Vanishing Embers

Chapter 24: Glint of Gold

Elza laid back on the bed, panting, her naked breasts jiggling. She was so sore and sweaty… and yet… so satisfied. She wouldn't be able to move for a week… It was true what they said… about fey in bed. She attempted to lift her head and look at Aisha, but her body wouldn't obey her.


(How is she so good?)



Aisha stared at the panting woman in front of her, her body on full display. She looked down at her own body, dark red lipstick spotting her body in kiss marks. She could also faintly feel a bite mark on her neck. Aisha moved from her sitting position to cuddle with Elza's breasts, without the barrier of her lacy bra between her head and the squishy globes.


(The sex was ok, I guess.)


She wouldn't take it over cuddles. But cuddling naked was really nice. She wanted to try it with mistress...

Her mouth curled down into a frown. The woman had said that she could make her forget about mistress, but all she could think about was how her cuddles felt much better.


Aisha sighed. Whatever. She hugged Elza's squishy body closer, her ears twitching and brushing against Elza's nipples.


"Ooooh… haaaa… W-wait… Aisha dear. Ah!"


Elza was stuck in a state of torment as the light, fluffy touches sparked sensation through her body, but she couldn't muster enough strength into her arms to stop them.


"P-please! O-oh... Dear!"


"Y-your ears!"



Aisha's ears stopped twitching, but the ghost of the sensation still rushed through Elza's body. She shivered. The girl was dangerous. She would kill her with such delightful pleasures…



Aisha looked out the window, the half-succubus still panting and blushing beneath her. It was dark, but it wasn't yet time to sleep. Although the woman under her looked like she might pass out at any moment.


Her mind wandered to the day's events, as always… She had no doubt that the annoying guy had taken the day off to think. The look on his face told her. He was probably considering taking a gold contract, back at the guild, looking through all the contracts on that board, trying to figure out which one was easiest.


Whatever. As long as his goals aligned with hers, she would tolerate his presence…


Why exactly? Now that she was sleeping with Elza, she could ditch that loser!


Oh. Right. She was sleeping with Elza. Damn it.


The woman in question had regained control of her arms, and used it to lay a hand on top of Aisha's head, softly running her fingers through her hair.



"Haa… yes dear?"

"Why did you become an adventurer?"


"Oh ho… now that's quite the secret. But I suppose I can tell you, now that I've shared my bed with you..."

"I became an adventurer so I could… collect strong girls. I've got quite the… disposition towards them… you could say. But there aren't really any strong girls to be found doing silver contracts… other than you, of course."


"What about the others?"



Calen became an adventurer because he wanted fame… to become a great adventurer. I think it's because he thinks his father was an adventurer. It's what his mother told him.

Jorral became an adventurer because he wanted to provide for his little brothers and sisters.

Thassy became an adventurer because she wanted to help us… become strong with us."

"Why do you ask?"


"...No reason."


She thought back to Xelos's words. Those who desire power… would grasp it with their own hands. And yet, the party hadn't gotten any stronger. They had grown complacent… lost their desire.


Whatever. It wasn't her problem.

She closed her eyes, listening to Elza's uneven breaths. But something kept her from sinking into sleep… a thought.


During the sex, Aisha had caught a familliar scent… A familiar, dizzying scent…


Demon pheromones?




The beginnings of sunlight began to poke through the curtains.

Aisha had not slept at all last night, her mind plagued with thoughts of missed opportunities and dizzying scents. She poked Elza's cheek, but Elza didn't stir.

She sighed, getting up and removing her arms from Elza's chest. She was cuddly and soft, and the sex was good, but Elza was lacking in body heat.


She put on her panties and bra, and slid her training uniform on, leaving the house to go jog and go clear her mind.






"What's up with her?"


Jorral motioned to Aisha, staring off into the horizon, a distant look on her face.


"What do you mean? She's always like that." Thassiel replied.

"She's usually staring at us." Jorral replied.

"Do you want her to?"

"...No. It's creepy."

"You shouldn't say that!.."

"...even though it's true." Thassiel muttered.


"But speaking of weird, why is Elza limping?"


The five made their way to the guild hall, where Elza quickly took a seat, resting her sore legs. Calen made his way to the head of the table, walking past the contract board with a serious expression.

Thassiel, Jorral and Elza stared at him.


"...Calen?" Elza spoke.

"I've already picked out a contract. I did yesterday."


He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, and lightly put it onto the table for the rest of the party to see. They all crowded their heads around it, taking a look at the contract.


"Calen." Elza said.


"This is a gold contract." She continued.

"I think we're ready."

"Don't you remember what-"

"I know what happened!" Calen snapped.

"I'm tired of doing silver contracts! Of running around, being someone's delivery boy! Of cleaning up people's messes!

I want to make something of myself! Don't you guys too?"


There was a long pause, as his words sank in.


Elza was the first to speak up.

"I'll do it."


Jorral just grunted.

"I don't, but I'll go if the rest of you want to do it."


"I'll go if you want to go, Calen!" Thassiel chimed.


Calen turned to Aisha, completely zoned out.

"What about you?"





"Aisha's in, let's go. It's a caravan contract, and the guy's going to leave when we get there."

"You already talked to the client?"

"Yeah! I knew you guys would come around!"


Elza shook her head, smiling. She stumbled as she got up, prompting Jorral to rush over and hold her up.




They arrived at the outskirts of town, where a man sat on top of an empty crate, next to a covered wagon with a few crates, a single, small horse tied up to the front. He was thin, and looked at his lap with a downcast expression. At the sight of the party, he looked up and, and his expression brightened.


"Hey, Mister Yharon. We're all here."


"Thank you all for coming! I haven't made a trade run in months. Nobody wants to take a caravan contract anymore… ever since bandits have started to show up."

"How are you still alive?"

"They're afraid of the magistrate. But they only send soldiers if a member of the trading guild actually dies. Does nothing if they just steal our cargo and leave us alive. But I'm going to starve, at this rate. I'm on my last few coins."

"I wish there was that kind of protection for adventurers. I guess we just die too often."

"Don't worry, it's usually just one or two bandits. It's time to go. The sooner the better."


"W-wait!" Elza said. "Can I ride in the back?"

"You can, but the horse can't handle that much weight."

"Ah… thank you."


Elza gingerly took a seat on the back of the wagon, creaking slightly under her weight. She sighed in relief, crossing her sore legs.


"Hey, can we ride too?" Calen asked.

Yharon took a look at the party, rubbing his chin with his hand.

"I think.. one of the small ones can join you. Any more and I don't think Bear can handle it."

"...You named your horse Bear?"



Aisha, wordlessly, jumped onto the back of the wagon, laying face down in Elza's lap, who began to run her hands through the fluff on Aisha's ears.


"What's wrong with her?" Asked Yharon.

"Um… we don't like to talk about it."


Yharon shrugged, taking a seat on top of the wagon and taking the reins of the horse into his hands.




"So, is this your guys' first time doing a gold contract?" Yharon asked, his body bobbing up and down with the footfalls of the horse.


The sun glinted off of Calen's tag, who grasped it in his hand tightly.


"Not really."

"Not really?"


"Something happen?"

"We... just… fell out of it."

"So why are you here now?"

"It was time for a change."

"A change! We could all use a little change, couldn't we. Well, I'm glad you're here, at any rate."

"Yeah. Me too."


"Ahhh… it feels so good to be riding again."


The party walked along the forest trail, the ambience of the forest broken only by the sound of creaking wagon wheels and booted footfalls. Calen fell back, moving to the back of the wagon where the rest of his party was walking. He walked stiffly, his eyes shifting back and forth, scanning the treeline.


"What are you doing, Calen." Asked Jorral.

"I'm just… making sure the coast is clear."

"It's broad daylight. There aren't going to be any sneak attacks. Save your strength for nighttime."


Calen's shoulders slumped, and he sighed.


"I just don't want to get you guys in trouble again."

"It wasn't your fault, Calen. We all were too ambitious." Elza said quietly, to not disturb Aisha.

"Yeah, but… What's different now?"

"This time we're going to do better. And we have another member. Don't worry about it."


Elza pet Aisha's head, running her hand through her fur, the sun already beginning to retreat behind the mountainscape.




Soon, the path was too dark to navigate, and Yharon decided to stop and make camp, taking a large steel plate from the back of the wagon and throwing it onto the grass. He placed his hand on it, activating the magic circuits within and lighting a roaring fire. He quickly withdrew his hand, the flames licking at his fingers.


"Is that a combustion plate?" Thassiel asked.

"Yeah. Some of the other traders don't like machina, but I think they're pretty great!"

"Wasn't it expensive?"

"I got this one a long time back, when people didn't think they were going to sell. Got it for a single gold coin. I bought a ton of them, actually. Sold the rest for quite a nice profit." Yharon said, chuckling to himself.


"I don't trust those machines. Tend to fail and explode." Jorral rumbled.

Elza frowned. "...Thats the problem you have with them?"


"Nah, those are just rumors. The new ones don't do that." Yharon replied.

"Then the old ones did? Like the one you have?" Jorral asked, raising his eyebrows.



Yharon didn't respond.


Aisha stirred, pushing herself up from Elza's lap.


"Finally awake, dear?"

"I wasn't sleeping. Just thinking."

"Well dear, I hope you're done thinking, because we might see bandits tonight."



Aisha got up and walked off into the forest, grabbing her crossbow and bolts from the inside of the wagon, and sliding on a green amulet.


"Where are you going?"



Elza stared at the retreating figure, soon turning into a dark silhouette, that disappeared into the trees. She got down from the wagon and walked over to the fire, where the rest of the party sat.


"Where's Aisha?" Thassiel asked.

"She… walked off."

"What do you mean?" Calen asked, alarmed. "Did she abandon us??"

"I don't think so… um, but she did take her crossbow with her."

"What does she think she's doing?? Doesn't she know there are bandits here? And monsters??" Calen demanded.

"Let her be. She can handle herself. She'll be back, we're in the middle of nowhere." Jorral said.

"But still! What is she-"


Calen was interrupted by a loud snap echoing in the distance. Everyone at the fire stood up, drawing their weapons, and watching the treeline warily.


Aisha appeared at the treeline, lugging the corpse of a large bear behind her, a hole about two inches wide in the side of it's head. She put it down, drawing her shortsword, and began to cut into the carcass, cutting off chunks of meat and skinning the animal.


"Where did you learn to do that?" Calen asked.

"This is just a basic survival skill."

"Who taught you?"

"I taught myself."

"Did you live alone or something?"


"...Then why?"

"No one else would teach me."


Aisha winced as she struggled to cut a stand of sinew, eventually cutting through, but splashing blood over herself and sending the blade dangerously close to her other hand. She bit into the piece of raw meat, tearing off large chunks with her teeth and sending blood flying, some landing into the fire with a sizzle.


"Uh… I've got some pots and pans in the wagon."


Calen slowly took a bite from his skewer as he watched Aisha macerate the piece of meat, holding it with her bare hands. He looked at the pile of meat that sat next to her. It had been piled up about a meter high after she had finished butchering the bear, but now only four or five steaks sat in the pile. Aisha had juices all over her gloves, hands and face, but paid no mind, only focused on the steaks in front of her.


"Gods Aisha, when's the last time you ate?" Calen asked.

"Fhree daysh ago." Aisha said, her mouth full of meat.

"Three days ago!?" Thassiel exclaimed. "Why?"


Aisha swallowed her mouthful of bear steak, picking up another one from the pan at her side.

"Didn't need to."

"What do you mean?"

"Fey can live without eating."

"Don't you get hungry?"

"Not anymore."


The group was silent, only the sound of Aisha's eating permeating the silence. Eventually, she finished her pile of meat, and went off into the forest, presumably to wash her hands… or find another animal to eat.


"Well, we should rest. Who wants to keep first watch?" Calen suggested.

"Aren't there bandits coming? Shouldn't we all stay up?" Thassiel asked.

"What if they come the next night? Then we would be too tired to fight." Elza said.

"Yeah, so we should take shifts." Calen said.

"But still…" Thassiel trailed off, uncertain.

"Come on. It'll be just like the stories!" Calen said.

"Are you talking about those old hume books?"

"Yeah! Remember that one story about the bastard child, and the throne…"




Eventually, the party stopped talking, and went to sleep near the wagon and combustion plate, which Yharon turned off and put back into the wagon. The merchant went into the wagon to sleep, while Jorral sat down on a nearby fallen log, shifting and crunching slightly under his weight.


(Ugh. Old log. I hope there aren't any bugs on it.)




Calen sighed.


(This is so boring. Has it been two hours yet? I wish I brought a watch with me...)


Earlier, they had agreed that they would each keep watch for two hours, and then switch, so that each party member got 6 hours of sleep. There was no light, the canopy above them too thick to leak moonlight through. After a while, he started to tune out the ambience of the forest as well, until all that was left was just his own thoughts...

He was starting to feel tired... and it probably had been two hours… He got up from the log, to wake up Jorral for his shift.


He stumbled around in the dark, eventually making his way over to the tall man's sleeping form. He drew his sword, infusing magic into it to create a dull red light.




He didn't stir. Calen frowned. Jorral had never been a deep sleeper, living in a house with 6 other people.


"Jorral." He whispered, louder this time.


Calen's eyes widened. There was no sound coming from his mouth. In fact, he couldn't hear anything.

He wheeled around in a panic, seeing a flash of a large silhouette, with a dagger raised in its hand.

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