the very first technique I just told you about", yumi said,
"this is getting interesting", levant said,
"the technique is called 'vision', and it somehow allows them to perceive the exact strength of their opponent without extending you divine energy out towards your opponent", yumi said,
"nice, when can we learn that", levant asked,
"yeah, no you guys can't because not even I know how to, the vos clan keeps the specifics about their techniques hidden", yumi said,
"well shit that sucks", levant said,
"now enough talking time to train",yumi said,
"wait, hold on, I have questions", Aster said,
"from how you described everything one persons divine energy has a way of interacting with someone else's divine energy, if so can I use mine to directly attack someone else's, also what happens if I lose all of my divine energy, you said that the gods gave it to us to know of their existence but is it tied directly to my life force, can one be born without divine energy, does that make them a dark spot or undetectable by people who can use divine energy, is being born without divine energy why some people don't have powers, I mean besides that clan you mentioned", Aster rambled on,
"Oh great now he isn't going to stop until tonight", Levant said getting up and walking off.