Chapter 15: CHAPTER 14
What?...but I thought we were meeting the principal…., Tatsuki exclaimed…., Well the news got to the council and now they want to question both you and Elizabeth's summoning Eric in her own Kingdom Dragon stone…., Juliana explained as Belle set the plates on the table as she got ready to dish out breakfast…., Huff…I didn't think it would lead to an international affair…, Tatsuki replied as he sat on one of the chairs just opposite Juliana who was already having breakfast already on her school uniform…., *sigh*….., Anyway why are you on your uniform?'s a weekday…., Tatsuki asked…., there's an Occasion today….Elizabeth's older brother has returned from he's journey to the BLACK VALLEY…., Oouuuu!!!.....creepy…., Tatsuki cut in faking he's fright as Juliana explained…., Urrrgh!!....Talk about boring!!!...., Belle exclaimed as she showed up placing Tatsuki's dish infront of him…., Hmmm so this black valley has to be a place where monsters and stuff dwell right?...., Tatsuki replied…, Yes her brother is the captain of the Holy Knights who are in charge of the Neather realms defence corps…, Juliana added…., Hmmm….sounds like some hot shot…., Tatsuki replied as he took a spoon to he's mouth…., Tatsuki….atleast feign interest..., Juliana replied chuckling…., Well he's back and the King of Dragon stone their father is hosting a ball tomorrow….so today we dress in the most accustomed way to welcome him…everyone in Dragon stone and any other kingdom affiliated to it are participating…., Hmmm and Adroph is also participating….seeming we kinda lost a bit in the divine tribunal?...., Tatsuki added taking a sip out of the cup filled with juice…., Yeah…that's my fault too…plus no judging…., She replied….., Though….we is the academy dressing up too?....., Tatsuki asked….., Well the academy is on Dragon stone soil….plus the resources the academy uses is funded by dragon stone…., She replied…., Hmmmm I see why you always avoid a fight with Liz and her runt…., Tatsuki replied as he stood up…climbing the stairs after wards…., 30 minutes had passed by and Tatsuki was seen walking out the dorm door…., Does it always take this long to put on your uniform…, Belle taunted as she was seen standing beside the Asterix Responsible for taking them all to Dragon stone for the meeting with the council…, *sigh*… bad my bad…., Tatsuki replied as he got in…After a while the Asterix hovered off following the path that led to the Academy's gate their chauffeur greeted the guards responsible for opening the academy's gates…., Hmmm I didn't see any Asterix at Elizabeth's dorm house...seems like they got out early…., Juliana spoke up…., well with her brother been back from he's journey and all….she pretty much wanted to meet him before the meeting started…., Tatsuki replied as he looked out the window observing the locals in the area…., Hey what's the name of the town we are in?....., Tatsuki asked ….., Ohhh well we are currently passing through LA JAR….its a small city though…..the principal told us that the founders of the Academy built it here for two reasons….One was for the protection of the people residing here…they were normally prone to attacks or attacks from external forces like rogue dark elves or Orcs or even rogue knights and mages who liked the resources the land held…..two was for the mineral resources which were good I mage craft and weaponry….Dragon stone is currently rich in 98% MAGICUBES….a resource mages used in creating potions and life support instruments plus medicines…..for adventurers and individuals who were born with little to no mana…., She explained…., Jeez….the last parts brutal…., Tatsuki replied cutting in…., Yeah not every one was born with outstanding mana…, Juliana replied looking out the window with a gloomy expression…., You weren't born with an outstanding mana were you?....., Tatsuki asked looking at her…., Well my Father and he's ancestors before him could summon atleast a Tank class summoning or a crusade class summoning…though it weren't that impressive…I was the only one that couldn't summon for three weeks straight…until we finally summoned you….., She explained looking at him…., Well you finally summoned someone….and a pretty cool person at that…. Tatsuki replied faking a proud look which made her chuckle…., Well….yeah…., She replied…., but I don't know how it worked out up till this day….., She added still looking down…., Hmmm well we would find out some day….surely we will…and by the way….your a really good swords woman….you showed me some really good moves during training…., Tatsuki added smiling at her….., haha…sure I am…., She chuckled…, well I would like to here the rest of the explanation milady…., Tatsuki replied….., Okay well as I was saying…Dragon stone's land was rich in Magicubes and 45% Gold…..which also meant that La Jar been in their terrain was also rich in those resources that the Academy needed…., She concluded…., Hmmm so what's Adroph rich in?...., Tatsuki asked…., They are rich in 94% gold…., Juliana replied him…., AM SORRY WHAT!!!...., Tatsuki exclaimed jolting Juliana who looked panicked…., Wah…What's wrong?...., She exclaimed looking around…., well I can what other kingdoms were after in their bit to form a contract with Adroph's summoning's…., Tatsuki replied suddenly looking out the window….., Hehe…well we try our best to avoid losing most of the contracts….., Juliana replied….., Well anything you wanna tell me before I set foot on the Palace of your most hated person?....., Tatsuki added as he observed the area the Asterix was in…they had reached an area that buzzed with city life…there were men and women here and there with hawkers shoving their products at the window of each Asterix that passed by the streets not excluding theirs….there were a lot of tall buildings Tatsuki noticed as they vacated the outskirts of the area…., We are already in Dragon stone…., Juliana spoke up…., Ohhhh some busy city…., He replied still looking out the window…., It hadn't taking time before they reached the large Palace gates….two guards that were present walked towards their Asterix…..their chauffeur handed them a letter one of the guard took it from him and looked through it….they were finally let through….hovering into the large estate Tatsuki observed the different maids attending to a large garden on the east side and some guards patrolling an area near the large fountain in front of the huge palace…, Tatsuki?...., Juliana called out to him…, Yeah?...., Tatsuki replied her looking at her…., You will be meeting the kings and ambassador's of every Kingdom in the Neather realm….Thus including my father the king of Adroph….this is the first time he's going to be seeing you as my summoning….so…, She hesitated…., Alright alright…am gonna behave sheesh…, Tatsuki replied chuckling…, Yeah I trust you…, She exclaimed as the door of the Asterix slid open vertically…there were Some maids awaiting her at the entrance of the huge palace….including a butler…., Hmmm….grand entrance I presume?...., Tatsuki thought as he stepped out of the Asterix followed by Juliana…., Your late!!!!....., Elizabeth exclaimed as she emerged out of the palace's entrance escorted by Eric also in their uniforms…., Good morning to you too Elizabeth…., Juliana greeted her ignoring her spite…., sheesh… says the girl who rushed of so early to see her elder brother…., Tatsuki retorted making Elizabeth blush embarrassingly….., Th….that's not true!!!....and besides how dare you speak to me in such manner in my own palace!!...., Elizabeth exclaimed pouting…., What's up with my dear dear sister?...., A voice emerged at the entrance of the palace…., My prince…, Eric exclaimed bowing slightly almost the same time the maids and butlers that were in the premise bowed…., Prince REINHARDT…., Juliana spoke up in addition as she made a slight bow…., Ohh long time no see Julia….you look….more womanish….i think?...., Reinhardt replied…., Thanks for the compliment my prince…., Juliana replied…., am sorry I am still very bad at compliments you see…, Reinhardt added rubbing he's head until he's eye met with a confused Tatsuki…, Ahhh…this is the Unknown summoning everyone's talking about?...the one who's competing with the fame of Dragon stone's first ever Paladin mage…., Reinhardt spoke up…., Well if you put it that way…., Tatsuki replied…., Just that am confused…., Tatsuki added attracting everyone's attention….., Hmmm?....., Reinhardt reacted…., Well….when they said you did a lot of really hard missions…..i expected someone who looked experienced….like with a lot of scars or maybe a beard?....not some really hot guy with a red pony tailed makeover not excluding the really toned skin…., Tatsuki replied shocking everyone including Juliana who tried casting glances at him I a bid not to make enemies…., You see!!.....that's what's wrong with the people in Adroph….they get cocky just because they have a cocky princess with a really really rude and annoying summoning who thinks he could say anything just because he's an unkno-Relax Elizabeth….remember…..deep breath?....., Reinhardt cut her off as he reminded her of a way to sooth one's emotions….., And….exhale….wow my teachings paid off…., Reinhardt exclaimed chuckling as Elizabeth calmed…., I really don't think that counts from what I see back at the academy…., Juliana thought grinning…, Wow…..really thought she was about to explode there for a sec…., Tatsuki thought…., Don't know what happened you see years back…..Elizabeth, Winslow and Juliana were always the closest of friends…., Reinhardt spoke up chucking as he patted he's little sister on the head which slightly embarrassed her…., Well I will meet you guys inside…., Elizabeth exclaimed as she walked in grudgingly escorted by Eric and the group of maids that followed…., And yeah…answering your question Tatsuki Hinokami….i am just that superior in my escapades…., Reinhardt replied him smiling with a bright face…., Hmmmm the guy surely is cocky…., Tatsuki thought as he sighed…., Nice meeting ya…..Prince Righthard-it's Reinhardt hahaha…..your summoning sure is funny….., Reinhardt chuckled as he looked at Tatsuki walk into the palace…., Am soooo very sorry prince Reinhardt….he's from a world where laws do not abide by him…., Juliana exclaimed…., A world where laws don't abide by him?....hahahahahaha...that has to be the most funniest thing you have said in years…., Reinhardt laughed it off as he escorted her into the palace….., Winslow!!.....what are you doing here?...., Tatsuki exclaimed as he caught sight of Winslow in the hall way leading to the conference room where the council are meant to be…., Tatsuki….you made it on time…fast everyone's waiting for both you and Juliana…..Eric and Elizabeth have gone in….., Winslow replied him…., Yeah that's where I was headed….but what are you doing here?...., Tatsuki added asking…., Winslow you aren't the type to show up at meetings as stressing as this one….., Juliana exclaimed from where she was as she approached the both of them escorted by Reinhardt too…., Am just glad to see you here too….your highness…., Winslow bowed slightly….., I was waiting for you two to show up and yeah this was an exception after all I was a witness to it all….i arrived in the same Asterix with the principal….., Winslow explained…., forget all that its nice to see again Winslow…, Reinhardt exclaimed as he gave Winslow a hand shake…., I could say so too Reinhardt…., Winslow replied as he received the welcome…., Well its unfortunate your ball had to be moved to tomorrow due to the event that occurred at the academy…., Winslow added as everyone advanced towards the large door at the end of the hall way….they were currently on the east side of the palace where international matters were held…every palace in the kingdoms had an area constructed for the sole purpose of holding meetings just like this one and luckily they were in one of them…., yes I heard as I arrived here in Dragonstone and I know how serious such a situation can be…., Reinhardt replied him….as they approached the door several voices could be heard from within the room….., *sigh*….here we go…., Tatsuki thought as the guards at the entrance swung open the doors…..suddenly there was silence as all eyes looked at the individuals walking in...but the eyes weren't looking at them…..they were all focused on the guy in The Imperial academy's uniform….., I BELIEVE WITH THEIR ENTRANCE THE MEETING CAN NOW COMMENCE!!....., A voice exclaimed from the group of strangers Tatsuki looked back at.