Chapter 16: CHAPTER 15
The whole crowd stood silent as they noticed Three students followed by the famous white knight of Dragon stone walk in…, There were several nobles not excluding the kings present….there were currently 8 men who were adorned with medals and all sorts of gold ornaments they were also in possession of what looked like crowns on their head….the crowns were of different sizes and designs which made it obvious that they were kings…..which meant the rest of the individuals in the room were either ambassadors or nobles present to witness the outcome of it all…..suddenly a man who sat among the kings stood up adjusting he's long robe…..I believe with their entrance that this meeting commences!!...., He exclaimed…., Is that?-yes it's the king of dragon stone and from he's red hair I think its pretty obvious to you that he's Prince Reinhardt and Elizabeth's father…., Juliana helped Tatsuki out…., I will be seating here among the witnesses…., Juliana added as she left him joining Elizabeth and Winslow including Sir Rendell and their old school principal...Reinhardt walked up to the area the ambassadors sat still looking at Tatsuki….., Hmmm….., Tatsuki reacted as he noticed Eric standing in the middle of the conference room….the room was built in a full circle shape with a slit in the middle which served as entrances from both sides and both he and Eric the victims were to stand at the middle where they would be questioned….., *sigh* so am meant to be down there then…., Tatsuki thought as he walked down the stairs…meeting Eric he grinned….., Sup runt…., Tatsuki muttered…., Tch….stop calling me that!....and stay focused this isn't gonna be easy…., Eric replied retorting silently….. Yeah yeah I got this…, Tatsuki replied as he made a stretch…, Tatsuki Hinokami an Unknown class summoning of Adroph kingdom and Eric Onclave a paladin class summoning of Dragon stone kingdom the victims of said planned event against their lives are present before us all….., A lady in a black suit read from a holographic image that was displayed in front of her…., please answer the following questions that are about to be asked and do not miss out on any or it might attract punishments due to how dire the current/ponding situation is…the questions shall be asked by the kings of the eight kingdoms residing in the Neather realm…, She concluded as she walked back towards a group of people in black suits typing at holographic images and symbols that displayed around each individual person….., Hmm?...., Tatsuki thought as he noticed the same set of people hand each and every one of the eight kings a holographic tablet….suddenly the king of the area they resided in looked at the both of them….., How would you describe the perpetrators of the event that transpired in the academy?...., He exclaimed loudly as he asked…., I got this…., Eric spoke to Tatsuki as he stepped forward in a bid to answer the king….., Your highness… is an honour to appear before the whole council that uphold the very foundation of the Neather realm…., Eric replied as he made a bow…., Hmmmm talk about polite…., Tatsuki thought as he looked at Eric…., Ohhh I just wish Tatsuki could be as polite as Eric….., Juliana thought as she observed them both…., Well the honours all ours Eric…., The king replied grinning…., your highness the perpetrators consisted of two people….a man not less than 7ft tall and a woman not less than 5ft…..they didn't look human….the man possessed a single horn which extended from the left side of he's head to the right side the lady possessed none….but they both possessed red skin with bitch black eyes they also maintained their humanoid figure….., Eric concluded as he described their features to the council….., hmmmmm…media?....., The king exclaimed…., Your highness?...., The same lady on a pair of glasses and full on suit exclaimed….., What can you say about the description he gave….., The king asked….., Well your highness…..the description they gave about the man and the lady resembled that of the typical demon kin from the Dark realm-GASP!!!.....WHAT DID SHE SAY!!!....The dark realm!?.....that's impossibl-SILENCE!!!..., The king silenced the multitude that jolted from the information she gave…., What about the device used to implement such event?....., A king exclaimed beside the king of Dragon stones left hand side..., King EDWARD ONSWELL…., The king replied looking at him…., Huh?.....that must be Juliana's father….the king of Adroph…., Tatsuki thought as he looked at the bearded man who looked like he was in he's mid 40's with the grey line forming at the centre of he's beard…., Well your highness the scroll had the ability to split dimensional planes…., Eric replied…., Hmmmm and you two were the only ones including them who were separated out of the normal plane?....., King Edward asked…., Yes your highness…., Eric added…., Hmmmm that will be all for now…., King Edward replied as he relaxed back on he's chair…., And you two were able to apprehend these criminals who eventually escaped?....., A king who looked too old spoke up from the eight…., Well…yes we apprehended them….though Adroph's summoning Tatsuki Hinokami defeated both of them-Huh?.....He defeated them both?....who is he actually?....., A lot of murmurs rose up filling the room…., I don't think this meetings ending well….., Winslow spoke up to the hearing of both Juliana and Elizabeth….., What do you mean Winslow?....., Juliana asked looking at him….., Yeah fill me in too…., Elizabeth added…., It isn't going to be easy because the king of NIVANA is present…., Winslow replied looking at the old man who just threw a question at Tatsuki and Eric….., What do you mean?...., Juliana replied….., Well he's renowned for the way he wins he's arguments or debates between international matter's…., Winslow replied…., If he's that renowned why isn't he known by me then?..., Elizabeth replied…., He goes by an alibi…, sir Rendell replied from where he sat behind them accompanied by their principal sir Edmond…., well he mostly backs he's opponents out of the main course of the debate…making sure they reveal the irritated feeling he causes them…mostly they back away due to how much weakness is shown in the argument…., Winslow explained…., That all thanks to he's affinity…., Principal Edmond replied shuffling he's beard…, Huh?..., They all reacted suprisedly except Sir Rendell…., Affinity?...., Winslow replied confusedly. From my sources….they tell me you weren't affected by three bottle filled poison from the renowned Nivarian lotus….., The king of NIVANA spoke up looking at Tatsuki who stood behind Eric…, What?...he's already questioning Tatsuki about that?..., Eric thought as he looked at Tatsuki trying to guess he's next move….., Well….i don't know actually….i haven't fully grasped the basics of my abilities….., Tatsuki replied…., Hmmm….you don't know huh…what of the fact that you possess a very dim mana output but is still possible to buff your strength and agility to the max?...., The king asked…., Hey this isn't related to the crisis at hand…., Juliana thought…., Umm lets just focus on the questions at hand here…., the king of Dragon stone whispered to him…., Ummm…don't worry I will answer the question…., Tatsuki exclaimed to their shock…, well you see I was summoned yeah?....i was given certain abilities too…aside's the ones I got summoned with….so if you wanna know more about my Unknown class and skills you gotta meet my summoner…., Tatsuki spoke out loud as he pointed at Juliana…., Wha…whaaaat!!....stupid Tatsuki!..., Juliana exclaimed inwardly as she noticed the gazes of everyone in the room…, Alright alright….lets focus on the main matter at hand…, The Nivanian king exclaimed as she ruffled his beard…, If I may?...., King Edward of Adroph raised he's hand…., You said you came here with your outer worldly abilities?....., He asked which rose murmurs all around the room…., I hadn't told Tatsuki about how confused I was too….i should have told him to keep it a secret…., Juliana thought as she felt the tension rise in the room…, Well…you are absolutely right your highness…I came to this world still in possession of my initial abilities…., Tatsuki replied almost immediately all the media personnel's began jolting around typing on holographic figures as if they just got new data…, That will be all…, King Edward replied as he sat back down…, This summoning my daughter summoned has really put Adroph into question….there are a lot of things confusing about it…I didn't mind asking her on the success rates of it having a high class…but the news lately has put Adroph in the spot light once again…, King Edward thought as he looked at Tatsuki…, Well we heard you tow retrieved the device that could separate dimensions?...., The king of Dragon stone asked as he stood back up gesturing towards the same lady in suit and a pair of glasses as she approached him with a tablet…., Yes your highness….we retrieved what is supposed to be the cause of such an event…, Eric replied looking up at the king…., Well it says here that the Research and Technology Department in the Royal Academy were able to separate the parts and decipher the code's within it…., The king exclaimed looking at the tablet….everyone in the room were eager to hear it…, *sigh*….i hope this meeting ends smoothly…, Juliana thought as she paid attention…., Number one….It was found out that the device was powered by the same core we use in our teleportation mediums mainly used for travel to far distances….Number two….it was crated in the dark realm as suspected by Sir Edmond…the principal and co-founder of the Royal Academy…the inscriptions on it were foreign and couldn't be deciphered….Number three the creator had to be well versed in the nature of Spatial magic and study to be able to advance the properties and functions…., He conclude looking back up at the congregation handing the tablet back to the lady in suit…., We just found out that this perpetrator was backed by an external force with high intellect prowess on technology and that they are from the dark realm…but what we don't know is why they ambushed these two summoning's….was it to capture and harness their strength's which is the only reason we could come up with…or was it for an alternate motive…., The king asked looking at everyone…., Suddenly a man from the media crew also in a black suit and shades walked up to the King of Nivania handing him a tablet…., If I may?...., The king raised he's hand up…., My team just gained intel on Adroph's current summoning Hinokami Tatsuki…., He spoke as he's eyes looked down on Tatsuki…., This can't be good…., Reinhardt thought as he looked at the grim smile creeping on the kings face…., I thought he had released he's sight from Tatsuki…, Juliana spoke out slurry…, Not with how interesting and fascinating Tatsuki is…., Winslow replied her…., He's right…., Elizabeth replied him looking at the frown on Juliana's face….i knew it wasn't gonna take much time before Tatsuki's lack of class and how skilled he was was gonna interest the kingdoms…., Tatsuki Hinokami….you are a DEMON!!!.