Chapter 65: Into The City
Sometime After Yumi and Amon Start fighting Aluric
The incoming weapons passed by Aster and Levant as blurs of wood and steel, with the two of them hastily making their way through the sea of dracian soldiers who had nothing but malice towards them. Aster swung his hammer caving in the helmet of one said soldier,
"I really…..hope….that"Aster stopped taking a deep breath, clutching the aching wound on his abdomen. Hearing the cry of another soldier approaching him with his sword baring down, o=nly for a small stream of smoke to sizzle from his forehead, turning him into a lifeless corpse that fell next to Aster. Standing up now, he had caught his breath,
"I really hope, Pol and Rak are done with their opponents, especially Pol, he's been in his head a lot lately", Aster said, blocking two more incoming swords with the handle of his Warhammer.
"you worry to much Ast", Levant said, holding off one sword with his foot, he let loose two more bullets, dropping two more soldiers, "I'm sure Barak is fine, as well as Pol, he might get a bit distracted, but he gets the job done, you know this", He said, holstering one gun, he pushed out a fiery orange stream, charring a line of Dracian soldiers,
"you're welcome for the save by the way", Levant said, as the two regrouped next to each other, Levant's attack had drawn aster's attention towards the outer wall of the city, where he noticed that part of it had been destroyed,
"you might be right about Pol, in other news, I think that Yumi and Amon are engaging Aluric already", Aster said, raising a earthen wall next to Levant, "you're welcome", Aster said, Levant raised his head over the wall to see three arrows sticking out of it,
"can you not make this a competition", Levant said, looking over towards the section of the wall that Aster was pointing towards.
"well we can't stay out here forever, this is becoming really fucking annoying dealing with these idiots, so lets go", Levant said, stepping backwards in Aster's direction, until his back touched Aster's back
"ahh shit, your right, this is getting a bit annoying, I'll carve a path towards the wall", Aster said, Raising his hammer into the air, then slamming it down, as a loud cracking sound could be heard, as the earth began to split apart forming a wide trench, in the direction towards the broken wall,
"LEV JUMP DOWN", Aster said, Levant looked over aster's shoulder seeing the trench that he opened up within the earth,
He smirked, jumping backwards into the trench, closely followed by Aster, the two started sprinting as hard as they could in their fatigued state to their goal
"Quick thinking' Levant said,
"Not quick enough though", Aster said, pointing towards, the enemy soldiers jumping in behind them as a slew of soldiers clad in white began jumping down after them,
"Well then let's haul ass", Levant said, pushing himself even harder towards the capital, with Aster close behind,
As the sight of the broken wall closed in the loud sound of multiple pieces of metal knocking together grew closer and closer,
"Aster what the fuck man", Levant said,
"what", Aster said,
"You didn't make an exit", Levant said suddenly stopping, at a large mud wall with the broken city wall right above it,
"I was in a hurry", aster said, turning around only to find the soldiers right behind them, he quickly threw up a wall in front of him, halting the soldiers, dropping to the ground from shear exhaustion, with a loud crash on the other side of the wall, as the soldiers suddenly found themselves blocked off from persuing their enemies
"Give….give me….a....minute", Aster said, a loud KNOCK on the wall rang out, Then it rang out again, this time the brown earthy wall shook, as cracks could be seen forming in it,
"yeah I don't think we've got a minute", levant said, the wall came crumbling down, as a significantly large man in white armor came bursting through,
"where the fuck did he come from", levant said, pointing both of his guns at the large boar like man, letting loose two bullets, resulting in a large explosion, barely pushing the large man back, as the flames died down an equally large man could be seen stepping out from behind the first one,
"oh fuck you've got to be kidding", levant said,
"now isn't the time to be taking a break", levant said,
"I know, I know", Aster said, pulling himself up from the ground, gripping his hammer in both hands,
He reared back his Warhammer, driving one foot forward into the ground, and tensing his back leg, pushing all of the force he had into it, instantly propelling him forward to his two towering opponents, the first one that had taken Levants attacks stepped forward placing both arms to the front of his body in a cross, just as Aster raised his hands, hammer in tow, slamming it straight into the large mans arms,
The sound of metal clashing and fighting against each other filled the air, sparks flying in every direction from Aster's Attack, Aster looked on in shock as one of the large man's hand began leaking blood from the force of his attack, as the armor on his arms, crumpled and bent inwards to his arm,
Aster could see his opponents boarish face clearly now, his opponents amber eyes stared at him, as if to ask him if that was all he had,
Suddenly aster felt a powerful force, rocket into the side of his body, sending him straight into the wall of the trench, his eyesight stirred and spun, as he looked up to the the other large man with his fist out, in his direction,
Soon after an explosion went off on the second opponents face, as aster panned his view to see levant repeating shot after shot in his opponents direction,
"don't forget about me", he said, rushing in close to his enemies,
"Aster you alright, if so get up, and lets get a move on", Levant said,
Aster pushed himself off of the trench wall, blood pouring from his head,
"Levant get out of here, I'm going to bury them", Aster said, placing his hands on the ground as the earth beneath him began turning to sand, rapidly expanding out like some kind of sand-turning parasite, as it quickly raced towards the enemy soldiers,
" sorry to steal your thunder", Barak said, appearing from the top of the trench, as he plummeted down, his sword finding the neck of one of the many soldiers within the trench, as the ground turned to sand beneath that soldiers feet, barak jumped on to another one, swinging his sword and cutting down multiple enemy soldiers, letting of a large surge of lightning from his hand onto the soldier he was currently on top of,
" I swear, you get way to excited when it comes to violence", Polaris said, jumping onto one of the large boarish men that Levant was still fighting, soon after the large man's skin began freezing, the ice creeping hastily down his face, his breath turning to ice, as his body dropped limp onto the ground, slowly sinking beneath the ever expanding sand,
"Nice of you to join us, now get out unless you like drinking sand", Aster said, as a large piece of the ground rose up in the shape of a slope, towards the broken wall of the capital,
As each of the boys ran up the slope, Aster was the last one up, as many soldiers, clawed their way towards them,
"Help…help don't leave me here to die…I don't want to die", one of the soldiers pleaded to the boys as they turned there backs to him, the sand slowly swallowing his writhing body alive,
Aster looked on at his work, with a sorrowful look on his face, as what stood below was now a pit of sand, as the multitude of corpses sank beneath it, Barak placed his hand on Aster's shoulder, his thumb pushed in the direction of the capital, as he gestured towards it,
As they entered the capital, the city was surprisingly quiet, with the occasional loud noises from what now seemed like a far off battle, they walked through the streets of quiet buildings, windows slowly blowing in the chilling wind, as many wooden doors were creaking eerily back and forth, as the boys travelled further in wards the feint sounds of conflict could be heard, this time coming from the opposite direction of the battlefield,
When a sudden loud crash could be heard close by, the boys hurried in its direction, but as they moved hurriedly the city began to grow like a maze,
"Guys lets get above these buildings", levant said, stopping in his tracks, pointing at a tall building that was in front of them,
"aster do your thing", Barak said, Aster stomping his foot on the ground, as the earth began moving beneath them slowly ascending until it reached the flat grey rooftop, that they stepped onto,
Reaching the rooftop the sounds of fighting grew even louder, as beneath them in a clearing that looked like a small shopping district, paved with stone bricks, stood Aluric effortlessly dodging Amons attacks, with yumi off to the side picking herself up off of the ground, upon seeing this barak's body sprang with excitement, only to be held by Aster's hand gripping his shoulder,
"Wait, let's see how this plays out", Aster, said,
"The fuck do you mean wait", Barak said,
"All of us are spent Rak", Aster said, looking over Barak's shoulder downwards towards Aluric,
"and from the looks of it, he seems pretty fresh", Aster said,
"so the four of us plus yumi and amon, six on one should be more than enough to take him out", Barak said,
" I'm with Aster on this one, let's take a short rest, and see how this plays out", Polaris said,
"pol not you to", barak said,
What about you Lev ?", he said, looking at Levant,
Levant dropped to the ground on to the rooftop, sitting back, propping himself up by his hands,
"usually I'd agree but right now I'm spent, sol lets just wait", Levant said,
"fine, we'll wait", Barak, said folding his arms and looking off to the side,
"great now get back and sit down before aluric see's us", Aster said,
Back in the present
Aluric dropped his hands to his side, a look of surprise spread across his face, he realized what this meant, that his four pillars were either defeated or dead, leading his face to change from surprise to anger, his eyes however were somber, his rage flowed from a place of sadness, of melancholy. Levant made his way forward to Amon, grabbing ahold of his hand and helping him to his feet.
"he's all yours now", Amon said, looking at the four boys,
" And it's about fucking time", Barak said, A large grin painted itself across his face, drawing his sword, a surge of lighting swelled up around him
"go check on Yumi, we'll make sure he doesn't come after you", Levant said, gesturing his hand in Yumi's direction.
"if you four are here that means you won over my pillars", Aluric said, pulling his hands back up to his chest, fists folded, "just answer on question, are they all dead ?", Aluric asked,
"with the trail of bodies you've left, why do you care ?" Polaris asked, stepping forward,
"a man can take one life while stillcaring for another, you four are a testament to that", Aluric said, "but none of you answered my question",
"you'll have to beat the answer out of us" Barak answered,
"Lets get to it then", Aluric said,