Chapter 27: Training
Aster jumped back, the stream of flames inches away from his face, he'd sparred against Levant many times now but this was by far, the hottest his flames have ever been, it felt as though he was standing inside the fire itself, but it was due to having such an intense heat in front of him that felt the jarring cold on his back, a chilling sensation approached him, Aster leaned forward dropping his body low to the ground, the sharps shards of ice, flew into the fire melting away, they were aimed directly for his head, he couldn't see it but Aster knew that those two were grinning with one another, the stream of fire died down giving Aster a clear view of Levant, but he still couldn't see where Polaris was hiding, but he could sense him, The air around Levant and Polaris grew dense, like he could almost touch it, they were gearing up for another attack,
"got you", Levant shouted , A stream of flames raced towards Aster, on his opposite side, a large wall of water was doing the same, A thundering sound rang out into the air, both attacks colliding with each other, a steam cloud erupted where aster stood, but much to the dismay of Levant and Polaris, a dome of earth had formed around aster,
"well after all this time I wasn't expecting it to be easy", Polaris said, revealing himself from behind a thick cluster of trees,
"tell me about, not to mention he has the most fighting experience out of the three of us", Levant said, landing next to Polaris, flames erupting from the bottom of his feet to soften his touchdown,
"well lets finish this fight", Polaris said, ice shards forming around his hands, He rushed forward, circling the dome, with each step, ice rushed towards the bottom of the dome, slowly trying to creep it's way in, until the entirety of the dome was frozen over with large icicles, Polaris glanced over at levant, signaling him, Flames erupted out of his hands propelling him over an on to the top of the dome, Levant grabbed onto one of the icicles, coiling his arm back he clenched his fist as tight as possible, his entire arm was engulfed by his fire, he punched the top of the dome, in a matter of mere seconds, the resulting explosion sent him flying over towards some s trees, shards of shattered icicles laid on the ground strewn about everywhere, bits and pieces of the earth that made up the dome were still landing and settling into place, and some of the surrounding trees were lit on fire, the immediate area was covered in a thick cloud of dust, Levant Pulled himself off of the ground back to his feet, he couldn't see Aster anywhere,
"ahh shit, used to much fire power on that last attack", Levant said, to himself, coughing from the dust, as he pushed himself back up, Levant balled his fist, pointing them at the ground, flames began pouring out of them, as he propelled himself into the air once more, however before he could scan the surrounding area a body of sand whipped out of the dust cloud, attacking Levant, catching him in the air, slamming him into the ground, he was pinned down, he looked at the stretch of sand, his eyes followed it back into the thickest part of the dust cloud, the sand coiled around his body, holding and squeezing slightly as if he were a toy in someone's hand, Levant began to heat up his body in an attempt to escape, he didn't realize was, the sand had large chunks of ice within it, that was helping the sand to cool down as he was heating it up,
"what the fuck, I can't get out of this", Levant said, his body temperature skyrocketing, as fire began pouring itself off of his skin, the ground beneath him began glowing a bright red from the intense heat, Polaris looked around confused, he blocked Levant's explosion by creating a wall of thickly layered ice, though it barely saved him, but the dust from the explosion was limiting his sight, he could vaguely sense where Levant was, he heard his flames beginning to roar, then they were cut off, followed by a loud crash, before he could do anything however, a large pillar of earth rose out of the ground, turning and barreling it's way towards him, followed by many more, Polaris danced and wove his way through the onslaught of attacks, he wanted to regroup with Levant, but Aster hadn't left such an opening,
"gotcha", shouted aster, Polaris looked down his eyes wide with shock, he hadn't noticed because he was so focused on what he could see, the ground felt soft, his feet felt as though he was trying to lift them out of wet mud, beneath him was a pit of sand, and he was slowly sinking by the second, Polaris summoned the remaining strength he had and pulled himself through it but with every step he sank deeper,
"this is getting annoying', Polaris thought to himself, he exhaled, his breath leaving his mouth as frost, ice began forming itself on his skin, it crept up his arm and started covering his chest, at the same time the sand had began to freeze due to the extreme cold, this allowed Polaris to free himself, but he could feel the strain this put on his body, with each passing moment he could feel the energy leaving his body, he exhaled heavily, a large frosty breath leaving his lips, as he looked down at the ground the sunlight flickered repeatedly, he looked up to see another onslaught of pillars overhead,
Polaris danced and wove through Aster's attacks once more, with each pillar dodged his legs began to feel heavier, multiple spots of ice were now covering his body, it had been a while since he reached his physical limit when using his powers, his body began to shiver from the over use of it, but he still pushed forward, Aster could sense Polaris growing weaker the air around him seemed light now, and Polaris hadn't fired off an attack for a while, he had stopped focusing n levant leaving him trapped in sand, focusing entirely on Polaris, Aster decided to change tactics, Aster shot off two whips of sand towards Polaris, the first one snaked around the pillars of earth sticking out of the ground, Polaris saw it incoming, raising his arms just in time to cover his chest and face, the attack pushed him back, he didn't see the second sand whip, hitting him in his back, the force from the impact knocking him out,
"now all that's left is to deal with Levant, I know that wasn't enough to take him down", aster thought to himself, his vision began to blur, his body felt as though Yumi had him lifting that boulder again, Aster looked up realizing the sun was now overhead, when they had started it was still the wee hours of morning and the air felt cool, unlike the sunny day that it was now, he knew that this was fatigue from overusing his powers at such a high output,
Never the less, Aster walked over to where Levant was, but what he saw was the sand that was suppose to be holding him down was turned to glass,
"well now its really over", shouted Levant,
Aster looked up seeing Levant above him,
" now lets see you dodge this", Levant shouted,
he pushed both hands out in front of him, both of them heating up until steam came off of his body and his hands started to turn red, the air around him started to evaporate, and the space started distort into a heat haze, Aster could feel the danger of this attack,
LUNAR NOVA:ERUPT", he shouted out, a giant pillar of flames erupted out of his palms, plummeting down towards aster,
Aster had reacted fast enough or so he thought, he raised his arms trying to summon the earth to form a shield in front him, but by the time levant's attack was about to hit it had only half formed, the poorly made earthen shield melted away from shear amount of heat in Levant's attack, engulfing aster sending him flying into a tree, leaving a scorched trail behind it, Aster tried to stand, but feel down onto one knee, his body covered in burns, cuts and other wounds, he could barely feel his hands, and his legs just refused to move,
"alright alright I give up, I'm spent", Aster said, throwing his hands in the air, falling into a sitting position with his back against the tree,
"Lev are you trying to burn down the whole hideout ?', Aster said, his voice a bit sarcastic, as he began to chuckle to himself,
" the whole point of these training fights is to get us prepared for that tough bastard", Levant said to Aster,
"yeah, Yeah, I know", aster said, getting up and, he made his way to Polaris, who was still knocked out from his attack earlier, throwing Polaris over his shoulders,
"well its only been two months you can't expect to beat both of us in that space of time now do you, though you very nearly did", Levant stated as the two were walking back to the hideout,
Yumi watched from the top of the hideout as the two boys approached the building, with Polaris unconscious over Aster's shoulder, she was surprised, these boys had gotten stronger in the last two months, they grew faster than she anticipated, the forest itself had been altered by the constant fighting she had them doing, some of the larger trees were tilted, a large section was covered in a large ice glacier that had barely started to melt and right next to it was a new clearing with burnt trees on the edge,
"not bad you two making this much progress in two months I'm impressed", yumi said , jumping down from the roof, Aster gently let Polaris down from his shoulders slumped on a bench next to the house,
"Aster your stamina is where I need it to be now, and levant your fire power is getting there", Yumi said,
"I have to go to the main island for a bit, but when I get back I'll be personally putting you through hell when I get back", yumi said,
A few hours later
Yumi stood outside the remains of a burnt down warehouse, with wooden barriers outside to stop entry, workers were outside sorting through the remainder of the rubble, the sun was low casting a beautiful hue of oranges and purples into the sky, yumi slipped into an alley way opposite the burnt down building, she made her way down the alley weaving around boxes and crates, she came to a stop at a small wooden door, she pushed it open, but before se could walking she heard a loud crash and then a hiss, she whipped around her hands up ready to fight, but what she saw was only a cat, an all black cat with deep yellow eyes rummaging through a box of garbage on the ground,
"gosh, don't scare me like that", yumi said to the cat, the cat looked up at her staring directly at her without looking away, yumi heard another meow, she looked up and multiple cats, were now lining the rooftops, and widows, some were even walking the alley, all looking at her with the same deep yellow eyes, Yumi quickly made her way through the door slamming it shut behind her,
After walking down a lengthy flight of stairs, yumi came into a room filled with boxes and crates, all wrapped up and ready for shipping, one of the boxes had a hole to the bottom, with a glowing purple powder falling out at the bottom of it, Yumi knelt down, sticking her finger into it, she looked at it closely examining it,
"If I were you I'd wipe that off my hands", a voice said from the dark, Out walked a fair skinned woman, her body was lanky, she had light blonde, almost white hair, her ears were pointed, but not to the same degree as an elf,
'a half elf', yumi thought to herself, the half elf woman had a scar running across her nose and through one of her eyes forming a T like shape on her face, but other than that she had an airy kind of beauty,
"it's a drug called rivver, highly addictive right after the first use, name's Nyoka, Head Communications officer of the Arman familia", she introduced herself, her hand out stretched for a handshake,
"Yumi, One of the rebel Leaders on the shadow continent", yumi did likewise, wiping the other with the powder on it in her cloak,
"so wjat is it that you need, it isn't exactly safe for me to be here", nyoka said,
"straight to business then, I need a boat, and an uncharted route back to the shadow continent, Dracht's navy has been scouring it's waters for anyone going in or out", Yumi explained,
" I also need to communicate with the rebellion to get their current whereabouts and update them about what I'm doing", yumi finished,
The half elf stood there stroking her chin, staring at the ground, "the communication should be easy enough, however the route and ship are going to take a while to get", she said, rummaging through the bag she had slung over her shoulders, she took out a hard square board, two sheets of paper and a ink quill. She began scribbling, then handed one of the paper to yumi,
"okay everything will cost you around twenty thousand Lumens, and meet me by the place on the paper in the next month", Nyoka said,
"sure, I don't think I'll can get this much aradian gold in a month though", Yumi said, studying the information on the paper,
"that's fine, your reputation proceeds you, so I believe you'll pay, if not Mr. Arman can always find, but if I were you I wouldn't want him to", Nyoka said, and with that she walked back into the shadows,
Yumi reemerged from the small wooden, the cats were still in the alley way, but weren't paying her any attention, except for the black cat sitting on one of the boxes, it jumped down onto a lower crate, and sniffed the spot on yumi's cloak where she wiped the powder, then ran away, Yumi weirded out by the cats swiftly made her way back to the hideout