TM: Vengeance of the Indomitable and Crazed Shades

Chapter 34: I can go out now, right?

"This is a complete cheat..."

*Mhmhm* With a soft chuckle Elah placed her hand before her lips. "Your father said the same thing when he first experienced it."

"Then how will you teach it to me, Mom? Will you give me tips as Dad did?" Temorsth was truly curious, he was expecting an extremely hard challenge for something this overpowered.

"Mh? Oh, you do not need any tips or the like." But with a fan-like hand motion, Elah dismissed his useless thoughts.


"Baby, you already know mommy's Unique Ability. "

"Uh? I already know?"

"Yes, you do, my little genius."

"But... how?"

"Its appearance was slightly different, but it's within the scope since Unique Abilities mold to their bearers."

"What kind of appearance, nothing like this has ever happened to me before?"

"I'm sure you don't know since you couldn't see it with your eyes."

"..." Elah successfully confused Temorsth with her vague speech.

"Hm... Do you remember the day you first used your magic in a fight against Dad?" And seeing it, Elah brought the conversation back to something more simple.

"I do... The day when I almost scratched him..." Temorsth placed the later sentence with a light tone but in his mind...


'Shut the hell up! You couldn't even get close to him, what are you laughing for!?' Hearing the laughter of the others, Fearl's shout resounded.

"Yes, that is the day."

"..." Hearing that his mother continued, Temrosth returned to reality.

"Now you remember that you used water and metal for the entire time, right?"

"Yes?" Tem was still feeling confused, he still didn't understand where this was leading.

"And right when you called mommy out to distract that big stupid man, it happened and it surprised both me and Dad."

"Uh? What happened?"

"Just as you rushed forward to attack him your energy affinity suddenly changed to fire."

"Fire? But didn't I...?"

"Yes, you had absolutely zero affinity with fire and because of that you couldn't even manifest a basic fire spell, and even now, I don't feel the slightest bit of fiery energy."

"Then..." As Elah was explaining it, he finally understood what this conversation was for.

"Yes, you my little Dumpling. You somehow used my... I mean your, Unique Ability without even realizing it and changed your affinity."

"You might have not used any fire magic at the time, but I'm sure if you had tried it would have appeared."

"I used it without realizing it...?" The question wasn't directed at Elah but at himself. He was trying to comprehend the abilities form.

"Yes, and now we only have to understand how you did it and we are done."

"How I did it...?"

"Yes, it sounds easy at first, but it might take even more time than learning it from the start since..." As Temorsth went into his world, Elah's voice quieted.

'Do we try it?' The question from Pearson asked everyone.

'Yes. Yes! We need to experiment with it!'

'Uh... We should.'

'Hm...I too think we should, but do you agree?' As everyone else agreed, Persona turned toward the main character of the discussion.

'What does it matter to me!? You will fuking force me out anyway!' Feral, who had come out at the time to help in the fight, was annoyed by the remainder of his "defeat".


'Agh... Why do I have to learn!?' Feral was already irritated but got even more annoyed as he was brought out to do one of the things he absolutely hated.

"Hm? How...?" As Feral arrived outside, Elah instantly noticed the change.

"Did it happen?" His tone had a slight sift but it wasn't as loud when he spoke 'inside'.

"What did you do Sweetie?"

"Mom, did it happen?"

"Uh... yes, your body's affinity of fire completely overtook every other... so much so that your original water and metal almost got extinguished."


'It looks like we were right.'

'It looks like it, but since Mom said she could use every element and Feral only has one, then do "we" have the others?'

'It's likely...'

'So Mom's Unique Ability got integrated into all of us...'

'If it is confirmed then let me back in! I don't want to be out without a meaning!' As the others conversed Feral interrupted with a shout.

'Hm... yet you, who is always yelling strangely didn't raise your voice at Mom.' Persona didn't give in to Feral's words, rather he dug into the actions he just made after noticing he acted differently from before they trained with Elah.

'Shut the hell up!'

'What is it? Did I find you out? Did someone become a mama's boy after getting beat up?' Persona was speaking of the time when he noticed that Elah was much more serious in training and because Feral dismissed her until that time.

He forced his brother to go out and yes, it was Feral who got beat up by Elah at the time when they met with Antanasia for the very first time.

'Fuck you!' Feral was getting even more enraged.

'HAHAHAH...' And Persona rejoiced from his anger.

'Don't you dare laugh at my defeats you couldn't even dodge a fucking bullet!'

'Hey! I was shot in the back and don't say it like you dodged it!'

'HAHA, I had to forcefully take control, and yet I still made it miss our vital organs!'

'Yet we still died!'

'That wasn't my fault!'

"Then... Baby, you can activate it?"

"Uh?" Hearing Elah's voice instantly made the duo shut up.

"Ah... it's a little strange I think it is reacting to my... 'emotional stats and thoughts'...?" Temrosth referred to them as accurately as possible, he hated it the most when he had to lie to his parents.

"Uh...? Unique Abilities as the name suggests are unique to every person so they can form rather bizarre things so you shouldn't need to worry, Baby." First, Elah was surprised but she already expected something like this since in itself the Unique Ability didn't appear and function the same way as it did with her.

Elah's ability was to change the element and nature or form of magic and skills. Temorsth's was to change his aptitude or affinity which affected what kind of element and type of magic he can and would be able to use.

"Hmh, I understand." Since Temorsth already knew what, Affinity of Magic meant he understood that what was changing wasn't the magic he cast but the thing that was always said could never be overcome or conquered, talent.

'I'm going to surpass even the most talented with my effort and superior "talent".' Temorsth right now was changing his original 'talent' with the power he was taught and the effort he put into it.

"Then Baby, can you manifest more so mommy can see it?"

"I think yes, I can but... I'm not quite sure which 'state' what kind of ability will bring out."

"That is easy to solve, just activate all of it one after the other and I will tell you which is what."


'This is great! I was just thinking about how we could find out each of our elements.' While the joyful words of Brilliance sounded, The Original who was listening to everything for all this time, woke up every one of them.

"Alright, then we could start now." And after everyone prepared for something that never happened before, Temrosth called for his mother.


"And this... Hmm... this is interesting... The first time that there are four dominant at the same time..."

"Four?" Temorsth voice was much softer than normal it sounded even... girlish?

"Yes, Radiant, Light, Dark, and Life... the energy of life is pretty interesting the only two types of skills that use life energy are healing and cursing but I can't decide which one is it... it looks like both but that is rather peculiar."

'So Tiana is someone who is healing and cursing at the same time...'

'This makes me recall her...' The reminiscence that was almost caused by someone speaking up was halted by Elah's continuing words.

"Alright, next."

"Uh... I think this was the last." But this time it was Temorsth who had to halt his mother.




"Mom, is there a problem?" Seeing Elah contemplating eyes, Temorsth spoke up.

"No it's just... some of the elements are missing and... Baby, can you bring out all of it at once? It didn't happen until now."

"Bringing out all at once... No, I can't. It is simply impossible right now."

"But why?" Elah didn't understand, if he could bring it out separately then he most likely could do it at the same time too.

"It's just... hard."

"Hm..." She still didn't get it but accepted her son's reasoning. She didn't want to force him to do something he didn't want. "And the missing ones? Can we make them appear somehow?"


'Every one of us has gone out except...'

'Only me and Monster...' The Original interrupted Persona's words, he already knew what he was thinking before it was even spoken.

'No, it doesn't matter we don't need the information...'

'Don't lie to me, Brilliance you know I know all of your thoughts, you want it and it's not that hard for me.'


'But...' This time it was Tiana who tried to argue, but she too was interrupted.

'Yes, I haven't been out since that day... wow... now that I think about it, it's been over 20 years... I have to go out specifically for that."

'...' And since Original decided no one tried to interfere with him.

"Mother... What is the energy in me now?"



"Everything... every single one..." Elah's voice shook.

"Every? All that appeared until now?"

"Baby, right now you can use every single element, all types of attacks... everything... There is not a single thing that would not be possible to use. I can feel even Space and Time the two hardest types that only a few could use and..."

"Hm?" As Elah cut her voice, Temorsth turned to look at her frozen expression.

'This... how are those two here!?'

"Mother, is there a problem, Mother?"

"Hm? Oh nothing, sorry Sweetie Mommy was just thinking."

'Divine and Demonic... Even I can hardly use them, he doesn't need to know about these yet.'

"Mother... Do I have to do this for much longer?"

"Uh? Is it bad?"

"I don't feel comfortable."

"You don't really have to... Maybe it is because you are actively using your unique ability so it's exhausting you out."

"Uh... maybe... sorry." With a light apology for lying, Original disappeared and gave the control back to Persona.

"Ah, don't apologize. Baby, it's not your... fault... " Elah became perplexed, something that was neither sand, ash, nor dust flew right by her face.

They were so small and fine particles that they felt truly unnatural even for this magic-filled world, it gave even Elah chills.

"..." Following the path of the wind, her eyes averted down. On the ground, around Temorsth's feet, the grass, earth, and everything in a perfect circle were turned to that exact fine crumbling matter.

"..." As slowly the crumbling traveled further and further and when it was about to reach her, she moved... or at least tried to move away only to realize...

'I can't move!?' Her body was frozen in place.

'...!' With the approaching of the sand-like matter, a single word started racing in her mind.

'Death... Death... I'm going to die...' With that last thought, she silently closed her eyes, frowning for a short while before she opened one of them for a peek, there seeing the sand matter...

'It only stopped when it reached right before my feet... That was close...'

"Uhm... Then... Mom..." And it was right at this moment that her son's words woke her up.


"Mom?" She looked away from the ground, and in that instant, Elah deleted these images, this fragment of memory from her mind.

"Hm? Yes, what is it, Sweetie?"

"With this, I learned to use your unique ability too, right?"


"I can go out now, right?"




"Oh, great timing!" Xalier, who stood a little farther away called out.

"...?" Antanasia who was a few steps away looked at him.

And feeling her questioning gaze, Xalier turned to her and fulfilled her expectation. "Your sister is here."

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