Chapter 66: Shattered Blades
Amon Limped away from the standoff the others found themselves in with Aluric, his entire body ached, each step towards yumi felt excruciating but he had no choice but to move, to push forward. As he stood next to yumi he sat on a large piece of stone that had fell next to her, he sat back his body slouching down,
"yumi, yumi, you still with me ?", Amon said, looking over at her, she stirred, propping herself up,
"you look worse than me", she said, a slight chuckle escaped, along with a small smile, "the armor absorbed most of it, but I don't think it's gonna work anymore", she said. The soft clomps of heavy hooves along the stoney pavement came into earshot, amidst the scattering rain drops, Amon looked over to one of the walkways that led away from this section of town, out came jhaldir riding atop his Bast rhino, followed by two more people, the three of them hastily made their way over upon spotting them,
"Jhaldir, great timing", Amon said sitting up from his slouching,
"yeah, hi to you to, Amon", Jhaldir said, brushing a loc of his ginger hair and smudging a stain of blood from his face.
"you two deal with commander Yumi, I'll deal with Amon, use the medical items Savera gave to us", Jhaldir ordered to the two people who were with him, he rummaged through the sack slung across his body, taking out a small disk with a green paste and a glass bottle with red pills rolling around in it.
"you two look like shit, is your brother really that strong", jhaldir asked, applying the paste to Amons wounds,
"even stronger, I'm sure those four got it though, we have bigger fish to fry", Amon said, wincing as Jhaldir put some paste on to a cut he had on his neck,
"come on your tougher than that", jhaldir teased sealing the disk with the paste, "take two of these, they'll get you back into the fight",
"what is it", Amon asked, taking the two red pills in his hand, he held one to the sky, inspecting it as thought the small red ball would give some hidden insight as to what it was,
"you wouldn't believe me if I told you, now take of you jacket and lift up your arm", jhaldir ordered to Amon, unfurling a roll of bandages and some tape.
"try me", amon teased,
"fine, it's a mixture of venom from a very rare snake called the high nectar snake and a mineral called Bones salt, Savera told us that this medicine is suppose to give the user more energy and a sort of numbness to pain", Jhaldir explained, "I've seen Keagan use them before, it's why he was so effective in battle". Amon let out a long deep sigh, he felt jhaldir pull the final wrap of the bandage tight. Amon stood up patting himself down,
"venom and bones salt huh", Amon said examining the small ball once more, " if I remember correctly doesn't Bones salt grow around mass graves, or where a lot of people or dead things are buried",
"told you, you wouldn't want to know", Jhaldir chuckled, "though it has a nasty side effect, the more pain it's numbing and the more energy it's replacing, the kick back the day after is relative to that", he finished,
"so what your saying is that the two of us are gonna fell like shit tomorrow", Yumi chimed in,
"you took yours already, didn't you", Jhaldir said, palming his face, Yumi agreed with a large smile on her face, "as reckless as ever", jhaldir groaned,
"well down the hatch", Amon said swallowing both pills, "if we survive, just come check up on us tomorrow and make sure we don't die after all of our hard work", Amon said, putting on his jacket again.
"you ready for what comes next ?", Amon asked,
"yup, lets go have ourselves a nice long conversation with the prince and the king, shall we", she said, a feint smile coming across her beaten an bloodied face. Amon looked back at her feigning a smile of his own,
"well I believe they've got this so lets go", Amon said, he looked back with a bit of sorrowful eyes at Jhaldir and his attendants, with loud explosions shaking the background, he looked ahead towards the royal palace, with him and yumi rushing off towards it.
Back With The Boys
Aluric turned his head slightly, within the corner of his eye he could see Amon and yumi walking away from him, he to began to lean towards their direction, A vision of their younger selves stood in place of the reality in front of him, as a smiling red haired figure, shorter and younger than himself ran past him, a very familiar and long forgotten figure,
A streak of lightning flew past his face striking the ground directly behind him, pulling his attention back into the fight he was currently involved in, looking into the air where barak was attacking him from, crouching down he tensed the muscles within his legs as much as he could, releasing them suddenly, propelling him in the air towards barak at a blinding speed, appearing in barak's face suddenly, grabbing unto him and punching barak in the face as the two began falling to the ground,
"Rak we told you not to let him touch you", Aster shouted,
"don't worry Aster I've got him", Levant said, propelling himself with his flames towards barak and Aluric,
Landing a kick to Aluric's side knocking him off of barak, "you've got me to deal with now", Levant shouted, using his flames to rocket Aluric into the closest building, as he and barak landed back onto the ground,
"this is going to be a lot harder than we expected", Levant said, looking over to the other three boys,
"tell me about it", Polaris said,
Aluric pushed the slab of wall off of him, slowly standing up, he looked down at the boys who were standing on the ground below him, ripping off the remainder of his trench coat, revealing the golden tiger stripped armor beneath it, a deadly smile creeped across his face.
The Booming sound of thunder out, deafening to the ears. Aluric appeared in front of Barak, his fist reeled back, jetting forward, Barak's head rocked back, his entire body spinning horizontally in place, using his momentum he landed behind the boys. Polaris was the first to react, doing a half turn a streak of lightning pushed into his chest pushing him back and dropping him to his knees.
With barely anytime to process Aster stomped his foot, raising both arms, a dome of earth formed around him and the others, shutting Aluric out. Lightning Crackled, and thunder roared, Aluric appeared in the air over the dome, his hand coated in lightning, he rocketed down towards the dome, upon impact dust, dirt and debris filled the air, shattering the top of the dome, when the dust finally settled, it was empty.
"it's a neat trick isn't it", Barak shouted out, Aluric jolted around to see all four of the boys standing behind him,
"are petty tricks like these what you all used to defeat my pillars, cause if so I'm disappointed", Aluric said,
"this is where the real fight starts now Aluric", Barak said,
"Lets go boys", Barak shouted,
Within The Royal Palace
The king paced up and down his bed chambers in a frantic manner, frightened by each explosion he could here coming from the battlefield,
'I should've never listened to that damned son of mine and the brat from the guild', he thought to himself,
' now look at where I am, me a once mighty king must hide from his subjects, that are currently on their way to take my head', he continued,
"father all of this pacing up and down won't help, everything will be fine, I'm sure Aluric has this handled", Prince Ea said, Looking through one of the very few windows lining the wall of the chambers, he had his hands drawn behind his back, Unlike his shell of a father, he remained calm, eerily so.
"FINE….FINE… everything has gone to shit, didn't you hear the last report from the guards, the pillars have been defeated, THE PILLARS DAMN IT", the king shouted at his son, Slamming both his fist onto the small dining table at the foot of the bed.
"yes that is true, but", the prince was saying,
"yes enter", Ea answered,
"yes my liege", the guard said, opening the door and bowing immediately,
"WHAT IS IT NOW ?", the king screamed, taking his hand off of the sword on his hip at the sight of his guard.
"SIR, the spies have reported that two of the rebel army leaders are on their way towards the palace as we speak", the guard said,
"DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN", the king shouted,
"actually, no sir, the guild master is currently locked in combat with the ones who defeated the pillars", the guard said,
"LIKE THAT IS ANY BETTER, it's a four on one, he isn't going to last long, so that means that there are now six people who have entered the city looking to take my head off of my shoulders", The king said,
Ea turned around slowly, he could no longer hide the look of utter disgust at the sight of his father unraveling, walking to the other side of the room he made his way to the guard,
"guard how many more of you are stationed on this floor ?" the prince asked,
"it's just me relaying the messages sir, all of the other guards including the royal guards are stationed on the bottom floor of the palace", the guard answered,
"Good", the prince said, as a wicked smile peeled its way across his face,
Drawing in closer to the guard, he placed his hand on the door behind him, with a very slight creak in the otherwise silent hallway, he closed the door.
"take a rest, you've been working all day", Ea said, covering the guards mouth from behind, he pulled a knife from his belt, running its blade along the guard throat, then sinking it in, the sounds of him grasping for air were muffled, Blood gushed from his neck, splattering onto the floor, Ea let go of the guard's limp body, as it collapsed onto the floor with a soft thud.
"what are you doing Ea ?", The king asked, stumbling back to the wall at the sight of his son with blood dripping from his hands, Ea stalked closer to his father, unsheathing his sword in the process. The blood from the dead guard picked up of the ground, soaking itself into Ea's sword.
King Alexander looked down at his hands, They trembled with fear, fear of his own kin, fear of his first son, began to take over his body, he pushed his frail body up against the wall, stumbling frantically to his feet and drawing his sword,
"that's it father fight, fight for your life", Ea said, his voice expressed joy, joy at the sight of father, panicked and afraid, Joy at what he was dreaming about doing,
"I had planned to kill you peacefully after we quelled this rebellion, spin some heartfelt story about how you were sick but pushed through to defend this country one last time before you went", Ea said, pointing his sword towards his father, "but I guess, killed by the rebel leaders while defending his son from being killed works also", Ea said.
With a dying cry, King alexander swung his sword in futility, in an attempt to defend his life, With one swing from Ea's sword, it shattered as if it were glass. The pieces of the kings blade shattered, falling to the floor.
"I told you that one day this would happen", Ea said, as his sword pressed against his fathers chest, as it slowly pierced the flesh, he looked into his fathers face, the kings eyes widened, as they filled with tears, his arms holding onto his sons shoulders tightly, the sword pushing its way out of his back and into the stone wall, as the strength from the kings arms fade and his eyes go blank, Ea stood the with a smile on his face,
He heard a soft creak, looking around to see the large door softly click shut,
"oh well I guess she knows", Ea said, removing his sword from his father's corpse, and taking the crown off of his head and placing it on his own,
"now, I can finally get down to business", Ea said,