Chapter 117: Wager of Happiness
"Okie, my turn."
"Mmmhh… okie."
The group paused for a couple of seconds, Rennala and Liberta turning to watch as Aisha hopped off of Kaya's back and crouched down, letting the shorter girl take her turn getting her piggyback. Rennala could only scoff under her breath and roll her eyes, although when Liberta grinned and crouched down as well, she hesitated for a second before shaking her head no.
"So what even is this heaven place?" Aisha mused, as she started to walk again. "I've heard of it…"
"I've also heard of it." Rennala added. "But I've never been in person."
"Me either." Kaya mumbled into Aisha's neck.
"Yeah, I haven't either."
Three sets of heads turned to Liberta, who could only grin cheekily in response.
"Hey, but don't you want to check it out?" Liberta laughed. "A place where you don't have to worry about anything… beautiful girls and boys all around… you don't have to wear clothes, and you can have sex with anyone you want…"
"It sounds off." Aisha mumbled. "Where does the food come from? Who does the labor?"
"Apparently, Minerva handles it." Rennala answered. "God of… pleasure… sounds… uh…"
Aisha's eyes narrowed. "God, huh."
"I wanna have a go." Liberta drooled. "I've heard she's got four arms, is eight feet tall, and has both parts…"
Aisha had to admit, that sounded really nice. Far too nice to be real.
"I have my doubts." Aisha mumbled. "Sounds too good. Like a scam."
"Yeah, but what if it's true!?" Liberta said excitedly. "Pretty girls! Amazing food! I wanna I wanna! They've got some really strong manafacted nepenthe, too!"
"It means that it's clean." Rennala mumbled. "No side effects, just… uh…"
"I guess you would know, being the resident opioid addict." Kaya said quietly.
"When did you start being such a smartass?"
"Wow, it's certainly…"
"Shiny." Aisha finished, almost having to squint at the ridiculously clean marble, so smooth and glossy it was almost reflective.
The small compound of heaven looked to be an enormous temple, spanning what would likely be an entire city district in area. Like the adventurers had observed, it looked to be completely made out of marble stones, although getting closer, the strange perfection seemed to get even stronger - not a single crack was in sight, not a single imperfection in the marble could be spotted - the stones even seemed to glow, with an ethereal, soft light.
And as they got closer, the perfections only seemed to become more blinding. Even the denizens seemed to radiate perfection, scantily clad bodies having various body shapes, but with no imperfections, perfectly symmetrical faces with no blemishes in the skin whatsoever.
"Whoa." Rennala whispered, unable to stop herself from looking down at her own body. "They're pretty…"
Almost on cue, the party seemed to be unable to stop themselves from looking at their own bodies - except for Liberta, who grinned as she rushed up to the gates of the temple, a courtyard full of frolicking, beautiful women right behind the ivory gates.
The two gate guards looked up from their conversation and smiled slyly as Liberta rushed up to the tall women, looking quite like an excited puppy as the others rushed to catch up to the elf.
"Whoa!" The guard smiled, giggling softly as she put a hand on Liberta's cheek. "Slow down, gorgeous. What's your business?"
"This!" Liberta cried excitedly, taking out the old contract and brandishing it in front of her, pointing to it hurriedly. "We're adventurers!"
"Mmmmh…" The other gate guard mused, embracing the first from behind and resting her chin on her shoulder. "Oh my. It's that one."
"That one?" The first guard giggled.
"I'm surprised there were even four pretty girls in the adventuring program. And sapphires?"
"Well, let's see."
Under the gaze of the tall amazons at the gate, even the stoic Kaya shrunk under their playful scrutinizing. It was hard not to - they were just so beautiful - although they were comparably attractive to the party, the only one who could match the perfection was the ethereally-beautiful Aisha, her fey biology just barely putting her above the gate guards.
And indeed, the guards seemed to brighten a bit when they roamed over Aisha's little frame, smiling widely at her in particular. A smile that Aisha did not return.
"Aw." One of the guards pouted sadly. "You don't like us? But you're so adorable!"
"It's not personal." Aisha mumbled.
"Then can we convince you?" The amazons cooed. "We'll let you have our bodies… Both at the same time, if you want…"
"She's mine…" Kaya mumbled, although even the composed rogue couldn't take her eyes off of the amazoness's toned, slightly tanned bodies.
"Ooooh!" The guards giggled, sharing a look. "Aww, that's so cute! Okay, we won't touch her! But the offer stands!"
"Does that mean we get to go in?" Liberta whispered.
"Yep!" The guards beamed. "You're all pretty enough!"
"That's the entrance criteria?" Rennala blurted out incredulously. "Seriously? That's why you couldn't get a party together!?"
"Well, and the sapphire." Liberta muttered sheepishly.
"Whatever, let's just get this over with." Aisha mumbled.
The gate guards just laughed as they took one side of the barred gate each, pulling with an incredible, unnatural strength. But it seemed that even the gates were free from the imperfect screeching and scraping that a regular door would undergo - instead, they slid open smoothly, like they were lubricated with oil.
"Oh, before you enter-" One of the guards pursed her lips, as the other turned to the courtyard, cupping her hands. "Can we get a priest over here?"
"Ugh." Aisha mumbled, her expression souring further.
"I never thought you would be the prudish type." Rennala remarked. "...W-wow… they're all so pretty."
"I have nothing against pretty women!" Aisha protested. "It's just… I don't… like gods, or religion, or any of that crap."
"Is it because of Arcadia?" Kaya asked softly.
Aisha's conversation was interrupted by the arrival of another beautiful woman, this one blonde and in a sundress, although the material was so see-through it could have been negligee.
"Yeah, Centurii?" She asked happily. "Did you want me to keep you company again?"
"Um." The guard coughed, blushing slightly. "Uh, no. These girls are here for that old contract."
"Wow, really?" The priest beamed. "Oh, they're all so adorable! You're all way too cute to be adventurers… you should stay!"
Aisha's eyes narrowed even further, any further and her eyes would have been closed.
"Oh, but I'm getting ahead of myself." The girl smiled cheekily. "I do have a job to do. Please present any sharp objects or weapons you have."
Rennala patted herself down and was able to scrounge up, eventually, a knife strapped to her thigh, the blade slightly rusty from disuse. Meanwhile, Kaya began to, begrudgingly, strip the blades off of her person, pulling out blades from every single crevice in her body, removing blades strapped to her arms, one in a hidden compartment in her underwear, another in her hair, among countless others.
"You're quite eager to get out of those pants." Aisha purred into her ear as Kaya unbuckled her pants to reach a knife sewn into the inside lining.
Kaya blushed, her hands fumbling with a throwing knife.
But soon, she was done, and the blonde priest smiled, clapping her hands happily. Her eyes lit up with a brilliant white glow, before dissipating just as fast.
"Whoa!" Kaya stumbled backwards slightly, as the weight in her arms vanished abruptly, the weapons vanishing from her sight.
"We're now unarmed." Aisha said flatly, pursing her lips. "In an unfamiliar location."
"Well, I mean, I can give them back." The priest lilted, smiling softly. "You can even bring them in if it makes you feel safe. It's just so nobody gets hurt when you're playing."
"We're not here to play." Aisha mumbled.
"Yeah, speak for yourself, mom." Liberta mocked, bending over and sticking her tongue out childishly. The blonde priest laughed in response, reaching out and stroking the elf's hair in an affectionate gesture, before her eyes lit up again.
This time, nothing seemed to happen. But then, Aisha felt strange - all of a sudden, the wind seemed to feel much cooler against her neck, and her clothes seemed to rub more against her skin.
"What was that?" Aisha accused.
"Just a cleaning spell." The priest explained defensively. "So you don't get dirty! Oh, well, you're probably going to get dirty anyways, but, uh, a different kind of dirt."
Rennala blushed as one of the amazoness gate guards sidled up to her, beginning to flirt with her, while Aisha continued to stare distrustingly at the blonde. Although she had to admit, she couldn't find any holes in their logic - but all the same, she remained vigilant.
"So what's next, then?" Kaya asked.
"Just a few rules! Everyone is free game for playing, but, well, that includes you guys too! Just make sure everyone is having fun, but, uh, if you're not, then the safe word is 'yardang.' That's it, you can go in now!"
"Let's stick together." Aisha suggested immediately. "We- hey!"
Aisha shouted out in protest as Liberta rushed into the gates, laughing maniacally as she tackled some poor woman in the church, the same way she usually did, but with a willing participant. Aisha parted her lips to protest, but realized the futility of the act, instead turning to the rest of the girls.
"So, you ever have two at the same time before?" One of the gate guards purred to Rennala, as the other made her way behind the slender witch, trailing her fingers down her dress.
"W-well, a-a little, b-but, wow, never… you two are so tall…"
Aisha sighed, tugging on Kaya's hand.
"Aw, are you two a couple?" The priest smiled. "That's so cute! I'll put the offer out there, but… mmh… its okay if you don't want to."
"...Thanks." Aisha said, after almost a full minute of silence. "Where is Minerva?"
"Just over there." The priest said softly, pointing to the largest building in the small compound. "It's about a minute."
"Alright." Aisha grumbled. "I'm gonna go over there. Let's just get this over with."
"Whoa! You guys are so cute! Wanna-"
"No." Aisha muttered, walking briskly with Kaya in tow.
"Hey, you girls want-"
"No." She repeated.
"Please step on me!"
"Can I pet you?"
"Do you girls need directio-"
"No!" Aisha snapped irritably, ignoring the hurt expression on the beast woman's face that appeared in response. Kaya herself looked apprehensive, having to jog slightly to keep up with Aisha's now slightly longer strides.
"What's wrong?" Kaya asked softly, as Aisha batted away a stray hand from a beautiful stranger, poised to stroke her butt. "You seem upset."
"I want to get out of here." Aisha grumbled. "The less we're here, the less tricks, the less… they will try to convert us."
"They don't look like they're too interested in converting us." Kaya said softly. "It kinda just looks like they want to have fun. You usually really like this kind of stuff…"
"That's just with you guys!" Aisha protested. "I… mmm… well…"
"You definitely want to fuck these girls." Kaya accused.
"Yeah, well you do too." Aisha mumbled.
"I do not!" Kaya protested.
"You literally can't hide it."
Kaya sputtered as she turned a bit red, trying to hide her arousal, but was completely unable to.
"T-th-that's beside the point!" She retorted hastily. "I… well, I can admit the girls are all really cute. If… well, if you… were… if you were okay with it, i would be okay with…"
"You can have all the fun you want, Kaya." Aisha sighed. "I'm not."
"You're not going to have any fun?" Kaya asked softly.
"I didn't mean it like that, i just…"
"I wanna have fun." Kaya blurted.
Aisha stopped walking, turning to her friend with a slightly puzzled expression. Her expression was clearly asking for an elaboration, which Kaya obliged.
"With you." She whispered. "While we're… while we don't have to worry about… and we're safe, and alone…"
Aisha's expression softened from her slightly annoyed one, as Kaya's admittance reached her.
"I wouldn't call this alone." Aisha muttered.
Kaya's expression fell. "Does…"
"But okie, Kaya." Aisha said softly, walking close to Kaya and wrapping her arms around the shorter girl, as she scanned the surroundings for a good place to take care of her. Flirting women and boys filled her vision - it seemed like every corner had at least a pair of beautiful girls, or mo-
"Whoops, sorry! Hehe."
Aisha's eyes bugged out of her head as what felt like an anvil fell on top of her, sending her sprawling to the ground in a heap of crushed limbs. She wheezed for breath, completely taken off guard, and began to flail on the ground, disoriented, angry, among a slew of other confused emotions.
"Aisha!" Kaya gasped.
"What the fuck…" Aisha gasped, her lungs being crushed. "G-get off…"
"Aw, sorry! Okaaay!"
The weight was released from her chest, and Aisha took a few seconds to catch a few sputtering, gasping breaths.
"You stupid-" Aisha huffed, before rolling over, ready to hurl more insults at the woman, but stopped when the breath was once more drained from her lungs.
This time, as the sight in front of her took it, the woman in front of her…
"Get off her!" Kaya snapped, rushing to kneel at Aisha's side, pressing the fey's head against her thighs. "You giant…"
Kaya's words trailed off as she also saw the massive woman in front of her. Four arms. Eight feet tall. And breathtakingly beautiful.
Tall and slender, "goddess" was definitely the correct word to describe the woman in front of them. Silky, platinum blonde tresses adorned by a thin, flowing veil, flitting ethereally in the sunlight - combined with the gentle, serene expression on the woman's face, gave her a supernaturally beautiful appearance, one that absolutely stunned both adventurers.
"You're Minerva." Aisha said softly, far softer than she intended to.
"And you're quite the cute one" The goddess cooed, a big smile plastered on her lips as she sat down, legs crossing in front of her elegantly. She beckoned gently towards the two girls, smiling softly, although neither of them ended up obliging the playful goddess.
"Ah. Um. Thanks…" Aisha mumbled, all of a sudden unable to muster up the distaste that she was supposed to hold for religious types. Kaya couldn't even blame her - Minerva was just so beautiful, it was extremely difficult to not just stare slack-jawed and ogle.
The worst part was that there was no unnatural compulsion. Which meant Kaya's urge to stare was purely out of her own attraction.
Although Kaya seemed to have it better out of the two of them - Aisha seemed to be completely enraptured, her face stuck in a slack, wide-eyed state of blushing attraction. Kaya felt an immense surge of jealousy surge up within her at the sight - she should be looking at her, not the
"You're cute too." Minerva laughed, leaning forward and squishing Kaya's thin cheek. "You guys should stay!"
For a second, Aisha's trance was broken, as her lips started to-
"Oh, I wasn't asking like that." Minerva clarified. "I just meant… for a couple nights. Haha. I'm sure your friends wouldn't mind! The food here is really good, we have games, uh, I mean, the biggest thing is that, well, anybody you want can-"
"Enough about that." Aisha interrupted. "Who are you? I- I mean… What do you… What are you? What are-"
"I'm just a woman." Minerva cooed. "That hates to see when other girls are pining."
And without warning, she reached a hand forwards and cupped Aisha's cheek, stroking and rubbing her face affectionately. The fey girl's lips parted slightly in surprise, but despite her efforts, she found she couldn't muster up any words, too distracted by the soft, warm hand on her cheek, every slight movement sending fluffy feelings into her head, the desire to lean in and nuzzle.
"H-hey…" Aisha blushed, her face flushing. "Why… nnnhhh… hey, this…"
"You're quite soft." Minerva smiled. "...I don't usually see fey here. Especially ones as pretty as you."
"Don't-" Aisha grunted, as she attempted, poorly, to lean away from the touch, as Minerva's hands strayed towards her lips. "Nnnhh… he- hey!
Against her will, Aisha felt her body begin to relax, and sink, despite her heart and breath accelerating. Her lips parted slightly in thought - she should have been used to the sensation by now, having cuddled with so many girls.
But… uh oh. She might have made a mistake. This woman was a goddess, false as the title may be, she still has a sinfully perfect body, and was soft and warm and cuddly in all the right places, and was exactly Aisha's type-
"W-wait-" Aisha whimpered, shuddering and blushing as Minerva rubbed her horns, the unfamiliar appendages unbelievably sensitive to affectionate touch.
"Hm?" Minerva tilted her head curiously, a hand reaching up to feel the needy, almost involuntary nuzzle.
"Stop that." Kaya growled, not liking the sight in front of her, jealousy filling her expression.
"Why?" The giant pouted, tracing a finger lower, towards Aisha's collarbone.
"You're cheating!" Kaya blurted. "You- you can't- you're a goddess, you-"
"This." Minerva smiled, tilting Aisha's head and drawing a finger along her cheek, in a way that forced the fey to let out a shuddering breath. "Is aaall skill, darling… Oh… are you feeling jealous?"
"NO!" Kaya shouted, before struggling to compose herself. "I… I mean, I… Give her back!"
"Oh, I see. You two are really cute together." Minerva smiled softly. "...But you're just not a good match."
"Wh- what do you mean by that?" Aisha mewled. "Are you trying to- to drive us-"
"It's nothing like that." The goddess corrected, laughing. "You two are just both subs. Too submissive to really give the other what they want. It's not your fault. Perfect matches are just a fantasy. That's why I created heaven."
"That's bullshit." Kaya shot. "You created an entire religion because relationships are flawed? That's ridiculous!"
Minerva's expression grew wistful, and all of a sudden, the way that she looked at Kaya shifted from playful teasing, to a more serious, reflectful expression. Her golden eyes seemed to focus, growing more reflective, as she tilted her head, looking more closely at the short girl.
"You're scared." Minerva said softly, returning her hands to Aisha's chest, and pressing her tight into her own body. "Well. Oh, that's not fair. Everybody is scared. But you're scared because… of her.."
Kaya's mouth parted slightly in indignation. "W… What? What are you talking about?"
"When I was still… well, a long time ago, anyways, I was once engaged to a childhood sweetheart. It seemed like everything was in the stars for us. We loved each other, and, well, that was all we thought we needed. We enjoyed each other's company… I was so excited for that wedding day…"
Minerva's smile waned slightly.
"But then… the day came… and something went wrong. At first, it was just a day. It couldn't have been avoided… a family emergency. But then it was back a week. An invading army… Just a week, he said. We would still have our day. But then… Then it was a natural disaster - he had to save the poor villagers. Then an old friend, needing his help to save his life… Another week. Then a month. And eventually… I accepted it wasn't going to happen. We drifted apart… even though we still loved each other… because we were afraid of hurting each other. Of not being good enough… disappointing someone you love."
"Isn't it sad that humans have to make each other unhappy, in order to stay together?" Minerva whispered. "That… the more you love someone, the more it hurts when you can't be perfect for them? That the more someone loves you, the more it hurts when you can't live up to it?"
Aisha was silent, as the softness around her seemed to dissipate into a hollow hum. Minerva's words welled up an ugly set of memories. Memories, that…
"I don't believe in the concept of 'lovers.' People describe relationships as sacrifice… Why should it have to be like that? Why can't we be happier when we're together?"
"But that's enough of that." The goddess interrupted, patting Aisha on the head, without warning.
The moan that flooded out of Aisha's mouth was nothing short of absolutely pornographic, as the girl's eyes rolled up into her head. It was too good. Minerva was so soft, and so warm, and she had been getting teased for far too long - all at once, her body melted, as a flood of happy, fluffy chemicals flooded her brain, and despite Aisha's reluctance to entertain someone that claimed to be a goddess, she found that she could not resist turning into a submissive little kitten for the woman stroking her ears.
"What did you do to her?" Kaya asked, frowning.
"Um… nothing." Minerva said, pursing her lips, although she refused to stop petting the melting, mewling girl in her arms. "Oh, you know what? This little one… has been trained before…"
Aisha flushed an even deeper red as she attempted to muster up any amount of strength into her limbs, any amount of willpower, but found that the powerful waves of sensation coursing through her spine. Every effort instead resulted in another one of her muscles failing, every cry of protest turned into a weak, needy mewl.
She needed something to hug, oh god, her arms felt so empty - she needed something to squeeze, something to temper the happy feelings in her brain, or she might break -
"Adorable…" Minerva whispered, squishing and patting Aisha even more, eliciting more gasps and mewls and cute little noises, while Kaya seethed with jealousy. Those noises… that face… why was it that this stranger, beautiful as she was, was the one to elicit those adorable reactions…
"Get off her." Kaya said quietly, though she was unable to suppress the growl in her voice, as she looked bitterly at the massive goddess.
Minerva could only gaze upon Kaya with a soft smirk, her eyes shining with recognition at the look on the short girl's face. Her expression turned mischievous, and her hands refused to leave Aisha's face, in fact, squeezing even tighter, adding to Kaya's anger.
"Or." Minerva suggested. "You could join us?"
"I will do no such thing!" Kaya blurted, expression red and indignant as she advanced on the sitting goddess, who was still taller than her even while on the ground. "Get off her, now!"
Kaya ripped Aisha away from the goddess, and for a second, the fey girl looked dazed, as her eyes returned to reality. She blushed again when she realized she was wrapped up in Kaya's arms, nuzzling her friend, but couldn't help the pang of longing that shot through her, gazing at Minerva's sinfully soft body…
And surprisingly, Minerva's face also flashed with a brief expression of jealousy.
"U-uhm…" Aisha whispered, breaking up the hostile energy between her two suitors. "So… the contract."
"Oh." Minerva said, her eyes softening. "That was… it's been there so long, the job's already been filled."
Aisha frowned. "So we wasted our time?"
"Well, I mean… I could still give you the completion credit." Minerva drawled. "And the reward, even…"
"And the catch?"
"Satisfy me." Minerva grinned.
"Like… sex?" Aisha asked dumbly.
"No!" Kaya protested.
"Come on." Aisha muttered. "It'll be an easy contract."
"I'm not going to -" Kaya sputtered. "I'm not going to sell my body out like some kind of slut!"
"I'll do it." Aisha suggested.
"No! Don't do that to yourself! What happened to not trusting the faith?"
"I've done worse." Aisha shrugged, eyes still glued to Minerva's chest and tummy. "With… less pretty…"
"I'm not going to stand for this!" Kaya squeaked, her voice cracking. "I won't-"
"Why don't we ask Libba and Renna?" Aisha suggested. "At the very least, see what they think."
Kaya grumbled.
"That was fast." A priest giggled.
Aisha just sighed as Minerva cooed happily, holding a thoroughly spent Rennala to her chest and stroking her hair, absentmindedly nuzzling the top of her head. The witch herself seemed to be in a trance, her mouth stuck in a goofy, fucked-stupid smile, and well, Aisha couldn't really blame her.
Aisha wanted to be her so much. She wanted to feel those arms, feel that warmth, those fingers, those hugs -
"N- nyooooo…" Renalla mewled pitifully, as a priest removed her from Minerva's embrace, picking her up and moving to the side, where she let the witch rest her head on the priest's lap, giggling and cooing as she ravished the slender woman with affectionate little pats.
"Hah…" Liberta laughed weakly, pointing at Rennala, before her arms were gently picked up and placed back around the waist of another, similarly glowing, brunette, who began to coo and fuss over the elf.
"Shut up..." Rennala blushed, too satisfied and tired to really argue.
"...This place is so fucking great…"
Aisha made a popping noise with her mouth. "Alright then, looks like I'm-"
"I'm next!" Kaya shrieked. "I'll go next!"
Aisha rolled her eyes.
"Good try, Nyaya." Aisha whispered softly, stroking Kaya's hair in her lap. "That was really hot."
"Nooo!" Kaya whined weakly. "I can… I can keep going…"
Aisha just smiled slightly as Kaya nuzzled deeper into her lap, squeezing her tight.
Kaya really was such a cute girl. A little jealousy was cute, on a pretty girl. And Kaya was quite pretty.
"Alright, my turn." Aisha said, licking her lips. "Finally."
"Nyoo…" Kaya protested weakly.
"Oh hush." Minerva chided. "You were pretty good… actually, really good. But not good enough."
Aisha raised an eyebrow. "If Kaya was really good, and she didn't…"
"Satisfaction is a hard thing." Minerva sighed. "You can eat until you're full, but even then, you might still crave more, if the meal wasn't stimulating enough."
"Then I hope I can be that stimulus for you…"
"Oh my, we'll see…"
Aisha approached the goddess confidently, ignoring the bated giggles that leaked out of the little audience that had formed around them. Her eyes were only set on the woman in front of her - she had seen the way that she had completely overwhelmed, dominated her friends without even trying, pure sensuality and technique that couldn't be matched by any mortal.
Aisha was practically salivating. But not even because of that, but…
"So," Minerva cooed, leaning back on a pile of scattered cushions. "What manner of tricks or… H-huh?"
The goddess's eyebrows raised in surprise as Aisha latched onto her side, arms wrapped around her waist, rather than any more sensitive part of her body. And instead of a pair of lips pressed against her neck, she felt a little button nose, nuzzling and cuddling her, soft cheeks and fluffy hair like a warm pillow against her shoulder. Aisha laughed mischievously to herself as she did so, feeling immensely pleased - finally, that plush body was hers to hug and cuddle, and oh god it was just as she thought it would be.
"T… this is new." Minerva said softly, feeling a bit of embarrassment well up inside of her. "How cute…"
Aisha could only mewl in happiness as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her own waist, squeezing her tightly. Minerva was amazingly soft, amazingly enveloping, her skin squished just like a soft plushie, and yet, the pressure around her midsection was so strong and comforting - it was impossible to resist. All of Aisha's disdain for the faith, all of her suspicions… they simply melted away in the hug, and for what felt like the first time in years… she felt that nagging sinking in the back of her mind fade.
"This is… some… strange foreplay… but… oh… this is nice…" Minerva murmured, reaching a hand up to stroke Aisha's head, pressing her further into her shoulder, while the other reached up to scritch behind her ears.
The gasping, kittenish little mewls that eked out of the sapphire adventurer made Minerva blush. They were so small, but so adorable - and so quiet too, so quiet that only she could hear them.
Just for her… Without thinking, she found herself curling up her legs to better support Aisha, to feel more of her, to comfort her a bit more… and in response, Aisha snuggled deeper in, accepting the comfort, and giving Minerva a little nuzzle on the cheek in response.
At the proximity, and the softness rubbing against her face, Minerva gasped slightly, her face flushing.
What was wrong with her? She had kissed almost every person in the entire temple. And more. So why was this hug making her feel so jittery, so… good?
"H-hey…" She stuttered slightly, voice almost reaching a whimper. "T-that's… I… I'm ready… w-well, I've been ready, I…"
"Nyooo…" Aisha whispered, soft and tender, just like a lover. "More cuddles… please?"
The goddess, after a minute of being enraptured by the sensations emanating from her arms, all of a sudden seemed to snap into awareness, her eyes sharpening slightly from the fog that had come over them. All of a sudden, the stares from her devout followers… the giggles, the hushed whispers, made her aware of the fact that she was cuddling an outsider, stroking and nuzzling her like a cat, and embarrassment flared throughout her body.
"H-hey!" She blushed. "Are you - is this a charm? That's… you can't… such a weird spell…"
"Mmmh?" Aisha mewled cutely. "What do you mean?"
"I-I feel… I feel all hot, b-but I can't… I feel all lazy, and sensitive, but I… I can't move…"
Aisha smiled softly as Minerva's scritches slowed, still immensely pleasurable and comforting, but now slow enough for Aisha to muster up a bit of restraint.
"You know what?" Aisha whispered intimately. "That sounds like an amazing idea."
"Huh!?" Minerva cried. "W-wai waiiiiiiihhh waiiiiiiiii… hhhhhhh… oh…nnnnnmmmmmmm…"
The massive goddess's body went limp in Aisha's arms as she blasted the huge woman with her charm magic, enjoying the sight of her serene, aloof expression melting, her mouth parting slightly, and her eyes drooping.
All at once, the sensation of bliss suffused through her body, of pure comfort and warmth and adoration - in that moment, it felt like she was loved, that she loved, and that everything was perfect. The urge to simply close her eyes and enjoy the moment was overwhelming… but there was something missing.
Greedily, Minerva attempted to pull Aisha in for a kiss, but found her lips instead meeting cheek. It took a second for her to even recognize what happened, but when she did, her golden eyes narrowed in childish anger and petulance.
"HEY!" She whined. "I- kiss! Kissssss!!!"
"That's only for lovers." Aisha teased, running a finger over Minerva's lips. "Naughty woman… Trying to steal a kiss from me…"
"You wouldn't want to catch feelings for me, wouldn't you?" Aisha whispered. "All those happy feelings, you wouldn't want to get all hot and happy and melty for me…"
"What- no! I- I do I do I-"
"All lovey dovey." Aisha whispered, pressing her forehead against Minerva's. "Don't we have a bet? Don't you want to win? You wouldn't want to lose on purpose, would you?"
Minerva's expression went into one of panic, and her mouth went dry, as her eyes went bashful - but gods - she just felt so good, but she needed MORE!
"P- I …"
"Hey, tell me…" Aisha grinned menacingly, jamming a finger into the large woman's mouth. "Do you like me? If you do, I might like you back…"
"Y-yesh?" Minerva whispered, legs rubbing together needily.
"Awww." Aisha cooed condescendingly. "Thank you! But what do you like about me, huh?"
"W-whah?" The goddess blushed.
"What specifically do you like about me?" Aisha teased, reaching a hand downwards to rub Minerva's exposed navel, drawing circles on the soft skin. "Otherwise… how would I know you're being honest?"
"I-I… Y-you're cute."
"Aw, thanks! You're cute too!" Aisha fake-gushed. "Just look at you, all curled up and subby… so… soft… and… uh, what else?"
Minerva flushed red at the complement, finding it hard to think while she was getting a tummy rub.
"Ai- uh… you're… you're so confident, and sexy, and- and… your arms look really nice, a- and - a- a-"
Aisha smiled cruelly as she continued to tease the massive woman, booping a breast, tracing her fingers lower and lower, but stopping right before her fingers touched the tent in Minerva's skirt. Her other hand began to pump in and out of the goddess's mouth, turning her speech completely incomprehensive, as she smirked down at her.
"I can't hear you." Aisha whispered. "Aw, I was enjoying the compliments too. Feeling hot yet? I feel a little hot. "
"Please." Minerva whimpered.
"Please play with me!" Minerva cried, begging as her hips bucked. "P-ppplleeeeeeeasse! A-anythiiiiiing! My breasts, cock, pussy - PLEASE!"
Aisha felt an immense sense of adoration fill her heart -seeing the gorgeous woman in front of her beg made her just want to tease her more.
"That sounds like something two lovers would do... Tell you what." Aisha whispered, giving Minerva another one of those tortuous, teasing kisses. "I'll touch you if you say 'I love you.' "
Aisha paused for a second, blinking. The words had just escaped out of her mouth - in fact, all of her dom work had been pure improvisation. But why…
"W-w-what?" Minerva whispered, her face going scarlet. "I-I-"
"Mmh… it's okay if it's too embarrassing." Aisha whispered slyly, the words once again flowing freely from her mouth. "We can keep cuddling if you-"
"I LOVE YOU!" Minerva cried, loudly, cheeks flushed and chest heaving. "P-please! So, I - I want- I- mmmphhh… mmmm… nnn…"
Minerva's eyes closed as Aisha obliged the desperate goddess, giving her a small kiss on her lips, that lasted a bit longer than Aisha intended to, her own eyes going half-lidded with the goddess's. But she caught herself, and before Minerva could fully relax, she pulled away. She tried hard to hide her own blush, but it looked to be an unneeded effort - Minerva was practically foaming at the mouth.
"Hey!" She cried desperately. "I- More! Y-you said - You said if I told you - t-that - that embarrassing thing… that… that I would…"
"One 'I love you,' one dirty thing." Aisha chided, her own cheeks going pink. What was she doing? She had already won. Why was she encouraging the dangerously sexy goddess to-
"I- I love you." Minerva whimpered, and Aisha's heart skipped a beat, her eyes going wide. Something feral woke up inside of her, a long, hidden desire, hidden itch, that was scratched by having this beautiful woman laid out in front of her, begging. "I love you. I love you I love you I-"
"I- I guess I have to oblige you…"