There is No Plot

Chapter 26: Chapter 26

The entirety of Zero Two's day was spent with the Nana and the doctor. Needless to say that it had been boring as heck especially since she had nothing else to do other than stay there after her brief check-up. Although she was already used to this, it didn't make it any less unpleasant.

Imagine, rather than spending her time being lovey-dovey with her darling, she was stuck with a smelly old man and a lady with a long stick up her ass— Zero Two doesn't really understand this metaphor, but her darling said that it suits Nana, so she'll be using this description for her from now on.

In any case, once she was finally allowed to leave, she was practically skipping on her way back to the dormitories. She was even humming a happy tune, evidently looking forward to seeing her darling soon.

"Darling~ Darling~ Hm🎵 Hmm!🎶 ~" Not even the slow elevator could dampen her spirits now.

Soon enough, she made it back to the parasite boarding house. When the elevator door opened, she practically dashed her way towards their room. Dinner, even though it already passed, didn't even enter her mind in the slightest.

Why would she when she could have her darling for dinner?

She snickered as she found herself lewding over her darling once again. But then again, when had she ever not have lewd thoughts about her darling?

However, just as she was thinking that, her pace grew slower once she reached the narrow hall that led to their love nest.

Zero Two's bright face immediately disappeared without a trace once she heard two distinct female voices coming from the closed door of their love nest. One, she was familiar with. But the other....

'....Who is she...?!' the pink-haired girl practically growled under her breath.

She was already majorly pissed off since she'd been deprived of the entire day away from her brother. And now she comes back here, catching some other insignificant worm mingling with her darling?!

"....." Her anger soared. Had this been an anime, then the ends of her long hair would've been fluttering in the air due to how angry she was right now.

She understands, alright?! That her brother has a special body that requires him to do it as well with other people to boost their capabilities— which by the way, is honestly very pathetic in her opinion.

But even so! The thought of other people touching what's hers and hers alone...!!!

'Annoying. Annoying. Annoying. Annoying. Annoying.' Her mind kept repeating the same words over and over, unaware that she had been biting on her thumb out of sheer frustration.

But before she could delve deeper into this dark emotion of hers, the door suddenly opened, revealing her darling, who then pulled her and captured her lips.


But then, as if it had been a lie, all her anger dissipated as soon as she tasted that sweet, sweet, lips over her brother.

It didn't even matter that he was sweaty, naked, or possessing some other bitch's scent.

Right now, Zero Two only held his face in place, intensifying their kiss as she wasted no time at all to delve deeper into the depths of his mouth. Her attack was relentless, savage, and unforgiving, mirroring her dissatisfied feelings and conveying them to her beloved.

As for Adam? He could only allow his mouth to be ravaged by his emotional sister. He understands fully well that she didn't like that he took it upon himself to help another parasite without her permission— again.

But he would be lying if he didn't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for the other parasites.

They literally did nothing wrong and yet, they're being forced to fight against monsters and sent to missions that they could very much lose their lives from.

If they were convicted criminals, heck he would even support it. But that's the thing; They weren't. They were just children who were doing their best in the only way they knew how.

And so, even though it may hurt his sister, he could only do this in hopes of saving another kid's life, no matter how insignificant that may seemingly be for her.

Soon enough, Adam found himself laying down on the floor with Zero Two straddling him. Breaking off their kiss for a bit, he could see the dark unhealthy obsession under her turquoise eyes.

Adam opened his mouth to speak, only for Zero Two to stick her fingers inside his mouth.

"Shh... don't speak. Don't explain." Zero Two stated as her other hand went down to her crotch and tore her stockings and underwear. She stared deeply into his eyes and declared, "Just fuck me."

And like that, she impaled herself on her darling's thick and long tool, eliciting a groan of satisfaction from both herself and her darling.

A rare flush of red could be seen on Adam's face, something that Zero Two didn't notice as she was focusing on settling his tool deep into her womb.

Adam could really only hold her hips in place, distracting himself from grinning like a maniac from the current situation.

Why you ask? Well, he'd be lying if he didn't find his sister's current state incredibly hot. So hot that this may be the hardest little Adam had ever been in years.

As if reading his current thoughts, Zero Two snorted, before pinning his broad chest to the floor and moving her waist. Her wet velvet cave clenched tightly on his dick as if wanting to milk every bit of semen within him.

Zero Two narrowed her eyes at him. Her turquoise orbs brimming with obsession and jealousy as she downed on his exposed neck, biting, licking, and suckling several parts of his neck, leaving marks of herself on her territory— on her mate.

And as Zero Two was doing this, she didn't realize that a ferral grin was appearing on Adam's face. His body trembled with joy, barely holding onto himself as to not push his sister down and fuck her to oblivion.

He really, truly loved his sister. He was crazy her for her.

Only he, himself, could understand how sick, twisted, and demented his thoughts were about Zero Two.

Hah! To anyone who thought Zero Two was the only crazy depraved sibling of the two, they wrong. Dead wrong.

Honestly, if he could, he woukd just keep her in a dark basement and breed with her for all of eternity. He wouldn't stop until she was pregnant- NO! Even if she was pregnant, he would still keep going, and going, and going, and never ever separating from her. They could die of starvation, but he would never stop not fucking the brains out of his sister—

'Alright, that's enough of that.' Adam reeled in his dark desires as his Zero Two stopped marking his neck and rose back up to look at him with a suspicious gaze.

Nothing else inside the room could be heard other than erotic squelching noise their lewd sexes made as well as the sound of Zero Two's perky butt smashing frantically on his waist.

But even so, he thinks that his sister felt it; his deepest darkest desires slipped and she sensed it.

She must've. Otherwise, there's no other possible explanation for the wolfish grin that's on her pretty little face right now. Obsession would be an understatement at this point. No, they were borderline insanity!

"Hhnn!!" Adam grunted as he unexpectedly ejaculated pretty faster than usual. But it's not like he could help it, his sister was way too hot and sexy right now. '....way.... too hot...'

Adam kept groaning as he felt her hot, tight, fleshy walls clench around him like a vice. Milking him wouldn't begin to describe it. Rather, it was almost like she wanted to tear his dick off and keep it inside forever. That was how tight she was.

"Yes... yes..." A deranged smile could be seen on his beloved, drooling as she stared at him intensely in the eyes, "Your seeds... I feel it darling... yes... give it all to me... ALL OF IT!" she exclaimed depravedly.

This wasn't sex anymore. It was just full on mating and she was the one breeding him.

'...being dominated like this isn't so bad every once in a while' Adam momentarily thought to himself, before he found himself being pounded so he thought that they'd fall through the second floor. (exaggeration)

He reckoned that maybe he'll be sent in the medical ward with a busted waist after this. (Okay, this is more realistic.)


Every room and facilities inside Mistilteinn soon received an announcement:

[To prepare for the kissing with Plantation 26, Plantation 13 will switch to mobile setup.]

[I repeat: To prepare for the kissing with Plantation 26, Plantation 13 will switch to mobile setup.]

Outside Mistilteinn, dozens of large orange circular structures could be seen scattering and surrounding the vicinity of Mistilteinn. These structures contained hundreds of smaller defensive units which was a mixed of A.I. controlled combatants and land based military personnel.

Hiro, having just finished training, passed by this view outside the plantation. He didn't really think much of it other than mentally preparing himself in case he gets the chance to be deployed.

Which is starting to seem unlikely based on the recent development.

Moreover, he was honestly still feeling conflicted about Strelizia and Zero Two. Not even by exhausting himself in training could he sort out the jumbled feelings inside his head.

 Before he realized it, he found himself absentmindedly walking towards the FRANXX garage. He didn't really know what he would achieve by going there, by he decided to follow his body anyway.

As he arrived at the garage , he found all the FRANXX of squad 13 stationed in an orderly manner. Their towering structure seemed very intimidating when his height barely reached their ankles. Soon, his subconsciously moving feet brought him to a stop in front of Strelizia. Her beautiful form enchanted by her clean pristine white skin. Hiro's eyes captured the large lance standing beside, reminding him once more of the awesome power she wielded during the time when Mitsuru partnered ride with her.

'....But it's not that easy.' He had seen the result of partnering up with Zero Two.

Both what happened to Mitsuru and her previous partner, who had already passed away.

'I... don't know whether I'll be different....' The shaggy black haired boy monologued. 'But what I do know... is that I want to be free... just like the bird that I met from the forest. Though it flew for a brief moment before succumbing to its injury, at least it knew what it felt like to fly.'

Hiro clenched his hands as he courageously thought; 'That seems more to be a meaningful existence rather than remaining as I am for now...'


At the break of dawn, a loud alarm snapped Adam and Zero Two from their relentless breeding session.

"...Klaxo..saur..?" Adam slurred. For the first time ever, he wasn't ready to sortie out. Ever since he completely submitted to all of his hungered sister's feral desires, he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep nor did he get any rest for that matter.

The jealousy inside his sister exploded and he took it all upon himself. The result? Adam did not look okay at all.

His torso and arms were filled with bruises, bite marks, and hickeys while his back contained several scratch wounds, some of which were too deep that it'd probably take a week for it to heal. Don't get him wrong, he tried to put up a fight, but his sister would not give up the control.

Every time he tried to end it all by taking the reigns and fucking her till she passes out, his sister would go absolutely bat-shit hysterically crazy. Calling her an animal then would be an understatement.

However, he understood that his sister was trying to prove a point and was simply pouring out all her feelings for him. So, as her older brother, what else could he really do other than give her what she wants in an attempt to coax her?

Besides, this was a long time coming for him. He just needs to endure the suffering that he emotionally caused for his darling.

But really, in the end, Adam looked like he had just come out of a war. Which isn't really too far of a comparison considering that he was facing his emotionally unstable sister.

'.....But seriously...'

Whap. Whap. Whap. Whap.

"....." There, sitting on the floor with his back leaning against the bed for support, Adam stared at his sister who still continued moving her hips, grinding his cock inside her and seemingly had no plans on stopping any time soon.

After the alarm (incase everyone forgot), a man's announcement over the communication stated the reason for it.

[We've detected one worm-type klaxosaur. It's heading towards Plantation 13.]

[It likely reacted to the energy emitted by the mobile kissing setup.] he further informs them.

Oh, that seems important.

"Hey, love?"


Whap. Whap. Whap.



Whap. Whap. Whap.

"Sister? Hey?"

No matter how much he called out to her, Zero Two wouldn't show any response. But she does seem to be actively moving her waist, which means that she was still conscious.

"Zero Two, hey!"

"Wa- what?!" Unfortunately, it wasn't Zero Two who responded. Instead, it was Ikuno, who had woken up after the announcement.

Plus, with the vibration of her transmitter, it meant that she was needed to sortie out.

And as if that wasn't enough of a wake up call, then seeing Adam's state and Zero two mindlessly fucking him was definitely enough to wash away her drowsiness. Like, really, Zero Two's tongue was lulling out of her mouth, her face was stained with drunken red while her half lidded eyes were momentd away from rolling on the back of her head.

Adam could only smile ruefully at the girl, "Hey, there seems to be an emergency. You're going to need to be sent out soon...." he then paused, "Or maybe not? Your partner is still out of commission after all."

But contrary to his expectations, Ikuno stood up from the bed hastily, only to be further taken aback by the inhumane amount of bodily fluids splattered across the floor. Literally, some of it had even dried, making some spots of the floor sticky.

Even without trying to look, Ikuno could tell that whatever she was stepping on right now was a mixture of Adam's batter and Zero Two's lake-sized discharges.

But never mind that, she needed to go and fight alongside her squad. Besides, with how stubborn her partner was, she didn't doubt that he'd force himself off the bed and crawl his way to their robot.

"I will go." Was all she said to Adam as she hastily got dressed, fixes her hair and glasses, and went towards the door. Although her legs were slightly wobbly, it was still manageable.

"Alright." Adam nodded in approval. He then encouraged the girl as the latter opens the door, "Be safe out there. We'll be right behind you, okay?"

"Got it." Ikuno nodded, a small smile forming on her lips as she closed the door and ran to her destination.

In the midst of rushing, her back stood taller than ever. Ikuno, for some reason, she more reassured and confident than ever. Admittedly, she does feel a little bit weak, but that's just a minor inconvenience with her newfound confidence.

Meanwhile, back inside Adam and Zero Two's room, Adam was inwardly thinking that he made a wise choice of not going too hard on the determined bespectacled girl. Granted, he rarely went hard on any girls on their first time.

"Whaa? Where's my body pillow?"

Oh, it seems that Naomi has woken up too.

'Though, since no one came to get Zero Two and Me in our room, this means that the klaxosaur's prolly just a small fry and they aren't expecting to meet any of big ones soon.' Adam thought to himself before greeting his cute petite brunette.

"Morning Naoms."

Naomi groggily got up from the bed, revealing her cute, fair petite body which was showing a beautiful growth of a budding hips and bosom.

'Brunettes man, I'm telling you.' Adam didn't doubt that Naomi was going to have a bodacious body once she grew up as an adult.

'If she could even survive till adulthood.'

Shut the fuck up pessimistic thoughts.

Adam shook her head off of it and looks at his cute partner.

"You should get suited up soon." He told the groggy brunette, "We might be required to sortie."

"Oh... what..? Reall- Fuwahh..." Naomi sleepily rubbed her eyes, "...Really?"

"Yep." Adam nodded. "I'd join you to prepare but-"

Whap. Whap. Whap. Whap.

"...." Naomi's brows instantly furrowed. She rubbed her eyes just to check, but now that she was awake, she could see Adam who looked like he was attacked by a wolf with Zero Two on top of him, moving her body despite seemingly half-awake.

'Wha- how... wha...?'

How is she- why are they-.... huh...??!!!

"....." The brunette was utterly speechless.

"Y'know what?" Adam spoke to her again, "You should take a bath first. My sister and I will follow soon."


That was all she could really say before taking a deep breath and letting go of her thoughts.

She can't always understand the pair of siblings, and at this point, she was starting to think maybe she shouldn't at all.

Whatever they are, whatever they could do, she should just nod her head and just write it off as something solely unique to the of them.

"Ouch, well that's harsh." She suddenly heard Adam speak as she finished wearing her clothes.

"!!!" Naomi trembled, thinking she had mistakenly said her thoughts out loud. "D-did you!"

"Hah!" She saw Adam laughed out loud, which was kind of difficult to focus at when Zero Two was bouncing on top of him. "So you really were thinking something bad about me, hm??"he raised his brows at her.

"N-no! Of course not!" She immediately denied it.

And judging by that look on his face, he knew about it, but is wanting to tease her for her reactions.

What should she do?

"I-I'll go take a bath now." She escapes!


With the hasty exit of his flustered partner, only his sister and himself were the ones left in their room.

Whap. Whap. Whap. Whap.

"....Love?" Adam called out endearingly. He hugged her close to his chest and pushed her down to himself, sheathing himself deep within the confines of her sex. His cockhead throbbed in response to the eager cervix that seemed to be willing to swallow his baby batter once again, despite being fed over and over again.

When Adam stopped her sincerely this time, Zero Two didn't move anymore. Her half-lidded eyes slowly opening, but the darkness behind her turquoise orbs remained unchanging.

Seeing that, Adam closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers.

"....I'm sorry, Love..." he started, "Please forgive me for hurting you..."


....He apologized.

...To who...?

'....To me?' Zero Two found herself frowning at that. '....W-why is darling apologizing to me?'

"Sniffle." Her body trembled while her eyes grew watery at her darling's heartfelt words. She couldn't understand it... why was her darling apologizing to her?

He wasn't at fault at all! No.... but it was her.... she was the one who became selfish!

And yet! Why does he apologize?!

'What's worse is.... why do I feel relieved?!'

Zero Two had never hated herself so much more until now.

Her hands balled into a fist as she subconsciously began biting on her lips.

'...Why? ...Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?' She couldn't understand it.

Her head was a mess.

It was her fault.

So why is her darling apologizing?

Why is she feeling good from that?

Could she be... a bad sister?

Is that what she was?

That's right... she definitely was.... After all, only a bad person would feel good at a faultless person's apology.

Maybe they were right. Maybe she really was just a mo-

But then, her lips was suddenly taken.

"Mhmm..." She could feel her beloved's lips warmly covering hers. His kiss was so warm and gentle that for some reason, she began tearing up.

As if a lie, all her self-deprecating thoughts were washed away. All her needless thoughts and worries disappeared like her brother casted a magic spell on her.

She felt calm and at ease... like the dark monster inside her was being coaxed.


It is fine. Everything is fine.

Her brother will love her always.

And so will she.

Whatever happened just now, was probably bound to happen again in the future.

But that's okay.

Because she knows... they will always get through it together.

That's what it means to love someone, after all.


(A/N: Ughhh... drama, amiright? But I felt the need to add this since the two were still teenagers. I wanted to add more color to their character and explore the dynamics of having two unhealthily obsessed siblings after taking their separated past and habitual sex into account. 

For anyone surprised by Zero Two's outburst, well, I think anyone who had met a mentally unstable person would've seen it coming. As if obsession and over reliance wasn't already raising red flags for any of you.

Having said that, there would probably be more or less dramas like this in the future depending on the readers' opinion about it. So do let me know if you like this take or just more 'hehe Zero Two getting fucked by alpha male, bery gud!!!')

(P.S. Adam's dick is still inside Zero Two while they're having their 'reconciliation')

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