Chapter 22: Chapter 22
Back to the surface, near the conveyor platform, the pilots of Squad 13 stood by the entrance of the hole, looking both relieved and terribly disappointed in themselves. Don't get them wrong, they do feel grateful that they survived.
It's just that... their first mission went so terribly wrong and the majority of them made very fatal errors that really could've ended them and their squad mates.
Each of them reflected on themselves and in doing so, the stories, experiences, and advices that Adam told them resurfaced in their mind.
They realized that everything Adam told them was real and despite the fact that he emphasized the dangers of a parasite, their immature selves still found the capacity to be careless, making them feel terribly ashamed of themselves.
This was most certainly true for a certain short runt who, even now, as they gazed over the wide gaping hole of the mining site, was still feeling jittery even if he couldn't see what was happening down in the operational field.
"....Strelizia saved us once again huh?" Kokoro started, sounding very dispirited.
"I never expected Mitsuru to be the one piloting it." added Futoshi.
It was in this moment that Zorome stood near Miku, but he refused to face.
Well, rather than refusing- it's more like he couldn't.
Not with the stunt he pulled earlier, causing them to almost lose both his and her life.
'Fuck... I messed up.'
But, at the very least, he was man enough to admit to his mistakes.
"...I'm sorry. What happened earlier... that was my bad." he murmured.
Although Zorome did say this, he was expecting the red head teen to forgive him. Sure, he felt remorseful for what he did, but he also know that by apologizing, they could repair their relationship and come out stronger than before.
She would probably comfort him by saying something like, 'Don't be stupid. It doesn't matter whose fault it is. We're partner's, right?'
Unfortunately for the spiky shorty, he was dead wrong.
"I'm getting sick of it."
All the other teens couldn't help but gape at the red head that spoke in a very icy tone.
Miku, glaring icily at her 'partner', spat venomously, "I'm tired of you messing things up and expecting it all to be swept under the rug with a simple apology!"
"Do you realize what could've happened because of your bullshit?! We could've died!" she stressed.
Miku set off like an exploding volcano.
She had never felt so much anger, hatred, anxiety, and relief- all jumbled up into one confusing and stressing feeling that she couldn't get rid off.
And so, her disgusting 'partner' suddenly seeking to make amends, when he was the cause- she just couldn't hold unto it anymore.
"Miku, please." Her petite ashen-blonde haired friend held her shoulder. She gazed at her with a pleading look, "It doesn't matter whose fault it is. What matters is that we're all alive in one piece. Besides, you two are partners, right?"
Miku's face crumpled upon her best friend's statement. She looked at her 'partner's' direction, who was shamefully looking downwards, and made a disgusted expression.
"...Pull off one more bullshit like this, then it's over. I'll really ask Adam to let me be partnered with someone else."
Letting him off with a warning, Miku turned around and walked back to their stationed FRANXX, still feeling very annoyed and frustrated.
While the situation was placated by Kokoro, Goro noticed that Ichigo stayed quiet throughout all this. Usually, as the leader, she would be the first one to step up and resolve her squad mates' issues. But now, she just stood there, head hung low with her bangs hiding her distant gaze as she looked over the deep hole.
"...What's wrong?" The tall bespectacled boy asked. "You're not acting like yourself." he added.
"Sorry." Ichigo replied murmuringly. "I guess I got careless once I heard help was on its way."
'Get your act together!' She reproached herself once more.
"Oh, they're back." Goro stated as they found Strelizia's ascending figure over the platform conveyor belt.
Her once white body with red and orange highlights were now covered with murky blue blood from head to toe. Strelizia's appearance looked very imposing, especially now for the other kids as they weren't inside their robots.
Time passed and it was late noon when the APE staffs, along with those inside the briefing room earlier (Nana, Hachi, Adam, Naomi, Hiro, and Ikuno) came to retrieve them.
Arriving in a small military truck, Adam and the others saw the bloody but unharmed state Strelizia which reflected the aftermath of the slaughter earlier. And with Strelizia kneeling in a stationary position, they faintly saw the figure of Zero Two emerging from the cockpit with a nonchalant gait and relaxed smile.
Their height difference was like from the ground floor and all the way to the fifth floor. But even then, Adam could clearly see that look on his sister's face, which was all that he needed to confirm the pitiful state she left the stamen pilot in.
'Oh man... I almost feel sorry for the kid.'
But hey, to be fair, Nana tried to warn him.
That's just what happens when you bite off more than you can chew.
Zero Two, immediately recognizing her brother's figure from a distant view, waved her hands excitedly while waiting for the extraction team to pick her up. (They're using a mobile stairways that was positioned under Strelizia and are slowly ascending to retrieve them).
The pink-haired beautiful young woman wondered whether she and her brother could ride in their own private vehicle.
After the massacre she did earlier, she was so turned on right now that she needed his thing inside her as soon as possible. She wanted to fornicate and breed with her handsome hunk of a brother in order to scratch the burning itch inside her body.
'Damn those higher ups! If only me and darling could be partners, then I wouldn't have to wait this impatiently for him to hold me! We could just do it inside the cockpit and- huehuehue... no- wait- even better! We could do it WHILE monster hunting! Oh gosh, how great would that feel?!'
'Doing the two things I love at the same time! Kyaaaahhh!! I'm a freaking genius! Me and darling should definitely try that in the future!'
As her fantasies began to grow even more perversely unhinged, a creepy grin appears on her face as drool began to drip from the corner's of her salivating mouth.
"Ehehehe.... ehehehe...."
Anyone who would see her right now would think that she's crazy, especially with the seriously injured state her stamen pilot was left in. Her flushed face along with her giggles and snickering laughs definitely didn't help the situation look any better, much to the dismay of the creeped out APE staffs approaching closer to her.
She seemed utterly unconcerned of the pale boy who was bleeding from his seven orifices and lay unconscious on the stamen pilot's seat behind her.
The APE staffs soon arrived next to her and immediately went to retrieve Mitsuru with stretcher.
"Yeah, this guy isn't cut out to be my darling." Zero Two nonchalantly states as they moved the boy.
"There is only one. One person in this world who is worthy to be my darling."
Everyone's earpiece could hear her voice through the comms as she continued.
"And that's you and me."
They all knew who she was talking about.
And the person in question simply responded with the same nonchalant tone.
"Damn right."
Looking at Adam, they could see a confident grin adorning his handsome face.
In that moment, everyone couldn't help but think that perhaps, those two siblings truly were made for one another.
Inside the room where the walls were see-through, they reveal the bright blue skies surroundings with sea of clouds ebbing underneath, giving one the illusion as if they were in heaven. In the middle of the room were several white robed individuals seated in a spacious circular formation, making it seem as if they were attending a meeting.
A large and wide holographic screen appeared behind the white robed individual who bore a golden mask and sat at the highest seat. On the screen played several videos of large klaxosaurs rampaging across different plantations.
In the middle of the circular gathering appeared a wide 3d hexagonal statistical graph where the percentage of large klaxosaurs recently sighted in each plantations.
"Klaxosaur activity has increased recently." Papa opened today's agenda, "And large ones are reportedly showing up everywhere, which is unprecedented."
The robed individual with an analytical sounding voice spoke, "The Nines are dealing with them for now, but they still have other tasks to complete."
"How long are we going to let Adam and Zero Two goof off with the doctor?" The stocky figure quipped, sounding angry. "We shouldn't let those to mix with the inferior parasites any longer, unless we want to risk tainting their bloodline."
'Here we go again.' All the other individuals sighed inwardly.
Surprisingly however, one of the other robed individuals supported the stocky figure.
"I concur." said a female voice. She bore a pink mask with a hood that had spiky tops on both left and right, resembling either a large horn or large cat ears. "It isn't wise to let them mix with tainted parasites any more." she added.
"I suppose." The analytical one responded. "Does this mean that we're unanimously agreeing to reunite the two siblings and have them ride together? Do you all understand the implications of this?"
The room turned silent as each of them fell in deep contemplation.
They recall the time when they first decided to have the siblings ride together. They thought they finally had the ultimate weapon. A weapon that could unilaterally end their war against the damned klaxosaurs.
["Longinus"] as they called it. Named after the soldier that pierced the crucified God-born-flesh, Jesus Christ, on the side of his lungs, effectively killing the Son of God.
Little did they know that this very same weapon, would be their own undoing.
It was simply too powerful. Too uncontrollable.
Like a wild behemoth bearing the prowess of several natural disasters at once. Their experimental run of the united siblings riding a single unit caused them not only the destruction of an entire plantation, but also several important facilities which were lost in their rampage.
Zero Three-cum-Adam and Zero Two riding together was simply a living fearsome nightmare, one that scares them even more that the klaxosaurs.
This was the main reason as to why the siblings were separated in the first place.
"As I thought." the owl-masked hooded figure stated, breaking the silent atmosphere.
"None of us are willing to authorize that nightmarish being to form again."
"Indeed." The mandrill-masked hooded figure added, "Risking to repeat such incident would be folly."
A loud smacking noise came from the stocky figure as he scoffed, "Are we really succumbing to our fears?! What if this is what's holding us back from obtaining the ultimate weapon against those disgusting things, huh?! We are so close to attaining greatness! Of course a few plantations or so would be destroyed."
"But... if we could end the war with those dastardly things..." The stocky figure's voice became dimmer, a smile forming behind his mask. "We could finally achieve our ultimate goal! As such, losing those few facilities are sacrifices we should be willing to make."
"I would hardly count an entire plantation as a few losses." The analytical voice replies, "Besides, continuing with that experiment without approximating how much we are to lose is unthinkable. There is also the risk that the weapon would escape on its own. Need I remind you how much losses we had to bear just to retrieve it?"
"Hmph." The stocky figure grunted. "So what? We could just always rebuild them. Just as we had been doing for the past millennia."
The mandrill-masked figure responded, "While I agree with that statement of yours, the current times isn't suitable for us to try taming [Longinus] since, as Papa stated, there are an unprecedented appearances of large klaxosaurs across our plantations. Waking Longinus would only add more to our problems."
"Very well." Papa finally spoke. "I have decided that Adam and Zero Two shall be deployed separately and join the Nines in their mission. Only after the mission is complete should we discuss whether to wake Longinus up or not."
"If we're recalling Zero Two, then we'll have to prepare a new stamen." The owl-masked robed figure posed.
"No problem." The mandrill-masked figure replies, "There are plenty of parasites who want to team up with her."
"Hm..." Papa merely nodded and adjourned the meeting.
Mistilteinn, Parasite Boarding House.
Inside the small clinic of the parasite boarding house, a young lad wearing a patient's pajamas could be seen occupying one of the beds. A bandage could be seen wrapped around his head while some cotton patches covered the few deep scratches he accumulated across his body, one of them being on his right cheek.
Clutching his knees so close to himself, his body kept shivering as he held his head in terror of what he experience. The clinical curtains closed off his surroundings, so no one could see his panicking, shivering self and even if anyone did, he wouldn't care.
He couldn't care.
Not after what that woman did to him.
"A demon.." he murmurs to himself shakily, "She's a demon... You'd have to be insane to ride with her. She'll kill you!"
A few footsteps could be heard outside the curtains. Futoshi, holding Mitsuru's tray of uneaten food, peeked through the curtains in concern. But Mitsuru kept murmuring to himself, seemingly not able to notice him. Or maybe he didn't care?
Futoshi didn't really know. Mitsuru has always been a piece of work.
But even if that's the case... this is still the first time he had ever seen the ever-so-composed Mitsuru behaving like this. Just what exactly did he experience for him to be so shaken up like this?
But the latter never responded to any of his inquiries. It's as if the boy was stuck inside his own mind, which was very concerning for Futoshi. After failing to make the patient eat his meal, the concerned overweight boy left the clinic with a reluctant face and a tray of uneaten food in his hands.
Outside the clinic, the entire squad 13, with the exception of Zero Two and Adam, could be seen waiting in the hallway. They all stood in worry and concern for their friend, or what's left of him after pairing up with Zero Two. Once they saw Futoshi, the group immediately asked him questions.
"How is he?" Ichigo inquired.
"He hasn't touched his food at all." Futoshi reported before looking at the food on his hands. "Maybe I should eat it so it doesn't go to waste."
Zorome scoffed, wanting to call him a 'pig', but this wasn't the time to make such jokes since he knows that this was the fatty's way of livening the atmosphere. And so, refraining from making a comment about his friend's words, the shorty peeked inside the clinic from the edges of the door way and released a sigh.
"He's been like that ever since we got back."
His comment left in the air. No one knew what to do about the situation. They thought about consulting Adam or maybe even Zero Two, but they refrained from doing so since not only did the two disappear to who knows where, but they also thought it would be confronting the perpetrator who left their squadmate and friend to this state.
Of course they knew about the rumors about Zero Two. About how she switched from one partner to another as they all kept dying out on her, unable to handle the prowess she had as a pistil pilot.
Even Mitsuru had been informed and warned by Nana of the repercussions of partnering up with Zero Two. So really, the only to be blamed here is himself.
But still... egotistical as his actions were, he still saved them. They all owe their lives to him.
Not to mention, he was still a part of their squad. And even before that, he was their friend.
So... letting him stay like this and not being able to do anything about it... just left bitter tastes in their mouths.
Then, as the group stayed silent, Hiro- as if gathered his courage, clutched his fists and entered the clinic in determination.
The others called out to him but he continued to march inside and stop in front of Mitsuru's bed, where a part of the curtain was left open. Looking at the pathetic state his friend, Hiro confronted the boy.
Mitusuru doesn't move. His head still buried on his knees.
Unbothered, Hiro continued to question him.
"What happened with Zero Two?"
"What... happened...?" Mitsuru's shaky eyes darted towards the shaggy black haired boy.
"That girl tried to devour everything I have." he answers grievously, "My blood, my flesh, and my soul... ALL OF IT!" he huffed.
"Everything was normal at first. But after a point, sh-she... she was out to kill me... ME!"
"Mitsuru." Hiru felt very bad for his friend. He went closer to offer him comfort, but the latter suddenly stood from his bed and grabbed him by the collar.
"What's worse is that she had a smile on her face!" Mitsuru exclaimed, his voice tinged with a mixture of fear and rage.
"She was smiling the entire time!"
The other members of squad 13 saw his outburst from outside the room.
"Mitsuru-kun!" Kokoro called out in concern, but Mitsuru, as if losing breath, lost his spunk and hung his head low. His hands still holding unto Hiro's collar.
He didn't care if he looked pathetic or whatever they thought of him.
What's important is that he warns and prevent his friend from ever partnering up with that thing.
Even if Hiro's incompetence didn't deserve their friendship. At the very least, Mitsuru feels that he shouldn't let his former friend kill himself.
With a serious tone, Mitsuru spoke weakly, "Ride with her again, and it'll happen to you."
He raised his head shakily and looked the other boy in the eyes, "You'll end up like me too." he warned. "You're out of your mind if you think you're he sole exception!"
"Stop that, Mitsuru!" At some point, the others had already entered and Futoshi went and pulled Mitsuru back to his bed. Mitsuru didn't struggle and just fell weakly into Futoshi's secure arms.
"Look, just lie down." Futoshi says as he settled his friend on the bed.
Meanwhile, Ichigo approached Hiro, who seemed very shaken up after being frantically warned by Mitsuru.
"You okay?"
Hiro's eyes couldn't leave the pitiful look of his friend, who even when laying down, look as if he was reliving a nightmare. The patient didn't have a cold, but he kept sweating bullets all over his body. It was clear that he was suffering from a mental injury.
After making their visit on Mitsuru, the boys were now hanging out in the backyard, where Futoshi and Zorome were passing each other a ball using their feet.
The ball released a high spring-like noise as it was kicked up in the air.
"Got it!" Futoshi received it flawlessly with his right foot. Bouncing it up with his knee, "Take this!" He kicked the free falling ball with his left foot.
"Whoa." Zorome immediately caught it, albeit a little bit shaky due to the strong force, before sending it back to the overweight boy.
As the two boys continued to play, Hiro stood by the house's terrace, leaning his body against the walls as he dazedly watched the others play ball.
Just then, someone spoke from beside him.
"Do you still want to ride with her?"
Glancing to his left, he saw Ichigo approaching from the outer corridors. She settled a meter or saw away from him, with a pillar dividing the two of them. She also leaned on the wall and watch the other kids play.
"Dude, if you keep eating that much, you'll get even fatter." Zorome commented as he passed the ball to Futoshi.
"Don't call me fat!" the overweight boy spat back.
The two's loud exchange buried Ichigo's voice as she continued to converse with Hiro.
"I just can't bring myself to trust her." Ichigo admitted. "Especially after seeing what happened to Mitsuru."
"Assuming that the partner-killer is true, you could die if you ride with her two more times."
After letting the bluenette say her piece, Hiro resolutely replied, "Even so, I still have a chance of use if I'm riding with Zero Two."
Ichigo bawled her fist as she cast a hateful gaze to the shaggy-haired teen next to her.
Can't he see that she was doing this out of concern for him?
Even after knowing what happened to their team, he's still determined to partner up with Zero Two?
Does he really want to throw away his life that much?
She had so many things she wanted tell him, but seeing that look on his face, she knows that he will never give up no matter how many times she dissuaded him.
"You've made up your mind, huh." She said, turning her gaze to the floor.
Hiro didn't reply.
"....Fine. I won't stop you again then."
As if this was the last thing she had to say to him, the bluenette stepped away from the wall and straightened her back.
"As leader, I have to steel myself too." Saying this, she turned continued walking in the corridor, leaving the shaggy-black haired boy behind.
Watching her leave, Hiro felt like he should've said something to her.
But in the end, he just kept quiet.
'She has her own path and I have mine. There nothing more than that.'
Convincing himself like this, he stopped looking at her and placed his gaze back to the boys playing in the backyard. His mind once again delving to his own complex feelings.
(A/N: For those who are interested in reading advance chapters. []. Remove the "dot" inside patreon.
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