Vanishing Embers

Chapter 116: The Break

Aisha growled in her throat, a feral, animalistic noise as once more, she began to tap into that forbidden pool of knowledge, the tissues in her eyes rearranging, recomposing. Having more experience, the pain and discomfort no longer took away her focus, letting her instantly scan the battlefield for her assailants.


Aisha almost had a hard time spotting them out. Dressed in civilian clothing, most of the assailants wore shirts with unreadable, nondescript patterns, and simple, solid-colored pants - the only thing that marked them out as assassins were the pouches at their waists, filled with weapons and other arcane instruments - that, and the slight bulges in their shirts, hiding plate armor.


Five, this time, looking much more prepared than the last. Three on the rooftops, crouched with hands at their pouches, ready to throw. One on the ground, blade drawn, and absolutely slathered in defensive barriers - clearly, his job was to act as the vanguard. And then one much further away, for reconnaissance. Easily a block away from her. 


The projectiles had stopped raining, the assassins instead choosing to observe her carefully, just as she was doing to them. However, Aisha had the informational advantage, and the speed-


"What?" Aisha muttered, as she retracted her raised hand, fingertips still burning with residual heat. She watched as the laser she had shot out of her hand refracted away from the reconnaissance scout at a sharp angle, shooting off into the sky. 


That shouldn't have worked. In the first place, it wasn't even a spell. It was a physical attack - nothing but heat and light - in order to counter it, a regular barrier shouldn't work. And even if they knew how to counter it, they shouldn't know in the first-





Black blood burst out of Aisha's mouth as a kunai ripped straight through her throat, tearing through her enhanced skin in an instant - Aisha hadn't even seen it, distracted as she was, it shouldn't have-


Her thoughts were interrupted, again, as her entire body was sent careening to the side, forcing her to place a hand on the ground to brace herself. As the solid force crashed into her, Aisha was reminded that she didn't have the time to think.


She had gotten lax. The Aisha from a year ago…





Rennala, recovered and anxious, parted her lips, ready to support Aisha, but cried out suddenly when a bright flash of light erupted in front of her, overloading her vision. Steeling her body and readying a barrier, Rennala wasn't caught unprepared, being a seasoned fighter - but even still, she couldn't stop herself from taking a step back, instinctively seeking the cover of the wall behind her.


And when the light faded, it seemed like the assassins were just as disoriented. Aisha was completely gone, and for a second, Rennala was worried about the possibility that she had abandoned her -


But when her eyes followed the thin trail of energy that had emit from Aisha's location, Rennala relaxed, and yet, a bit of amazement welled up in her chest seeing Aisha a full block away, blood dripping from her hands as she tore flesh apart. The other assassins looked shocked at the pure speed that she showcased - it couldn't have been even half a second since she was on the ground.


"Is that the power of the scourge?" Rennala whispered.


The vanguard and one of the rooftop assassins turned to Aisha as she paused on her perch, watching intensely as the other two dropped down onto the ground, eyes set on Rennala. A flurry of sharp, spinning objects flew at her head, but Rennala easily blocked the projectiles with a simple shield, muttering a few words under her breath.


Rennala bent down, ready to place her hands on the ground and cast her own spell, but stopped when she caught a glimpse of the furious expression on Aisha's face, her concentration faltered, unnerved at the frightening intensity of her expression.


Aisha raised her hand, and instantly, all the combatants turned to her, the two assassins in her line of sight raising their hands, projecting a guard, while the third began to advance on her, leaping across the rooftops with her sword drawn.


The dark surge of energy that erupted from her hand carved straight through the ninja closest to Rennala, shearing through his pitiful shield like cardboard and cleaving away a massive chunk of his body in gruesome fashion. When it ended, there was literally nothing left of the top section of his body - it was just completely gone, along with a good portion of the building behind him.


Aisha raised her hand again, ready to kill the vanguard as well, but was stopped when the assassin closest to her sank their blade into Aisha's chest, the slight force sending Aisha's aim and concentration off, her spell spitting and scattering haphazardly and exploding on contact with everything around it. Chunks were carved out of buildings and houses, and Rennala heard screams from the inhabitants within - dimly, she thought that she should probably help them, but she was far too engrossed in the sight in front of her: the absolute dominance Aisha exerted on the battlefield.


The blade in the demon-fey hybrid's chest stopped halfway through the cut, only partly successful in cutting Aisha in half through the midsection before the intense resistance rendered any more progress possible. The assassin frowned, but relaxed - the cut was easily deep enough to be fatal, even if it didn't go the whole way through.


"You look pleased." Aisha whispered.


It only took a single second of hesitation, motivated by fear, for the assassin's body to explode into a bloody pulp. Aisha didn't even bother looking as she leapt to the ground, staring down the vanguard of the hitman party, with pure malice and disdain.


"Is this the plan?" She growled. "Send stronger and stronger waves of you ants, until I slip up and die?"


"Don't you dare call us ants." The vanguard snarled, in a surprising display of emotion. "Our purpose is far greater than yours will ever be, outsider."


"What purpose?" Aisha laughed, wincing as she traced a finger along the cut in her midsection, the edges of the wound burnt and cauterized. "To just throw your lives away in the service of some wretched bureaucrat?"


"You would never understand the pride of service." The ninja shouted. "You would never understand family, monster!"


Aisha's eyelid twitched at that statement, and this time, she wasted no time with observation before charging the vanguard, arms coated in sharp chitin, ready to rip and tear.


But her hands never felt the buttery resistance of flesh, instead meeting the hard steel of a blade, and with a grunt of exertion, the ninja sliced through Aisha's claws, also managing to land a deep gash into her chest.


"Cauterized, huh." Aisha grunted, frowning at the cuts in her shirt. "...I'm guessing next time, what, you're going to have glue? Slimes?"


"You're mistaken." The heavy-set assassin growled. "Your life ends here."


"Hah, like-"


With a sweep of the blade, and a speed that he hadn't exhibited before, the ninja closed the gap between him and Aisha in an instant, in a way similar to how Aisha had killed her first victim. His blade glowed with an intense glow as he sliced downwards, cutting open Aisha front shoulder to hip, blood gushing out of her chest and mouth.


"AISHA!" Rennala screamed, as her body fell to the ground, another strike cutting her open the other way, forming a gruesome X on her chest.


"For my brothers, die here!" The vanguard cried, raising his sword to plunge into Aisha's head, disregarding the ball of plasma Rennala shot his way.


But suddenly, Aisha's eyes locked onto the vanguard, and despite the wicked wounds in her chest, her body moved with uninhibited speed, her arm raising.

"Get lost." Aisha muttered from her position on the ground, hand opening.


The ninja was quick to parry both the blast from Rennala as well as the beam from Aisha, a quick swipe of his sword deflecting both spells into the air, before he took a careful step backwards, watching as Aisha rose to her feet, the X still burned deep into her chest.


The wound burned with a bright, red light, before Aisha's chest seemed to fuse together, the edges burning bright before melting together, and when the heat dissipated, the wound simply looked like a skin-deep cut, rather than the body-splitting gash that it had been.


"...It looks like we were both expecting that." Aisha frowned. "I'm kind of disappointed.".


"Hmph." The vanguard scoffed.


"Let's see about this one."


Faintly, the vanguard realized - the beast's regenerative capabilities were supposed to be accelerated by taking in a soul. In the briefing, that was the information that had been given - apparently, even a complete bifurcation wasn't enough to even faze it.


Sacrificing a few disappointments was supposed to be a test of those capabilities. They already knew that much, but they knew nothing of the limits.


So then why were the cuts he inflicted still visible on her chest? Unless -


Aisha opened her hand again, but instead of the dark, tainted purple of her own demonic energy, the object she held pulsed a faint orange, almost invisible. It seemed to beat faint with almost a heartbeat - or at least, until Aisha squeezed.


The vanguard already had his sword halfway up before he realized that the surge of magic coming towards him was not deflectable. 

Normally, powerful spells were accompanied by a gust of wind, and a great cry of protest, as natural laws were forced to the limit, forced to conform to the will of the caster. A great grinding, tearing noise - like steel grinding against steel, loud and terrifying, but after a few times, expected. But never had he encountered a spell accompanied by the scream of a human being.


A blinding light filled the alleyway as the full, unrestrained lifespan of a soul was unleashed into a single attack, carving away even the ground, blasting through the foundations of buildings, and even the air itself, vaporized into plasma, arcing through the air and singing the ground around.


Rennala herself gasped as a stray arc lanced through the air, almost shattering the barrier she knew was going to come in handy, cracks appearing in the spell that was powerful enough to block a flare.


And when it was done, Aisha just glared in disappointment, as she lowered her destroyed, burnt arm.


In front of her, the vanguard still stood - wide eyed and panting, but still standing.


The surgical mask fell off his face, revealing his terrified, heaving expression and face as his eyes darted around, still in shock from the damage he had sustained. The hole in his chest and the missing arm was barely any recompense to Aisha - that spell was supposed to vaporize him off the planet, and now, she would have to -


"HEY!" She shrieked, as the broken, shattered blade of his katana was sent rocketing towards Rennala, her barrier already damaged by the just the stray energy from Aisha's spell.


She quickly dashed over to her friend and snatched the thing out of the air, but when she turned back around, the vanguard was nowhere to be found, nothing but dust left where he once was.


"Fuck." Aisha mumbled, as she began to fuss over Rennala, the mage completely unscathed, save for the small cut in her dress where she had been stabbed initially. Compared to Aisha, whose clothes were barely even hanging onto her shoulders, with a X shaped scar on her chest, they very much looked like their places should have been reversed.


"Hey, I'm completely unharmed." Rennala mumbled. "I should worry about you! How did - i mean, I- I don't know if I should ask questions, but-"


"No, no… I failed." Aisha grimaced. "I let that guy get away, and I put you at risk… I'm… I still have to improve…"


"Aisha." Rennala balked, almost offended. "I am an emerald adventurer."


"But you got hurt." Aisha mumbled, putting a finger on the cut in Rennala's dress. "And I could have hurt you. Even though I was trying… to protect you…"


"Aisha…" Rennala smiled. "That's really sweet, but… I don't need protection. And you won, how could…"


"It's not just enough to win." Aisha sighed, looking defeated. "If… if I want… other people to depend on me… It's not just enough that I can take care of myself."

"We trust you!" The taller woman protested.


"You trust me because you know you can handle yourselves if I fuck up." Aisha mumbled. "It's… not the same."




Having no response to mollify Aisha's mood, Rennala stood defeated, unsure of what to say or do at this point. The sad, dejected look on Aisha's face pained her heart, but she had no experience in this regard - she had no words to soothe her feelings. She reached out a hand, wanting to comfort the girl, but nothing came to mind… unless…


Aisha, caught up in her own thoughts, was completely caught off guard when Rennala pulled her off her feet, weightlessness enveloping her body as suddenly, she found herself sat down in the taller girl's lap, a lithe arm around her back and her waist. Eyebrows raised in surprise, she looked upwards, seeing a shy smile on Rennala's face, and opened her mouth, ready to protest.


But when a hand descended on her ears and began to stroke softly, Aisha couldn't help but feel the tension melt out of her. She was still so weak to being hugged…


She couldn't help but bashfully lean her head into Renalla's breast, blushing.


"Let's go on that date. How about that?"




"How are you handling your half, Kaya?" Liberta shouted.


Kaya just glared at her taller elf friend, Liberta grinning lecherously as she shamelessly felt up the fox women next to her. The women themselves only giggled in response to Liberta's advances, one cooing softly as she raised a piece of meat up to the elf's mouth, a treat that Liberta accepted eagerly as she continued to grab and grope greedily.


Kaya herself was also surrounded by the fox women, grumbling in annoyed fashion as the soft, lithe women nuzzled into both of her sides, tracing their slender, jewelry-adorned fingers along Kaya's firm arms and exposed thighs. They whined and pouted at Kaya's rejection of their advances, nuzzling her insistently.


The short girl could only look upon the fox women with apprehension. They were fluffy, and soft, but they were nothing but harlots, women acting all promiscuous to fleece their coin…


"Why am I paying for this?" Kaya sulked.

"Oh come on!" Liberta chided. "If you're paying for it, then you might as well enjoy it!"


"I'm not enjoying it." Kaya mumbled.

"Why don't you just try." Liberta half-smiled, sighing an exasperated sigh.


With a sigh of her own, Kaya reluctantly motioned for one of the Volana, the woman crawling up to her with curiosity, head tilting in a curious expression. One that turned into a mischievous grin when Kaya patted her lap, inviting the fox to come rest her head, and rest her head she did, gleefully nuzzling Kaya's thighs and stomach.


 "You're quite the adorable one, little customer~" One of the foxes flirted, nuzzling Kaya's shoulder. "I could just eat you up!"

"Mmh." Kaya mumbled, playing with the fox in her lap "Sure."


Kaya's hand absentmindedly wandered along the fox's head, stroking and caressing it gently, patting and squishing-


"Oh! Dear customer, you- you-"




Kaya looked down dumbly, stiffening as she saw firstly, the tomato-red expression on the Volana's face, and secondly, her own hand on top of a very fluffy, very soft ear.


"Oh shit." Kaya mumbled. "Sorry - I - Urg… I didn't…"

"Oooooh!" Liberta laughed childishly as she reached for a fluffy ear of her own. "You did something you shouldn't have!"


"Ah, no, I…"


"You're going to have to pay up!" One of the Volanas demanded, no longer all clingy and submissive. "You've violated one of our girls!"


"Wait!" The sheepish fox in Kaya's lap interrupted bashfully. 


Kaya's annoyed, frustrated expression abated slightly as the fox on her lap shuffled a bit, hugging Kaya's waist in a clingy, almost cute way.


"What? Miki?"

"...I'm okay with it."


"Really?" Another fox frowned, voice incredulous.

Kaya's eyes narrowed. "Wait…"


"...As long as…" Miki blushed, placing an adventurous finger on Kaya's crotch, breathing heavily into her groin. "You finish what you've started."










"Wow, the full course!" Liberta laughed, lounging back as she let her blonde hair splay out on the rocks behind her. "That includes the sex, the bath, the food, and-"


"I'm gonna kill myself." Kaya mumbled.


Liberta began to howl with laughter, wrapping a wet arm around her shorter friend, sending hot spring water everywhere.


"Cheer up!" She cackled. "It's good sex, really! Really good…"



Meanwhile, the hostesses huddled around a corner out of earshot, whispering and conniving.

"Good job, Miki!"


"Yeah, the full course! And they're high-ranking adventurers! Ooooh… those bitches in the west-"

"You're allowing a lot of people to touch your ears, though."


Miki turned red. "Huh?"


"Yeah, the cute girl… and then, there was that… you know. The high fey."

"You all let her pet you!" Miki burst indignantly. "S-she- she was definitely part succubus, or something!"


"That's no excuse for coming back and asking her to pet you again!"


"I-it was…"



Kaya closed her eyes, sinking deep into the waters. Maybe if she sank deep enough, she could drown and-

"Come on." Liberta pouted. "You're a sapphire adventurer. You're rich. Can't be about the coins, can it?"


"I'm not rich." Kaya muttered. "I'll only have a few gold left. Rennala takes the majority of the cut from our contracts. The destruction fee also is a large chunk. And then… I… Aisha gets… I give a little extra to her…"


"You're still getting paid in platinum!" Liberta raised an eyebrow. "Don't your type save the money? "


"I don't have any savings." Kaya frowned.


"Eh? Why not? What do you spend all the gold on?"




"Your equipment looks pretty old though-" Liberta turned around, laying her arms out on the rocks in front of her and resting her head, looking at Kaya sideways. "But anyway, you can't be that disappointed."




"Ooooohhh…" Liberta giggled. "I know that expression of longing."




"You'd be really happy if it was Aisha giving you a bath, wouldn't you!"


Kaya just sank deeper into the spring, hoping that maybe a volcanic fault would open underneath her-


"Ah, dear customer! Don't do that! You'll drown!"


Kaya sighed as a soft body pressed up against her side, breasts squishing against her shoulder as she was pulled up to the surface. The fox snuggled up to Kaya as a more sultry, voluptuous fox sauntered over to Liberta's side, crouching down and laying a seductive finger over Liberta's eager lips.


"O-oh." Liberta stuttered, still grinning eagerly. "I… You look a lot more well endowed… out of those robes."


"I have cancer." Kaya muttered.

"What was that?" The fox next to her asked, sneakily reaching into the smaller girl's lap…




Aisha stretched her arms behind her head, breathing a long, shuddering sigh of relief as she basked in the sunlight, the beams feeling quite warm, and comforting, after the long, stuffy days of meetings and dates and bureaucracy…


"I'm surprised." Rennala pursed her lips. "You seem to be rather well connected."


"It's all just Akane's connections." Aisha said, sucking on her lips, before sticking her tongue out. "But even her connections are… thin. I can't believe that woman can live only talking to military figures and-"


"You seem to be getting along with her, all of a sudden." Rennala observed softly. "The last time we met, she was so hostile. What changed?"


"...I guess I changed."


But before Rennala could press the girl further, they were interrupted by the arrival of two other figures on the other side of the path, one tall and playful, and the other rushing towards them at high speed-


Aisha beamed as Kaya stopped in front of her, hands folded but jittery as she stopped in front of the taller girl, an expression of barely-restrained excitement in her face. She looked conflicted - clearly resisting the urge to act on her excitement - on one hand, it was embarrassing to be so happy to see someone, but on the other…


"Mmh?" Aisha smiled, giggling softly at Kaya's conflicted expression.


It was too hard to resist. Kaya's cheeks went red as she stepped close, burying her face into Aisha's collar, taking a deep breath of her scent, so sweet and soft, like warm candy floss.


"Aisha!" She whispered giddily as she hugged the now-taller girl around the waist, squeezing her tightly, as her arms shook slightly with excitement.


"Hi Kayaaa." Aisha giggled in turn, her earlier conversation forgotten as she leaned down to rub noses with the shorter girl, exchanging playful little boops, as Kaya's heels began to bounce up and down with excitement-



"Hey." Liberta said bluntly, as she and Rennala both made their way towards each other, until they stood face-to-face, not quite sure how to greet each other.


Rennala blushed, not quite able to meet Liberta in the eyes, her vision continually drifting over to Aisha and Kaya, becoming more and more energetic and playful in their affectionate little happy dance.

"...They… um…" Rennala said awkwardly. "They really like each other… huh…"


"Where's my greeting?" Liberta pouted, before her lips curled into a teasing smirk. "You're not happy to see me? Where's my hug and- eh?"


Liberta's eyes widened as Rennala stepped forward and engulfed Liberta into a softer, more intimate embrace, pressing Liberta's head into her chest as she draped her arms over the elf's shoulders.


The usually aloof elf just looked at the taller woman with surprise in her expression, her cheeks turning a bit red as Rennala began to squeeze, forcing her to take a step forward deeper into the witch's body. Rennala smelled nice, like scented soaps and candles, but even better was the faint scent of her, slightly earthy, but also sweet.


"I… I missed you." Rennala whispered shyly. "And… I'm happy to see you."


"...I… I'm happy to see you too." Liberta responded back, after a short pause, eyes still widened slightly. "... I missed you too."


"... I like you." Rennala whispered.


Liberta waited expectantly for the backhanded insult that usually came afterwards, but to her surprise, and slight apprehension, it never came.


"I like you too, Renna." Liberta responded softly.




There it was.


"Witch." Liberta responded, with no bite whatsoever. "What brought this on?"


"Aisha said I should be more honest…" Rennala mumbled bashfully, still unable to meet the elf in the eyes.


"...Okie." Liberta responded softly.

"Hey, you've picked up some of her speech patterns too…"



"Hey!" Aisha laughed, as Kaya's excited bouncing became more and more frenzied, eventually leading the girl to push Aisha over, forcing her to the ground as Kaya continued to jump and play with her friend excitedly, like an overexcited puppy. She hugged and squeezed Aisha on the ground, nuzzling her own face into Aisha's growing chest aggressively, squeaking and purring in her throat uncontrollably.


"You've gotten bigger again." Kaya panted. "You're taller, and your breasts are bigger too."


"Yeah." Aisha smiled. "You seem really excited about it."


Aisha smiled slyly as Kaya seemed to suddenly become aware of how embarrassing her conduct was, turning bright red as she lifted her face up from Aisha's collarbone, straddling her waist with her hands on Aisha's breasts.


"...I…" Kaya blubbered. "Uwuhh… I… er…"


"You're so cute." Aisha gushed, laughing as she pulled Kaya back into her chest. "I'm happy to see you too!"


Kaya just stewed in her embarrassment, although she couldn't stop herself from taking in Aisha's deep, deep, sweet, cloying, soft scent…



"So what did you guys do?" Aisha asked, stroking and caressing Kaya's head in her lap, the girl hiding her face from the others in Aisha's crotch. The park they had settled on meeting at was relatively empty, although more than a few passerby stopped to stare at the girls, or more specifically, the adult woman curled up on a bench, mature clothing and purse contrasting heavily with her incredibly schoolgirlish behavior.


"Ooh." Liberta smiled. "A lot of stuff. The game park… the brothel, the pachinko… we saw a concert…"


"Mmh." Aisha smiled, still stroking Kaya in her lap. "We also went on a little date. Wait, brothel?"


"It wasn't-" Kaya protested, eyes wide. "It… we were coerced into-"


"The fox brothel?" Aisha asked, ignoring the harsh, judging glance that Rennala shot her. "Where they try to steal the food out of your mouth?"


"...Yeah." Kaya mumbled, before her expression grew more aggressive. "Hey, wait, does that mean you've gone before?!"


"First place I went." Aisha said proudly, grinning as Liberta laughed, giving Aisha a high-five. "The girls really liked me… That's also where I met Akane the first time."


"Whoa, she was at the brothel?"


"No, that's where I got arrested- nngh..!"


Aisha looked down at her lap, where Kaya had lifted up her shirt and bitten her tummy, leaving a hickey. She turned away quickly when they made eye contact, but Aisha could see the unhappy look on her face, mixed with the frustrated look of defeat - stemming from her inability to restrain herself.


"That tickles." Aisha giggled.


"Where'd the outfit I bought you go?" Kaya mumbled, poking Aisha's thighs..


"Sorry… It got ripped…"


Rennala furrowed her brows, looking at Aisha with a strange expression.


"Nnnnh." The shortest girl grumbled unhappily. "I'll… the next one, I'll glue to your body…"


Aisha just giggled, pushing a knuckle into Kaya's mouth to gnaw on.


"So, contract, right?" Liberta drawled, leaning backwards and wrapping an arm around Rennala shoulder suavely. "Lil Kaya was complaining about her purse…"


"Mmm…" Rennala pursed her lips. "There was a contract, I saw on the board last time… it'll take us to Nabina, I heard the sights there are really nice…"

"If it hasn't been taken already."

"That's true, I bet Shi'en's party already took it while we were out in the wastes…"



"Ooh." Liberta smiled suddenly. "I have a great idea."




"It's an old contract." Liberta smiled devilishly. "I've always wanted to take it, but I've never had the right party. The pay is really good. And the job is easy."


"Then how come it hasn't been taken yet?" Rennala asked.


"Oh, you'll see…"




As always, the girls received plenty of scrutiny when they entered the guild - by now, the stares had died down, as the patrons realized that no amount of pressure would get the girls to act normal, but this time, a new sight met the guild hall.


That being, a rabid Kaya biting and licking Aisha's hand aggressively, barely any recognition in those eyes of her shameful conduct. She clung to her chewtoy desperately, the walk to the guild painfully slow as she dragged her feet, refusing to let go. Her cheeks flushed red, her eyes unwilling to make contact with anyone else, but still, she continued to mewl and whine softly.


Liberta frowned.

"Did you charm her?" Liberta asked, her brows furrowed.

"MMmmmmmhhh…" Aisha mused, smiling softly. "...Maybe."




"Well," Aisha giggled softly, grabbing Kaya's face and pushing it into her chest. "Who's to say…? If nobody knows… then, well, you couldn't exactly blame Kaya if she wanted to act as lovey dovey as she wants. "


"How perverted." Rennala huffed, a blush rising to her cheeks. "You're just… giving her an excuse for… for as much PDA as she wants?"


"Aw, well she can't help it!" Aisha giggled. "She's charmed, after all!"


"Y-yeah…" Kaya mumbled shyly, practically drooling over Aisha's chest, breathing in her scent. "I'm… I can't… it's not me."


"But of course." Aisha whispered. "There's always the chance that I'm not. That little Kaya just wants to- Nnnngggg…" 




Aisha's steps faltered, almost sending her and Kaya both to the floor as Kaya clearly did something to her chest. The fey woman gasped as her eyes widened slightly, but soon a pleased smile returned to her face, as she continued to stroke Kaya's head.


"Mmmmmhhh…" Aisha smiled softly. "Hey, you guys want to… take a short stop first?"


"Stop?" Rennala asked, absentmindedly, trying hard to not stare.


"So I can… take care of Kaya?"


Rennala turned bright red.



"You two can have some fun as well." Aisha suggested. "Ah- But - Nnnnhhh… I don't think Kaya can handle… h-hey!"


Liberta raised her eyebrows.


"You're always so deadset, usually." Rennala asked, brows furrowing. "You want to have fun now? We just had a break."


"Well…" Aisha smiled, gazing softly down at Kaya, in the process of giving Aisha a hickey on the collarbone. "I just… I want to ease up a bit, you know…?"






A while later, a breathless Aisha rushed down the stairs of the guild, licking her lips as she made her way back to the job board, looking quite pleased with herself, despite the knowing stares of everyone in the guild.


Followed by a mortified, embarrassed Kaya, unable to look a single degree up from her feet, as she tried her very best to blend into the aether, hopefully disappearing from existence.


"Damn, two hours?" Liberta whistled. "You must have milked her dry."


"Mmmmm…" Aisha grinned. "Maybe…"


Kaya made her way over to the table her party was sitting at, and crawled underneath, curling up into a ball.


"So where are we going?" Aisha asked, petting Kaya underneath the table.


Liberta smiled a wide smile as she placed the contract on the table, the edges old and worn, but noticeably a different color from the rest, a faded white, rather than the dreadful brown that the other parchments were stained with.


"We're going to heaven, baby!"

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