Vanishing Embers

Chapter 42: Aisha's Day Off


"This is boring."

"It's not supposed to be exciting. Shut up."


Aisha grunted as she lifted up the heavy bar from her chest, disk-like weights at each end.


"I thought you said there wasn't going to be any more strength training!"

"This isn't strength training. The goal isn't to make your muscles any bigger. It's to give them definition."

"I--*huff*--don't know what that means!"

"The method through which you've trained yourself requires constant upkeep. If you don't, then they'll rip through your skin and you'll die of blood loss. Keep lifting."


"Your muscles are currently packed very tight in that little body of yours, compressed. If you grow lax, what do you think is going to happen?"

"...This is still so tedious."

"Most people would prefer this type of training to being repeatedly pushed to the brink of death. But I digress. If you don't do it, you'll die anyway."


Aisha continued to lift the bar in silence


"...Do you have any friends?"

"I did."

"Then what happened?"

"They died."


Aisha just scoffed at the realization that the information was of no use to her whatsoever.



She dropped the bar on her head.



Aisha's eyes furrowed as, in her sleepy state, she heard giggling from above her.


"Look at this!" A voice giggled.


She felt a pair of hands squishing her cheeks, pressing her lips together in an unpleasant way.

"Waaaaah!" She complained, opening her eyes and flailing her arms. At the sight of Hana's giggling face, she puffed out her cheeks, pouting childishly. Aisha was vaguely aware of Hana's hands, pinning her arms to the bed, and a pair of legs pinning her sides.


"Awake?" Hana asked, booping Aisha on the nose.

"I am now." Aisha grumbled. "Why'd you wake me up?"

"It's afternoon." Hana giggled. "You slept the entire morning! You were soooo cute..."

"You can't take her from me-MMMPH!!" Screeched an indignant voice from beside Aisha. She rolled her head over the covers to see who had spoken. It was Celeste, with her hands and feet bound to a chair with a rope.


"Oops!" Hana said, sticking her fingers into Celeste's mouth. "Heehee! Slaves don't speak without their mistress's permission!"

"Mmmmhhh..." Aisha whined, rolling around on the bed. "It's cold… come back to beddd..."

"You still want to go to bed?" Hana asked incredulously, fingers still jammed in a struggling Celeste's mouth. "You've slept for like… half a day!"

"I like cuddling." Aisha pouted. "What else am I going to do?"

"Go out?" Hana suggested. "Friends?"

"I don't need them." Aisha muttered.


Hana was, at the same time, both touched and concerned for Aisha.

"Alright then!" Hana smiled. "More cuddles!"


Hana giggled and fiddled with something on Celeste's neck, before jumping into bed with Aisha and smothering her head into her breasts. Celeste yelped as she was violently yanked into the bed as well by Hana's magical tether, forced on top of the bed.


She reluctantly wrapped her arms around Aisha's waist, pressing her breasts into her back. Aisha murmured happily as Celeste rested her head on top of Aisha's neck, hiding her face and whispering into Aisha's ears.

"What are you doing?" She asked. "Are you under her spell?"

"Not really." Aisha replied, muffled by Hana's chest.


Celeste looked up fearfully at the succubus, her ashy skin and curling horns framing an amused expression. Celeste had no doubt that she could hear her whispers, but her voice only came out in a hushed, fearful register.

"T-then why don't you help me!?" She whispered.


Aisha yawned cutely, the warmth of the two women's bodies sending a sleepy ecstasy through her body. She squeezed Hana's body a little tighter, her eyes growing involuntarily heavy.

"Mmmm… too tired." She mumbled.

"N-no!" Celeste cried, desperately.



Aisha dozed off into slumber, happily-


"Stop shaking me... mmmnnnn" She groaned, as Celeste placed both her hands on Aisha's side and rolled her back and forth.

"No! No! Stop going to sleep! You've gotta help meeeeeeee!" Celeste wailed. "Tell her to free me!"

"What did she even do to you?" Aisha asked tiredly.

"I can't leave this place! A-And whenever she gets close to me I-"


Aisha put a hand on her tummy, sucking on her tongue in discomfort.


"I need water..." She whined. "...And food."


Hana giggled and got up, tugging Celeste's neck on her tether.




"Hey Celeste! Hey Aisha!" Vigil greeted. "Who's this?"

"She's Hana." Aisha said, wrapping her body around Hana's arm and squeezing. Vigil gave her a strange look, as well as Celeste, who shifted nervously. But nonetheless, Vigil extended her hand in a friendly gesture.

"Hey Hana." Vigil smiled. "You look really pretty!"

Hana giggled. "Thanks!"


Hana stepped close to Vigil and leaned in close. Vigil laughed nervously, taking a step back in her sandals defensively and raising her hands.


Hana took Vigil's head in both of her hands and leaned in, pulling their faces together and giving her a sloppy kiss. It took a minute for Vigil's brain to even register what was happening, her arms going slack and her face remaining in a smile.


Vigil blushed scarlet red and pushed Hana away frantically, falling back on her ass. She wiped her mouth and babbled incoherently.

"Wuh…? I- Heaub ah- uh!"


Vigil scrambled to her feet and turned around, rushing off in embarrassment. Hana stared at her retreating form, dress trailing in the wind, and giggled at her back, absentmindedly grabbing Celeste's hand and walking off cheerfully.


"Why the hell did you do that??" Celeste demanded.

"I dunno!" Hana responded playfully. "It was fun!"

"You're a sick, perverted-"

"You weren't like this in the orc village." Aisha said.

"...The orc village?" Celeste asked.

"Yeah. She wanted to leave really bad." Aisha explained. "And I think she cried."


Hana's smile and playfulness faded away from her face.

"They were too big." Hana muttered. "I felt like… they could kill me if they wanted to."

Aisha just tilted her head in curiosity. "They probably couldn't."

"I just felt… uncomfortable."


Celeste seethed with jealousy at the look of concern that Aisha gave Hana, an expression she had never received for herself, even when she had poured her heart out to her on that day. She opened her mouth to make a bitter comment-


"We're here." Aisha said.


She pointed at the little building on the side of the street, a small, dingy little doorway, sunken into the building. The door had paint flaking off of it in chunks, leaving the door almost the same white shade as the walls around it. If Aisha hadn't pointed out the little entrance, Celeste would have probably not even realized that there was a building there.


"What is this place?" Celeste asked.

"I eat here! I like it."


Hana just shrugged happily and followed Aisha into the little doorway, leaving an uncertain Celeste behind. It looked like a murder house, and she wasn't sure if the succubus wasn't going to knock her out as soon as she stepped inside the building.


"Dammit!" She seethed, stamping a heeled foot on the ground. She needed to keep an eye on the two.




Celeste stepped into the musty little establishment and almost tripped, on the stairs that led down into the actual building. A elderly man filled a glass from a tap behind a bar, glancing at the woman as she stepped into the little bar.


Celeste gasped. As the man turned around to face her, she got a good look at the two ears that adorned the top of his head, slowly greying with the rest of his hair. The man was a fey! In fact, looking around the rest of the place, Celeste was the only hume there.


"Who are you?" The old man asked. "Are you one of Aisha's friends?"


The man spoke in a tired, withered tone, but something about his tone and facial expression, as well as the pointed glances that came from the rest of the patrons, made Celeste worried for her life.


"Y-yes! Yes! I am!" She replied in a hurried tone.

Mirth returned to the old man's face, and he smiled at Celeste. "Then make yourself at home."


Celeste hurried to Aisha's table, ankles buckling slightly as she rushed over to a booth in the corner. She slid in in a hurry, accidentally sitting next to Hana, who giggled and slipped an arm around her. Celeste flushed red and squirmed, but Hana's grip was strong, keeping Celeste close, and forcing her head into her chest.


"Diane!" The old man yelled. "Aisha and her friends need a waitress!"

"Coming!" Came an old woman's voice from the back.


A similarly elderly woman, most likely the bartender's wife, rushed over from the back with a pad and pencil.


"Aww..." She cooed, caressing Aisha's cheek. "Welcome back, dear. Who are your friends?"

"Oh! Ummm..." Aisha trailed off. She pointed at Hana. "She's Hana… and that one's.... Uhhh..."

"You forgot already!?" Celeste erupted. "It's Celeste!"

"I knew that!" Aisha replied sheepishly.


The old woman smiled at Aisha, and then at Celeste and Hana.

"It's great to see you making friends. What would you like?" She asked.


Aisha read out her order from a menu, as a thin, short haired fey woman in the booth next to them leaned over her seat to look at Aisha, peering over the back of the booth..

"Why do you always order from the kids menu? This is a bar!" She asked.

Aisha just ignored her, giving the elderly woman a small menu, printed on a laminated sheet of paper.


"And you'd like a pink lemonade with that, right dear?" The elderly woman cooed. Aisha nodded her head, and received a pat on the head, bouncing energetically. Diane then turned to Hana and Celeste.


"And what would the lovebirds like?" She teased good-naturedly.

"I'm not-"

"Can I just have a *** ** *** *****?" Hana asked.

"Of course. And you?"


Celeste silently fumed in anger, muttering out her order.




"So how'd you find this place?" Celeste asked, trying not to stare at Aisha as she shoved an entire hotdog in her mouth, and desperately trying to ignore the succubus's arm around her shoulder.


"The old eyu at the bow store told me about it." Aisha muffled out. "I like the food."


Celeste swatted away Hana's hand as it approached dangerously close to her breast. Hana just laughed, taking a sip from her drink with a curly straw.


"Why are there only fey here?"

"Sposed to be a fey-only thing." Aisha said. "You know, since the whole 'fey aren't allowed in the capital' thing."



Celeste just sat in silence, as Hana started to pull the woman towards her, taking Celeste's chin in her hand and showing off her long, dexterous tongue.


"Stop!" She said, angrily. "Stop thatttt… stop..."


Celeste felt the strength leave her arms and legs as Hana's eyes entered her vision, a familiar heat entering her body.


Hana giggled. "Always so much easier the second time!"

"No! Stop..." She cried weakly, as Hana licked at the side of her cheek with her tongue. "Nnoo... stop... mistress..." She pleaded quietly.

"OH?" Hana exclaimed, excitedly. "What was that?"

Celeste flushed deeper red. "Nothing!"


Hana once again got close to Celeste, resting a leg on top of Celeste's lap, and attempted to molest her again, this time receiving only a pitiful display of resistance as Celeste leaned away from her. The mage looked at Aisha desperately, and only got an uninterested look in response.


"Why are you letting her do this to me!??" She begged.

Aisha turned to Celeste, surprised, as if hearing her for the first time that evening. "Oh. Uh… Hana!" She whined.

"Sorry..." Hana pouted. "But you're so far away!"


Hana giggled, tracing a clawed finger down Celeste's cheek.

"And this delicious, adorable little piece of suppressed sexuality..."

"Shut up!" Celeste panted out.

"Wait… she tastes better than I do?" Aisha asked.


Hana's face went sheepish, freezing.

"Well…" She said, slowly. "It's not that you don't taste nice... It's just... Celeste tastes soo much... richer. And sweet. Like a cake..."

Hana drooled, as Aisha puffed out her cheeks, pouting.




"That will be four silvers, dears." Diane said.


As Aisha pulled out her coin purse, the old woman hurriedly clasped her hands over Aisha's preventing her from paying.

"Oh, no no!" She hushed. "You don't have to pay anything, dear! Your adorable little face is all we need as payment."

"Are you sure?" Aisha asked.

Diane smiled, showing off the wrinkles in the corner of her eyes. "Of course, dear. Archie and I think of you like our own daughter."

"Alright then!" Aisha said, wrapping the elderly woman in a hug, which she returned graciously. Hana smiled at the display, while Celeste just gave Aisha a disapproving glare, as she fished out a few silvers from her purse.


As soon as they exit the building, Celeste turned to Aisha.

"Don't you feel bad, manipulating that old couple!?" She demanded.

"Mmmnnnot manipulating them." Aisha muttered. "The mind sees what it wants."

"You're taking advantage of them! Look at them, they clearly don't have a child of their own! They might have lost one, or something!" Celeste said.

"As far as I see it, I'm giving them what they want, and I get food in return." Aisha muttered. "It's a win win!"

"You're a grown woman!" Celeste barked.

"Hey!" Hana said protectively, wrapping her arms around Aisha. "She's a growing girl."

Celeste sputtered. "W-Wh-Wha-! I - sppl ppls pls psp"


Aisha just waved her off, rubbing her tummy. Hana followed her contently, smiling and holding hands with Aisha, giggling madly. Celeste fumed as she ran over, legs buckling slightly in her heels.


"Hey, I thought fey were immortal?" She asked. "Those two were... looking a little old."

"Only high fey are immortal. Something about the magic in the wood." Aisha said. "So I might not live forever either."

"Don't worry about that. Nobody really lives forever." Hana said.


Celeste seethed with jealousy as Aisha took Hana's left arm, hugging it close to her chest as they walked back to Celeste's apartment.


"What are you two even going to do after when you invade my apartment again!?" Celeste demanded bitterly.


"Cud-" Aisha started.

"Cuddle!" Hana replied happily.


"WHAT!?" Celeste screeched. "You-"

"Calm down, girl. You're causing a ruckus."


Celeste whipped her head around to see who had spoken, coming face to face with an older-looking man, face weathered by battle and age.


"J-judge Raxas!" She stuttered. "I-I-I-"

"Shh." He said, hushing Celeste. "It's my day off. I'm surprised you recognize me. Most people don't."

"O-of course I recognize you!" Celeste whispered. "You're the head of the adventuring program! And commander of the army!"

"Oh? A beautiful woman such as yourself is in my program? I'm honored."


Raxas bowed in a humorous, good-natured way. Aisha hastily pulled her hood over her head.


"W-what are you doing here?" Celeste asked.

"Just walking around. It's such a shame, isn't it." Raxas said wistfully. "These streets used to be filled with people. Then those damn fey..."


He paused, thinking to himself. He didn't notice the glare that Aisha and Hana sent his way.


"Just the musings of an old man." He muttered.

"Oh, you're not old!" Celeste said hastily. "You're only in your forties, right?"

"I guess. Feels like it's been centuries since the war started." He said grimly. "I wish there was a way for us to end it, but the fey have patron gods just like us. I've lost so many…"

"...Are you crying?" Aisha queried, as Raxas wiped at the edges of his eyes.

"You're also an adventurer right?" He said, turning to Aisha. "You've probably had friends that have died, right?"

"Uh, kind of." Aisha said, not meeting his gaze.

"It's a different feeling." He said.


"It's a different feeling." He muttered. "To see someone die, who you've never met, but you know… that he had his own story to tell. Might have a family. But I'll never know. All I know is that he died for our country. He died because of... of me. "


Aisha rolled her eyes. She was lucky that the hood hid the gesture.


"Ah, whatever." He said. "Thank you girls for doing the jobs we don't have the men to do."

"Take care though." He warned. "I've heard rumors of a fey who's infiltrated the program. Stay safe, girls."


With that, Raxas left, cursing as he stared sadly at the empty streets.


"Weird guy." Aisha said. Hana nodded in agreement.

"Weird?" Celeste said angrily. "He's a great man! He cares so much about us! He cries for the unnamed soldiers! Isn't that so touching?"

"Cares about you, maybe." Aisha said.




"Let's go back and cuddle!" Hana suggested. Aisha smiled and gripped Hana's hand in her own, swinging their arms as they walked away from Celeste, silent in internal turmoil.






Celeste let out a cry of help as she was tossed onto the bed, stripped completely naked, her legs and arms tied together.


"Hey! Untie me now! I-I-I'll hit you! I'll shock you so bad, you won't be able to walk for a week!"


Her angry expression faltered as Hana pressed a kiss to Aisha's mouth, both girls sharing an intimate look with each other.



"...Aisha?" Celeste whispered.


Aisha turned to Celeste with an apologetic expression, but nothing was said as she stripped down and hopped into the bed, resting her head on Celeste's body, facing away from the woman. Her eyes grew droopy as she sighed in contentment, after a filling meal and a nice walk, slowly losing herself to sleep. Hana soon joined her in the bed, anger returning to Celeste's face as the succubus rested a hand on Celeste's side to hug Aisha.


"You can't take her from me!!" She screamed. "I won'-MMPH!"


Celeste only heard a giggle before a gag was jammed into her mouth, as she flailed on the sheets pitifully. She struggled for a few minutes before her arms and legs grew tired and sore, tears beginning to well up in her eyes.


Hana sat up in the bed, cradling Aisha's head in her lap. At first sight of Celeste's tears, she turned her head away abashedly, but after a while, the guilt and curiosity got the better of her. She reached around Celeste's head and undid the ball-gag.


"What's wrong? Stop crying… it's just a game." She offered weakly.

"You can't… take her away from me…" Celeste cried.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw that look she gave you… back at the guild." Celeste wailed. "She loves you, more than she ever even liked me!"

"Oh dear..." Hana sighed.

"Why does everybody who I-*hic*-who I love leave me for someone else!" She cried. "I k-know I-I d-didn't treat her that well, but I-I-I-"


Celeste burst into tears, bawling into the sheets. Hana felt very awkward, not only in the presence of the woman's breakdown, but also feeling quite guilty, as the reason of said breakdown. She reached her hand out awkwardly, but retracted it, feeling like it was not the best option.


"Hey..." Hana said, carefully. "It's Celeste, right?"

"D-don't preten-*hic*-pretend like you care, daemon!" She said angrily. "She even remembered your name! I had to drill it into her!"

Hana sighed. "Hey, listen. You want me to tell you a little secret?"


"She has someone she loves, more than anything else in the entire world. She calls her mistress, and she does everything for this girl. She worships her. Her perception of beauty… is based on her mistress. Aisha got with us because we reminded her of her mistress. I think I just resemble her a bit more than you."

"S-so w-what!?… I'll never have a chance of her loving me??" Celeste cried.


At the sight of tears once more starting to well up in Celeste's eyes, Hana reached out a reassuring hand. "I guess… but on the plus side, it means that she cares about you."


Celeste was simply silent. For a while she didn't speak, and her expression slowly grew more downcast as she mulled over her thoughts.


"So… I'll never get her to love me." She whispered. "At least, not the way I love her."

"Sorry… If it makes you feel better… she'll never love me either. But I still really enjoy the time I spend with her."


Celeste just looked down at Aisha, and bitterness entered her heart, followed by a pitiful self-loathing.

"I'm such a selfish, bitter, jealous woman..." She mumbled, tears still in the corners of her eyes.

"Ummm!" Hana said, shifting awkwardly. "That's not true."

"What encouraging words, coming from a daemon." Celeste said bitterly. "Who's known me for half a day."

"What's your deal?" Hana said in an annoyed tone, furrowing her eyebrows. "What's your problem with daemon?"

"They're hellspawn. Liars, murderers, and rapists."

"That's not true!"

"What about you?" Celeste shot.

"...I'm not a liar." Hana offered.

"Just leave me alone." Celeste said bitterly.

"Who told you this stuff, anyways?"

"The church."

"Oh, so you worship a guy dressed in bedsh-"


Hana stopped herself as a faint memory came to mind. Worship? Something about that word sounded… really nice. Delicious, even…


She remembered that utterly devoted, lovestruck, affectionate look, and licked her lips. Oh. This girl… worshiped the church? And she was on the cusp of a breakdown… her lowest point.


Perfect for… a bit of a change.


Hana licked her lips as she started to breathe out her pink mist, the smoke quickly filling the airspace above the bed. Celeste didn't even resist, just resigning herself to Hana's whims with a defeated expression. Hana grinned as she wrapped her arms around Celeste's head.


(Aisha deserves someone better than me.) Celeste thought, depressed. (I'm just a hateful, gullible woman.)

(If it weren't for my looks, and my magic, nobody would like me.)


Celeste whimpered and sank deeper into the bed, a chilling feeling entering her body. She gasped as Hana's hand caressed her cheek, the motion sending a bloom of warmth through her face. She leaned into it instinctively, shivering.


(God… that damn succubus is so…)

(Beautiful.) Echoed in her head.

(...What did that come from?)


Celeste frowned. She looked at Hana, but the succubus was just giving her her usual, playful expression.


(From an objective standpoint, I mean. She's got a nice body.)

(I guess...)

(She's got really big breasts… and her face is nice…)

(The horns are really cute.)

(Regal, almost. Like a queen.) Celeste thought. Her eyes began to droop.

(Or a god...) A small voice in her head whispered, as her head began to dip down...


Hana giggled madly, as she channeled more mana through her hands and into Celeste's head. She would soon… have that feeling again.




Aisha walked out the doors of the guild hall, sipping at her bottle of pink lemonade in one hand, a platinum contract in the other. She walked up to Celeste and Hana, who were waiting outside for her, the two bombshells attracting a lot of attention.


She watched as Hana took Celeste's hand in hers, and a small whimper escaped from Celeste's mouth.


"Alright, I've got my contract." Aisha said slowly, adjusting her crossbow on her back. "Let's get out of here."

Hana shifted her weight from one foot to another. "Oh… actually… I have something..." She paused. "I need to… finish up here."

"Really?" Aisha raised an eyebrow. "Is Celeste-"


Aisha got a good look at the devious look in Hana's eyes, that spoke of the deprived, manipulative intentions of the succubus.


"Nevermind. I guess I'll… find someone else to hug..."


Hana gave Aisha an apologetic look, but her lust triumphed over her desire to accompany Aisha, if only temporarily. She would also have to buy clothes if she was to live in the capital for a long time, despite her dislike of them, as the cobblestone paths were starting to hurt her feet.


Hana gave Aisha one last hug before she left, letting the girl take in Hana's sweet, flowery smell, and cop a feel of her squishy body. Hana laughed, rubbing Aisha's cheek, enjoying the half-saddened, lazy smile that the girl gave her.


(She's sooo cute...)


"Bye Aisha..." Celeste whispered, as Hana waved goodbye to her retreating form.

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