There is No Plot

Chapter 23: Chapter 23


Laying atop her dear darling's broad chest and idly drawing circles with her finger on it, Zero Two felt like she was in a constant state of bliss. Having just finished one of the best 'recreational' sessions she had with him, she can't help but appreciate at how extra rough and forceful her darling was with her today. Most especially when she was so turned on ever since riding Strelizia. Could you just imagine what would've happened if they were to ride together?

"I know you're awake darling~" She called playfully while rubbing her squishy cheeks on his broad pecs.

Adam, still laying with his eyes closed, affectionately began caresses his sister's head, but only responded with a short, "Hmm."

"Darling still has 89 heads left to go." She said in a faux-demanding tone.

Adam snickered and pinched her cheeky nose. "You really are an insatiable nymph. Aren't you?"

"Hmph, correction! I'm your insatiable nymph." Zero Two spat back while enjoying her beloved's teasing.

"Damn right, you are!" Adam grinned as leaned in and kissed her. She snorted, also showing the same smile as the latter began playfully nibbling on her nose, cheeks, and ears while also tickling her the sides of her neck and nape which were her ticklish spots.

Zero Two's enchanting innocent laughter resounded across the room, bringing delightful music to his ears. Honestly, nothing sounded better than her voice.

Adam could write a thousand words of essay, as cheesy as that sounded, but seriously, even that wouldn't be enough to describe how much he loved her.

(A/N: Alright! We get it! You love her. Jeez...)

Adam buried his nose on top of her head and took a deep whiff of her scent.

Ahh... seriously... he loved this girl to death.

(A/N: Shut up already!)

As the pair of siblings/lovers enjoy their sweet moment of just being together, the fun and playful mood eventually faded as they laid beside each other in silence, basking in the comforting serenity in being with each other's presence. The warm heat they felt from each other's naked body, offered a solace for the two's grim reality outside their room.

Really... staying like this... just being next to each other.... it was honestly enough.

It was everything that they ever wanted. Everything that they ever needed.

But unfortunately, deep down, they know that this blissful state of happiness can be so easily taken away from them. Whether it be the organization that's confining them or the monsters that they're being sent to hunt, somewhere down the line, they know that they could lose each other in just one moment.

And the sad part is... there was nothing they could do about it

"...I really wanted to ride with darling." Zero Two murmured somberly. Her voice tinged with yearning as she hid her face close to his chest. Her body seeking more contact with him, almost as if wanting to merge with him physically.

"I want to ride with you too, my love." Adam responded while wrapping his arm tightly around her back, securing her closer to himself as to offer more comfort and reassurance to his beloved sister.



All their love and sexual innuendoes aside, the real reason why they wanted to ride together was because of the immense power they had when synchronized as one being. "Longinus" was a being akin to a god. It was a moving natural disaster with only one goal in mind, which was "Freedom". Nothing could stop it except for the emergency precautions that was installed not only inside their bodies, but also on the robot they were using. But even that wasn't enough as Longinus managed to destroy several facilities and even an entire plantation by itself before losing power.

Keep in mind that the regular size of a plantation was 3000 meters in diameter and 1200 meters in height. The fact that Longinus managed to wipeout an entire city in less than a day, speaks volume of its immeasurable power. Such respectable power made Papa and the others to pardon Zero Three and Zero Two in hopes of being able to use that power for themselves.

Which is understandable if their goal was to eliminate the klaxosaurs for good. However, without a guaranteed control for Longinus, letting them come into being was out of the question. Though, it's only a matter of time before they do...

Or at least, that's what Adam thought. But for some reason, things were developing in a way that he couldn't predict. First off, remember back then when he was informed to be assigned in Mistilteinn with the intention of being partnered up with his sister once more?

At the time, Adam thought that HQ finally figured out how to put on a leash on Longinus without considering to terminate both his and his sister's life in the event that they run on a rampage. I mean, it has been... what? Eight or nine years since that incident? Surely they could've already thought of a way to control them, right?

But then, now that he did arrive there, it turns out that the doctor had other plans for them. Something about creating a super strong army for himself under the label of "experiments". What for? Adam doesn't know, nor does the HQ. Which is why he was stationed here to become a spy of sorts.

Which really laughable if you think about it.

Like, who was he? HE WAS ADAM! The most special specimen that APE had ever brought into creation!

How in the hell could he even be a, quote on quote; "Spy" if he were being monitored 24/7!

Seriously, everything in his life involving those damn foggies is a goddamn joke. Or maybe, they're treating him like he's stupid?

'It doesn't matter.' Adam ended his grumbling there and buried his face in between his sister's ample bosom, letting go of all his thoughts.

There's nothing he could do about it for now anyways.

'At least... not until that moment comes up.' A glint appears on Adam's closed eyes. 'It's coming now... real soon... We just have to endure just a little bit more....'

Adam really wishes he could tell his sister about it, but it wasn't needed. With him being monitored for a lifetime, her unquestionable trust in him when the time comes was enough. Besides, they had been waiting for this their entire life. What's waiting for a few more months compared to that?


Just then, Zero Two pulled Adam from his thoughts.

"Do you think.... I did something wrong?"


His immediate reply which sounded full of certainty only made Zero Two smile even more, making her lovingly caress his head while his face was buried in between her chest.

"The little shit was asking for it." Adam continued, "If you didn't do something to him, I would've."

"Ooh... Scary~"

Zero Two chuckled as she rested her head on their soft pillow where the mixture of their scent was strong. Nothing questionable happened to that pillow, mind you. It's just that they use that pillow every night and their scent naturally latched onto it.

In any case, with her darling's reassurance, Zero Two felt more at ease. Really, no one else's opinion mattered to her except for her darling's.

But since the brown hair was her brother's partner, and the brown hair was friends with the others, Zero Two figured she had to be slightly concerned about it, you know?

But if her darling said that it was fine, then that was the end of it. There's no need to question it since her darling never lies to her. And even if he did, he did it for a good reason.

'Welp, none of it matters now. Darling said so.' Yawning, Zero Two settled more comfy on their bed, feeling slightly drowsy. Of course she would, they just finished their most passionate session ever. And by the end of it, she lost count of how many times she came. 'Probably around 50 or something...' she snickered to herself before eventually drifting off to sleep.

Adam was already snoozing.

They finally got their well-deserved rest.

Or so they thought until-

Knock. Knock.



Knock. Knock.



Knock! Knock!

"....Does darling think they'll go away if we keep ignoring them?" Zero Two questioned, not wanting to get up.

"Probably..." Adam was also tired, you know? But...

Knock. Knock.

"Fine, I'll get it...." Adam sluggishly got up from the bed and went towards the door.

Zero Two frowned, feeling uncomfortable that her favorite body pillow was gone. 'This better be important! Darling and I were just about to sleep!'

"Hi..." A quiet and shy voice came from the door. Zero Two already recognized who it was and rolled her eyes, just wanting to go back to sleep.

"Did I come at a bad time?" Naomi asked shyly. Adam didn't even bother clothing himself and just opened the door nude.

"Kind of." Adam answered bluntly with a wry smile. "My sister really wants to get her beauty sleep so... hold on a minute."

"Ah, right!" Naomi immediately figured that they were tired and thought that she was being a bother. So while Adam was about to close the door, she stopped him, "T-there's no need! I'll just come later in the afternoon!"

"No, it's fine." Adam reassured, closing the door for a brief moment, before reappearing while wearing a pair of pants.

"I-" Naomi found herself blushing over Adam's exposed toned upper body. His unique scent of post-sex sent tingles down her crotch.

"Let's go." Adam led the way, to which Naomi shyly followed.


Adam returned in the room about fifteen minutes later. He took off his pants and went back to their bed naked.

"...What did she want?" Zero Two questions as she snuggled into his embrace. She found it surprising that she didn't smell any other scent on him, which meant that they didn't do anything.'

"You didn't sleep yet?"

"Mhmm..." How could she when her favorite body pillow wasn't there?

Her beloved only smiled softly before explaining, "Basically, she wanted to clarify that she didn't feel anything about you wrecking that snobby runt."

Zero Two wanted to scoff. "She's just saying that because she's your partner and she wants access on your magical D."

"Maybe." Adam didn't deny it. "But hey, she does add a pleasant flavor right?"

"....That's true." Zero Two didn't deny it either.

If she had to put it into analogy, then her brother was a full-course meal. Which is great and everything that she ever wanted. But she doesn't mind adding some spices to that meal every now and then.

With that, the two settled in a comfortable silence before eventually falling asleep. The two worked hard for each other's pleasure and now it was time they get their well deserved rest.


The next morning, the pair of siblings woke up feeling very famished. So, after taking a bath and enjoying some mild exercise in there, they went to the mess hall to eat some breakfast. They didn't encounter any kids from the squad 13 nor their favourite brunette along the way, so they figured that everyone else were having breakfast.

And just like the two thought, everyone except the snobbish injured kid was present and having their meal. Their already quiet chattering came to a complete stop when Adam and Zero Two entered the mess hall nonchalantly.

Everyone became tense as they felt Zero Two's gaze swept the room. But that only lasted for a moment before she smiled while turning to her brother, "I'll go get our meal. What would darling like to eat?"

"I'll leave that up to you." Adam answered with a tone that he'll eat anything that she puts in his plate.

Zero Two's smile turned into a sunshine grin. "Great! I'll surprise darling!"

With that, she went to the pantry enthusiastically. Humming a song as she prepared two plates and began choosing their meal.

As for Adam, he simply went towards the table they previously ate at and patiently waited. While doing so, he discreetly observed the atmosphere in the room.

The boys all seemed tense and nervous. Unable to stop themselves from stealing quick glances at his sister. The same could be said for the girls. Heck, they look even more uncomfortable at how casual his sister was acting despite being the cause for their friend's injuries.

But then, surprisingly, Naomi, stood up from her chair with her food and walked towards his table. Wearing the same stern and uptight face she had always been carrying, she naturally sat on his right before greeting him, "Good morning."

Adam smiled charmingly, "Good morning to you as well."

The brunette merely nodded before continuing to eat her meal.

"Is this alright?" Adam questions with a raised brow. He glanced at the girl's table where her friends seemed to be worried about her.

"It's fine." Naomi replied coolly. "You're my partner and that's the end of that."

"You don't have to stop being friends with them just because of that, you know?"

Naomi glances at the girl's table, "We're not. Don't worry. It's just that, they feel a little uncomfortable since... you know... what happened the other day. And, it doesn't help that Mitsuru-kun is currently recuperating in the clinic."

"Quite." Adam nodded in agreement. They failed spectacularly on their first mission and almost lost their lives. Not only that, but their friend who came to save them is now incapacitated and the perpetrator is inside the room with them, looking entirely unbothered.

That would surely put them in a complex and conflicted mood. Usually, in these cases, kids in their age would either confront or avoid his sister. So he was somewhat surprised that neither of that was happening.

Meaning that those kid have some self-awareness. Which is great since it shows that they were maturing.

Even the cocky little upstart was just continuing to eat his meal and not yapping his trap.

Soon, his sister arrived by his side holding two meal trays. She sat by his left and gave him her prepared meal which was a tower of various food stacked on top of each other. Bread, rice, salad, meat, umami soup, and a bunch more side dishes created a small pile on his plate. All while being doused in a sea of honey.


"Tadah!" Zero Two made a sunny smile, looking very proud of herself while presenting the "dish" she prepared for him.

Naomi could only goggle at what monstrosity of a dish was sitting in front of Adam, who on the other hand, seemed entirely unbothered as he raised his spoon and dug in the mountain of dishes.

'Is he really going to eat that?!' Naomi's eyes widened even more as she witnessed Adam unhesitatingly eat the meal in not just one bite, but another... AND ANOTHER! AND-

"H-how...?" she can't help but ask.

Meanwhile, Zero Two's eyes was shining brightly, pleased that her darling was eating the food she prepared for him. A moment later, she also digging on her breakfast herself.

Everyone in the room was also watching this spectacle in disbelief. They knew that Zero Two was already weird... but perhaps her brother was also the same?

Like, for real.... how is he even eating that without a change in expression?

Sure, Zero Two was eating on her plate ghoulishly, something they were already familiar with. But how can they eat a meal that was mixed with various dishes drowning in honey?

Does honey make everything taste nice?

Futoshi's drool escaped the corner of his mouth as he began salivating, 'Does it really taste that good?'

"Hey fatso." Zorome's voice cut him off from his trance. He looked at him with sharp eyes and said, "Don't even think about it."

Futoshi blinks for a bit, before frowning. "I am not fat, shorty!"

Zorome only scoffed in response, before resuming to eat his meal, lest he loses his appetite from witnessing Adam and Zero Two eat that abomination they call breakfast.

Goro could only comment, "wow..." unable to believe that Adam could eat such a thing. Hiro, sitting in front of him, could only gaze blankly at Zero Two, who seemed completely indifferent to everyone's stares, most especially his since he had been staring blatantly at her every since they arrived.

On the other table where the girls sat, Ichigo who noticed Hiro like this, only furrowed her brows and turned her attention back to her meal. It doesn't matter what Hiro does now. She already made her resolve, so she needs to focus on herself and her team.

Whatever Hiro does in his life doesn't concern her anymore.

"....." But if that was the case... why is her hand gripping her spoon?

The other girls on the table doesn't notice the bluenette's conflicted mood. Instead, they were busy watching incredulously over at Zero Two and Adam's table.

Miku's face was ashen as she watched Adam took one spoon after another of the vile arrangement of dish in front of him. Like really... how is he able to stomach that? Just watching it from afar was enough for her to feel like puking.

'.....But the way his face doesn't even change looks so manly.' Her heart skipped several beats again as she began fantasizing about Adam. 'Besides, I bet he's only eating that because his sister made it for him.'

She was jealous. Oh, so jealous. The twin tailed red head thought she could prepare a better, more edible meal than whatever he was having right now.

'Oh, and that Naomi....' Miku pouted sulkily. 'Why didn't she say if she was going to sit with Adam as well? If I knew, I would've joined her too...' she thought disappointingly.

As for the matter with their squadmate who was currently in the clinic? Hah! The fool brought it upon himself. He was already warned before hand about-

'No... I shouldn't think like this.' Her conscience told her, 'Beyond everything else, Mitsuru saved us and that's a fact.' Miku sighed.

Even though she knows that the snob probably only did it for the opportunity and prove his superiority complex over Hiro, which she thinks is very pathetic by the way. But no matter what, he did save them.

'Alright, shut up now.' She chided her good conscience and simply return to eating her breakfast.

As for the ashen-blonde haired petite lass, she could only keep her mouth shut while worriedly looking over at her friend Naomi. Try as she might to act normal, but she was mildly bothered by what Zero Two could do and did do to Mitsuru-kun.

Of course, Kokoro doesn't really think that Zero Two is a bad person. It's just that... with what happened to their friend as well as the rumors circulating around her... it was hard to not be worried.

Meanwhile, Ikuno who observed all this in silence, only continued to discreetly glance over at Adam and Zero Two's direction. In particular, her gaze was set at the pink blossom-haired girl who was joyfully eating her breakfast.

And hidden behind the bespectacled girl's intelligent eyes reflected a hint of both admiration and fascination.

That bastard snob of a partner she had... was finally shown his place. Only the gods knew how much she was trembling in excitement when seeing that bastard in a pathetic mental state. Honestly, she had to leave the room several times to hide her bubbling laughter or else the others might've thought she'd gone crazy.

But to her credit, that was her years of resentment and injustice just releasing their stress. She wasn't really a bad person, right? Right?

In any case, she figured that the reason why Zero Two became powerful like that, was probably because she always underwent the 'procedure' with Adam.

And therefore, with Adam promising to help her, a sense of anticipation welled up inside her.

She decided that... since there was no reason to doubt the rumors now, she could definitely become as powerful as Zero Two. Of course, it wasn't really her selfish wish of becoming overwhelmingly powerful over others that she sought Adam's help.

'Heh.' She scoffed to herself. Who was she kidding? Of course there was a part of that was making her excited. But all in all, being more powerful meant the higher her survival chances were.

As visceral as the live stream was from Zero Two's slaughter, she would never be able to forget the power she wielded that ended the lives of those monsters like they were mere ants. Of course, at that time, she was covering her mouth and acting like she couldn't take the brutal violence.

But in reality, she couldn't control the grin one that was plastering across her face.

'That power...' she thought, was overwhelmingly beautiful. It was awesome.

Ikuno eventually pulled herself out from getting lost in her fantasies, unless she wanted to wet her underwear once again. (This is actually true and she didn't know what the reason was for it. Like, if she got overly excited or happy, she would find her underwear getting damp, making her sure that she was leaking.)

She doesn't know what that meant, maybe she'll ask Nana later.

In any case, Ikuno settled back to her breakfast in a good mood with small smile appearing on her face as she ate her meal.

For some reason, the food tastes extra good today.


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