Chapter 43: Great Days
Aisha sighed in loneliness as she laid back on her rock, basking in the sun, a saddened expression on her face.
(Mistress… Hauuuuuu… I miss you...)
She curled up on her side, trying to preserve any warmth possible out of the dwindling heat from the sun. It didn't make her feel any better. She knew it wouldn't. It was not the type of warmth that she craved… that she was addicted to.
If she squinted hard enough at the sun, she could almost make out the soft, playful form of her mistress, poking at her cheeks.
The hallucination giggled. "Aren't you my lovely, adorable little girl."
Aisha giggled back deliriously, closing her eyes before her eyes were burned permanently.
She sighed again as a cloud slowly trailed over the sun, blocking out the warm sunshine, and ending her little fantasy. What was she even doing here?
She lazily pulled up the arm that was holding her contract, squinting at the brown paper. Lamia. The guy told her it would be here, in the forest clearing.
The arm flopped back to her side, Aisha groaning in boredom. She was so tired of waiting… Her mind slowly began to wander, into the land of daydreams, where she didn't have to worry about clients, or dying, or contracts...
"Hey mistress..."
"I thought you didn't eat food?"
Lorian looked down at her plate of food, smiling at Aisha.
"Usually I don't, but this is my favorite food!" Lorian said, putting a spoonful of curry into her mouth. "Mmmm…"
Aisha frowned at the plate."Does that mean I can't have it?"
"You can have as much as you want." Lorian cooed, holding out a spoonful. "Anything for you..."
Aisha blushed at the genuine, beaming smile that her mistress gave her, full of love. She slowly moved her head closer to the spoon that mistress offered her, taking the sauce into her mouth.
"AAaahhh!" She said, sticking out her tongue. "It's hot!"
Aisha pouted at the giggly expression of her mistress as she looked at her through teary eyes.
"Awww..." Lorian cooed. "I'm sorry. I should have warned you!"
"Here, I'll help you cool your tongue..." Lorian said seductively, leaning her face close to Aisha's. She opened her mouth, leaning in close to Ai-
"Hey!" A voice shouted in her head.
Instantly the daydream broke, Aisha groaning in real life as she heard a voice she hadn't heard in a while, one that she hoped she would never hear again... that she had repressed deep inside of her.
"What are you doing!?" The deep, male voice sounded. "You're in the lair of the enemy, and you're fantasizing!?"
"You didn't shout this much when you were alive..." Aisha groaned.
Aisha clenched her eyes shut, but all she could see was a set of dark, piercing eyes. Eyes that she had tried so desperately to forget, but couldn't.
"You're losing it. You've grown soft, and lazy."
"...Why do you sound like him, if you're me?"
"You don't even trust yourself to be responsible. And you're dodging the issue."
Aisha rolled onto her side, covering her ears with her hands and trying to blot out the voice.
"Stop trying to avoid this." The voice snarled. "You're going to have to face reality."
"I-I-I am..." Aisha said, weakly.
"What's your plan to kill this monster!?" The voice demanded. "What are you going to do!?"
"WHAT IS IT!?" The voice screamed.
"I-I'm… going to wait for it… and… sneak up..."
"I met… Hana... and the orcs... they were cool I guess..."
"...Hey…I.... Um..."
"You're never going to get to see mistress again."
The voice softened, becoming more feminine, more like her own voice.
"Don't you remember why you left?" The voice asked. "You left to become better. For her. Don't you remember how sad she looked? How hurt she was!? How sick she got because of you?"
"I… haven't forgotten." Aisha whispered.
"It's not as simple as just coming back to her."
"...What do you mean?"
"You don't even know if she'll love you when you come back. You left her."
"No!" Aisha said, weakly. "She'll… love me! She said she would..."
"That's just an empty promise. Now that you're gone, she'll see you for who you really are. A child. A whiny, unfaithful, cruel, manipulative, child."
Dread filled Aisha's heart, and she gripped her head in panic. Her breaths sped up as adrenaline filled her body, and anguish filled her heart.
"You know you were never good enough for her."
"Shut up!"
"What would happen if you came back to her now? She would just discard you. Like you've done to all those girls."
"SHUT UP!" Aisha screamed.
"She's probably found someone else by now."
."No... no! No! NO!" She screamed.
The voice was silent.
Aisha began to cry, dropping to her knees and curling up pitifully.
"What am I going to do...!" She wailed, tears flowing freely down her face. "What am I going to do... if she doesn't love me..."
Her voice broke, cracking and "I don't want to even… live if I can't be with her."
"You're going to have to make her love you again." The voice said. "Isn't that why you're here?"
Aisha opened her eyes again, feeling at the corners of her cheeks and feeling a wetness. She pulled up her knees to her chest, burying her face into her scarf, tears starting to come to her eyes again.
(Mistress… please … I don't know what to do...)
It was a while before Aisha got up from the rock, picking up her stuff. She headed back to the little village where the client gave her the contract.
"...Oh, you're back." The young man said, absentmindedly fiddling with a beaker, and leaning on the side of the doorway to his house.
"Did you… get the blood?"
"No. I'm here for… information."
"I thought you might. You really… left in a hurry."
The man shifted nervously at the half-lidded, depressed expression that the girl gave him. He pulled out a book from the counter beside him.
"Well, personally." He started. "I don't know much about lamia. I just need the blood. But this book should have what you need. It's a research paper from my friend in Altan. I think it has behaviors and stuff."
Aisha groaned. "Ugh, I hate reading."
"You're the one who came here, asking for information!" The man said incredulously.
"Yeah, yeah." Aisha muttered.
With that she yanked the book out of the man's hands, turning her back and walking into the streets to go find a bench to read on.
"Typical adventurers." The client muttered behind her back, closing the door.
Aisha groaned audibly as she flopped down on a bench, reluctantly grabbing the cover and flipping to the first page.
My wife Idra, who... ]
Aisha flipped a couple pages.
This book is not to be used for the purposes of...
Aisha angrily flipped a couple more pages, now halfway through the book.
Lamia are a type of fey, although considered by most to be more similar to monsters than common forest fey, or even demons. The average lamia can be up to 50 feet in length, although in their ""standing" positions, they usually sit about 8 feet above the ground. The top half of a lamia's body is physically similar to a hume's, with the exception that lamia are magi-blooded, meaning the temperature of their blood is regulated, as with most creatures, by the absorption of mana from their surroundings. The bottom half of a lamia's body is that of a snake's, and is physiologically identical, except with much larger, extremely strong scales, similar to those of a drake's…
...Lamia are forest fey, so therefore their diet consists of nothing other than the nature mana around them,... ...although it has been observed that they can taste foods…
...Lamia are also immortal, although they have breasts, suggesting sexual reproduction is possible, no genitalia have been observed… The varying size of lamia suggest that they go through some sort of aging process, but it is unknown if this is merely because of the differing denaturing points…
...Lamia are nocturnal creatures. During the day, they sunbathe in forest clearings, and sleep. It is unknown why, as of yet, but their large size and incredible mana capacity deter most forest monsters from attacking. During the nighttime, they are active. Some Lamia take up hobbies such as fishing, or weaving. Some lamia have even been observed to integrate into fey villages...
...They don't form complex societies, but bands of Lamia have been observed, but lone Lamia seem to be the most common, as is with most large creatures, as to not disturb the mana saturation in the area. Lamia also seem to have a passive relationship with other fey...
Aisha grew more impatient as she started to flip through the pages of the stupid book aggresively, trying to find something that wasn't about mating patterns-
(Mating patterns might be useful.) The voice said in her head. (All information can be useful, if applied in the correct situation.)
(I'm not looking to mate with her!)
(You could trick her.) The voice said. (Being cute is one of your only redeemable qualities. You should use it.)
(It's not going to work all the time.)
(It might work this time.)
...Most lamia are capable of a few advanced magics, as well as hypnosis on weaker-minded, and weaker magical creatures. However, the Lamia's main combative tool is the tail, a massive length of muscle that can crush rocks, and moves extremely fast. The most common lamia attack observed is a whip-like motion, although grabs are common…
In the case where an enemy is too close for a Lamia to hit without risk to itself, a common response is to use their magics- although it varies from the individual, the most common attacks observed are:
A poison, area based attack
Level two beam-based fire magic
Level two slicing-based wind magic
Level two gust-based wind magic
Strong hypnosis
Aisha flipped through a couple more pages, but quickly shut the book, as the rest of the pages were just graphic, sexuallized illustrations of various female lamia.
(Great. I read the whole thing-)
(Skimmed.) The voice interrupted.
(...What am I going to do with this information?) Aisha asked.
(Make a plan. Like I taught you.) The voice responded.
(Like I taught you?? I thought you were supposed to be me!) Aisha thought, her eye twitching.
(It varies.)
Aisha sighed and got up from her chair, placing her hands on her back and cracking it, groaning from the feeling. She started to walk away from the bench, but after a few steps, she realized that she had left the book behind.
She looked at the book with disdain as she picked it up from the bench, walking back to the client's house to return.
Aisha ran into the clearing, coughing and cursing at herself. She looked up to tell the time, the sun quickly approaching the horizon.
(Dammit! I got caught up reading that damn book! Now I've lost my chance to kill it while it was sleeping!)
(Just wait until tomorrow.) The voice said, in a bored tone.
(But I don't want to!) Aisha whined petulantly. (I want to-)
Aisha stopped her train of thought as she heard a massive rumbling in the forest, as if something massive was moving. She quickly dived behind a rock, peering over the edge, as the rumbling slowly got closer, the sounds of crunching leaves and slithering very distinctive among the sounds of the forest.
(Shit. That's the lamia…)
(What are you going to do now, genius?)
Aisha saw a large frame burst through the forest and into the clearing, the sounds of moving dirt getting incredibly close to her rock hiding spot. She racked her brain for a plan. Didn't the book say something about smells?
The lamia stood before Aisha in it's full glory, towering above her. She was fully naked, with huge breasts, long, silky, cherry red hair, and glowing green eyes, flitting side to side lazily, and batting her long eyelashes. Aisha felt a bead of sweat run down her face as she saw the lamia's tongue flit out of her mouth, as she made a beeline for the rock that Aisha hid behind.
"I sssssssee you." The lamia hissed. "Your ears are poking out of the rock."
Aisha cursed as she jumped away from the rock, attempting to make a break for the forest, but her efforts were quickly cut short as a red tail wrapped around her waist, yanking her back and lifting her face to face with the lamia.
"Well hello..." The lamia cooed. "It'sssss not often I sssssssee another fey around here. Esssspecially high fey... Aren't you adorable..."
Aisha laughed nervously, putting on her best scared expression. "Y-yeah… I-I um… I'm just walking around. P-please don't eat meee." She squeaked.
The lamia giggled as she raised a hand to Aisha's face, tickling under her chin. "You're soooo cute… I just might eat you." She teased.
"Noooooo!" Aisha fake-whined.
"I'm jussssst kidding." The lamia giggled, as she set Aisha down, letting her out of her loose tail grip. "Come visit any time, though..."
With one last little caress, the lamia walked away, curvy figure swaying seductively, as she started to leave the clearing. Aisha's eyes narrowed as she stared at the back of the lamia's head, hands twitching. She had successfully tricked the lamia into letting her go, and her back was now turned to her… a perfect chance to shoot her in the back of the head.
(No… loading the crossbow is going to be too loud. I'll stab her in the back.)
Aisha drew her sword, walking stealthily towards the lamia's exposed back. She was careful to not make any sounds as she tried to close the distance between them, but…
(Why does she move so fast!? Does she have somewhere to be?)
Growing frustrated and impatient, seeing the distance between the two increase, Aisha started to run towards the lamia, sword held out, ready to be buried in her back.
"Hm? You followed me?" The lamia said, smelling Aisha close and turning around. "Did you-"
The lamia's expression turned shocked as she saw Aisha dangerously close, sword held out and ready to cut. On instinct, the lamia's powerful body tensed, her tail whipping towards Aisha incredibly fast, the massive rod of muscle hitting Aisha out of her jump and sending her flying.
She hissed at Aisha's prone form, the girl groaning as she held her side, a few ribs definitely broken. "Are you a hunter?" She demanded. "A fey traitor? Do you work for the humes?"
Aisha was silent as she coughed out some blood, staggering to her feet and running into the forest.
"None of your business, monster!" She taunted, as she held her ribs pitifully.
She glanced behind her at the lamia as she stealthed her way into the forest, coughing as her ribs ground painfully together. Despite the pain, Aisha steadied her breathing, straining her chest to try to hear what was happening behind her.
At the remarkable sound of the forest not shaking, and a slithering getting farther away from her, Aisha groaned, coughing in a fit as she moved back to the edge of the clearing to see the lamia, looking bored and checking her fingernails.
"Hey!" Aisha yelled, annoyed.
"Oh. It'ssssss you." The lamia hissed. "I've no interesssst in… bait."
She sighed, flicking something off her nail.
"What a ssssshame." She said. "You were ssssooo cute."
Aisha furrowed her eyebrows, trying to find a way to get the lamia to follow her. After a bit of thinking, she grew frustrated, and blew a raspberry at the lamia, stopping short, as the vibrations shot pain through her chest, eliciting an "Ow!" from the girl.
(Why's it always my ribs?) She groaned internally.
The lamia laughed audibly at Aisha's plight, starting to turn and slither backwards.
"Aren't you a funny girl. I would sssssstay to chat, but you probably have friendsssss with you." She hissed.
"Yeah," Aisha coughed. "I wish. Then I wouldn't have to go through this bullshit."
She exploded into a coughing fit at that, looking down, covering her mouth and putting a hand on her sore ribs. Out of the corner of her eye, she observed that the lamia's face visibly widened, and a predatory grin spread on her face.
"Alone? Ooohh… I sssshouldn't..." The lamia said to herself, licking her lips. "But... she wasssss trying to kill me… "
As the lamia turned back around, confirming that she was going to chase her, Aisha ran back into the forest, breathing heavily, but evenly.
"Come back here!" The lamia yelled. "I won't hurt you!"
Aisha breathed in almost a whisper as she crouched in her tree, back hunched over as she observed the forest floor carefully. The curling of her back hurt her damaged ribs, but she was used to the throbbing pain, from countless beatings and street fights, so she was completely silent. She drew her sword carefully, without a sound as she watched the lamia spot her crossbow that she had laid on the ground, directly below her.
Aisha watched carefully as the lamia got closer and closer to the crossbow, carefully observing the thing, as if it was a bomb.
(Come on, go pick it up… )
The lamia slid close to the crossbow, but stopped, about five meters from the thing, and too far for Aisha to jump on top of. She stopped, looked around, and then Aisha groaned internally as the tip of her tail wrapped around her crossbow, lifting it up to her face. She looked at it a bit, turning it over with her tail a bit, before shrugging, starting to turn away and dragging Aisha's crossbow behind her through the dirt.
(Dammit!) Aisha seethed. (Just a little closer! Come on!)
As the lamia's back quickly started to retreat out of view, Aisha, panicked and impatient, decided that the course of action was to just act. She drew her sword and leapt from her crouching position on the tree, the branch under her cracking loudly as her body sprang out of the trees.
The lamia whipped around at the incredibly loud noise, surprised, but still prepared enough to dodge out of the way, Aisha's sword missing by a fairly large margin.
She hissed as she dodged another swing of the sword, her massive body twisting to dodge Aisha's sword swipes. "I knew it! You were faking being weak!"
Aisha was silent, focused on dodging a swipe from the lamia's tail, and continuing to try to get a hit.
"I'm going to make you my sssslave!" She hissed. "Ssssstand sssstill!"
The lamia opened her mouth wide, as mana welled up in her belly, a purple glow beginning to travel up her stomach and into her mouth. She spit out a purple ball at Aisha, who dodged easily, the ball flying past her head. She glanced behind her as the ball of spittle spread on the forest floor, corroding the ground and grass, leaving behind a massive, acrid-smelling, pool of acid, bubbling dangerously and spreading alarmingly fast.
Aisha easily ran out of the range of the pool of acid, dodging a heavy swipe from the lamia's tail as she did so.
(This is actually… really easy!)
The lamia seemed to move in slow motion for Aisha, her movements exceedingly slow, compared to what she had trained for. She watched at the lamia pointed at her with a clawed finger, and easily rolled forward to dodge the blast of fire magic that was shot at her. The spell ignited the pool of acid, creating a large explosion, but Aisha had the foresight to jump out of the way, coughing at the fumes.
(I can beat her! I can beat her!) Aisha thought excitedly.
The voice chimed in. (Don't get ahead of yourself.)
(Yeah yeah, whatever.)
Aisha started to strafe around the lamia, watching intently as the giant woman was forced to twist her entire body to turn and face her.
(She has trouble turning. Her body is too large.)
The lamia hissed in annoyance as Aisha ran behind her and out of her vision, twisting her body again to try to swat at the annoying girl. When she felt no hit, she growled in annoyance, turning around slowly to try to kill her small assailant.
At the feeling of a body leaping on top of her back, the lamia thrashed wildly, her powerful body twisting violently as she attempted to shake Aisha off her back. The forest shook, and trees were knocked over as her snake half thrashed with her upper body, whipping around in a frenzy.
The lamia's thrashing stopped, and she stiffened, as she felt the cold steel of a blade on her neck. The forest stopped shaking, and there was silence, broken only by the heavy breathing of both Aisha and the Lamia.
Aisha's breathing soon turned into giddy laughter. She started to laugh breathily.
"What are you laughing about?" The lamia demanded.
Aisha let out a breathy giggle. "I beat you! I… I beat you!"
The lamia hissed in annoyance. "Yesssss. Yesss you did."
"I beat you! I-I I did it! I can do it!"
Aisha just continued to laugh, annoying the lamia to no end. A vein throbbed in her forehead.
"Well then sssstop laughing and just kill me!" The lamia said, frustrated. "Just get it over with!"
Aisha's breathy laughter soon faded as she regained her breath, and the lamia no longer felt that annoying vibration on her back. With the hand not hanging on the lamia's neck, Aisha took out a small vial from her pocket awkwardly, holding it out in front of the lamia.
"Whatssssss this?" The lamia asked.
"Just take it."
The lamia hesitantly took the vial, sloshing it around a bit, but it was completely empty.
"I just need your blood." Aisha said. "I still want something else from you, too."
The lamia hissed in displeasure, but seeing no other alternative, she pricked a finger with a claw, and dripped a few drops into the vial. Aisha watched over the lamia's shoulder, burning her chin into her shoulder, as the blood dripped down the glass, leaving a viscous trail along the container.
"Ok. Great." Aisha said. She took the vial from the lamia, her gloved fingers making contact with the lamia's clawed, scaly hands. She frowned at the texture, as she put the vial back into her pocket.
(Those wouldn't feel good on my head...)
Aisha let out a deep breath from her nose as she sheathed her sword, and wrapped her arms around the lamia's neck, resting her chin on her creamy shoulder.
"...What are you doing?" The lamia asked. She turned her head to look at Aisha, her throat no longer threatened by her sword.
"...It's cold." Aisha said. "You said… you wanted to make me your slave, right?"
The lamia paused awkwardly. "...Yesss."
"I'm willing to do that if you let me use you for a little bit."
Aisha hopped off the lamia's back, dusting off leaves from her clothes and wincing as she touched a bruised part of her midsection. The lamia slowly turned around, interested, but at the same time, cautious.
"You already took my blood." The lamia hissed. "What more do you want?"
Aisha gave the lamia an answer as she jumped on top of her again, but this time, from the front. The lamia let out a surprised noise as Aisha buried her cold face into the lamia's naked chest, wrapping her arms tightly around her body.
"G-get off!" The lamia yelped. "You're cold!"
"I know." Aisha said. "I don't have a place to sleep tonight. I'm sure we can work out a mutually beneficial deal."
"Why did you attack me, if all you wanted was my blood!?" The lamia demanded. "Do you think I'm going to let you into my home after you almost killed me!?"
Aisha brought up her face to the lamia's, showing off her big round eyes, and adorable face.
"I just wanted to see if I could beat you." Aisha muttered. "I'm sowwy. Pleaseee!"
Aisha lit up in delight, internally, as she saw the lamia's face turn a little pink and turn away embarrassed. She reached around at her side, grabbing the tip of the lamia's tail, and cuddled into it a bit, rubbing her cheeks into the smooth appendage.
"Fine." The lamia mumbled. "But you're going to do me a favor."
The lamia let out a long, sultry moan, as Aisha worked her fingers over the lamia's bottom half.
"Y-you're so gooood at thissssss!" She moaned, as Aisha applied pressure on a magical spot that sent sparks through her vision.
"I'm glad." Aisha said, cheerfully. " I want you to feel good."
The lamia moaned again as her snake half convulsed in ecstasy, Aisha's firm hands keeping the unruly appendage in place while she did her work. "I-I didn't catch your name. My name'sssssssssss- OH! I-It's ssssselENEEE!"
"Does it really feel that good?" Aisha asked. "It's just a massage."
Selene purred as she caressed Aisha's face with the tip of her tail, breathing heavily.
"It feels amazing. You have no idea how it feelssss to have to ussse your entire body to move around."
"Mmmm…" Aisha mused. "It must suck. You're really hard."
"Have you done thissss before?"
"A couple times."
Aisha pat the lamia's tail playfully before flipping her entire body over, as if filleting a fish. Selene yelped, surprised at the girl's strength, giving her an aroused look as her breasts were put on full display, her chest heaving up and down as she took deep breaths..
"Oh?" She said, purring seductively. "Do you like the view?"
"Do you have a cloaca?" Aisha asked, poking around the lamia's crotch area, where the smooth, creamy skin transitioned into slick scales. Selene batted her hands away in a chiding fashion, laughing softly at Aisha's prodding.
"Yesss, yesss I do." She said. "But you have to… get me in the mood firsssst."
Aisha thought for a bit, before straddling the lamia's crotch, patting the lamia's tummy, enjoying the slapping sound that she made. She slapped it a few more times before Selene laughed, taking Aisha's hands in her own, the mood ruined.
"What are you doing?" She asked, laughing.
"I see a cute tummy and I want to poke it." Aisha said, pursing her lips. "I can't help it."
"Isssss thissss what you wanted from me?" The lamia asked. "If sssso, I'm sssorely disappointed."
"No. Let me- here."
Aisha grabbed a section of the lamia's tail, starting to reel in the rest of her body like a rope, with surprising ease. The lamia just looked at her curiously as she did so, propping her upper half against the wall of the little cave that she lived in, furnished with a pile of feathers and hides acting as a bed, and a few glowing crystals for lamps. Eventually Aisha pulled her entire snake half into her lap, like a long coil of rope, humming nonchalantly to herself, and began the process of wrapping herself up in the coils.
"What are you doing?" The lamia asked.
"Hee hee." Aisha giggled. "You don't have any blankets here, so I want to wrap myself up in something warm. And you're going to help me."
Soon, Aisha had wrapped the coils around herself to the best of her ability, but unfortunately, there wasn't enough to completely submerge the girl in silky tail. Her upper body was still completely bare, and she shivered slightly, at the cold night air on her bare shoulders.
She hopped towards the lamia and wrapped her arms around her in a hug.
"Squeeze me." She demanded. When Selene squeezed her arms around Aisha's chest, she pouted and frowned.
"Your tail! Squeeze me with your tail!" She whined.
Selene hissed with uncertainty, her forked tongue poking out of her mouth a bit. "Are you ssssure? I don't… want to crusssh you."
"Don't worry about it."
Aisha let out a pleased sigh, snuggling deeping into Selene's chest as she felt her coils squeeze her lightly, noticeably lighter near her chest area, to not disturb her injured ribs. Aisha felt a little giddy at the small, but kind gesture, and rubbed her cheek into the lamia's shoulder.
"What'ssss up with you?" The lamia asked. "You weren't like thisssss when we fought."
"I dunno. I just feel… relieved… kind of… giddy." Aisha said breathily. "I wasn't sure… before if I could beat you."
"..." The lamia hissed in slight displeasure. "Great."
"Sorry." Aisha apologized. "It's not you specifically. I just wasn't..."
Aisha broke out into a coughing fit, making sure to not accidentally cough all over the woman she was cuddling with.
"You're coughing a lot." The lamia observed. "...I'm not ssssure if I sssshould sssay ssssorry or not. You know. Sssssince you were trying to kill me."
Aisha avoided the awkward conversation by burning her face into Selene's chest, making their chests touch, and warming up the lamia's body. Her body was cold, but she felt it quickly heating up, as their shared body heat began to suffuse through her body, spreading through her chest and into her arms, head and tail.
"Hey..." Selene said, sluggishly. "The heat… makesss me… tired… nnnnssssstop that..."
Selene tried to pry the girl off of her, but the combination of the comfortable cuddles, and the heat that suffused her body, made her limbs feel tired. She took Aisha's head in her hands, revealing the girl's similarly tired expression, adrenaline and giddiness wearing off from the day. She squished Aisha's cheeks with her clawed hands, blushing at the adorable way it deformed her face.
"Whatever..." She whispered. "Good night."