Vanishing Embers

Chapter 23: The Delivery

Aisha sighed, staring at the old, bearded man in front of her with a bored look, resting her head in her left hand. She pushed a pawn forwards.


Fenix's face scrunched up in concentration, and he moved his bishop, taking Aisha's knight.


Aisha moved her queen.




Fenix grumbled and handed Aisha a gold coin.


"I don't know why you insist on challenging me." Said Aisha, bored.

"The best way to learn is to fight someone better than you." Said Fenix.

"What happened to me being a whelp?"

"You're still a whelp. But even a whelp can have some value."


"Play me again."


Aisha got up and left, throwing an end of her scarf over her shoulder, and picking up her crossbow and bolt bag. She had no clue as to why the old man continued to challenge her, or, well... seek her company. She had made an active attempt to be as hostile to him as possible, but even still, he continued to challenge her, out of a desire to... improve.


It felt wrong. He was already so old. What was the point of getting better at such a stupid game? Why...?

Aisha's thoughts were interrupted as heard the guild doors open, a petite, innocent looking girl appearing in the frame.


"Hi Aisha!"



"Why are you here?"


Aisha looked up to check the sun's position, but quickly realized that she was indoors. Thassiel spoke up, shyly.


"Um, I wanted to see if you wanted to come with me to get the others."


"Well, you're a part of the party now! You should come!"


Aisha opened her mouth to say no, but then looked around at the empty guild hall. She glanced at Miiha, who was turned around, looking for some file. It was either go with Thassiel, or play more chess with Fenix.




"Come on Elza… Wake up!"



Thassiel gently shook the sleeping woman with two hands, rocking her back and forth. Aisha reached out and poked Elza in the cheek.


"Come on…" Whined Thassiel.

"Mmmm… why don't you two girls join me?"



A hand snuck out from under the covers, grabbing Thassiel's hand and pulling her into the bed. Elza's head popped out from under the covers, resting on top of Thassiel's. Aisha got a good look at Elza's beautiful face, her eyes half-lidded. She fluttered her eyelashes seductively at Aisha.


Aisha took off her coat and boots, putting her gear on the ground, and got under the covers, resting her left arm on top of the two girls. Elza planted a kiss on her cheek, smooshing Thassiel deeper into her vast cleavage. She removed her hand from Thassiel, feeling Aisha's firm arms. Her smooth hand glided across her shoulder and back. Elza stopped when she felt a rough indent.




"The scars on your back... where are they from?"


A muffled voice came from between them.


"You shouldn't ask things like that, Elza."

"Nonsense. We're a party now."

"They're from when I was a slave." Aisha said.

"Oh? You escaped?"


"They let you go?"



Aisha took off her scarf gingerly, revealing the dull diamond slave mark on her neck. Elza softly placed her hand on top of it, tracing the edges.


"I can take that off if you want."

"No!" Aisha snapped.


Elza quickly retracted her hand. It was the first time the girl had raised her voice since they had met. She had hit a sore spot. Elza slowly got up, pulling the covers off the three, her long brown hair softly falling onto her scantily clad breasts. She cupped Aisha's face, staring into her eyes. She could see uncertainty… hurt… despair…


"You're a succubus?" Aisha asked.

"Half, dear. A real succubus wouldn't let such cute girls go."


Elza got up from bed, stretching her smooth arms and getting out of bed, revealing her busty, voluptuous body. Thassiel blushed, as she dressed herself in her long skirt and cloak. She exited the room, grabbing a large hat from a rack and gently placing it on her head.

"Come on dears, we need to get the boys."




Thassiel knocked on the door to the dingy little apartment. Shuffling could be heard, followed by yelling, coming from multiple different voices. The door cracked open a tiny bit, and a young boy's voice sounded.


"Thassiel? Elza? Who's that girl behind you?"

"She's a friend." Thassiel said. "Can you get Jorral for us?"



"She's not my girlfriend, Roy. I don't know why you keep saying that." Came a deep voice from inside the house.


The three girls heard a loud thumping noise as Jorral made his way down the small house and up to the door. He opened the door, in a white shirt and brown pants. He looked down at the trio.


"I have to get a few things ready. Come in."


Thassiel, Elza and Aisha stepped into the small little house.

The first thing that came to Aisha's mind was that… there were a lot of people, for such a cramped little house. There was barely any room to move anywhere, with tables and chairs everywhere. A little girl, and the boy who had opened the door sat at a table in the middle of the kitchen, where a middle aged woman fussed over a few pots and pans, moving aside chairs. The woman turned around at the sound of their entry, and rushed over to them, grabbing various snacks and candies from a countertop.


"Oh dear! Thassiel! Elza! Please, come in and eat something. Your friend too!"

"We wouldn't want to intrude, miss Kallen." Said Thassiel.

"Nonsense! You all take such good care of Jorral! You should eat something! And you still have room to grow!"


Thassiel sensed that there would be no arguing with the elderly woman, and she hadn't eaten breakfast, so she took a little plastic package from her, unwrapping it and taking a bite. Aisha also took a bun, taking it out of it's wrapper and inspecting it. It looked like just a piece of bread… But it smelled sweet. She took a large bite.


Cream exploded out the bun, covering Aisha's face with white cream and some also getting onto her fingers. She began to lick the cream off her fingers.


Elza, Thassiel, and Jorral's mother stared at the girl lapping at her middle finger, her little tongue poking out of her mouth. Thassiel turned a heated shade of red.


"Oh dear… you've got a little cream on your face there... Aisha." Spoke Elza.


She reached her hand out and wiped off a bit of cream under her eyes and on her cheek with her thumb, squishing her face and mouth, with her tongue still out. She looked at them with curiosity.


(Adorable...) thought the three women. Elza licked her thumb.


The clanking of heavy metal armor soon sounded down the stairs, as Jorral came down with his heavy equipment, helmet and axe in hand. His mother put down the snacks in her arms onto a corner table, and rushed to Jorral, fussing with his messy hair. She had to stand on her tip-toes to reach the top of his head.


Aisha stared at the display of motherly affection. A strange feeling bubbled up inside of her...


"Take care of my big brother for me!"


Aisha stared down at the little girl who had walked up to her, grabbing her coat with her hands.


"Sure, kid."



They left the house, cries of "Big brother!" and "Jorral!" following them.



"Alright, so it's time to go do a contract now right?"

"Aisha, we still have to get Calen."

"... So we can go do the contract, right?"




Well, at least Calen was outside the inn when they got there, so they didn't have to go inside.




The party walked along the dirt path, trudging along too slow for Aisha's tastes. Maybe they wouldn't be so slow if Elza didn't insist on wearing heels wherever she went.


"So what's the contract?" Asked Thassiel.

"I dunno. It just said that we were going to deliver something." Replied Calen, slowly. With an uncharacteristic apprehension.

"A delivery contract? Calen…" Elza trailed off, disappointed and worried.


"What's wrong with delivery?" Aisha asked.


"Delivery quests usually have higher level monsters..." The witch sighed explaining. "Because there's a chance they might not show up, the cost is lower. But it's still dangerous... and definitely not something worth risking our lives over!"


"Whatever." Aisha muttered.


"Whatever?!? Gold level monsters are nothing like silvers! They're much more powerful, they can literally call silver monsters! And Calen! What are you doing!?"

"I think we can handle it!"


Aisha rolled her eyes. In the three days that she had spent with them, the party hadn't gotten any stronger. She doubted they could take on anything stronger than a wolf pack. Calen had ambition, but he was stupid and hopeful, the worst combination of traits. He could not back up his ambition with any action. Should she tell them?






The 5 party members were met with a shady, grizzled looking man with a stubble beard and shifty eyes.


"Who are you? Are you here for the contract?"



The man looked around jerkily, and pointed at a large, unmarked wooden crate.


"Alright, I need you to move this crate over to the barracks in Sohen. There shouldn't be anyone looking for this, but keep your eyes out. Here's your payment."


He quickly tossed a bag of gold coins into Calen's hands, rushing away.


"Why did he pay us in advance?" Thassiel asked.

"Probably not going to be staying around for long." Calen replied.

"...What if we just took the coins and ran?" Elza suggested.


"If he's actually from the army, that's not a good idea." Aisha said. "And, I want to rank up."


"Let's just get going." Jorral rumbled, his voice echoing inside of his helmet.

"Alright. How are we going to move-" Calen started.

"I'm not carrying it." Jorral interrupted.

"...Well, then how are we going to move it?"


Aisha sighed and hefted the crate onto her shoulder, putting down her crossbow. She wasn't in the mood to watch them argue for 30 minutes.


"Someone pick that up."

"Isn't the crate heavy?" Asked Thassiel.

"Let's just go."


Calen bent down to carry Aisha's crossbow. He lifted up the handle of the crossbow, but dropped it in surprise, the stock landing with an audible thud on the ground.


"Whoa! Damn!"

"Why don't you let the big guy carry it." Aisha said, mockingly.

"That's a great idea!" Calen said, handing the crossbow to Jorral.


Jorral raised his middle finger in Aisha's direction.




They walked along the dirt road, plains in every direction, with trees dotting the distance.

"So what was with that guy?" Thassiel asked.

"What do you mean?" Calen said.

"He looked… suspicious."

"Yeah, he didn't even have his name on the contract. And he was in a real hurry."

"Do you think… this could be a trap contract?" Thassiel said, worriedly.


"Trap contract?" Aisha asked.


"Well… some people post contracts to kill the adventurers that take them." Thassiel said.

"That's just a rumor, Thassy dear."

"But… if it's real?"


(There's no reason he would have acted so overtly shifty if he was trying to trap us. He probably was trying to make sure nobody was tracking him.) Aisha thought.


She didn't care either way, trap or no-



Aisha flung the crate at a tree to their right, ripples and cracks appearing from an unknown mana shield. The 4 members of the party whipped their heads around, shocked.


"There's someone there!"


Aisha took off, leaping towards the tree in a massive arc. She landed and collided with a human body, who was knocked to the ground instantly.

Aisha looked down on who she had jumped on. She had knocked them face-down on the ground, and Aisha quickly put their arms behind their back, sitting on them. They were dressed in light clothes, and there was a dagger strapped to their hip, which Aisha removed and threw away. She took their hood off, revealing a long mane of hair.

The girl she had jumped on turned her head and snarled at Aisha.


"I'm not telling you anything!"



The bandit girl could hear the sound of a sword being drawn from its sheath.


"W-wait! Just like that?! You're going to kill me!?"

"If you have nothing to tell, then there's no reason to keep you breathing."

"Aa-a-a-aren't you going to try a little harder than that?"



She started to scream, as she felt a sharp edge touch her neck. Tears began to stream down her face, and she started to scream even harder when she felt the blade begin to enter her neck.


"Aisha! Stop!" Cried Calen, from far away.


The screaming didn't stop.


"Aisha!" Went Elza.


Aisha sighed and removed the green-tinted sword, about an inch deep in the sobbing girl's neck. Soon after, the 4 members of the party ran over and looked at each other with uncertainty. Thassiel put her hands to the now softly crying girl's neck, still face-down.


"Hey… you've gotta tell us what you're doing here, stalking us, or we're going to have to kill you." Calen said to the sobbing girl.

"I-I was just told to come here by the den-leader and tell him how many of you there were! I-I'm sorry!" The girl said, in between hiccups. She began to break out into crying again. "P-please don't kill meeeee!"


Calen sighed, squatting down.


"Alright, you're going to tell your den that we're… a regiment of the army, marching to Sohen, and we're not going to kill you. Sit her up."


Aisha reluctantly got up from on top of the bandit girl's arms. She sat up, rubbing her shoulders, sore from the extended pressure. She nodded, whimpering.


Aisha stared at the girl. She quickly looked away as their eyes met.


"Alright, let her go." Calen said, dissmissively.

"That's a terrible idea." Replied Aisha.

"What do you mean?"

"She's definitely not going to tell her friends that we're from the army."

"But she agreed!"

"Do you really think a bandit wouldn't lie, or break a promise?"


"She's older than I am. There's no way she's new to scouting, or afraid of death like this."


Calen looked at the girl, still softly crying.


"Well, what do you think we should do?"

"Kill her."

"Other than killing her!"

"... We can take her hostage."


"We can't let her go. That's not an option. We can bring her with us on the contract, and when her friends come to check on her, we threaten to kill her."


Jorral paused for a second, considering the idea. He saw no reason to disagree…


"Alright. Tie her hands or something."


Calen sat down, sighing. It was just a silver contract, but they had already bumped into a bandit… Aisha had made quick work of her though, even if she was a scout. How did she find her so quickly? Maybe it was an accuracy amulet?


"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He heard shrieking, from beside him.


Calen turned around, to see Aisha trying to tug off the bandit girl's bra. Her jacket and shirt were on the ground beside them. Thassiel was red, staring at them, and Elza was sitting, amused. Jorral… was far away, pretending that nothing was happening.


"Um… Aisha, what are you doing."

"I'm making sure she doesn't have any hidden blades."

"Do you have to completely strip her?"



Aisha wrenched the bra from the girl's hands, tossing onto the ground next to her.


"Alright, pants next."

"Aren't any of you going to stop this pervert!?"


Elza giggled softly.




The now completely naked girl sat on the ground, fuming, her hands covering her chest and crotch. She yelped and shrieked as Aisha took her hands and forced them behind her back, revealing her breasts and vagina. Aisha took her jacket and tied her hands together with them.


"You didn't even check my clothes for blades!"

"This is faster."

"Are you two done over ther- GODS!" Calen turned around, yelling at the sight of the naked and tied up bandit girl.


"I'm not walking around with a naked girl following us!"


That brought something to Aisha's attention… She could potentially run away. She pushed the girl to the ground, who landed on her ass on the greenery. Aisha took the girl's pants and tied her feet together.




"She can no longer walk."

"That wasn't the part I was concerned about!"


Aisha scoffed, picking up the girl and slinging her over her shoulder, hiding her privates, but with her ass on full display.


"You can take the crate."

"I would, but I can't lift it."

"Then trade with the big guy."

"I don't think he wants to carry any more stuff for us."


Calen looked at Jorral in the distance. He was sending him a death glare. Calen couldn't see it, but he could practically feel the glare coming his way.


"Aisha dear... I can carry the girl." Elza said, holding out her arms.


Aisha dumped the naked girl into Elza's arms, who smiled down at her with a predatory look.




The party arrived at Sohen, the streets barren, and the sound of metal clanging in the air. Aisha could see a full regiment of soldiers hurrying down a street. One broke off from the front of the group and walked up to them.


"Hey! What are you doing here! No civilians on the streets!"

"We were told to deliver this to you." Aisha said.

"What is it? It's not marked!"

"Yes. It came this way."

"You think I'm a fool, girl? This could be a bomb! I'm not taking it!"

"Why don't you take a look inside, then."

"I'm not going to do it! Now get out of here!"

"Ok, well we're just going to leave this here."



Aisha put down the crate and turned around, walking back to the party. When the soldier couldn't see her anymore, he tentatively took a knife, and looked inside the crate.


"Damn judges." He muttered under his breath.




"Alright, you can go now."


Elza put down the bandit girl on the grass on the outskirts of the little town. They had not ran into any of the girl's friends on her way back. Aisha untied her hands and feet, holding the girl's jacket and pants in her hands, along with the rest of her clothing. The girl reached for her clothes, but Aisha moved out of the way of her hand.


"Aren't you going to give me my clothes back?!"


"You expect me to walk all the way back to the den with no clothes??!?!?!"

"You can have these."


Aisha tossed a few daggers at the bandit girl's feet. The girl looked around desperately at the crazy girl's party mates, but they were all turned away abashedly.


"What do you want from me??"

"Nothing, really. That's why I'm taking your clothes."

"Give them back!"


Aisha turned around and began to walk back to the guild hall. Thassiel turned around and gave an apologetic look to the naked girl. She just stood there, shocked, watching the backs of the party.




Calen opened the doors to the guild hall, Aisha and his party filing in behind him. Elza sat down on a bench, sighing in relaxment and tilting her head back.


"So, what are we going to do now? We have enough time for another contract." Elza said.

"Let's… take the rest of the day off."

"Hm? Why?"

"Let's just do it."


Elza was curious, but nonetheless she didn't ask further. Calen had his secrets. She could understand that. Jorral and Thassiel left, but Elza stayed back to rest a bit longer.


Aisha walked up Miiha's counter, putting her hands on the edge of the desk.


"Hey! You're silver 5 now right!"


"That means you're practically a gold rank!"

"Yeah! Can I hug you?"

"W-what? Um… I guess so."


Aisha vaulted over the counter onto the other side, next to Miiha. She wrapped her arms around her waist, burying her face into the side of her breast. Miiha reached down and stroked the back of Aisha's head.


"Hey.. um. I'm bringing someone to my place tonight. A boy."


"I'm going on a date with him, and we're going to go back to my room."


"That means you can't sleep with me tonight."



"Liiiiihaaa." Whined Aisha.


Miiha pulled on Aisha's cheeks.


"It's Miiha! It's been a week already!"


"At any rate, you're going to have to find somewhere else to stay! You've definitely got enough coins!"


Aisha made a whine in her throat, but the look on Miiha's face told her that she was not going to budge.

Eventually, she removed herself from Miiha's side, returning to a table and resting her cheek on her hand. She wanted to cuddle with someone…


Her eyes locked onto her voluptuous party-mate.


"Hey, um. Big boo-uh, mage."


Elza chose to ignore the first part of what Aisha said.

"Yes, Aisha dear?"

"Can I sleep with you?"


Elza giggled. The day was getting... oh so much better… She licked her lips. The moment she had seen her, when Calen had introduced her, she knew she wanted to… get close to the girl. At first she had thought that she would be difficult to crack… but... what good luck that she was such an adorable little cuddle-slut.


"Of course, dear. Feel free to… indulge." She said, in her sultry, seductive lilt. She glanced at Miiha at the counter, who was giving a distrustful look. Elza giggled. It was her mistake for letting her go.




Elza stared hungrily at the undressing girl in front of her. It wasn't even close to nighttime, but the girl had insisted on her… cuddles. Elza herself didn't really have that many clothes on to begin with, so all that was left was to watch the little fey strip-tease her. She ran her eyes over Aisha's toned stomach and arms.


"Come join me, dear."


Aisha crawled into the covers, into the awaiting arms of Elza. She wrapped her arms around Elza's sides, and buried her head into her breasts. Instantly she was hit with the smell of…

Her heart sank. It was mistress's scent. That sweet, inviting, floral smell with a hint of smoke... Her heart began to speed up, and her mouth went dry. How...


She was half succubus! That was it. It was her powers… Gods…


She buried her head deeper into Elza's bust, nuzzling her face into the squishy globes, eliciting a giggle from the buxom maiden.


Elza body was so soft… so squishy… so cuddly. Even squishier than mistress. But… there was something missing. It was… cold. Not physically cold, but when she had been cuddling with mistress, she felt like she was… melting into her affections, making her feel like jelly. There was something missing with Elza, a warmth.


She squeezed harder. Cuddling with Elza was really nice, and really squishy, but Aisha guessed that nothing would ever compare to the perfection that was mistress's cuddles.


"Can you… pet my ears?" Aisha whispered.

"Of course, dear." Elza giggled.


Elza's gentle stroking sent a wave of euphoria through Aisha's body, keeping her mind off of her mistress… but even the headpets were better when mistress was the one stroking her… rubbing her cheeks… kissing her…


Why did she miss her so much…


"Are you troubled by something, dear?"


"Perhaps… another girl?"



Elza leaned down to whisper into Aisha's ears, seductively.


"I can make you forget all about her… if you want."


Aisha made a pained noise into Elza's cleavage. A wispy pink smoke began to fill Elza's eyes, as she slid her fingers underneath Aisha's clothes...

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