Torn between the Lycan Kings; She is my Omega

Chapter 3: Unexpected..

Wait.." I call after him.

"I have not seen you here before. What is your name?" At least, I have to know his name.

"Arc.. I mean Logan," he clears his throat. His wolf growled in rage.

 I melt when I hear his voice for the first time, my head races with different kind of thoughts. Some innocent, perverted kind of thoughts.

 "Nice to meet you Logan," I chuckled, "I am Aria," I stretch out my hand for a handshake. I can feel the blush creeping up my neck.

 He hesitates for a while, then takes my hand in his. Shivers run down my spine as I feel his large, warm hands. My heart skips multiple beats touching his, and I can feel this growing hunger within me.

Do not call me perverted.

 "Ow!" I gasp when he squeezes my hand.

 "Oh, I'm sorry, that was an accident," he apologize.

 I shake my hand as if trying to get rid of the pain that way, "it is fine. Do not worry about it," I smile, afraid I will scare him away if I lash out.

 "Where are you headed?" He asks.

My heart jumps, he is finally initiating a conversation! Yes!

 "The garden," I played with my fingers, lowering my gaze.

"Oh, good," he bit his lips, nodding.

 "Where are you headed?" I ask him.

 "Damn it!" He cursed silently.


"I.. am new here. So.. I was hoping to find.. the guards' quarters," he clenches his jaw, I can see the frustration in his eyes.

 "Are you not from this pack?" I slightly widen my eyes.

"No the neighboring pack."

 "Oh, that is not bad. You did come to the right place after all."

 I laugh lightly. I am actually nervous, I do not know if I am doing too much on first meeting.

 "Let me walk you there. I know where it is," I offer.

 He nods, "Okay thank you."

 Awkward silence follows, I have nothing to say. I steal a glance at him, then look back at where I am going to.

 "Why are you here? You work here?" He finally asks.

"No. I am the daughter of elder Zephyr," I reply.

 He arched his brows, "Who?"

"He is one of the elders who speak with the king. Uh.. he says he is among the king's council."

 "Oh, right, right."

We eventually get to the guard's quarters.

 "Here it is. The guards' quarters," she grin.

He nods, "Thank you so much Aria," he looks at me with this kind of passion in his eyes.

 My cheeks heat up, and I look away, "Yes,you are welcome."

 He mumbles some incoherent words, then walks towards the building.

 "Uh.. Logan?" I call, I do not want him to leave just yet.


Uhm.. I know you are new here, but I was wondering, would you want to sit with me for some minutes? It is boring out here, there is no one to talk to, and you seem quite interesting," I pout, looking up at him, hoping he agrees.

 His eyes lit up, and a broad smile play on his lips, "Of course," he faces me, walking back to me.

"You might want to keep your bag first," my heart leaps.

What is wrong with you stupid heart?

 He nods, "Oh that. Sure, I will be back in a jiffy. Hold on," he hurries into the house, so he can drop his bag.

 I stand there waiting patiently for him. A smile play at the corner of my lips, is this how it feels to.. fall in..

 I shake my head, "Calm down Aria, you are just getting to know him. He might turn out to be like Ronan later on," I prop my chin, my heart pounding in worry.

 He has not come out yet, what is keeping him so long? I tap my feet, waiting impatiently.

 "Damn it," I curse.

 "Hey there Aria," I hear his voice again, and he waves at him.

 I flash him a smile when I see him, "Oh, Logan. Let us go," I stretch out my hand again, hoping he will take it again. He does.

 We begin our walk back to the garden.

"You seem to be a very nice man. I hope you are as nice as you appear?" Of course, I have to ask him, I can not get my heart played with another time.

 He looked away, "I think so," he shrugs.

My heart sinks, he just has to be better, there's no way he can be like Ronan.

"You think so? Why? I would want to believe you are nice," I squeeze his hands gently.

 "Oh, thank you then," he says simply.

 "Is everything okay Logan? You do not sound happy," I look up at him.

 He smiles, "I am fine. There is no need to worry about me. I.. am just trying to get used to the environment."

 "Not much goes on here. The palace is not really a place for adventure you see," I roll my eyes, "I wonder why my father makes me come here often."

 "He did not do a bad thing," he muttered.

"Did you say something?"

"Oh, nothing. I said nothing."

 He lowers his gaze. I just hope he is not tired of me. I already like him, and do not want anything to go wrong again. The moon goddess does not hate me after all.

 "I like you already," I beam at him.

"Really? What makes you think that way?" He chuckles.

 Each time he does that..

 "I know this not who you are. I can feel it within me, and for some reason, I am drawn to you already," I say truthfully.

 "Well my lady. I am not a good person at all... I would not advise you to trust me so much," he replies.

 Stop saying that to me!

 We have already reached the garden, but we do not sit down. I am too tensed to do that.

 "Logan," I gulp.


"Open up! Are you worried you will not find friends here? Do not worry about that, I am here for you. I will be your friend," my hands gently trained down his arm. Trust me, I can not control those thoughts running in my head as hard as I am trying to.

 "I appreciate your kindness Aria, but I am only telling you the truth now, so it would not get complicated later. I am not a good person at all.." he hesitates before continuing, "I think it would be safe to say, I did not come here for..." He pauses.

"Never mind," he just dismissed the subject.

 I wrap my hands around his neck, leaning closer to him.

 "Wait.. you do not have to feel that way," she whispered, their faces almost touching.


 "Shh," I place a hand on his lips, "Listen to me, you are way more than what you think you are. I know you are a good person, I can feel it, and I could even help you realize it if you want."

Did I really say that?

 He stares at me. This time, I can see the desire in his eyes also.


 "Hey," I peck his nose, "Do not worry. I will be here when you need me okay? I will make sure you have a friend by your side, do not worry about anything, I am here for you."

 My head is already brimming with so many thoughts, I just want to claim me right here.

 He sighs, and attempts to pull away, but I still have her arms wrapped around his neck. I am not letting him go just yet.

 "Do you want to leave already?" I bite my lower lip.

"I.. do you want me to leave?"

 I shake my head, "Of course not. I want you to stay with me. Do not leave."

 A groan escapes his lips. Damn, that turns me on.

 "Are you okay?" I manage to ask, my thoughts running far too wild by now.

"Obviously not," he replied with a shaky breath.

 My hand rakes through his hair, and I smile softly at him, "I like this," I whisper.

 He blinks, "Oh?"

I look around checking if anyone is coming in our direction. I see no one coming, this is my go ahead. I face him, slamming my lips on his.

 He gasps in my lips,but he responds almost immediately. At first, it is a gentle, sweet kiss, which turns into a hungry one.

 I can feel fingers rake through my hair, his tongue sweeping over mine. He pulls me closer deepening the kiss.

 I clasp my legs together trying to stop the rising heat between my legs. I love the feel of his tongue on mine, makes my thighs fill up with a lot of heat, plus am I dripping?

 Logan," I moan in his lips.

 The hungry movement in his lips stop, after a while he pulls away.

 What have I done this time?

 "What happened? Did I do something you do not like?"

"I am sorry Aria, I have to go," he backs away before turning on his heels leaving me standing there gawking.

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