TM: Vengeance of the Indomitable and Crazed Shades

Chapter 33: I already know?

"Oh, he is growing up so fast." As Xalier saw his son fall in the embrace of a woman, a big simile spread on his face.

"...!" Hearing his words, Elah turned towards him.

"You!" Remembering something she directed her anger to the one who ardently caused suffering to her son.

"Y-yes...?" Feeling his wife's rage, Xalier stuttered.

"If you ever try to teach your son something that will endanger his life... I will make sure you will have no more children!"

"..." A purely shocked face, created a complete silence.

"UNDERSTAND!?" But since Elah had enough of that silence, she broke it with a thunderous scream.

"Yes ma'am!" Xalier's answer was quick and firm. He, just like anyone who had a wife or girlfriend knew this wasn't the time to argue with the dragon but to let her win.

"Good!" Elah turned back and with stomping steps started to walk toward the big tree that lead to their house.

"...what did I even do?" Xalier was just trying to find his fault with low and quiet words but the problem was dragons always had good ears.

"Did you say something!?"

"Nothing-nothing, I didn't say anything." As the Elah who turned back looked more like a demon than his wife, Xalier raised his hand before his face and hooked them indicating his innocence.

"Agh... Heal." She turned to Antanasia with slight anger, but after seeing her wounded son, she calmed down to cast one more healing spell.

"..." Seeing that Elah used Transcendence to get back to the house, Xalier followed her. He had to do what every husband had to do when their wives were angry.

"Hm? Bring him in. After someone depletes both their mana and stamina even if it is replenished by any means he will still be out cold for some time." As Xalier stood at the door, which was in the trunk of the tree, he turned around to call for Antanasia.

"Oh, right!" Remembering he should inform her, Xalier contained. "I worked things out with your sister. She will most likely appear in a few days outside the forest."

"Uh... and can I meet her?"

"Hm?" Noticing the change in Ananasia's mind, Xalier said nothing. He gave her to Temorsth so it was fully on him to do whatever he wanted.

"Don't ask me, serve your master well and let him decide." With the words, he turned around to go into the house.

"My love, I just remembered I brought your favorite sweets do you want some?" As Xalier walked in he blatantly lied to Elah. He didn't buy it now, at the least if not a thousand a number close to it was already prepared for an emergency like this one.


'Like father like son...' Seeing the quick change in tone and demeanor Antanasia realized where Temorsth learned his style.

'Dad noticed it.' Even though Temorsth was unconscious, someone still heard the words.

This could only happen because only some parts of his brain were shut off and since all of them use different parts even if the body is unconscious one or two are still up and listening to the things happening around the body.

'Hm... but it doesn't matter. We didn't want to change her memories that much, it was just an experiment in the first place.' Yes, it said in the oath the sisters could meet whenever they wanted and yes it was Temorsth's doing that made An ask if she was allowed.

'But it was her fault.' Thinking about why he did it in the first place he justified his actions.

'It was only because An tried to modify the conditions of the oath when it was made that we learned about the possibility of memory alteration.' Thinking back to the time it happened the image appeared in his mind.


"This oath will not be broken until my sister is protected, I have no orders to hurt her, I can meet her if I want, I will not be sent to my death, and my memories will not be changed."

"The last two..."

'At that time, it was Dad who stopped An from cheating the oath's conditions.'

"Fuck... The last two conditions are invalid!"

'Yes, it was her fault...' If Antanasia didn't try to put two more conditions at the time Temorsth would have never learned the usage of the oath so soon.

'For fuck sake! Just shut up and feel guilty in silence!' Since Feral got annoyed by the constant words, he quieted it down.


A day later. In Temorsths room.

*Ugh...* "Uhg... my head..."

As Temorsth was waking up, "Ah, do you need something?" Antanasia who was sitting beside his bed reacted.

"Uh?" Recognizing the situation first, he blinked a few times to get his eyes accustomed to the light, then "Hm... come here." he raised his arms for Antanasia to lie atop him.

"Uh... you just woke up and..." She shut up after she thought of something.


"Hm? I didn't expect you to comply."

"..." As she laid her head on Temorsth's chest, the uncomfortable feeling made her silent.

"What do you need?"


"If you are so flowing you must want something."


"Just say it, until it's not something stupid like letting you go I might give it to you."

"My sister... she will come in a few days... can I meet her?"

"Hm... No..."

"...! I will do any...!"

"... not yet, I will go with you to meet her, but first I need to learn my mom's ability so you need to wait for a little. Do you understand?"




"Good girl..." As Temorsth creased her head, she felt even more awkward.


A minute or so later.

Temorsth walked out of his room to the living room and seeing only his father he asked him. "Where is mom?"

"She is taking a bath to calm her nerves, yesterday she was pretty angry about her Baby getting taken away."

"Ah, alright... Sorry for the trouble." Realizing his father had to suffer because of him, Temorsth apologized.

"Hm... Don't sweat it. I'm already getting expertise in calming her down."

*Hmhm...* First Temorsth.

*Hmhmh* Followed by Xalier.



Both father and son laugh with full of joy.

"Dad." A second later, right after they stopped laughing, Temorsth sit down at the table while calling for his father's help.


"Why are my steps different from the first one?"

"What do you mean?" Hearing the strange question, Xalier asked back.

"The first time I used it I got teleported into the forest but then I needed to take many to get back."

"Hm... Oh! Did you not say its name when you used it the second time?"

"Uh... No, I didn't. Why?"

"..." Xalier looked perplexed.

"...?" Seeing him the same appearance appeared on Temorsth.

"We didn't explain this before?"

"Uh... what exactly?"

"So we didn't..." A hard realization hit Xalier, he really forgot to teach this to him.


"To simplify it if you declare beforehand what you will use, it will get stronger."


"If it is an attack the more you tell about the skill to the target the more damage they will suffer."

"What the...!? How is this even working?"

"Hmh... You remember that I taught you that the more people know you and the more famous you are the stronger you get, right?"


"Now that's the same thing, the more people know of the skill or ability the stronger it gets and to top it off if the target of the attack knows the weakness or how to counter the attack and they still get hit... they suffer even more damage."

"What the hell..."

"Yes, the world likes the strongest and smartest people so it's a sort of punishment for the weak."


"So yes, if you are not sure you could defeat someone, try telling them more about you and your skills it might just give you the edge."

'This... it sounds so familiar... like this thing was made to explain why the villains always give a speech to the heroes.'


Not even an hour later. Elah and Temorsth stood on the training ground.

"Sweetie, mommy will first talk about her unique ability."

"Umu." Temorsth was nodding enthusiastically, he was expectant of what his mother's ability will be.

"This is a normal Fire Ball..."


"..but with my ability."


"Now its element has changed to water... now earth... and now it's lightning." One after the other, as Elah said the words the big ball of energy changed its form to the element she said.


'So cute!' Seeing Temorsth title his head to the side with big confused eyes, Elah screamed in her mind.

*Khm* "Ask freely."

"Mom, didn't you teach me that the element of a technique is determined before it is cast?"

"Yes I did, but don't confuse it. This is my ability. To explain simply I can change the structure of magic, for example, change its element even after it is cast."


"And it doesn't end there... Here under the barrier, it's almost always the same weather because of the barrier separating it from the world, but with my ability..."


"Uh?" The territory around them changed in a big circular radius.

"This is... it's like winter..." Feeling the cold air and that it started snowing from out of the blue, Temrosth called out.

"Yes, I changed the raw energy around us to cold with it the environment quickly shifted it to form a winter-like appearance."

"..." Temorsth didn't say anything he only thought. 'Isn't this ability... weak?'

'Wait!' Since he was searching for a use a second later he called out.

"Mom, can you do this anywhere!?"

"Not everywhere, but in most places where there is energy, yes."

"Then... can you do this in a volcano or something?"

"Hm, you mean change it to cold?"

"Yes! Can you freeze lava?"

"Yes, I can."


"This is insanely overpowered, you can change the fighting ground to however you like."

"Hm... yes but I don't really do it much, it consumes a lot of energy to cover enough of a region for the enemy to decided not to run out of it."


"Baby, I think you misunderstand something..." Seeing the disappointment and confusion on Temorsth's face, Elah tried to clear things up for him.

"Baby, you think mommy can only change her own attack, right?"


"Thought so." Seeing his eyes she understood his mind.


"I can change any attack, magic, or skills element and nature. Yes, even the ones targeting me or my allies."


"Cool isn't it?"

"This is a cheat..."

*Mhmhm* "Your father said the same thing when he first experienced it."

"Then... how can I learn it, Mom? Will you give me tips as Dad did?"

"Mh? Oh, you do not need any tips or the like."


"Baby you already know mommy's Unique Ability. "

"Uh? I already know?"

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