Chapter 115: Double Date
"Oh… That feels nice…"
Rennala leaned her head back and sighed, relishing in the feeling of heat, pleasure, and… cleanliness.
It felt nice to bathe after what was almost a week of traveling. A quick wash in a dirty, cold stream was nothing compared to taking a good, long shower, followed by a long soak in hot water, with a refreshing incense burning away.
And afterwards, a nice, long nap, tucked away under silken sheets and soft bedding… Truly a well spent weekend.
"You took forever in there."
Rennala huffed as her eyes fell onto the other woman in her apartment, brilliant violet eyes meeting gently with a pair of dark reds. Her presence wasn't unwelcome - the girl was beautiful, and cute, and fun to be around - but she made the tall woman nervous, and right now, she just wanted to relax...
It was difficult to make eye contact with the girl for so long. At first glance, Aisha seemed like such an adorable, beautiful girl, but having spent so much time with her, something about her was just… unsettling. Something about the way she paused before responding to any question, the way she would stare into other eyes, unblinking, focused…
But she was still her friend, and most of the time, the only thing all that thinking amounted to was something about food or girls or hugs anyways.
"You were welcome to join." Rennala muttered, slightly flirtatiously, but too concerned with drying her hair to really pay too much attention to the shorter girl, although she kept the small girl in her peripheral vision, watching as she flumped onto Rennala's bed.
"Mmmh…" Aisha mumbled. "..."
Aisha's hesitation was strange. Just in general, the girl never turned down an invitation to be intimate with one of her teammates. But Rennala decided to not press her.
"Actually…" Aisha said softly. "Do you want to see something?"
Rennala paused, in the midst of hanging her towel.
"...Sure." She said, after a brief moment. "What, are you going to show me your co-"
Rennala's mouth slammed shut when she turned around and looked at Aisha's bare chest, beautiful and small, like the rest of the girl, but with a very noticeable oddity.
"What the fuck is that?" She gasped, staring horrified at the gaping mouth in Aisha's chest, stretching across almost her entire midriff, almost a foot wide.
"I dunno." Aisha mumbled, reaching up to cover her chest slightly. "I thought you might know."
At the tender shyness in Aisha's voice, Renalla's expression softened, recognizing the girl's embarrassment. Walking over and taking a seat on her bed, next to Aisha, she gently placed a hand on the girl's navel, nudging Aisha's own fingers away.
"...Can I touch it?" She whispered.
Aisha's hand moved away, and Rennala gently ran her fingers over the mouth, fingers dancing along the edges curiously. At the feeling of movement, the witch stiffened, but she soon relaxed, even as the mouth parted slightly, showing off a massive tongue.
Rennala bit her lip. "I wonder if… You could... oouh, nevermind."
"Wow." Aisha muttered. "You really are a closeted pervert."
Embarrassed, Renalla withdrew her hand, all of a sudden feeling her nakedness.
"W-whatever!" She huffed. "I-it's… it's not a curse, or a spell, at the very least. It just… feels like you."
"Like me?" Aisha repeated.
Rennala nodded.
Aisha seemed to go into deep thought, eyes defocusing as she leaned backwards, hair splaying out on the covers behind her. It seemed to shine ethereally, although the lighting in the room was far too dull to actually make it shine like that - that silky hair was just one of the many, many fey gifts that made the girl beautiful in an almost otherworldly way - Rennala looked at the sight and hesitated, wanting to get close, but not being confident enough to go through with it.
Eventually though, she timidly laid down next to Aisha, pressing their shoulders together and throwing a blanket over the both of them. The short girl returned the affection with a little nuzzle, rubbing the witch's cheek with the top of her head, but stayed deep in thought, absentmindedly bumping the larger girl with her arm.
Eventually, though, Aisha stopped thinking and turned over, burying her face into Rennala's neck and wrapping her limbs around the larger woman. Her faint warmth and fluffy hair tickled Rennala slightly, making her blush and squirm - not to mention, the softness of Aisha's cute little body…
"You're so… cute." Rennala mumbled, cheeks flushing slightly.
Aisha smiled, giving the tall woman a squeeze. "Aww, thanks Renna! Wanna pet me?"
"You would let me do that?" Rennala whispered, eyes wide in surprise.
Aisha laughed. "Well, yeah. Of course! Everyone else has, why not you?"
"Well, I just don't feel… like I've earned that right."
Aisha rolled her eyes.
"I'm giving it to you. It doesn't matter if you've earned it… or not."
There it was. That look of deep thought.
"But that probably doesn't help, right?" Aisha said finally, gazing softly into Rennala's eyes.
"It's something you're going to have to work out yourself." Aisha said, taking a deep breath. "But If it helps, I like you. A lot. Or else we wouldn't even be having this conversation."
"I know… but…'
"Just pet me." Aisha interrupted impatiently.
"Okay, okay…"
Rennala raised a tentative hand and slowly began to stroke down Aisha's head, gently cupping her ears in a soft, almost scared motion. Too gentle for Aisha's liking, but nonetheless she closed her eyes and relaxed, simply happy to receive the affection. It wasn't as warm as she liked, but she definitely could have fallen asleep there, arms wrapped around a partner, head resting on softness…
"Do you like us?" Aisha asked softly.
"I mean, yeah, of course…"
"What do you like about us?" Aisha asked, before smiling slightly. "Or rather… what I'm interested in is… what do you like about me?"
Rennala turned red, as despite the way Aisha was hugging and clinging to her, she still felt an immense embarrassment and anxiety, when the cute girl trained her little eyes on her. Her words came out in a stutter as her ears flushed, all of a sudden very aware of the feeling of Aisha's soft body pressed up against her's.
"W-well…" Rennala stammered, all of a sudden feeling very flustered and shy. "Y-you're cute… and… and… smart, and… you're a good leader, and kind…"
"Aw, that's really nice!" Aisha laughed, smiling softly as she hugged the lithe woman a little tighter. "You're cute too."
"Do you actually mean that?" Rennala whispered. "I mean… compared to Kaya or… even Liberta…"
Aisha raised an eyebrow, a look of understanding falling onto her face as she stared at Rennala's bashful expression. "Is that what this is all about?"
"I don't…" The tall girl mumbled.
"You know what I mean." Aisha said softly. "I mean, this probably doesn't help, but… you are the prettiest out of all of us."
"Yeah, but… when we're out there… It's not me that you or Kaya are flirting with…"
"Well," Aisha smiled. "That's not the impression you give off. I know Kaya and Libba want to be flirted with. But…"
"Come on!" Rennala whimpered. "Y-you... You know, right!? There's no way you don't…"
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." Aisha said softly. "But Libba and Kaya deserve to know that you like them. You can't just play coy all the time… everyone else is open with their feelings to you."
"That's a lot to ask." Rennala mumbled. "Opening up like that."
"It is." Aisha nodded. "Putting all of yourself out there, risking rejection… But at the same time, it's not that bad. There's no way any of us would reject you."
"I… I guess… I'll try."
"Aw, good girl." Aisha giggled, kissing Rennala on the cheek. "Want a reward?"
"Ooh… um, y-yes, please…"
"H-hey, no more!" Kaya squeaked, scrambling away from Liberta on all fours. "I can't go any more! I-"
"Yes you can!" Liberta growled, tackling Kaya on the bed sheets, smothering the short girl's naked, sweaty body with her own. "We stop when I say!"
"Libbbbbyyy!" Kaya whined. "Pleaaassseee!"
"You like it, don't lie."
Kaya blushed, all of a sudden made aware of the smile on her face - she did enjoy the play, but…
"Come on…" She mewled. "I'm tired…"
"You'd get it up for Aisha, wouldn't you?"
Kaya's eyes went wide in an expression of pure surprise, and while her mouth opened, no sound came out, her lips moving in a phantom phrase.
"I…" Kaya let out a short cough. "Wh… that's… a joke, right?"
"Even if it was, that reaction…" Liberta smirked. "Oooh, you looove her, don't you."
"No!" Kaya blurted out.
"Huh? There's nothing wrong with it."
"No, I mean…" Kaya mumbled, shaking slightly. "I…"
Kaya grabbed her boxers from the floor and began to slide them on, a look of intense control and focus on her face.
"Hm?" Liberta murmured. "You wish she was here? Hugging and cuddling you? I get it, she's really hot."
"Just… surprised, is all." Kaya muttered, before her expression turned light again, the flush returning to her face slowly. "I-I mean, I… I don't like her that m-much…"
Liberta furrowed her eyebrows, sitting cross-legged on the floor.
"You know, we're doing a lot of walking for a first date."
Aisha rolled her eyes, cobblestones crunching underneath her feet as she trudged cautiously along the path, the heavily clad guardsmen glaring at her.
"I'll take you on a real date later, okay?"
"Mmh." Rennala sighed. "It's fine. I know you don't have any eyes for me anyway…"
"Friends can go on dates." Aisha protested. "And what do you mean?"
"You like someone else in the party… a lot more."
"...I mean… that's not…"
"I see you and Kaya flirting, being all giggly around each other." Rennala accused. "Don't bother trying to hide it."
"Well… I mean…"
Aisha did have to admit that she liked being around Kaya, a lot more than a normal person. And she did feel weird around her, a strange urge to protect and hug and squeeze the girl…
But the thought of loving her? No, she couldn't love her, that would be…
"Are you okay?" Rennala whispered.
Aisha's face twisted back into a neutral expression, from the intensely painful one she just held.
"It's nothing…" She mumbled.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Renna…" Aisha sighed. "Have you ever felt like… your efforts working towards something are bringing you further from your original goal?"
"I think that might mean your original plan was flawed."
Aisha winced.
"Do you think of me as a capable person?" Aisha mumbled.
"Yeah, one of the most capable people I know."
"What if I told you that I liked ******* ******** *** *** ****** ** *** ***** *** ********?"
Rennala blushed, but to her credit, her steps didn't waver.
"That's… wuh..? I… um…"
"You don't believe me?" Aisha muttered.
"No, it's just… difficult, to…"
They reached the front of the building, letting the women get a full view of the massive architecture - the building itself was small, but incredibly ornate, adorned with strips of shiny gold and reflective marble. It gave off an impressive sense of height, despite not actually being a tall building, rather, the foundation it was built on was raised to a ridiculous level, almost as tall as the walls of the compound around them.
Compared to the government buildings of Arcadia, massive but ordinary from a distance, the building seemed much more… garish. People were meant to see this thing.
A guard motioned for them to wait. Aisha frowned, furrowing her eyebrows.
"What." She asked.
"The commissioner is entertaining another… guest." The guard said disdainfully.
"This is the time that I was told to come." Aisha responded, with an equal amount of disdain.
"You are going to be waiting."
"For how long?"
The guard looked away, and Aisha's expression grew annoyed, her hand twitching. But when Rennala looked to her companion, Aisha just huffed, squeezing past a guard to find a bench.
"I'm surprised you were able to find an audience with a commissioner." Rennala mused. "They're kind of famous for being busy all the time."
"Everybody is always doing something." Aisha sighed. "Even doing nothing is still an action. It's just a matter of giving them a reason to push their plans aside."
"And what reason was that?"
"An opportunity to speak with the scourge of Arcadia." Aisha mumbled.
"Wait, that was you!?" Rennala yelped, before covering her mouth quickly. "Er, should I not say that?"
"No, I think everyone who is important already knows."
The look of slight fear that Rennala shot Aisha simply made her close her eyes and let out a breath. Her back slumped back into the chair, and when she opened her eyes again, they were distant and dull.
"Are you…"Rennala hesitated. "Are you serious?"
"Does that change your perception of me?" Aisha asked halfheartedly, already knowing the answer.
"I mean, yeah, a little bit…"
Aisha just sighed, a melancholy settling over the tired girl, that Rennala couldn't have missed if she tried. The urge to comfort the girl settled over her, and so she did, scooting over and pressing against Aisha's side.
"I mean, sorry…" She mumbled.
"It's okay." Aisha mumbled back. "I cannot expect any more of you."
"But I… that doesn't mean you don't deserve more."
Aisha let out a small laugh, a bit more bitterness leaking out of her voice than she would have liked.
"Deserve is an interesting word. Either I get it or not."
"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to..."
For a while, the bench was silent.
"Hey…" Rennala reached out hesitantly, placing a hand on Aisha's thigh. "You know, if you want… I could do that for you."
"That thing… you were talking about. Then you can take me on a proper date."
Aisha let the smallest of smiles creep up on her face.
"Sorry, Shen."
"But… why… Dammit, your job-"
"It's not just my job. My body can't handle it anymore."
"What the hell do you mean, can't handle it anymore!? Just a few years ago-"
"Shen… we've had this conversation before. It's not going to change… I wish I didn't have to get old either."
"But I… I-"
"We can go on a nice walk in the forest sometime. No retainers."
"Sometime? What does that even mean!? I had to try so hard just to meet with you this once, what the hell do you… …"
"I'm sorry."
"...Whatever. I'm… you look tired. I'll leave you be."
"Hey, wait, you don't have to go, Sh- …"
The doors to the commission office burst open, and all of a sudden the lethargy in Aisha's system was replaced with an intense apprehension.
Similarly, when Shi'en saw that uncomfortably familiar, short frame, an intense discomfort came over him. That damn girl was watching him again.
"You're the guest?" They said, at the same time, varying levels of distaste in both voices.
"Why are you here, Shien?" Aisha asked slowly, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "I thought hume politics were beneath you. As a great fey of the forest."
"It is." Shi'en shot back. "I am visiting… an old friend."
"You are old friends with a hume politician? How did that even happen?"
The older fey visibly stiffened, scrunching his face up in a disgruntled expression as Aisha's questioning began to pry a little too far into his personal life. But at the same time, a bittersweet taste welled up in his mouth - and at the moment, it was more bitter than sweet. Far more bitter.
"It's none of your concern, Ai'sa." He muttered.
And with the last word, the fey man walked off briskly, his boots clacking soundlessly on the cobblestones of the compound. Aisha decided to let the conversation go, and at the prompting of a guard, she made her own way into the ornate building, squinting her eyes at the reflective glare from all the gold trim. Rennala followed shortly after, trailing shyly.
"Good afternoon, guests." An older voice greeted from across the room, the sound soft and warm. "My name is Kento. Welcome to the Kitamon commission."
"Oh, they're really all just named after the cardinal directions, huh." Aisha mumbled.
"Show some respect!" A retainer barked, opening his mouth for, no doubt, some further reprimand, but before he could speak, the elderly commissioner raised a hand.
"They are guests." He said simply. "Respect must come both ways."
"How very traditional." Aisha observed, looking the older man up-and-down. "My name is Aisha Izec, and this is Rennala, although I have no doubt you already know."
At first glance, there really was nothing that spectacular about the man. A head of gray hair, a few strands of black hanging onto their youth, on a frame that was still hanging onto its physical prowess - A sight uncommon, but certainly nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, it was more surprising how ordinary the man was - Aisha had expected someone… different.
"I did not, actually." He said, completely sincerely, to which Aisha frowned.
"You accepted a request for an audience with someone you didn't know of?"
"Bureaucracy can wait. It's the problems of the common person that are often the most pertinent. Although, you don't look like you're exactly a commoner…"
"No, I guess not." Aisha agreed. "Sorry if you were expecting something urgent."
"Well, we'll see…"
" real interest to me."
"You're not concerned at all about this?"
The old commissioner sighed.
"The tides of power will ebb and flow regardless of how hard you try to push."
"You seem a little too young to be spouting adages like that."
Kento laughed at Aisha's remark, a hearty sound that filled the room, his warm voice filling the room. And although Aisha hadn't really intended to make a joke, she couldn't help but relax a bit, the stiffness dissipating slightly as she leaned into Rennala like a seat cushion.
"You sound like Shen." He chuckled. "To be honest, I don't know if it's an insult or a compliment. You know him, maybe you could say."
"So you did know who I was."
"Ah, you caught me." Kento laughed again. "I was never too good at this game of politics. I'm terrible at keeping secrets."
"How about this?" Kento reasoned. "I would like you to reconcile with Shen. Zaris knows he needs more friends. In exchange, I will aid you in whatever ways I can."
Aisha furrowed her brows.
"What exactly does that mean? Reconcile? Aid?"
"I'm rather tired of filling out paperwork today, so let's just say… Whatever seems reasonable to us both, agreed? You seem like a reasonable woman."
"An informal agreement, huh." Aisha pursed her lips, thinking.
Rennala frowned at the conversation in front of her, leaning towards Aisha.
"This sounds really weird." She mumbled into Aisha's ear.
"Yes, but I need allies." Aisha sighed. "And information. Talking to that loser is a small price to pay, even if the terms are unclear."
"You're really going to get involved in the politics of this place?" The tall mage asked, her voice apprehensive.
"The politics have already come for me." Aisha said with a frustrated expression, her mind jumping to her brief audience with another commissioner. "This isn't something I can just avoid…"
"You could leave." Rennala suggested.
"I wouldn't want to leave everyone here with the repercussions of my actions."
The tall girl rubbed shoulders with Aisha in an intimate, comforting gesture, as if to tell the girl that she appreciated her sentiment.
"Sorry for that." Aisha said, addressing the aging commissioner with a little dip of the head. "I'll talk to Shien, but I would like a bit of information first. A… business gift."
"A business gift?" Kento laughed. "You have caught onto our culture faster than I expected. But a business gift is usually mutual, Miss Izec."
"You are my senior." Aisha said, her tone completely even. "Is it not the duty of the senior to extend the first gesture of friendship?"
The commissioner sighed, but a corner of his mouth twisted into a sly grin.
"Aw, damn it."
"Aw, damn it."
"Libby, this is really stupid."
Liberta huffed as she leaned away from the pachinko machine to address Kaya, absentmindedly throwing away the copper coin she had in hand to the short girl. The sounds of clacking balls and idle conversation filled the parlor, just low enough for the girls to have their conversation, but every few moments, the hum was cut through by an excited cry, or a shout of frustration. Kaya's expression soured at each sound with an expression of distaste - clearly the demure girl didn't approve.
"It's fun!" She protested. "Don't you like seeing the little balls go?"
"I don't think gambling is good." Kaya mumbled. "I mean, look at all the people here. They're addicted."
"Psh." Liberta said absentmindedly, waving Kaya off. "I won't get addicted."
"Why not?"
"I'm out of money."
Kaya pinched the bridge of her nose as Liberta begged the short girl for money, dropping to her knees and wrapping her arms around Kaya's thin waist, nuzzling her exposed stomach. The short girl moved her hand to pat the elf on the head to play along, but before hair even met her hand, the sensation of her pants loosening made her eyes widen.
"Hey!" Kaya squealed as she jumped back, holding the ends of her now unbuckled belt indignantly. "Libba!"
The elf just laughed mischievously at Kaya's indignation as she walked off, leaving Kaya to rush up to her in a huff as she buckled her belt up. The elf's long legs made it difficult to catch up, doubly so due to Kaya's state of undress, forcing the girl to run to catch up.
"Libba, you-"
"You're calling me Libba, huh?" Liberta remarked offhandedly, slowing her pace to match Kaya's.
"Um… yeah, if that's okay, sorry, I just…"
"Aisha calls me that." The elf stated neutrally.
"...Y-yeah…" Kaya mumbled. "I guess I just caught onto it from her."
"I think it's cute." Liberta smiled. "I think it's better that you take things from her cute side, instead of her serious one."
"Serious side?" Kaya asked.
Liberta's eyes grew less playful, her expression turning more thoughtful, although the slight grin plastered on her face never fully left.
"Do you look down on me, Kaya?" She asked suddenly.
"Huh? I mean, of course not-"
"Come on." Liberta smiled. "Be honest. The gamblers in that pachinko parlor… They're not that different from me."
"What? How can you say that?"
"We're both chasing the thrill." Liberta mused. "Of feeling… alive. Don't you think it's interesting, how the only people there are very rich?"
"It's probably because it's not that fun to gamble with a small amount of money."
"Oh, yeah!" Liberta nodded. "But what I was thinking was… It's more because, having a lot of money… it doesn't feel fun to win anymore… but the thought that you might lose it all? Doesn't that sound exciting?"
"...It's not something I really think about." Kaya muttered, propping a leg up on Liberta's armrest and stretching her leg out absentmindedly.
Liberta lolled her head to the side lazily, looking at Kaya through the corner of her eye.
"I'm not going to lie. When we were in the wastes… I got a little excited."
"To lose everything…" Liberta breathed, a look of wonder on her face.
A long pause settled over the bench, as Liberta tilted her head back to gaze softly into the clear skies above her. Her eyes seemed to glaze over in thought, and yet, Kaya could see the soft flitting of movement as her pupils followed the movement of the clouds, flying so aimlessly.
"Do you have a family, Kaya?" Liberta asked suddenly.
"Er… no. I was orphaned… at a young… er, when I was a kid. I don't remember my parents."
"...Do you wish you had one?" Liberta asked softly.
Kaya paused, words welling up in her throat, but before they left, Kaya furrowed her brows, going deep into thought.
"...I… I don't know." Kaya mumbled quietly. "Why do you ask?"
"Hm." Liberta hummed. "I wasn't sure. But Aisha seems like the kind of girl who did."
"Yeah." Liberta pursed her lips. "Just a hunch. But I think you two would be really cute as a little couple. Or sisters, or whatever."
"Huh..?" Kaya mumbled. "Where did this come from?"
"I'm worried about her." Liberta said, gazing into Kaya's eyes with her own, the shade deep blue.
"What?" Kaya raised an eyebrow. "She seems plenty happy."
"Why don't you want to help her?" Kaya asked softly. "...And where is this all coming from?"
"...Can't you see it?" Liberta asked curiously, placing an arm on a nearby bench, before taking a seat. "The look that she gets?"
"I mean… kind of."
"You don't have it." Liberta said quietly. "That's why I think you can make her happy."
"What do you mean? Something… I don't have?"
"...The scar." Liberta breathed out a long breath. "I call it that because it sounds cool."
"Huh?" Kaya said dumbly, still trying to process the more serious, quiet part of Liberta being presented to her.
"Mmm… nevermind." Liberta said, before her eyes lit up, locking onto something in the distance. "Hey, let's go…"
"So what now?"
"We met with the commissioner, so… now what? Gonna meet with that other fey?"
"Eh." Aisha shrugged. "Nah."
"I promised you a date, remember?"
Rennala paused for a second, her steps faltering as she processed Aisha's words. And despite her efforts, she was unable to keep up the calm, aloof attitude she preferred - despite her efforts, she couldn't help the happy little smile that came up on her face, and the blush on her cheeks. Aisha laughed, it was like the tall, demure woman had all of a sudden regressed into a schoolgirl, the way her legs started to skip slightly with excitement, the way her arms sashayed a little more than they had to, the way her blood dripped down her dress…
Gripping the throwing knife sank into her chest, Rennala sank to her knees, eyes wide with shock as the another kunai grew closer and closer, the sun glinting off the edge of the knife flying towards her neck. Her fingers fumbled around for the runes at her waist, but the effort turned out unnecessary when Aisha grabbed the projectile out of the air, the metal exploding and splintering in her fist, sending shrapnel over the cobblestones.
Renalla quickly ripped the blackened kunai out of her chest and muttered a few words underneath her breath, gasping as the torn tissues in her chest began to mend, and stood up-
"No." Aisha snarled, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'll handle this. Then we can go on that date."