Chapter 7: Ch.5 Kindness
Being a teenage girl isn't easy. A lot of obstacles are thrown in our ways that prevent us from achieving our dreams and goals. We suffer in silence, every time I feel sad, empty, or depressed I throw myself in a closed room to not let the world see my suffering. But now I am aware that it's ok to feel sad or depressed. We all pass through time that all we feel is down and empty. I passed through days that I hated myself so much. I felt that I was rejected, unwanted, unheard, and unseen, but now I'm proud that I passed. I brought that brown notebook again to write another life lesson. I felt it is an important one and our world, our community should be characterized with.
Dear Mean World,
The boy you pushed in the hallway, committed suicide just a couple of minutes ago. The girl you insulted her by calling her fat, she is starving herself now. The girl you pushed her down, is already being abused by her family. You think you are superior! Have you ever thought about them? I bet you never did! You will never look good trying to make others bad, because of you and your words they may die, cry, or make cuts. You never know how long your words will stay in someone's mind or how much it will affect, think about how would you feel if someone said it to you. Taste your words before you spit them out. We all don't deserve to live sadly, we all deserve to be happy.
Yes, I made mistakes, I lied and I am not the perfect person. I was told a lot that I am a bad girl who always ruined the perfect. But what does perfect mean! I wasn't born to be a perfect person, I was born to be myself the way I am. I passed a hard time by loving and accepting myself and that's what we all should do, you should accept, love yourself, and don't care about others opinions. All the rules about weight, clothes, respect were creating problems and fights that I couldn't handle. Why do we care for the rules? Why don't we write our own words?
It wasn't easy to break the rules, to change things I valued as a child. I removed all the papers and rules. I felt that I was born with a newly opened lung and left myself for reality. I can't deny it's hard to be myself without rules albeit it was hard when I went through my depressed days which I overcame. What did Billie Eilish say? Could roses bloom again.
So dear people,
Treat others with kindness, we all deserve to be happy and treated well. The possibilities of the future are endless if you keep yourself away from hurdles that hinder you from achieving your goals and dreams or from things that prevent you from being yourself.
Advice: Don't forget to treat people with kindness.