Chapter 27: Chapter 27
Inside the clinic of the parasite boarding house, an injured boy in a patient's robes and a medical wrapping around his head could be seen struggling to leave the bed. Beads of sweat fell from his forehead as he held the medical bed's railings for support and slowly began to pick up his painful, sluggish body.
"Shit...!" Mitsuru gritted his teeth as he began standing up from the bed with his eyes brimming with determination.
"I can... I can- Urk!"
But the pain on his chest became unbearable as he strained it, causing it to grow even more painfully, which led him to losing his strength and falling back to the bed. "Damn it!"
In the exact same moment, Ikuno arrived and caught him struggling and failing. Mitsuru narrowed his eyes at her, but the latter doesn't say anything other than, "Can you move?"
Mitsuru could only plop his ass back to the bed, opting to rest for a bit before pushing himself again.
"This... is nothing." he replied in a calm but shaky voice.
As soon as he said so, he picked up his body, standing on his own trembling legs and leaving the accursed bed.
"Grab on to me." Ikuno stated, opting to help him. But before she could take a step, Mitsuru glared at her, "I don't need to." he stated sharply as he began weakly walking towards the doorway by himself.
Only to almost fall and stumble upon reaching it. Luckily for the stubborn kid, Itsuko was there to catch him.
"You are such an awkward boy." Itsuko remarks as she brings his arm over her shoulders.
Mitsuru glared at her for a bit, wondering where she found the confidence to talk to him that way, only to shake his head and remain quiet.
He needed her help, as much as he didn't want to admit it.
This was far better than being regarded as useless when all the others were fighting an enemy.
But even so... 'What's with that smell?' the snobbish kid's forehead knitted, his nose twitching upon smelling Ikuno's unique scent... which somehow made her seem more... pleasant to look at?
Just then, Mitsuru felt his heart throb for a bit. Confused, the boy wondered what was wrong with him, only to feel another throb coming from his crotch.
'...Huh?' But the feeling disappeared as soon as it came, leaving him in utter confusion as to what he just experienced.
From the Commanding Operation Room, a place surrounded by large orange holographic screens portraying a wide-scale view of the geographical location of Plantation 13, Hachi could be seen standing in the middle of the room, observing the live feed of the approaching klaxosaur.
"We haven't identified the klaxosaur's class." He informed. His voice was connected to the general comms, meaning that the parasites who were currently manning their FRANXX could hear him.
"We've only only detected one as of now, but there might be more in hiding." He warns the children, "Proceed with caution."
[Roger that!] x8
Hachi nodded his head in approval, "All FRANXX, commence connecting!"
Following his words, inside the garage, the stationed FRANXX began powering on one after another.
Only Chlorophytum remained offline.
Inside Chlorophytum's cockpit, Mitsuru, garbed in his pilot suit, ruefully remarked, "I sure hope you can connect this time."
He didn't feel confident especially with what happened the last time. If they sat in there again and failed to connect, they would not only end up as laughing stocks, but their failure to perform could possibly put their parasite career in jeopardy.
"....I get it." Ikuno replied, not sparing him a glance as her own suit began powering up. "I'll be fine now." she stated confidently as the control handles extended from her hips.
Taking a deep breath, Ikuno closed her eyes and remembered all the events that happened last night.
The way Adam played her body like a fiddle, the way he used her body as he pleased, and the way he reached out within the depths of her mouth and 'pussy' to fill her up with his semen. All of it, she remembered it well. Far too vividly in fact, causing her to subconsciously bit her lips as she felt a little bit of hotness on her nether region.
'No, this isn't the time.' She chided herself.
With everything that Adam did to her, she was sure that they had done the 'procedure' well.
She felt reassured. Confident even.
So it came no surprise to her that once Mitsuru tried to synergize with her, both of their gauges showed 100%, causing Delphinium to stir awake.
It happened so fast and smoothly that even Mitsuru couldn't believe it.
Before, connecting with Ikuno felt like going to a sewage filled with murky debris, making it always so unpleasant for a neat-person like himself. But now it felt more like sliding down the slide in a children's playground.
It was so, so easy.
'...What happened?' Mitsuru questioned.
Unfortunately, he'll have to ask that later since with Delphinium online, Squad 13 was now ready to move out.
(For those who are wondering why Ikuno was able to synergize easily when it was a rule that Adam needed to do 'it' several times in order for his gimmick to work, Adam was referring to the 'increasing potential' part. As for making a pistil compatible with others, his kiss is enough for that.)
On the vast expanse of a lifeless wasteland, four humongous mecha robots could be seen hovering speedily above the ground. Their feet were equipped with thrusters, allowing them to travel long distances within a smaller amount of time.
Although the thrusters were small, make no mistake as its power was enough to let them levitate several meters above the ground while carrying their thousand ton weight. Large and thick smokes trailed behind them as they traversed to intercept the target.
[We'll hold it here!] Ikuno declared to her squad as they approached within an 800 meter distance of the large unclassified klaxosaur.
While this was happening, elsewhere, specifically back in the briefing room, the door shifted to the side as Naomi and Hiro, both suited up, hurriedly entered the room. There, they Nana standing by the podium and watching the live broadcast through the holographic board in front of the room.
"Is that the only enemy?" Hiro asked Nana.
"For now, Yes." Nana replied.
There, on the screen, they could see the ginormous shadowed silhouette of the klaxosaur as its body was surrounding by a tall, thick, and dense smoke of dirt, generated by its constant movement of digging and resurfacing from the ground just like a worm.
Nana glanced at Naomi, "...Where's your partner and his sister."
"!!!" Naomi trembled and froze, like a deer caught on headlights. She strayed her gaze elsewhere while awkwardly twiddling her fingers, "They're... uh... going here soon..."
Nana only hummed in reply, turning her eyes back to the live stream.
Then, there on the operation field, Delphinium hastily moved backwards as her entire view was filled with a thick dust cloud. She could feel the round rumble get stronger towards her direction, making her zigzagged backwards as the klaxosaur's large head revealed itself.
She was met with a large blue figure, about three and a half times her body's size. The occupying majority of its face were three circular large black spinning turbines situated in a triangular formation. The razor sharp blades of the turbines whirred menacingly as it closed in towards her.
But it was all according to plan as she increased her speed towards a nearby rock formation that had a narrow crevice in the middle. As the klaxosaur's head leaned closer, showing no signs of stopping, Delphinium successfully led it through the crevice where her squad mates were waiting on the other side.
The klaxosaur's long worm-like body squeezed into the narrow crevice and as soon as its head reached the other side, Chlorophytum and Genista, hiding on both sides of the rock formation, stabbed its head with their weapon. However, rather than injuring it, they were instead pushed backwards by the sheer force of the klaxosaur.
But that was fine since their plan was to impale their weapon around its head, presumably where the neck would be.
And that's not all, Argentea was waiting on top of the rock formation. As soon as the klaxosaur was stuck in between the crevice, she leaped in the air and stabbed its undefended body with her claws.
Her attack caused the klaxosaur to wiggle violently before moving its large worm-like body upwards in an attempt to shake them off. Still, just as planned, Genista and Chlorophytum remained holding onto their weapon around its head while Argentea was stuck on the middle section of its body.
As the worm-like klaxosaur stood upwards, Delphinium shot forward, impaling her two spears on the area between the middle section and the head, creating a "T" like formation altogether.
[Let's go!] Delphinium announced.
[One!] Argentea started.
[TWO!!] The others followed.
They then released all their explosive ammunition, creating deep wounds under the klaxosaur's skin.
After a series of internal explosions, the klaxosaur became limp, before losing strength and falling to the ground.
Its large body created a large but mild cloud of smoke, which cleared up almost instantly, revealing Delphinium standing above it while the others were looking up at her from the ground.
[...Did we get it?] Zorome immediately asked.
[No.] Goro replies, [I don't think so. We probably missed the core.]
[We can't kill it unless we find its core.] Miku supplemented as if stating the obvious, [That's why we shoul-]
She wasn't able to finish her sentence as a large claw-like limb grabbed her from behind. It hid behind the thick dust cloud, allowing it to easily approach the unsuspecting mecha.
[Kyaaa!] Argentea screamed as she found herself being dragged upwards by the claw, which they now found out was the head of another klaxosaur. Its long neck reeled Argentea away from the group while its claw/pincer-like mouth was steadily trying to crush her.
[There was another one?!] Chlorophytum stressed.
[We have to save them!] Genista declared.
The two immediately dashed towards the other klaxosaur or at least, they tried to. Seeing its long neck suspiciously straighten itself while also facing into their direction, they were suddenly shot by sharp diamond projectile. Chlorophytum and Genista managed to stop themselves in time so that the large projectile landed between their legs.
However, due to its size, the two mechas were pinned to the ground as the diamond-shaped projectiles' skin extended, revealing their glowing blue diamond-shaped innard, and consequently holding the two mechas in place.
Sparks blitzed in the air as Argentea's was constantly being crushed by the klaxosaur's pincer-like mouth. Its sharp jagged fangs were scraping her skin, damaging her slowly, but surely.
"Damn..." Delphinium cursed under her breath as she could only watch her comrade Argentea struggle painfully to endure the klaxosaur's crushing pincers.
Delphinium had also been captured by the diamond-shaped projectiles, this was why she couldn't come to her rescue. Fortunately, the projectile wasn't too hard to remove. After struggling for a bit, she pushed away the projectile pining her body, and shouted [Just wait!] to Argentea as she began running in her direction.
In her haste, she passed by her other squadmates who were still struggling to remove themselves from the diamond-shaped projectiles' hold. Even more unfortunate for them, the moment she did, the ground beneath them suddenly sunk, causing Delphinium to lose her footing while Chlorophytum and Genista were free from the diamond projectiles, but still laying down unprepared for the sinking ground.
[From below?!] Delphinium's voice broke in a panic as the sunken ground beneath them started spinning rapidly before exploding as the previous worm-like klaxosaur revealed itself and tackled all three of them together to the air.
They could only hold helplessly unto the worm-like klaxosaur's head as it stood up from the ground and faced the other klaxosaur (The one with a long slim neck and a pincer-shaped mouth). It seems the two klaxosaurs came to a brief stop, observing each other while holding unto the mechas of squad 13 like they were insects.
Back inside the briefing room, Hiro and Naomi's brows were furrowing with worry. A bead of sweat trickled from the side of their faces as they could watch their friends caught in a perilous situation once again.
"...Nana-san..." Naomi hesitantly calls out to the older woman, "C-could you send Adam and Me to help them?"
She was deeply concerned for her friends since the situation didn't look good for any of them. One was being crushed helplessly, seemingly unable to free herself whereas the other three, exhausted and are forced to fight the large worm-like klaxosaur while also being wary of the diamond-shaped projectiles of the other klaxosaur.
The brunette suggested being deployed with Adam knowing that they were the only ones that could help. She knew that Nana wouldn't deploy Strelizia especially with what happened the last time. They should've already learned their lesson after having Mitsuru ride with Zero Two.
'I don't know about Hiro though...' Naomi thought to herself as she glanced at the black shaggy-haired boy next to her. Like her, he was also suited up, meaning that he was prepared to sortie out. 'I doubt Nana will deploy him.' She was certain of that at least.
"-Sorry, sorry! We're late!" They heard the briefing room door slide open, followed by Adam's breathless appearance.
Seeing him in his deep blue suit with white highlights, Naomi couldn't help but gulp to parch her dry throat, thinking how attractive Adam looked when geared up. His tall, aesthetic physique was overly emphasized by the tight suit, making him more salivating to look at...
'Gah! What are you thinking?!' Naomi blushes profusely, 'You perverted girl! Your friends are in danger and all you can think about is Adam's- AHHH!!! STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!'
She felt her loins burning up once again, which definitely isn't a good sign to have right now. But really, can you blame the horny brunette teen? Adam looks like the amalgamation of all her fantasies. What's more is that she already experienced the hot and steamy 'forbidden actions' with him.
It was hard not to give in to her desires, but with extra effort, she forced herself out of her horniness.
"So, how's the situation?" Adam asks as he approaches them. Zero Two, also wearing her red suit, followed behind him.
Narrowing her eyes at them, Nana thought that she must be seeing things because the younger pink-haired girl looked very beautiful right now. Her skin was glistening, practically glowing in youth, while the general air around her was very calm, satisfied, and happy.
Her current appearance was far cry from her usual cold, unfeeling, and sharp attitude towards them.
Nana could really only squint her eyes at the pair of siblings, before looking at Adam and guessing that he must've done something more to the girl. But in the end, that's all she did as she doesn't bother responding to the white-haired boy's inquiry.
It doesn't matter anymore since they are no longer her concern.
Turning her gaze back to the holographic screen, the older buxom woman only said, "You two didn't have to change into your suits."
"Huh?" x2
Naomi and Hiro looked at Nana in confusion, questioning what she meant by that.
But for Adam and Zero Two, their eyes flickered in suspicion. The twins narrowed their eyes at her with Zero Two saying, "...What do you mean by that?"
Just then, they remembered hearing the sound of a transport plane landing in the hangar.
Adam stepped closer to Nana, peeking from her side with a smile. "Nana-san~ Can you tell me who landed on the transport plane?"
Nana doesn't bother looking at him as the door to the briefing room opens. Hiro, Naomi, Zero Two, and Adam turned to see multiple black armored soldiers pour inside the room. They hastily occupied the perimeter of the room, surrounding the teens while aiming their weapons at them.
"Zero Two, Adam, you two are coming with us." One of the soldier stated.
"Your escorts are here." Nana states, still not facing them. "Do as they say."
"Zero Two, Adam. You two will return to the front lines. By yourselves." she added.
"Wait, what do you-" Hiro wanted to ask Nana, but his words were interrupted by one of the soldiers.
"Hurry. We want to leave while the FRANXX are keeping the klaxosaur occupied."
This particular soldier walked towards the siblings, to Zero Two in particular, and placed his hand by her shoulder.
Zero Two immediately glared in hostility. In the next second, that soldier found himself launched all the way to the other side of the room. Just one swing of her arm was enough to throw a fully grown adult several meters away. This showed just how monstrous her strength was. A testament to her klaxosapien bloodline.
"Hey!" The other soldiers immediately aimed their weapon at Zero Two and immediately, the pink-haired girl's figure was lit up with several red laser sights.
The atmosphere became tense as displeasure- borderline disgust, could be seen in her narrowed eyes. She didn't seem intimidated in the slightest by laser sights aimed at her every limb, some of which are aiming at her head.
Just then, an unnaturally cold, monotonous voice resounded in the room.
"If you want to keep your hands," the white-haired young man spoke, "Then lower your weapons."
"..." A suffocating air fell into the room as the atmosphere suddenly grew chilly upon Adam's declaration.
"No one, and I mean NO ONE will ever threaten or force my sister in any way. Not in my presence."
His unnaturally unfeeling attitude caused Nana, Naomi, and Hiro's back to shiver. His cold appearance felt so unfamiliar, almost as if they were looking at an entirely different person.
Seeing as none of the soldiers followed his words, Adam began counting.
"...Three." His calm voice laced with an untold authority, making one experience a foreboding intuition if they didn't bend to his rules.
However, none of the soldiers listened and instead, they began bracing themselves. Even if their instincts were blaring warning signs in their minds, they stood their ground and forcibly pushed down the fear into the back of their minds.
Was this a stupid move on their part? Not at all. They were advised to handle Zero Two and Adam with strict provision and due to their monstrous nature, the use of level 3 arms was highly advised FOR THEIR OWN PROTECTION. They knew how dangerous the pair of siblings was, just one was already a danger-level mission, especially if they didn't want to cooperate.
Therefore, they must face the two with absolute authority with the threat of gunfire since their mission would be considered a failure if the two don't comply. Moreover their confidence in aiming their weapons at the two important units lay in the fact that they were only equipped with nonlethal bullets.
Make no mistake, these bullets were still powerful enough to leave lasting bruises, internal bleeding, and broken bones. Any normal human hit by these could possibly incapacitate them for months or leave completely disabled for the rest of their lives.
All the laser sights switched to Adam as his entire demeanor changed. Gone was the casual and carefree air around him. Instead, what was left is a cold, indifferent, and unfeeling monster wearing an angel's skin.
"Open Fire!" The nearest soldier declared and immediately, bullets began raining down to Adam's figure- only for their bullets to hit nothing as the white-haired boy suddenly reappeared in the ceiling.
"!!!!" The soldiers couldn't imagine how it happened. Their eyes trembled in surprise at the inhumanely possible feat.
"Ack!" One of the soldiers cried out in pain as Adam slammed his fist directly on top of his head. Even though the soldier wore a fully guarded helmet, they heard a distinct 'crack', as there was a visibly deep dent on the soldier's helmet.
Like a puppet whose strings were cut, said soldier limped and fell helplessly to the floor, making the other witnesses' faces cringe as they could only imagine what the soldier's state was inside his helmet.
One after another, soldiers continued to fall as Adam continued his assault on them. Bullets danced across the room, desperately trying to shoot Adam whose monstrous physical capability made him seem like he was soaring through the air.
Meanwhile, as soon as the first bullet was shot, Nana tackled the nearby kids and lay flat on the floor. She held their heads down, lest they get caught by a stray bullet. Zero Two was already laying down as well, but a thrilled smile was plastered on her face as her sparkling eyes followed the figure of her darling beating up the mean soldiers one after another.
Meanwhile for Adam, obviously he hadn't lost to his emotions. He was fully aware of what he was doing and was controlling his strength to not kill them, but only incapacitated them. As for the first soldier he hit, Adam reckons that the soldier only suffered a concussion since their helmets were very thick.
And while Adam already made it to the fifth last remaining soldier, the ones who were positioned further to the back of the room, Adam let his mind ponder, 'The General still hadn't appeared yet.... does this mean that he isn't with them? No. Knowing him, he would've restrained me the moment I first made my move. Which means that the General most likely isn't with them.'
Sprinting diagonally and dodging the trail of bullets, he reached the third soldier and used his body as a shield for the other bullets. 'But if that's the case, then why bother sending these weaklings to fetch us? It's almost like they want us to diso—' a light bulb metaphorically appeared on top of his head as he twisted the arm of the second to the last remaining soldier.
"AHHHH!!!" The soldier screamed painfully, but it fell on Adam's deaf ears as the latter was still in deep thought. Deep inside his brilliant mind, the white-haired boy was putting the pieces of clues together and is almost completing the entire picture.
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