Vanishing Embers

Chapter 41: The Orc Village Part 2

"Let's have a duel."

Richard looked at Aisha with a confused expression. "...A duel? ...Why?"

"I need proof that I killed an orc. If I win, give me your necklace." Aisha pointed at the

The orc fingered his necklace. "Dude, this is just something that I bought for 5 silvers. You can have it."


Aisha was silent, feeling quite stupid. She assumed that it was a family heirloom, or some hunting trophy… Hana stroked her head in a comforting manner.

"...I still want to duel you." Aisha said quietly.


"I just want to see if I can beat you." She muttered.

"Why are you still so obsessed with beating people!?" Hana complained.

"I like it!" Richard said excitedly. "If it's to help you with your self-image, I'm happy to help. I'm not really a fighter, but I'll spot you!"

"...Thanks." Aisha said, tentatively. She tried to get up off of Hana's lap, but her legs gave out from under her, and she leaned on the table for support. Hana picked her up by the waist, chiding her softly, holding her tightly in her lap.


"It looks like you still need some time to heal up." Richard observed. "I'll be at the training grounds tomorrow, if you're good to go by then."


With that, the hulking orc excused himself, got up from the bench, and left. An athletic looking female orc took his place, sliding over the bench.


"Hey, what's up, outsiders!" She greeted. "I'm Greta."

"Uh..." Hana looked to Aisha, but her mouth was full. She shifted nervously in her seat. "Hi."

The orc smiled at the two women. "You two are adorable together."

"What does that mean?" Hana asked.

"Err… you're a really cute couple?" The orc offered.


Hana froze, her hands moving from Aisha's lap to her sides.


"H-ha! Ha! Um. W-w-we're-we-I-I-" She stammered. "We're not… together."

"We're not?" Aisha asked sadly, her ears flattening on her head. Hana's breath caught in her throat, and her heart pounded in her chest.

"Really?" Greta asked. "She's sitting on your lap, though!"

"We-we're just… friends with.. .benefits." Hana mumbled.

"You two look like you really care for each other!"

Hana's chest filled with grief. "N-no… I… I'm… not in love." She said quietly, as if trying to convince herself of something. "Nope! Not. Together."


Greta schooched back, sensing that she had hit a sore note in the conversation. She pat Hana on the shoulder, as she slid herself over the polished wood, grabbing some food.


"Hana?" Aisha asked. The concerned tone in her voice sent butterflies through Hana's stomach. Aisha turned around, straddling Hana's waist and giving the succubus a good view of her adorable little face.


"Don't look at me like that!" Hana cried.

"This is just my normal face."


At the heat that ran into her body, Hana got up, horrified at herself. Her wings flapped, and mana began to gather in her wings as she attempted to fly away, but Aisha gripped her wrist, much weaker than usual, but still enough to stop her.


"Hey!" Aisha said quietly. "At least carry me to bed."




Hana dumped Aisha on top of the massive bed, not even bothering to put her underneath the sheets before she quickly turned around and tried to leave. She yelped as Aisha forcefully pulled her on top of the mattress with her.


"I thought you were weak!" Hana cried.

"I thought you might try to run." Aisha said quietly. "What's wrong?"

"...Nothing! Let's just--let's just go to sleep!" Hana said nervously.


Aisha turned so that she was face to face with Hana. The intensity in her sharp gaze made Hana turn her head away, flushed.


"I know you like me." Aisha said. "I'm not dense."

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about." Hana muttered.

"I like you too."



"...You know, succubi aren't a separate race from demons." Hana whispered lowly.


"Some demons are unlucky to be born weak, and ugly. They usually die to Elith clans, or demon warlords, or just… starve. Others are born weak... and beautiful. Those are the unfortunate ones."


Hana's face turned dark, a stark contrast to her usual aloofness.


"Do you know why demons always end up alone? Why we can't form attachments?" Hana muttered.


"It's because it makes it all the more difficult when you lose everything."


"You know, I used to have a friend. He was a warrior demon. We thought that we could... avoid everything, as long as we just kept running. And I was okay with that."


"It only lasted a month." Hana said quietly. "We ran into a wastelord. I couldn't eat for a long time after that, but I still had to serve him. Or he would have killed me too."

"I..." Aisha started.

"I know you have..." Hana bit her lip. "I know you have someone else you're going to leave me for. I'm ok with that. But I don't want to… I don't want to do that again. I wanted to die. It was awful."


Aisha's only response was to give the succubus a tight squeeze, burying her face into her neck and rubbing her nose into Hana's cheek.


"That doesn't help!" Hana whined. "...I don't... want to care about anything! I don't want to care about you."

"Doesn't that sound like a hollow existence?" Aisha asked. "Never enjoying yourself, because you're afraid to lose it?"

"...You don't understand." Hana muttered. "In the wastes-"

"We're not in the wastes."


Hana tried to leave again, but Aisha's strength had returned, and her grip was like iron.


"You… look like you already have it bad." Aisha said. She let go of Hana's chest, coughing at the pressure on her own, injured lungs.

"A-are you ok!?" Hana said, instantly concerned.


"...Dammit!" She cried.


Hana was on the verge of tears, and Aisha wasn't sure what else to do, so she pulled the covers out from under them and covered both their bodies with the sheet. She felt bad for Hana. After all, she felt the same grief…




It was daybreak when Aisha awoke, happily snuggled into Hana's lovely body. She squished her head into the succubus's breasts, burying her cold ears into Hana's neck, and sighing in contentment.


Hana's eyes snapped open at the feeling of fluffy appendages tickling her neck. She scratched at her face, annoyed at a few dried tear spots under her eyes.


She looked down at Aisha, who looked back at her, with her warm, inviting eyes. Hana's chest instantly bloomed with heat. For a while, she just… looked into her eyes, at her loving expression. It was adorable, but… it didn't hold a candle to that absolutely devoted, adoring expression that Hana knew was reserved for someone else.




"Maruna almighty... " Hana muttered, as she walked through the orc camp. "It's too sweaty, even for me."

"You demons don't worship Alrak?"

"Why would we? Our lives are terrible because of him."

"Good point, I guess."


Hana pinched her nose shut and backed off from the scene in front of her. They had reached the "main" area of the orc compound, where there was… copious amounts of weightlifting equipment. The air was filled with sounds of grunting and encouraging words, as what seemed to be all the orcs in the village worked out. Aisha walked in with no problem.


An orc got up from his bench and got up to shake Aisha's hand. At first, she thought it was Richard, but the orc had a mohawk, instead of being bald. She stared at the outstretched hand, dripping with sweat and radiating a metallic smell from the equipment. The orc followed Aisha's line of sight and sheepishly retracted the hand.


"What's up? You're the Juwai girls, right? I'm Michael."

"Uh… Hey… Michael." Aisha said tentatively.

"So what brings you here?" The orc asked. "Here to lift? I'll spot you!"

"Er, no. Do you know where Richard is?"

"Oh yeah, he's over there!"


Michael pointed at an orc on a bench press across the compound, about fifty feet away. Aisha waded through the crowd of sweaty orcs, intent on reaching Richard.




"Hey, how do you hold this thing?" Richard asked, squinting at the sword in his hand.

Aisha stood across from him in the circle, "Again… we're in a duel. I'm not going to tell you."


One of Richard's friends leaned over and whispered in his ear, adjusting the sword in his hand. "Here, I think you hold it like this!"

"Thanks, bro!"


Aisha covered her face with her hands in exasperation.

"You're holding it upside down." She groaned.

"Really? I think it looks cool like this!"


Aisha sheathed her sword and walked back over to a bench, plopping herself down next to Hana. She held her head in her hands with a tired expression, as Hana stroked her back..


"Uh, you good?" Richard asked.

"Yeah." Aisha said. "We don't have to duel anymore. I'm… pretty sure I know what the outcome would be."

"Really?" Richard was surprised. "I think I have a fair shot at beating you!"

"You thought a kitchen knife was a sword."

"I mean, it was as big as yours."


Aisha let out a large breath. She wasn't sure how to feel about this. On one hand… she definitely could have completed the contract with ease. But on the other hand, she felt like she hadn't proved anything. There was no accomplishment in knowing that she could beat a civilian.


"Don't you guys have any fighters?" Aisha asked.

"Hey man, I know I'm inexperienced, but there's no need to insult me like that."

"It's not an insult..." Aisha said offhandedly. "It's just a fact... you're not a fighter."


Richard furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm sure I could overpower you and beat you."


"Hey man, we may not be into all that warrior stuff, but we're not weak. We fend for ourselves, from the monsters in this forest."

"I'm not saying that you're weak." Aisha said, slowly. "I just doubt that you could beat me in a fight."

"Try it."


Aisha rolled her eyes as she got up from the bench, taking off the top of her uniform and showing off her thin, but muscular arms. She didn't even bother drawing her sword, stepping into the center of the ring and holding her hands by her sides lazily.


Richard stepped close to Aisha, his eight foot frame towering over Aisha's five feet. The difference was almost comical, Richard's arm just shy of the width of Aisha's entire torso. Orcs from around the village began to gather, interested in the street fight.


"You get the first move." Richard said.


The orc didn't even have time to raise his fists before Aisha sprang into action, quickly circling around the orc and planting a hook directly into the back of his knee. Richard crumpled to one knee, letting out a yell of pain as he cupped his hands over his leg. Orcs in the gallery collectively let out a grunt of sympathy for him.


"I never intended on letting you have the first move." Aisha muttered.



Richard made a wild swing behind him, craning his body to attempt to see Aisha and hit her, but she dodged easily, fully circling around his body. When he swiveled around in the other direction to look for her, the motion brought his face directly into Aisha's fist, sending him flying sideways, sprawled across the dirt.


"Ow..." He said, groaning in pain and getting up. "I think that's enough. You win."

"That's all you've got?" Aisha goaded. "I thought you said you could overpower me?"

"Hey man, you've won. No need to rub it in."

"Come at me again! You weren't serious at all!"


The orc groaned, but nonetheless he got back up on his feet, grumbling to himself and rubbing his very sore and bruised jaw.


"No more hits to the face." He grumbled.

"The only other option is..." Aisha trailed off.

"Not below the belt either!"

"You're only giving me like a single option to hit!" Aisha said, incredulously.

"It's a handicap." Richard grumbled. "You're clearly more experienced at this than me."

"You're probably twice as big as me, but i'm not asking you to lose any weight." Aisha retorted.

"Come on, man."


Aisha sensed that the orc was nearing the end of his patience, so she decided to agree to his request.


She sighed. "Alright then."


Aisha racked her brain, trying to figure out how to beat the orc without going for the groin or head. The only real option she had was his chest… but she could barely even reach his chest.


"Go Aisha!" Came a bubbly, mischievous voice from behind her. Aisha turned around to look at Hana.

"What are you doing?"

"Cheering you- LOOK OUT!" She shrieked.


Aisha whipped back around to the the massive, eight foot tall orc barreling towards her at an alarmingly fast speed.


(He's fast, for someone so big! I think I barely have enough time to dodge, though…)


A bead of sweat dripped down her forehead as she realized that Hana was behind her, and directly in the path of the orc's charge. Hana was tough. She could probably take the charge. She could probably even fly out of the way before the orc hit her.


But a small part of Aisha… thought about the possibility of her not dodging. Of the charge, catching her unaware, or… if she trusted Aisha to save her. Aisha didn't want her to get hurt. So she grit her teeth, taking a wide stance, and preparing for contact.


Aisha met the orc's charge, grappling with Richard, his massive hands dwarfing Aisha's. Her boots made deep impressions into the ground as she slid across the dirt. Aisha let out a grunt of exertion as she grappled with the orc, whose eyes went wide as Aisha's backward momentum slowly reduced to a stop.


"Hey… There's no way!" He said in disbelief.


At the feeling of the orc's wavering grip, Aisha lifted Richard above her head and slammed him into the ground, his head slamming against the dirt floor. He groaned in pain, as Aisha rubbed at her arms, the grapple with the orc tiring her recently-healed body.


Aisha turned around at the sound of light clapping, to see Hana's smiling face. Aisha couldn't help but smile back.

Richard got up from the ground, rubbing his head again. He grumbled as he returned to a sitting position, brushing off dirt from his back.


"That strength wasn't natural!" He said. "Was that a technik?"

"Uh… no?"

"Let me check your arms!"


Richard struggled to a standing position and made his way over to Aisha, stumbling a little. He held one of Aisha's arms in his palm, his hand almost larger than the entire forearm.


Richard poked a little at her bicep. It was firm, but still had a little give. Aisha coughed.


"Seems normal." He muttered. "Can you flex for me?"


Aisha tensed the muscles in her arm and Richard poked at them again, this time, with no give whatsoever. His eyes widened as he took Aisha's arm in his hand and squeezed.


"They're like rocks!" He exclaimed. "Not even-- They're like metal! How did you get them so hard!?"

"I don't know." Aisha muttered. "I think I ate some pills or something."

"I've heard of something like this! An ancient training technique..." He said in amazement. Orcs began to gather around, curious at the girl's unnatural strength.


"Ancient?" Aisha asked.

"Yeah… Ordinarily, muscles only get bigger when you lift. But your muscles are packed together super tight. It's usually impossible to get them to do this, but apparently… you could achieve it by subjecting yourself to near-death experiences over and over again..."

"You know about that?" Aisha asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I read about it when I was training to be a shaman!"


(He's ripped, but also a shaman?) Aisha wondered.


"Wow… this type of training was supposed to be used by the gods!" Richard exclaimed. Orcs around them gasped in wonder. Aisha shifted uncomfortably, unused to all the attention.


"That's great, now can I get that necklace and leave?" Aisha said.

"Yeah, of course."


Aisha turned around and wrapped her arms around Hana cheekily, grinning at the succubus's surprised expression and undignified squeak. She retrieved her outer clothing from her hands, sliding back on her uniform, and then her leather armor.


Aisha coughed and cleared her throat, holding her hand up to her mouth. Richard caught a glimpse of her necklace, before disappearing into her scarf.


"Hey!" He said, urgently. "What's that? Around your neck!"


Aisha pulled out the onyx necklace-- Celeste's gift. Aisha's face turned sour at the thought of the woman.

"What, this?" She asked.

"That's a very dangerous thing you're holding!" Richard warned. "Onyx are from the wastes! Things that come from there are extremely dangerous! I wouldn't hold onto that if I were you!"


Richard apologized profusely at the bristly, annoyed look that Hana shot him, and the dangerous glare that Aisha looked at him with.




Aisha yawned as she walked down the street back to the guild, money happily in her pocket. Hana walked by her, shifting uncomfortably in her disguise.


"I don't get how you humes do this!" She complained. "My feet hurt!"

"You're asking for it, not wearing any shoes."

"They chafe my ankles." Hana pouted. "This silky skin is the only thing keeping me from starving!"


Aisha just bumped Hana's side playfully, taking her hand in her own.


"Holding hands!" Hana exclaimed, looking at their handlock in wonder. "Wow… That's so lewd..."

"That's so weird." Aisha said.

"What's weird!?"

"How you think things like hugging and hand-holding are lewd." Aisha said. "People do it all the time!"

"Really!??" Hana said. "Whoa…. I knew humes were dirty!"


Aisha rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but feel like the succubus's wonder was cute, in a way. She swung their arms lazily as they neared the guild, the sun setting behind them.




"Can I get a root beer?" Aisha asked.

"Why do you ask for a different drink every time?" The clerk asked, annoyed. "This isn't a fine dining restaurant."

"I just want to try out all the flavors."

"They're all just pure sugar!"


Aisha just took the drink happily, as the clerk gave her a dirty look. She popped the cap open with her thumb and sat down in her chair contently, as she leaned up against Hana comfortably, closing her eyes..



As always, her relaxation was interrupted by a dark shadow falling over her. She opened her eyes slowly, seeing a-


"Aisha!" Celeste screeched. "Where have you been!?"

"Out adventuring." Aisha grimaced at the phrase. It sounded… weird.

"Out on a contract." She corrected.

"Why haven't you visited me!?" Celeste demanded desperately. "A-and who's this!?"


Hana spoke up. "I'm Aisha's friend! Are you her mother?"

Celeste sputtered. "No I'm not-- I'm not her-- I'm not her mom! We're not even the same race! And she's only two years younger than me!"

"Oh." Hana giggled. "Whoops."

"I don't trust you!" Celeste cried, pointing at Hana. "I-I know we're not on the best terms right now, but Aisha's still my… hey!"


Hana quickly looked around for people watching her before grabbing Celeste by the wrist, pulling her close. Pink mist exited Hana's mouth as she giggled, her eyes turning pink as the mist entered Celeste's eyes and nose. Celeste struggled, but soon her eyes held the misty pink mana in her eyes, as she staggered a bit, red entering her cheeks.


"W-whoa..." Celeste muttered, losing balance a bit before falling into Hana's arms.

"W-what did you do to me!?" She demanded weakly.

"Is that any way to speak to your mistress?" Hana purred seductively.

.Celeste panted heavily as she was forced to look into Hana's eyes, a hand gripping her chin and tilting her head upwards. She tried to look away, but the light pink tint in Hana's eyes was so… mesmerizing… She had to keep her eyes on her…

The sound of the guild slowly faded away, as all she could process was that enchanting glow in the woman's eyes, pulling her deeper and deeper into a trance…


Aisha watched from the side, curious at seeing Hana's magic at work. She watched as with every breath, more mist spilled out of Hana's mouth and into Celeste's, strengthening the hypnosis. A light blush entered her cheeks as she watched the two buxom women rub against each other…


Aisha quickly looked around the guild, worried about Hana spilling her identity inside of the guild. There weren't a lot of people suspicious, but eyes were certainly gathering on the three girls as Hana buried Celeste's face in her cleavage, giggling mischievously.


"Um… we should probably move." Aisha said.




"Hey Aisha!" Fei greeted cheerfully, as Aisha left the guild, walking straight past her. She let out a small "Eek!" of surprise as she was almost ran over by the two tall women following her, not registering her existence at all.


"That was rude." Fei pouted. She turned around, looking at them as they walked past.




"Hey um..." Aisha asked, sitting on top of Celeste's stomach, pushing on her chest playfully.. "What did you do to her?"


She poked at Celeste's cheek, but there was no response from the woman, as if she was a vegetable.


"Oh!" Hana said, stretching out her wings, free from her disguise. "It's because I told her to not do anything but follow us. I can… release her if you want!"


At Aisha's nod, Hana leaned in close to Celeste's face, almost leaning in for a kiss, but instead whispering a few words. Celeste noticeably responded, her eyes going from glassy to misty, and her breath beginning to come out in light pants once more.


"W-what did you do to me!?" Celeste whispered. Her breath hitched, speeding up as she caught Hana's gaze.

"You're under my spell now." Hana teased, running her finger over Celeste's plush lips, which opened lustily. "You. Belong. To. Me."


She accentuated every word with a playful poke at Celeste's face. Aisha unstraddled Celeste's waist as Hana sat down on the side of the bed, giggling and leaning down.


"H-help m-mmmph!" Celeste cried, muffled by a kiss.

"Don't you want to join us?" Hana called from behind her.

"I'm good." Aisha said dismissively. "Call me when you're done."


She grabbed the key to Celeste's apartment before leaving, going out into the streets.


"Isn't she such a prude?" Hana teased, caressing Celeste. The woman could only whimper in response.




"I haven't seen you in a while, dog." Sighed Korian, propping his head up with a hand.

"You've upgraded." Aisha noted.


Korian's stall was now twice as big, having absorbed the space of his once-neighbor. He now had a proper desk and walls, but various leatherworking supplies were still crammed into the back corners sloppily.


"Yeah, I have. Magistrate pays well. Gets kind of boring though. Where have you been?"

"I bought all the armor I need." Aisha remarked. "It's served me well."

"It should." He murmured, his speech slurred by the hand on his cheek. "I made it. What are you even here for?"

"Just to talk."

"Just to talk?" Korian said incredulously. "You've never even wanted to talk to me!"

"I dunno. There's just… not much else to do, I guess."

"You've always had something to do." The leatherworker mused. "You're in quite the hurry to get yourself killed. What's changed? Girlfriend?"

"Yeah, your mom is great." Aisha muttered, as she turned around and left. She vaguely felt the pang of a copper coin being thrown at the back of her head.




"Aisha!" Kua exclaimed. "W-what are you doing here? I-It's... um… it's been a while."


Aisha scratched the back of her head nervously.

"Just here to talk, I guess."


Kua raised an eyebrow. "Really?"


(When did people learn to read me so well?) Aisha wondered, as she was ushered into Kua's cozy little apartment, a tanned hand on her back.


Aisha crawled into Kua's lap as soon as the fighter girl sat down, murmuring happily as the amazon stroked her ears lovingly.


"Is this why you came to me?" Kua asked.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,,," Aisha murmured. "You're the only one I don't have to ask for headpats..."

"What's wrong with asking?"

"It's not the asking..." Aisha said softly. "It's just… if they don't want to, then it doesn't feel as goooood...."


Aisha's eyelids began to droop as Kua scratched her ears, the girl's skilled fingers sending sensation through Aisha's head.


"So what's up?" Kua whispered.

"I dunno… I just feel so… tired." Aisha whispered back. "I don't want to do any contracts… even though I don't feel… physically tired."

"You're burning yourself out." Kua said softly. "You should take a break. Why not just spend a few days here with us? Tomorrow's the weekend."


Aisha mewled adorably, turning over in Kua's lap.



"...Hey, why'd you stop?"

"I think you should probably head home."




Aisha returned to the spacious apartment, unlocking the door and entering the apartment. The first thing that she noticed was… the entire place smelled like sex, the musty pheromones of a hume body, mixing with the intoxicating scent of demon pheromones to create a suffocating smell.


When she reached the bedroom, the sight that greeted her was the naked bodies of two incredibly busty, sexy women, tangled together on the sheets in afterglow.


"Oh hey, Aisha..." Hana said, weakly. "Mmmm… you should have jooooiiined usss...."


Aisha blushed, as she began to strip off her clothes, down to her undergarments.

"Well, I'm… still going to join you guys..."


She crawled into bed in-between the two warm bodies, still warm from the heated lovemaking that took place just a few minutes prior. Aisha felt like heaven as she felt two sets of arms circle around her, one fluffy and the other silky, engaging in a weak tug of war. All that the two women succeeded in doing was pulling themselves closer to Aisha, the girl happily snuggling into the incredibly warm, heated embrace. She purred in pure contentment, sandwiched between two busty women, her entire body covered in warmth. The feeling almost knocked her out, the heat and comfort sedating her mind like a drug.


But despite Aisha's state of ecstasy, a small feeling in her chest refused to go away, nagging at her brain, as if… she had forgotten something.

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